sizeof operator in #define directives - c++

I've been inspecting someone's code and I encountered this:
#else //If not in Debug mode
#define LOG_WARNING(str) do { (void)sizeof(str); } while(0)
#define LOG_INFO(str) do { (void)sizeof(str); } while(0)
// ... More #define directives
Apparently, do { (void)sizeof(str); } while(0) is carefully written so the directive can be completely ignored by the compiler.
How does this work?

The operand of sizeof is an unevaluated, so this ensures that there is no work to be done at run time. The macro just ignores a constant value; the compiler can see that it has no effect, so should generate no code from it.
The advantage over doing nothing at all is that the compiler still checks that the argument is a valid expression; you won't accidentally break the debug build when changing the code and only compiling for release.
The advantage over (void)str, mentioned in the comments, is that that would evaluate the expression, and the compiler might not be able to eliminate it, since it there might be side effects. For example:
extern std::string get_message(int code);
LOG_INFO(get_message(code)); // -> (void)get_message(code);
in a release build would call the function and ignore the result, impacting performance.


If #define is used without any assignment value, what will it do?

#define TML_ID - No value is assigned to TML_ID. There's no problem in compilation or building executables. will this assign any default value like null to TML_ID or will TML_ID be considered undefined ?
This simply says that the macros is defined, so you can do this in main or any other function:
#ifdef TML_ID
#define doesn't assign a value to the macro. In fact, it's considered as a flag to tell the compiler that a specific macro has been defined.
You can imagine it as if you declare a variable without assigning any values. It will have a garbage value but it will reserve a space in the memory. But in case of a macro, the definition won't reserve a space. Only a hint for the compiler.
Without assigned a value, macros in this way are usually used to prevent including same .h file multiple times, this way:
#ifndef _FILENAME
#define _FILENAME
//declaration code
If some .cpp file includes, for example, two different .h files, which both include our .h file, then .cpp will have only one copy of declaration code, since second time _FILENAME macro will be DEFINED, and declaration code will be skipped.
#define MACRO
defines a macro named MACRO. It has no content, so if you wrote something like std::cout << MACRO you'd get an error because there's nothing there. This is often used to conditionally use new keywords:
#define NOEXCEPT noexcept
#define NOEXCEPT
void f() NOEXCEPT {
// whatever
There are two other ways you can use such a macro. You can check whether it's defined:
#ifdef MACRO
// code for one branch
// code for other branch
For that code, since MACRO has been defined, the preprocessor will look at the code in the first branch, and skip the code in the second branch. If MACRO had not been defined, it would skip the code in the first branch rather than the second. You can also do the same thing this way:
#if defined(MACRO)
or you can use it in a constant expression in a preprocessor directive:
// code for one branch
// code for other branch
here, MACRO gets the value 0, the #if sees the value 0, and the preprocessor skips the first branch. The same thing occurs in more complex expressions:
#if MACRO + 1 > 0
// code for one branch
// code for other branch
Here, MACRO has the value 0, MACRO + 1 has the value 1, and the first branch will be selected.

c++ force compiler to opt out some piece of code

I have a piece of code:
// some code, which only do sanity check
expensive checks
// sanity check end
Now how do I tell the compiler to force it to opt out
this piece? Basically it means when I compile with -O2 or
O3, I don't want it to be there...
You can accomplish this with a constant and a single if/def pair. This allows the code to still be compiled and checked for errors but omitted during optimization. This can prevent changes that might break the check code from going undetected.
#if defined(USE_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS) || defined(DEBUG)
namespace {
const bool useExpensiveChecks = USE_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS_VALUE;
void function()
if(useExpensiveChecks == true)
// expensive checks
Instead of relying on the compiler to optimize the code out, you could pass the compiler an additional symbol definition only when you want the code to run:
// some code, which only do sanity check
#ifdef my_symbol
expensive checks
// sanity check end
Using macros and conditionals in the preprocessor is really the only way to avoid code being generated by the compiler.
So, here's how I would do it:
inline expensive_checking(params...)
... do expensive checking here ...
inline expensive_checking(params...)
Then just call:
some code
some other code
An empty inlined function will result in "no code" in any decent, modern compiler. Use -DNEED_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS in your debug build settings, and don't use that in release build.
I have also been known to use a combination of macro and function, such as this:
#define EXPENSIVE_CHECKS(stuff...) expensive_checks(__FILE__, __LINE__, stuff...)
inline expensive_checks(const char *file, int line, stuff ...)
if (some_checking)
cerr << "Error, some_checking failed at " << file << ":" << line << endl;
#define EXPENSIVE_CHECKS(stuff...)
Now, you get information on which file and what line when something fails, which can be very useful if the checks are made in many places (and you can use __function__ or __pretty_function__ to get the function name as well, if you wish).
Obviously, the assert() macro will essentially do what my macro solution does, except it usually doesn't provide the filename and line-number.
Move your checks into a different function, then import cassert and write assert(expensive_check()). When you want to disable the checks, use #define NDEBUG before the inclusion of cassert.

vs2010 C4353 why isn't this an error

I ran into this today in an if and after looking into it found that all these are all valid statements that generate the C4353 . My only guess is that this is the old way of doing noop in C. Why is this not an error. When would you use this to do anything useful.
int main()
(1 == 2)();
return 0;
Using constant 0 as a function expression is an extension that is specific to Microsoft. They implemented this specifically because they saw a reason for it, which explains why it's wouldn't make sense to treat it as an error. But since it's non-standard, the compiler emits a warning.
You are correct that it is an alternative to using __noop().
All of these :
(1 == 2)();
are no-op statements (meaning they don't do anything).
btw I hope you are not ignoring warnings. Most of the time it is a good practice to fix all warnings.
As explained in the C4353 warning page and in the __noop intrinsic documentation, the use of 0 as a function expression instructs the Microsoft C++ compiler to ignore calls to the function but still generate code that evaluates its arguments (for side effects).
The example given is a trace macro that gets #defined either to __noop or to a print function, depending on the value of the DEBUG preprocessor symbol:
#define PRINT printf_s
#define PRINT __noop
int main() {
The MSDN page for that warning has ample explanation and a motivating example:
// C4353.cpp
// compile with: /W1
void MyPrintf(void){};
#define X 0
#if X
#define DBPRINT MyPrint
#define DBPRINT 0 // C4353 expected
int main(){
As you can see it is to support archaic macro usage.

C++ performance, optimizing compiler, empty function in .cpp

I've a very basic class, name it Basic, used in nearly all other files in a bigger project. In some cases, there needs to be debug output, but in release mode, this should not be enabled and be a NOOP.
Currently there is a define in the header, which switches a makro on or off, depending on the setting. So this is definetely a NOOP, when switched off. I'm wondering, if I have the following code, if a compiler (MSVS / gcc) is able to optimize out the function call, so that it is again a NOOP. (By doing that, the switch could be in the .cpp and switching will be much faster, compile/link time wise).
void printDebug(const Basic* p);
class Basic {
Basic() {
// this should be a NOOP in release,
// but constructor could be inlined
// PRINT_DEBUG defined somewhere else or here
void printDebug(const Basic* p) {
// Lengthy debug print
void printDebug(const Basic* p) {}
As with all questions like this, the answer is - if it really matters to you, try the approach and examine the emitted assembly language.
Compiler possibly may optimize this code, if it knows printDebug function implementation at compilation time. If printDebug is in another object module, this possibly may be optimized only by linker, using the whole program optimization. But the only way to test this is to read compiler-generated Assembly code.
If you already have PRINT_DEBUG macro, you can extend it by the way as TRACE is defined:
#define PRINT_DEBUG // optional
#define PRINT_DEBUG_CALL(p) printDebug(p)
void printDebug(const Basic* p);
class Basic {
Basic() {
// this should be a NOOP in release,
// but constructor could be inlined
// PRINT_DEBUG defined somewhere else or here
void printDebug(const Basic* p) {
// Lengthy debug print
#define printDebug _real_print_debug
#define printDebug(...)
This way the preprocessor will strip all debug code before it even gets to the compiler.
Currently most of the optimizations are done at compile time. Some compilers as LLVM are able to optimize at link time. This is a really interesting idea. I suggest you to take a look at.
Waiting for these kind of optimization, what you can do is the following. Define a macro that let you include the following statement depending on whether DEBUG is defined or not.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define IF_DEBUG (false) {} else
#define IF_DEBUG
You can the use it like this
Basic() {
// this should be a NOOP in release,
// but constructor could be inlined
IF_DEBUG printDebug(this);
which is already much more readable than
Basic() {
// this should be a NOOP in release,
// but constructor could be inlined
Note that you can use it as if it was a keyword
errm, why not use the pre-processor macro differently?
Just of the top of my head, something like:
#define DEBUG_TRACE(p)

Use #ifdefs and #define to optionally turn a function call into a comment

Is it possible to do something like this
#define foo //
#define foo MyFunction
The idea is that if SOMETHING is defined, then calls to foo(...) become comments (or something that doesn't get evaluated or compiled), otherwise it becomes a call to MyFunction.
I've seen __noop used, but I don't believe I can use that.
I don't think I can really use a macro here, because MyFunction takes a variable number of arguments.
Also, I'd like to make it so the arguments are NOT evaluated! (So doing something like commenting out the body of MyFunction doesn't really give me what I need, as the arguments will still be evaluated)
Try this:
#define foo(x)
#define foo(x) MyFunction(x)
If your function has several arguments, then:
#define foo(x,y,z)
#define foo(x,y,z) MyFunction(x,y,z)
If your function has a variable number of arguments, then your compiler may support so-called "variadic macros", like this:
#define foo(...)
#define foo(...) MyFunction(__VA_ARGS__)
The reason which I've seen this kind of thing used in practice is to get rid of logging functions from a release build. However, see also Separate 'debug' and 'release' builds? in which people question whether you should even have different builds.
Alternatively, instead of redefining the function call as nothing, Jonathan's comment to this answer suggested doing something like the following:
#define foo(...) do { if (false) MyFunction(__VA_ARGS__) } while (0)
#define foo(...) do { if (true) MyFunction(__VA_ARGS__) } while (0)
The reasoning for doing this is so that the function call is always compiled (so it won't be left with gratuitous errors like references to deleted variables), but only called when needed: see Kernighan & Pike The Practice of Programming and also the Goddard Space Flight Center programming standards.
From a debug.h file (originating from 1990, and therefore not using __VA_ARGS__):
** Usage: TRACE((level, fmt, ...))
** "level" is the debugging level which must be operational for the output
** to appear. "fmt" is a printf format string. "..." is whatever extra
** arguments fmt requires (possibly nothing).
** The non-debug macro means that the code is validated but never called.
** -- See chapter 8 of 'The Practice of Programming', by Kernighan and Pike.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define TRACE(x) db_print x
#define TRACE(x) do { if (0) db_print x; } while (0)
#endif /* DEBUG */
With C99, there's no longer a need for the double parentheses trick. New code should not use it unless C89 compatibility is an issue.
Maybe an easier way to do this would be to conditionally omit the body of the function?
void MyFunction() {
<body of function>
Unless you specifically don't want a function call to be made at all, this seems like a clean way to achieve your goal.
Unfortunately the current C++ version doesn't support variadic macros.
However, you can do this:
#define foo
#define foo(args) MyFunction args
// you call it with double parens:
foo((a, b, c));
If, in the case you don't want foo called, you define it as:
void foo() {}
any calls to foo() should be optimized way.
What about something along these lines:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define DEBUG(STATEMENT) ((void)0)
You would use it like this to log debugging messages:
DEBUG(puts("compile with -DNDEBUG and I'm gone"));
A non-generic version for formatted output with additional debugging information using C99 variadic macros and the __func__ identifier could look like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define Dprintf(FORMAT, ...) ((void)0)
#define Dputs(MSG) ((void)0)
#define Dprintf(FORMAT, ...) \
fprintf(stderr, "%s() in %s, line %i: " FORMAT "\n", \
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define Dputs(MSG) Dprintf("%s", MSG)
Here's how you'd use these macros:
Dprintf("count = %i", count);
Dputs("checkpoint passed");
Likely, you don't want to do the simple "code removal" as suggested,
because your callers will be expecting the side effects of the
arguments to happen. Here are some troublesome caller snippets that
should get you thinking:
// pre/post increment inside method call:
// Function call (with side effects) used as method argument:
MyFunction( StoreNewUsernameIntoDatabase(username) );
If you were to disable MyFunction by simply saying:
#define MyFunction(x)
then the side effects that the callers were expecting would go away,
and their code would break, and be quite difficult to debug. I like
the "sizeof" suggestion above, and I also like the suggestion to just
disable the body of MyFunction() via #ifdef's, although that means
that all callers get the same version of MyFunction(). From your
problem statement, I presume that's not actually what you want.
If you really need to disable MyFunction() via preprocessor defines on
a per-source-file basis, then I'd do it like this:
#define MyFunction(x) NoOp_MyFunction(x)
int NoOp_MyFunction(x) { }
You could even include the implementation of NoOp_MyFunction() inside
the source & headers for MyFunction(). You also have the flexibility
to add extra logging or debugging information in NoOp_MyFunction() as
No, the C and C++ Standards say you cannot #define something to be a comment, so
#define foo //
won't work.
#define foo sizeof
#define foo MyFunction
I'm assuming that foo is a printf style function? Anyways, this won't work with a zero parameter function, but if that were the case, you would already know what to do. If you really want to be anal you can use (void)sizeof but that's probably unnecessary.
I'm a little reluctant to post this answer because it's use of macro hackery can become the source of problems. However - if the calls to the function you want to have disappear are always used alone in a statement (ie., they are never part of a larger expression), then something like the following could work (and it handles varargs):
#define foo (1) ? ((void) 0) : (void)
#define foo MyFunction
So if you have the line of code:
foo( "this is a %s - a++ is %d\n", "test", a++);
it will end up after the preprocessing step as either:
MyFunction( "this is a %s - a++ is %d\n", "test", a++);
(1) ? ((void) 0) : (void)( "this is a %s - a++ is %d\n", "test", a++);
which turns the pseudo-function's parameter list into a bunch of expressions separated by the comma operator that will never be evaluated, since the conditional always returns the ((void) 0) result.
A variant of this is something close to what ChriSW and Jonathan Leffler suggested:
#define foo if (0) MyFunction
#define foo if (1) MyFunction
This is slightly different in that it does not require the compiler to support variadic macros (__VA_ARGS__).
I think this can be useful for eliminating debug trace function calls which are generally never combined into a larger expression, but beyond that I think it's a dangerous technique.
Note the potential for problems - especially if the parameters in the call produce side-effects (this is a general problem with macros - not just this hack). In the example, the a++ will be evaluated only if SOMETHING is defined in the build, otherwise it's not. So if code after the call depends on the value of a to be incremented, one of the builds has a bug.
If I remember correctly, you should be able to #define your macro to "nothing" and that will cause the compiler to ignore that call
#define foo()
foo(); // this will be ignored
What about surrounding each call to myFunction with