How to compute combination for large number in c++? (eg. nCr n=1000 and r=500) Requirement is of last 9 digits of combination. I tried using long long int variable but still my code is able to solve and display last 9 digits of 50C19 but not more than that.
const long int a = 1000000000;
long long int ncr(int n,int r)
long long int fac1 = 1,fac2=1,fac;
for(int i=r;i>=1;i--,n--)
fac1 = fac1 * n;
fac1 = fac1/i;
fac2 = fac2 * i;
fac = fac1/fac2;
return fac%a;
Just store the factors of the numerator in an array and divide out each factor of the denominator where possible. Finally take the product of the reduced numerators mod 10^9.
Here is some code for your specific example. You need to write a gcd() function.
int a[] = { 1000,999,...,501 }; // numerator factors
for (int b = 2; b <= 500; b++) {
int x = b;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
int d = gcd(x, a[i]);
if (d > 1) {
x = x / d;
a[i] = a[i] / d;
if (x <= 1) break;
// take the product of a[] mod 10^9
int ans = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
ans = (ans * a[i]) % 1000000000;
// ans = C(1000,500) mod 10^9
A good discussion of other techniques is available here:
In the following code I'm trying to find find the highest p (p is integer) number where 45^p is a divisor of n! (n is integer).
int n = 14;
long long unsigned int fact = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
fact *= i;
bool until = true;
int ans;
// for goes until x is greater half of factorial
for(int i = 1; until; i++){
long long unsigned int x = 1;
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++){
x *= 45;
if(fact/2 < x){
until = false;
if(fact % x == 0){
ans = i;
cout << ans;
However, when I'm trying to end the loop at where x is greater than the half of factorial, it just keeps going on until 45^7 for some reason and it should stop at 45^5, where the number is lesser than half of n!. Why does this happen?
P.D: I'm not saying the program doesn't return the number I want (it returns ans = 2, which is true), but it's just pointless to keep on calculating x.
If you need the biggest value, starting from x = 45 and with x > fact / 2 the only way out of the loop, you have to get to at least the logarithm in base 45 of n! / 2.
And that's a limit of 7 because 45**6 <= 14! / 2 and 45**7 > 14! / 2.
Pen and pencil as suggested by #Raymond Chen is the way to go.
A Magic Fraction for N is one that has the following properties:
It is a proper fraction (The value is < 1)
It cannot be reduced further (The GCD of the numerator and the denominator is 1)
The product of the numerator and the denominator is factorial of N. i.e. if a/b is the fraction, then a*b = N!
Examples of Magic Fractions are:
1/2 [ gcd(1,2) = 1 and 1*2=2! ]
2/3 [ gcd(2,3) = 1 and 2*3=3! ]
3/8 [ gcd(3,8) = 1 and 3*8=4! ]
2/12 for example, is not a magic fraction, as even though 2*12=4!, gcd(2,12) != 1
And Magic fractions for number 3 are: 2/3 and 1/6 (since both of them satisfy the above criteria, are of the form a/b where a*b = 3!)
Now given a number N, you need to print the total number of magic fractions that exist, for all numbers between 1 and N (include magic fractions for N, too).
Can anybody tell me what is modPow function doing?
Refer the link to see the question, that will give an idea why this code.
using namespace std;
#define ll long long int
#define S(n) scanf("%lld", &n)
ll MOD = 1e18 + 7;
ll modPow(ll a, ll b)
ll res = 1;
a %= MOD;
for (; b; b >>= 1) {
if (b & 1)
res = res * a % MOD;
a = a * a % MOD;
return res;
int main()
ll i, j;
ll va = 1;
ll sum = 0;
ll prime[1000] = { 0 };
for (i = 2; i <= 500; i++) {
if (prime[i] == 0)
for (j = 2 * i; j <= 500; j += i)
prime[j] = 1;
ll val[600] = { 0 };
val[1] = 0;
val[2] = 1;
ll co = 0;
for (i = 3; i <= 500; i++) {
if (prime[i] == 0) {
ll t1 = modPow(2, co);
val[i] = t1 + val[i - 1];
val[i] %= MOD;
// cout << i << " " << val[i] << "\n";
ll n;
cout << val[n] << "\n";
Problem statement : Given two integers n and m, output Fn mod m (that is, the remainder of Fn when divided by m).
Input Format. The input consists of two integers n and m given on the same line (separated by a space).
Constraints. 1 ≤ n ≤ 10^18, 2 ≤ m ≤ 10^5
Output Format. Output Fn mod m.
I tried the following program and it didn't work. The method pi is returning the right Pisano period though for any number as per
#include <iostream>
long long pi(long long m) {
long long result = 2;
for (long long fn2 = 1, fn1 = 2 % m, fn = 3 % m;
fn1 != 1 || fn != 1;
fn2 = fn1, fn1 = fn, fn = (fn1 + fn2) % m
) {
return result;
long long get_fibonaccihuge(long long n, long long m) {
long long periodlength = pi(m);
int patternRemainder = n % periodlength;
long long *sum = new long long[patternRemainder];
sum[0] = 0;
sum[1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= patternRemainder; ++i)
sum[i] = sum[i - 1] + sum[i - 2];
return sum[patternRemainder] % m;
int main() {
long long n, m;
std::cin >> n >> m;
std::cout << get_fibonaccihuge(n, m) << '\n';
The exact program/logic is working well in python as expected. What's wrong withthis cpp program ? Is it the data types ?
Performing 10^18 additions isn't going to be very practical. Even on a teraflop computer, 10^6 seconds is still 277 hours.
But 10^18 ~= 2^59.8 so there'll be up to 60 halving steps.
Calculate (a,b) --> (a^2 + b^2, 2ab + b^2) to go from (n-1,n)th to (2n-1,2n)th consecutive Fibonacci number pairs in one step.
At each step perform the modulus calculation for each operation. You'll need to accommodate integers up to 3*1010 ≤ 235 in magnitude (i.e. up to 35 bits).
(cf. a related older answer of mine).
This was my solution for this problem, it works well and succeeded in the submission test ...
i used a simpler way to get the pisoano period ( pisano period is the main tricky part in this problem ) ... i wish to be helpful
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
unsigned long long get_fibonacci_huge_naive(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long m)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
unsigned long long previous = 0;
unsigned long long current = 1;
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
unsigned long long tmp_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = tmp_previous + current;
return current % m;
long long get_pisano_period(long long m)
long long a = 0, b = 1, c = a + b;
for (int i = 0; i < m * m; i++)
c = (a + b) % m;
a = b;
b = c;
if (a == 0 && b == 1)
return i + 1;
unsigned long long get_fibonacci_huge_faster(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long m)
n = n % get_pisano_period(m);
unsigned long long F[n + 1] = {};
F[0] = 0;
F[-1] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
F[i] = F[i - 1] + F[i - 2];
F[i] = F[i] % m;
return F[n];
int main()
unsigned long long n, m;
std::cin >> n >> m;
std::cout << get_fibonacci_huge_faster(n, m) << '\n';
I'm working on problem 9 in Project Euler:
There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000.
Find the product abc.
The following code I wrote uses Euclid's formula for generating primes. For some reason my code returns "0" as an answer; even though the variable values are correct for the first few loops. Since the problem is pretty easy, some parts of the code aren't perfectly optimized; I don't think that should matter. The code is as follows:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int placeholder; //for cin at the end so console stays open
int a, b, c, m, n, k;
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
m = 0; n = 0; k = 0; //to prevent initialization warnings
int sum = 0;
int product = 0;
/*We will use Euclid's (or Euler's?) formula for generating primitive
*Pythagorean triples (a^2 + b^2 = c^2): For any "m" and "n",
*a = m^2 - n^2 ; b = 2mn ; c = m^2 + n^2 . We will then cycle through
*values of a scalar/constant "k", to make sure we didn't miss anything.
//these following loops will increment m, n, and k,
//and see if a+b+c is 1000. If so, all loops will break.
for (int iii = 1; m < 1000; iii++)
m = iii;
for (int ii = 1; n < 1000; ii++)
n = ii;
for (int i = 1; k <=1000; i++)
sum = 0;
k = i;
a = (m*m - n*n)*k;
b = (2*m*n)*k;
c = (m*m + n*n)*k;
if (sum == 1000) break;
if (sum == 1000) break;
if (sum == 1000) break;
product = a * b * c;
cout << "The product abc of the Pythagorean triplet for which a+b+c = 1000 is:\n";
cout << product << endl;
cin >> placeholder;
return 0;
And also, is there a better way to break out of multiple loops without using "break", or is "break" optimal?
Here's the updated code, with only the changes:
for (m = 2; m < 1000; m++)
for (int n = 2; n < 1000; n++)
for (k = 2; (k < 1000) && (m > n); k++)
sum = 0;
a = (m*m - n*n)*k;
b = (2*m*n)*k;
c = (m*m + n*n)*k;
sum = a + b + c;
if ((sum == 1000) && (!(k==0))) break;
It still doesn't work though (now gives "1621787660" as an answer). I know, a lot of parentheses.
The new problem is that the solution occurs for k = 1, so starting your k at 2 misses the answer outright.
Instead of looping through different k values, you can just check for when the current sum divides 1000 evenly. Here's what I mean (using the discussed goto statement):
for (n = 2; n < 1000; n++)
for (m = n + 1; m < 1000; m++)
sum = 0;
a = (m*m - n*n);
b = (2*m*n);
c = (m*m + n*n);
sum = a + b + c;
if(1000 % sum == 0)
int k = 1000 / sum;
a *= k;
b *= k;
c *= k;
goto done;
product = a * b * c;
I also switched around the two for loops so that you can just initialize m as being larger than n instead of checking every iteration.
Note that with this new method, the solution doesn't occur for k = 1 (just a difference in how the loops are run, this isn't a problem)
Presumably sum is supposed to be a + b + c. However, nowhere in your code do you actually do this, which is presumably your problem.
To answer the final question: Yes, you can use a goto. Breaking out of multiple nested loops is one of the rare occasions when it isn't considered harmful.
I can't figure out why I keep getting the result 1.#INF from my_exp() when I give it 1 as input. Here is the code:
double factorial(const int k)
int prod = 1;
for(int i=1; i<=k; i++)
prod = i * prod;
return prod;
double power(const double base, const int exponent)
double result = 1;
for(int i=1; i<=exponent; i++)
result = result * base;
return result;
double my_exp(double x)
double sum = 1 + x;
for(int k=2; k<50; k++)
sum = sum + power(x,k) / factorial(k);
return sum;
You have an integer overflow in your factorial function. This causes it to output zero. 49! is divisible by 2^32, so your factorial function will return zero.
Then you divide by it causing it to go infinity. So the solution is to change prod to double:
double prod = 1;
Instead of completely evaluating the power and the factorial terms for each term in your expansion, you should consider how the k'th term is related to the k-1'th term and just update each term based on this relationship. That will avoid the nasty overflows in your power and factorial functions (which you will no longer need). E.g.
double my_exp(double x)
double sum = 1.0 + x;
double term = x; // term for k = 1 is just x
for (int k = 2; k < 50; k++)
term = term * x / (double)k; // term[k] = term[k-1] * x / k
sum = sum + term;
return sum;
you should just reduce max of k form 50 to like 30 it will work;
and one question your code work just near 0 ?