Problems With linesearch and Bubblesort - c++

Im making a program in c++ that takes a few persons puts them in a vector with name and age and i got all the code down for it but i cant get it to compile properly.
this is my code so far
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class person
string name;
int age;
void SetInfo(const string _name, int _age) //Här läggs den viktigaste informationen in
name = _name;
age = _age;
int getAge(){ return age; }
void bubblesort(person mylist[], int n) // Här startar Bubblesort funktionen
for (int i = 1; i<n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<i - 1; j++)
if (mylist[j].getAge() > mylist[j + 1].getAge())
person temp;
temp = mylist[j];
mylist[j] = mylist[j + 1];
mylist[j + 1] = temp;
int main() //Program start
person mylist[4]; //lista på personer
mylist[0].SetInfo("Johan", 25);
mylist[1].SetInfo("Nathalie", 20);
mylist[2].SetInfo("Jessica", 60);
mylist[3].SetInfo("Coco", 54);
//anropar bubblesort()
bubblesort(mylist, 4);
int index = Linesearch(mylist, 25);
if (index == -1)
cout << "person ej funnen!";
cout << "personen du letade efter " << mylist[index].name;
return 0;
The problem i think is my knowledge since im new to programming and has only done it for 4 weeks. I put this code together from myself and from examples found online. So every answer will help me learn more :)
Still the same code added error message here.
50 39 C:\Skrivbordet\Skola\ccxcxcxcvx.cpp [Error] 'Linesearch' was not declared in this scope

A C++ program starts out fairly blank, without any function to use at all except for main. (There is more to say on that. I'm sure comments are going to point that out. ;)) You include headers for <iostream> and string, so you can use all of the functions declared in them, which is a good thing! Lots of stuff is already written for you; you don't have to find out how to write text out to your screen, for example.
All other functions are to be written by yourself -- which is also a good thing! After all, what would be the fun of a programming language where you cannot do the stuff you want because "there is no function for it".
You already wrote (or possibly copied) one custom function: bubblesort. From that point on, you can use it anywhere you want. It is not in the standard headers, but the compiler sees it as a general function nevertheless; all it has to do is read your code top to bottom, and store the names of new functions when it encounters them.
On to your problem: Linesearch is the name of a function. The compiler assumes that because it is followed by a parenthesized argument list. So, it looks up Linesearch in the standard headers, finds it's not in there, then goes through your source code -- and still does not find it. Presto! error.
The solution is to use an existing standard function that does what you need, if there is one (I cannot recall), or write the function yourself and place it in your source code somewhere above main. (It needs¹ to be above the first function in which it is used, and in this case that is main.)
¹ I'm telling only a half-truth there; but I guess before expanding on that in turn, you are better off reading a C++ primer first.


What is the point in returning values?

I'm fairly new when it comes to C++ so bear with me. When learning about return values in functions, I was told that the proper way to write pure functions is to return a value every time. I attempted this in a small function that checks the user's age and returns whether or not they're an adult. The issue here, at least for me, is understanding the proper utilization of these return values. For example, in this code snippet here I'm returning whether or not they are an adult given their age in years.
#pragma once
#define LOG(x) std::cout << x
#define LOGCIN(x) std::cin >> x
bool check_age(int age) {
if (age >= 18)
return true;
return false;
#include <iostream>
#include "main.h"
bool check_age(int age);
int main() {
int age;
LOG("Enter your current age in years: ");
bool adult = check_age(age);
if (adult == true) {
LOG("You are an adult!");
} else {
LOG("You are not an adult!");
However, when I rewrote this code without using return values, I got this.
#pragma once
#define LOG(x) std::cout << x
#define LOGCIN(x) std::cin >> x
void check_age(int age) {
if (age >= 18)
LOG("You are an adult!");
LOG("You are not an adult!");
#include <iostream>
#include "main.h"
void check_age(int age);
int main() {
int age;
LOG("Enter your current age in years: ");
As you can see, the latter code choices is simpler and more compact. If code requires more lines and takes longer to write with return values, then what's even the point in using them?
Often the purpose of a function is not just to log something to cout but instead make a decision based on some parameters, or return a value so it can be used flexibly. An example of this would be in binary search:
while(l <= r) {
int mid = (l+r)>>1;
if(check(/* parameters */)) {
//update answer
r = mid+1;
} else l = mid-1;
Of course, you could make your function edit a global variable and make decisions based off of that; but it will make the code more verbose:
while(l <= r) {
int mid = (l+r)>>1;
check(/* parameters */);
if(ok /* global variable*/) {
//update answer
r = mid+1;
} else l = mid-1;
As an additional example, it is a lot easier to write (and read):
than have these functions update global variables.
Imagine the function is provided by someone else.
In that case, we may not be able to know its implementation.
How does our program know whether the function succeeds or not?
Besides, sometimes we want to know some information from a function. I think that's why return values are used.
Returning a value from the function serves an important purpose - it allows you to separate the two concepts of "determine whether this person is an adult" and "print some stuff about this person".
You could imagine tons of scenarios where the program would need to know if someone was an adult without printing it to console - such as allowing them to buy alcohol, register for college, etc etc etc.
And you could also imagine that if you knew someone was an adult, there might be a ton of different ways you'd like to print that (imagine other languages, or rendering it on a webpage, or etc etc).
So by returning the value, you enable this separation of concepts which makes your code much more flexible in the future.
Maybe you don't need that for a toy example, but that's sorta beside the point when you're asking a broad design question like this.

Building a dynamically allocated array of class Objects

First off, if this problem seems incredibly easy to you, I want to in advance apologize but I am only a beginner.
I have been stuck now for about a week with this problem and it is getting ridiculous since it shouldn't be that hard, even for a complete beginner like me.
I am writing a program which reads a bunch of information regarding receipts from a text file, like name, sum, date etc. and then prints it out to the screen. Simple enough, right? Well I started with using static arrays in my two classes Transaction and TransactionsList and it was working fine, I was printing the contents of the file to the screen just fine one line after the other.
Now I need to do this using dynamic arrays.
Each line in the text file contains a date, type, name, sum, number of friends and name of those friends which should be read an stored as a Transaction class object inside the dynamic array trans. This is what I am having trouble understanding no matter how much theory and googling I do on the subject. Where should I use an overloaded assigment operator, where a copy constructor and how do I call them properly? I have read up on these concepts but I can't use them in my program still. These are questions just flying around in my head right now.
I have changed the arrays friends and trans to be declared as pointers which I understand is correct. I then want to allocate memory for the arrays with "new", but here I am starting to get unsure just where I allocate with new, inside the contructors of their classes or inside the functions where they are needed?
I realize vectors is the answer to alot of these problems but I should tell you that I have not gotten into vectors yet, so I am trying to solve this problem without vectors. I realize this may be be a bit backwards, but I should be able to build my dynamically allocated array of objects and print it out without vectors I think. I have heard they are more practical but for now I have to understand this assignment without the concept of vectors.
I have read up on difference between shallow copies and deep copies as well and I get the theory, but I just can't implement it somehow. (I am probably retarded I know).
This is what I have got so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Transaction
string date;
string type;
string name;
double sum;
int nr_friends;
string *friends;
Transaction &operator = ( const Transaction &t );
string get_name();
int get_no_friends();
double get_sum();
bool readOneTrans( istream &is );
void writeOneTrans( ostream &os );
class TransactionsList
Transaction *trans;
int no_Trans;
void read( istream & is );
void print( ostream & os );
void add( Transaction & t );
int main()
ifstream inFile("test.txt");
Transaction t;
TransactionsList tl;
// t.readOneTrans(inFile); // reading just one line works fine (when uncommented)
// t.writeOneTrans(cout); // printing works too just fine
//; // here I want to read all contents of file
//tl.print(cout); // and here print out them to the screen
return 0;
date = "000000";
type = "transp";
name = "default";
sum = 0.0;
nr_friends = 0;
friends = NULL;
delete [] friends;
Transaction &Transaction::operator = ( const Transaction &t )
if ( this != &t )
delete[] friends;
date =;
type = t.type;
name =;
sum = t.sum;
nr_friends = t.nr_friends;
friends = new string[nr_friends];
for ( int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++ )
friends[i] = t.friends[i];
return *this;
string Transaction::get_name()
return name;
double Transaction::get_sum()
return sum;
int Transaction::get_no_friends()
return nr_friends;
bool Transaction::readOneTrans( istream &is )
is >> date >> type >> name >> sum >> nr_friends;
friends = new string[nr_friends];
for (int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++)
is >> friends[i];
return is;
return !is.eof();
void Transaction::writeOneTrans( ostream &os )
os << left << setw(10) << date <<
setw(10) << type << setw(10) << name
<< setw(10) << sum << setw(10)
<< nr_friends;
for (int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++)
os << left << setw(8) << friends[i];
os << endl;
no_Trans = 1;
trans = new Transaction[no_Trans];
delete [] trans;
void TransactionsList::read( istream & is )
Transaction t;
while ( t.readOneTrans( is ))
add( t );
void TransactionsList::print( ostream & os )
Transaction t;
for (int i = 0; i < no_Trans; i++)
t = trans[i];
t.writeOneTrans( os );
if (os == cout)
os << "\nNumber of transactions: " << no_Trans << endl;
void TransactionsList::add( Transaction & t )
// each time I read a line from the file it is passed in as object t here
// here I want to add this object t to the dynamic array trans somehow
// and keep building the array with a new class object every time
// Probably by overloading assignment operator somehow but how?
trans[no_Trans] = t;
// i have no idea what to put here to make it work...
So as you can see, what I want to do is continually build up the dynamic array trans with different objects of the class Transaction, each instance representing a different line in the text file I am reading from so that I can print out all the lines in the file to the screen in the end.
The output lines should look like this:
011216 food John 300 2 Nathan Julia
To do this now dynamically, I realize I must copy the contents of object t that is passed in in the method "add" and add it to the array trans and somehow without losing the data of the earlier t:s which are representing the previous text lines. This was easy for me to do while the arrays where static ones, as I just assigned the next element in the array trans to be equal to the current object t (inside the add function). This is how my add function looked with static arrays:
void TransactionsList::add( Transaction & t )
trans[no_Trans] = t;
Obviously this doesn't work when you are working with dynamically allocated memory. I read some theory on this and I understand one cannot change the size of the array while it is running so the array actually has to be deleted and then allocated as a larger array and copy over the old contents using a deep copy, which doesn't just copy the memory address for the dynamic array but makes a new array with the olds content.
As you can see, I have read alot of theory but don't really understand it...
Can anyone help? I would be immensely thankful as I have not learned anything in a week and this is really killing me right now. I need to make progress now!
Some hints about the container:
Don't use using namespace std; (why?)
An unsigned integral size in c++ is usually represented as std::size_t from <cstddef>.
Get familiar with rule of three / rule of three/four/five.
A quite useful idiom that is usually applied to such classes is: 'Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)'.
Bottom line:
When managing resources we usually need to have
a destructor
a copy constructor
a move constructor
a copy assignment operator
a move assignment operator
Resource aquisition should only happen in the constructor.
Functions such as add should not perform seperate resource acquisition but create a temporary of appropriate size and swap/move contents.
The issue of constructing a dynamically-allocated array is completely separate from the issue of constructing the objects themselves.
class TransactionList {
Transaction *trans;
size_t trans_size;
size_t no_Trans;
TransactionList(size_t initial_size)
: trans(new Transaction[initial_size]),
delete[] trans;
// ...
That's it. There's nothing different about your existing add() method. It still works exactly the same way, because of the fact that an array is really just a pointer to the first element in the array, which is still the case here.
But you do need to figure out what to do when no_Trans reaches the actual allocated trans_size. That's going to be your homework assignment.
What you probably want to do, though, is to change this to an array of Transaction * objects, and also dynamically allocate each Transaction when it's added to the array. That will require additional work.
(This answer requires no extra knowledge, and needs only a little bit change of your code)
Things get weird in the constructor:
no_Trans = 1;
trans = new Transaction[no_Trans];
People usually leave some space for future elements to add:
max_Trans = 100;
no_Trans = 0;
trans = new Transaction[max_Trans];
And in add()
if (no_Trans >= max_Trans) { // no more space?
// make a new array that is as twice big as the old one
max_Trans = 2 * max_Trans;
Transaction new_trans = new Transaction[max_Trans];
// copy elements to the new array
for (int i = 0; i < no_Trans; i++)
new_trans[i] = trans[i];
// delete the old one and start to use the new one
delete[] trans;
trans = new_trans;
trans[no_Trans] = t;
Of course max_Trans can also be 1, and make it grow as 1, 2, 3, 4... But that requires new on each add operation, which is inefficient.

C++ After Function Call and Function Completion, Game Crashes Entirely

I've been having an issue with a game I've been making in my C++ game programming class for school. For some reason, after calling a function which I'm using to manage the inventory based stuff, the function seems to complete and work (I think this because I put in cout commands at the end of it and they printed correctly, also the function runs twice in a row, and they both run), my entire game crashes and doesn't reach the next line. I tried commenting out all the code in the function and it still crashed. I commented out the function calls and it worked, but I still can't tell what is wrong with it. I'll put the code for the function and the section were I make the calls:
string inventoryFunction(int h, string ab)
if(h == 1)
if(h == 2)
for(int i=0; i < inventory.size(); i++)
if(inventory[i] == ab)
if(h == 3)
cout << inventory[0];
for(int i=1; i < inventory.size(); i++)
cout << ", " << inventory[i];
The function call:
if(answer.find("village") != string::npos)
cout << endl;
cout << "While looking around your village,\nyou found a stone sword and a cracked wooden shield!" << endl;
inventoryFunction(1, "stone sword");
inventoryFunction(1, "cracked wooden shield");
cout << "Would you like to set off on your adventure now?" << endl;
cin >> answer2;
Not sure there's anything there likely to cause a crash, my advice would be to single-step your code in the debugger to see where it's falling over. It's quite possible the bug is somewhere totally different and it's just being exacerbated by the function calls modifying the vector.
That's the nature of bugs unfortunately, you can never really tell where they're actually coming from without looking closely :-)
However, there are a couple of issues with the code that I'd like to point out.
First, with regard to:
That doesn't do what you think it does. inventory[i] is the string inside your vector so it's simply erasing the string contents.
If you want to remove the string from the vector, you need something like:
inventory.erase (inventory.begin() + i);
Second, I'd tend to have three separate functions for addToInventory, removeFromInventory and listInventory.
It seems a little ... unintuitive ... to have to remember the magic values for h to achieve what you want to do, and there's no real commonality in the three use cases other than access to the inventory vector (and that's not really reason enough to combine them into the same member function).
On top of that, your function appears to be returning a string but you have no actual return statements and, in fact, none of the three use cases of your function require anything to be passed back.
The signature is better off as:
void inventoryFunction(int h, string ab)
In terms of the second and third points above, I'd probably start with something like:
void addToInventory (string item) {
void removeFromInventory (string item) {
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.size(); i++) {
if (inventory[i] == ab) {
inventory.erase (inventory.begin() + i);
void listInventory () {
cout << inventory[0];
for (int i = 1; i < inventory.size(); i++)
cout << ", " << inventory[i];
You may also want to look into using iterators exclusively for the second and third functions rather than manually iterating over the collection with i.
It'll save you some code and be more "C++ic", a C++ version of the "Pythonic" concept, a meme that I hope will catch on and make me famous :-)
So by changing the inventoryFunction to a void function like #Retired Ninja said, the crash has stopped occurring and now the program is working great.
Also, #paxdiablo pointed out that I was using the inventory[i].erase() thing incorrectly, so thanks a bunch to him, because now I won't have to come back on here later to try to fix that :D
string inventoryFunction(int h, string ab)
should return a string but does not have any return statements. Of course it works, after you change it to a void function, which correctly does not return anything. Interesting is, that you are able co compile this code without an error - normally a compiler would show you this problem.

I think I am messing up the scope of these pointers, C++?

So this is a reduced version of my main / Initializer function. When I call it and it has to add any items to the players inventor, I get a Debug Assertation Failed error.
It seems to me like I am mixing up the scope somewhat?
Am I declaring something new inside the scope of the function, and then not being able to access it again out in main?
I tried a few things inside the function, like using Getters/Setters instead of assigning is completely, like p_player = p but I don't think that actually deals with the problem at all, and I'm kind of confused.
int main()
Array<Item> items(3);
string itemsfilename = "itemsfile.txt";
Initializer::InitializeItems(items, itemsfilename);
Login login;
Player p1;
string filename = login.LoginToGame();
Initializer::InitializePlayer(p1, rooms, items, 3, filename);
void Initializer::InitializePlayer(Player& p_player, HashTable<string, Room>& p_rooms, Array<Item>& p_items, int p_numItems, std::string& p_filename)
ifstream playerfile(p_filename);
int inventorycount = 0;
//all the stuff needed to make a player
std::string name;
int health;
int confidence;
int humor;
int speed;
std::string room;
Room* currentRoom;
Inventory inventory(100);
//reading in values from file
for(int i = 0; i < inventorycount; i++)
playerfile.getline(value, 256);
std::string item(value);
for(int j = 0; j < p_numItems; j++)
if(p_items[j].GetName() == item)
inventory.AddItem(&(p_items[j])); //This line taken out, removes the error.
Player p(name, health, confidence, humor, speed, currentRoom, inventory);
p_player = p;
AddItem() takes a pointer to an item, and then appends it to it's DLinkedList.
The error I get is
Debug Assertation Failed!
Program: zzz
File f:\dd/vctools/crt_bld/self_x86/crt/src/dbgdel.cpp
Line: 52
Expression: _Block_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)
AddItem() Code:
bool AddItem(Item* p_item)
if(p_item->GetWeight() + m_weight <= m_maxWeight)
m_weight += p_item->GetWeight();
return false;
return true;
Ok, so we still don't have the code that actually causes the problem, but I'm pretty certain I know what's going on, and to avoid getting into a "20 questions of add more code" - there's two possible scenarios:
Items is an array of objects, and you store pointers to them in your m_inventory container. When destroying this container, the objects are destroyed by calling delete on the items - which doesn't work since the content is not allocated from the heap.
When you copy the inventory the m_inventory container is not appropriately copied, and the contents fall apart because the pointers to the storage is failing.
If this doesn't help, then please try to reduce your code to something that only shows this problem, without using files that we don't know the content of and can be posted as a complete program in the question with all the code necessary [remove any other code that isn't needed], so we can see EVERYTHING. Currently, we're only seeing a few bits of the code, and the problem is almost certainly DIRECTLY in the code you've shown us.

Making an array of pointers to structs or objects in C++

So I'm basically just trying to take in some file input, and then take that data and put it into several structs. The only issue I'm having is with the naming of the pointers to the structs. The struct's themselves are supposed to represent students and I wanted to set each pointer as one of their names rather than an arbitrary variable. I tried to do this in a way that I'm assuming is syntactically wrong for it didn't work. In the code below, I increment the for loop with the temp array because each 4th position is a new student. Any ideas on how I could go about this?
using namespace std;
int main ()
string creditcards[20];
int i;
int x;
int amount;
string temp[20];
ifstream infile;
string filename;
int count;
int numstudents;
string newstring="";
string pointers[20];
cout<<"enter the file name of which you've stored your"<<endl
<<"credit card infomation"<<endl;
while(! infile.eof())
numstudents= (count/4);
if(numstudents < 1 || count%4 != 0)
cout<<"incorrect data file"<<endl;
for(i=0,x=0; i<numstudents;i++,x+4)
student *temp[x];
temp[x] = new student;
pointers[i] = temp[x];
return 0;
Ok, let's start from the top.
Your code was (before I reformatted it) a mess. Messy code is harder to read and more likely to have bugs.
You have 3 arrays, each containing 20 strings. Why do you need so many?
One of them is named temp; having to use that as a variable name is a good indicator that you're mishandling data somewhere.
You're declaring int count relatively early on, then initializing it to 0 later. While not necessarily a bad thing, that's not the best method (do both at once, when needed).
You can declare local variables more than one in a line, but you don't need to declare them all at the top of the function. That's not necessary in C++.
int main ()
string creditcards[20];
int i = 0, x = 0, amount = 0;
(legal, but might not be needed)
It's typically better to declare and initialize a variable at the same time, just before you need it:
int count = 0;
getline(infile, temp[count], '\n');
I remember seeing that reading until you hit eof isn't recommended, although I'm not entirely sure on that. You may want to change this:
while ( !infile.eof() )
Now, the first actual mistake I see here is that you read a line, increment count, then read another line before acting. Is that intentional, and if so, why is it necessary? Doing the getline and increment inside the loop would be more readable and potentially more reliable.
getline(infile, temp[count], '\n');
This line is a bug, I think:
for(i=0,x=0; i<numstudents;i++,x+4)
The last section does i++, x+4. It does not change x.
The next loop after that handles i in the same way this loop uses x, so you can probably combine those two.
Now, on top of all that, massive temp arrays are not the solution to this problem (or any other that I can think of).
To store this kind of data, you'll want to look into a std::map<std::string, student*> or std::vector<student*>. The vector will allow you to push the new student struct to the back when necessary, and the map will allow you to key them based on name and retrieve that later, something like so:
typdef map<string, student*> studentmap;
studentmap students;
studentmap::iterator iter = students.find("Bob");
if ( iter != students.end() )
student * bob = iter->second;
// Work with data
It's a much better way of handling this, and will take a lot of the guess work out of what you're doing now.
If you want to be able to reference the students by name, consider using a map<string, student> or map<string, student*>.
This will allow you to refer to individual students via students["Jack"] or students["Jill"].