memcpy not copying into buffer - c++

I have a class with a std::vector<unsigned char> mPacket as a packet buffer (for sending UDP strings). There is a corresponding member variable mPacketNumber that keeps track of how many packets have been sent so far.
The first thing I do in the class is reserve space:
and then later, in a loop that runs while I want packets to get sent:
mPacket.clear(); //empty out the vector
long packetLength = 0; //keep track of packetLength for sending udp strings
memcpy(&mPacket[0], &&mPacketNumber, 4); //4 bytes because it's a long
packetLength += 4; //add 4 bytes to the packet length
memcpy(&mPacket[packetLength], &data, dataLength);
packetLength += dataLength;
udp.send(, packetLength);
Except I realized that nothing was getting sent! How peculiar.
So I dug a bit deeper, and found that mPacket.size() returns zero, while packetLength returns the size I think the packet should be.
I can't think of a reason for mPacket to have zero length -- even if I'm mishandling the data, the header with mPacketNumber should have been written just fine.
Can anyone suggest why I'm running into this problem?

The elements you reserve are not for normal use. The elements are created only if you resize the vector. While it might somehow look it works, it would be a different situation with types having constructors - you could see that the constructors were not called. This is undefined behaviour - you're accessing elements which you aren't allowed in this situation.
The .reserve() operation is normally used together with .push_back() to avoid reallocations, but this is not the case here.
The .size() is not modified if you use .reserve(). You should use .resize() instead.
Alternatively, you can use your copy operation together with .push_back() and .reserve(), but you need to drop the usage of memcpy, and instead use the std::copy together with std::back_inserter, which uses .push_back() to push the elements to the other container:
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&mPacketNumber), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&mPacketNumber) + sizeof(mPacketNumber), std::back_inserter(mPacket))
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data) + dataLength, std::back_inserter(mPacket));
These reinterpret_casts are vexing, but the code still has one advantage - you won't get buffer overrun in case your estimate was too low.

vector, apparently, doesn't count the elements when you call size(). There's a counter variable inside the vector that holds that information, because vector has plenty of memory allocated and can't really know where the end of your data is. It changes counter variable as you add/remove elements using methods of vector object, because they are programmed to do so.
You added data directly to its array pointer, which awakens no reaction of your vector object because it does not use any of its methods. Data is there, but vector doesn't acknowledge it, so counter remains at 0 and size() returns 0.
You should either replace all size() calls with packageLength, or use methods inside your vector to add/remove/read data, or use a dynamically allocated array instead of a vector, or create your own class for containing array and managing it the way you like it. To be honest, using a vector in a situation like this doesn't really make sense.
Vector is a conventional high-level object-oriented component and in most os the cases it should be used that way.
Example of one's own Array class:
If you used your own dynamically allocated array, you'd have to remember its length all the time in order to use it. So lets create a class that will cut us some slack in that. This example has element transfer based on memcpy, and the [] notation works perfectly. It has an original max length, but extends itself when necessary.
Also, this is an in-line class. certain IDEs may ask of you to actually seperate it in header and source file, so you may have to do that yourself.
Add more methods yourself if necessary. When applying this, do not use memcpy unless you're going to change arraySize attribute manually. You've got integrated addFrom and addBytesFrom methods that use memcpy inside (assuming calling array being the destination) and separately increase arraySize. If you do want to use memcpy, setSize method can be used for forcing new array size without modifying the array.
#include <cstring>
//this way you can easily change types during coding in case you change your mind
//more conventional object-oriented method would use templates and generic programming, but lets not complicate too much now
typedef unsigned char type;
class Array {
type *array;
long arraySize;
long allocAmount; //number of allocated bytes
long currentMaxSize; //number of allocated elements
//private call that extends memory taken by the array
bool reallocMore()
//preserve old data
type *temp = new type[currentMaxSize];
memcpy(temp, array, allocAmount);
long oldAmount = allocAmount;
//calculate new max size and number of allocation bytes
currentMaxSize *= 16;
allocAmount = currentMaxSize * sizeof(type);
//reallocate array and copy its elements back into it
delete[] array;
array = new type[currentMaxSize];
memcpy(array, temp, oldAmount);
//we no longer need temp to take space in out heap
delete[] temp;
//check if space was successfully allocated
if(array) return true;
else return false;
Array(bool huge)
if(huge) currentMaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
else currentMaxSize = 1024;
allocAmount = currentMaxSize * sizeof(type);
array = new type[currentMaxSize];
arraySize = 0;
//copy elements from another array and add to this one, updating arraySize
bool addFrom(void *src, long howMany)
//predict new array size and extend if larger than currentMaxSize
long newSize = howMany + arraySize;
if(newSize > currentMaxSize)
bool result = reallocMore();
if(!result) return false;
else break;
//add new elements
memcpy(&array[arraySize], src, howMany * sizeof(type));
arraySize = newSize;
return true;
//copy BYTES from another array and add to this one, updating arraySize
bool addBytesFrom(void *src, long byteNumber)
//predict new array size and extend if larger than currentMaxSize
int typeSize = sizeof(type);
long howMany = byteNumber / typeSize;
if(byteNumber % typeSize != 0) howMany++;
long newSize = howMany + arraySize;
if(newSize > currentMaxSize)
bool result = reallocMore();
if(!result) return false;
else break;
//add new elements
memcpy(&array[arraySize], src, byteNumber);
arraySize = newSize;
return true;
//clear the array as if it's just been made
bool clear(bool huge)
//huge >>> 1MB, not huge >>> 1KB
if(huge) currentMaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
else currentMaxSize = 1024;
allocAmount = currentMaxSize * sizeof(type);
delete[] array;
array = new type[currentMaxSize];
arraySize = 0;
//if you modify this array out of class, you must manually set the correct size
bool setSize(long newSize) {
if(newSize > currentMaxSize)
bool result = reallocMore();
if(!result) return false;
else break;
arraySize = newSize;
//current number of elements
long size() {
return arraySize;
//current number of elements
long sizeInBytes() {
return arraySize * sizeof(type);
//this enables the usage of [] as in yourArray[i]
type& operator[](long i)
return array[i];

mPacket.resize(4 + dataLength); //call this first and copy into, you can get what you want
mPacket.clear(); //empty out the vector
long packetLength = 0; //keep track of packetLength for sending udp strings
memcpy(&mPacket[0], &&mPacketNumber, 4); //4 bytes because it's a long
packetLength += 4; //add 4 bytes to the packet length
memcpy(&mPacket[packetLength], &data, dataLength);
packetLength += dataLength;
udp.send(mPacket, packetLength);


Setting raw data of array with elements of dynamic size (vector to/from void*)

I need to store and restore a vector with elements of different size and want to adjust my solution to get this working. The goal is to get a size of the data in bytes + get a void pointer to the beginning of the data.
I use a template class in my code and combine solution 1 and 2 in it, but for the sake of simplicity I split the code up in this question.
1) Solution for a vector of elements where all elements have the same size:
1.1) Save a vector as raw data - with fixed size elements, e.g. int:
std::vector<int> data;
Sint32 size = sizeof(int) * vec.size();
void* tdata = static_cast<void*>(&vec[0]);
// tdata points to the raw data => I can work with this now and save it to my memory structure (tdata + size is saved there)
1.2) Restore a vector from raw data - with fixed size elements, e.g. int:
std::vector<int> vec;
size_t size = ...; // received from my memory structure
void* tdata = ...; // received from my memory structure
int count = size / sizeof(int);
memcpy(&vec[0], tdata, size);
// vec contains count elements of type int now
2) Solution for a vector of elements where all elements have dynamic sizes:
I simply define two helper interfaces/classes to get the size of all elements inside the vector:
class ObjectWithSize
// eg. for an int + char*: sizeof(int) + strlen(text) + 1
virtual int getRawSize() = 0;
class RawDataWithCount
int count;
void* data;
2.1) Save a vector of dynamic elements:
Sint32 datasize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
datasize +=;
RawDataWithCount data = RawDataWithCount();
data.count = vec.size(); = static_cast<void*>(&vec[0]);
void* tdata = static_cast<void*>(&data);
// tdata points to the raw data => I can work with this now and save it to my memory structure (tdata + datasize is saved there)
2.2) Restore a vector of dynamic elements
std::vector<T> vec;
size_t size = ...; // received from my memory structure
void* tdata = ...; // received from my memory structure
RawDataWithCount* data = reinterpret_cast<RawDataWithCount*>(tdata);
int count = data->count;
memcpy(&vec[0], data->data, size);
Solution 1 is used for a long time already and works quite good, solution 2 will be an extension of it for the future. I think, 2.1 is save to use, but when it comes to 2.2 I'm not sure anymore, so here comes the question. Tests show that solution 2 seems to work, but I want to know if it is save.
Is it save to do following in 2.2
memcpy(&vec[0], data->data, size);
if the elements of vec do not all have the same size? I assume not, but I'm unsure here. If this is not save, maybe someone has a better suggestion? (I know I can manually solve this by simple creating a raw data in 2.1 with number of elements followed by a list of size/element, then parsing back elements 1 by 1 in 2.2 and fill up the vector with this data, but maybe (like in case 1)
there is a more simple solution with the help of a vector?)

Allocating an Array in Memory Manager

I want to successfully allocate an Array in my Memory Manager. I am having a hard time getting the data setup successfully in my Heap. I don't know how to instantiate the elements of the array, and then set the pointer that is passed in to that Array. Any help would be greatly appreciated. =)
Basically to sum it up, I want to write my own new[#] function using my own Heap block instead of the normal heap. Don't even want to think about what would be required for a dynamic array. o.O
// Parameter 1: Pointer that you want to pointer to the Array.
// Parameter 2: Amount of Array Elements requested.
// Return: true if Allocation was successful, false if it failed.
template <typename T>
bool AllocateArray(T*& data, unsigned int count)
if((m_Heap.m_Pool == nullptr) || count <= 0)
return false;
unsigned int allocSize = sizeof(T)*count;
// If we have an array, pad an extra 16 bytes so that it will start the data on a 16 byte boundary and have room to store
// the number of items allocated within this pad space, and the size of the original data type so in a delete call we can move
// the pointer by the appropriate size and call a destructor(potentially a base class destructor) on each element in the array
allocSize += 16;
unsigned int* mem = (unsigned int*)(m_Heap.Allocate(allocSize));
return false;
mem[2] = count;
mem[3] = sizeof(T);
T* iter = (T*)(&(mem[4]));
data = iter;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i,++iter)
// I have tried a bunch of stuff, not sure what to do. :(
return true;
Heap Allocate function:
void* Heap::Allocate(unsigned int allocSize)
Header* HeadPtr = FindBlock(allocSize);
Footer* FootPtr = (Footer*)HeadPtr;
FootPtr = (Footer*)((char*)FootPtr + (HeadPtr->size + sizeof(Header)));
// Right Split Free Memory if there is enough to make another block.
if((HeadPtr->size - allocSize) >= MINBLOCKSIZE)
// Create the Header for the Allocated Block and Update it's Footer
Header* NewHead = (Header*)FootPtr;
NewHead = (Header*)((char*)NewHead - (allocSize + sizeof(Header)));
NewHead->size = allocSize;
NewHead->next = NewHead;
NewHead->prev = NewHead;
FootPtr->size = NewHead->size;
// Create the Footer for the remaining Free Block and update it's size
Footer* NewFoot = (Footer*)NewHead;
NewFoot = (Footer*)((char*)NewFoot - sizeof(Footer));
HeadPtr->size -= (allocSize + HEADANDFOOTSIZE);
NewFoot->size = HeadPtr->size;
// Turn new Header and Old Footer High Bits On
(NewHead->size |= (1 << 31));
(FootPtr->size |= (1 << 31));
// Return actual allocated memory's location
void* MemAddress = NewHead;
MemAddress = ((char*)MemAddress + sizeof(Header));
m_PoolSizeTotal = HeadPtr->size;
return MemAddress;
// Updating descriptors
HeadPtr->prev->next = HeadPtr->next;
HeadPtr->next->prev = HeadPtr->prev;
HeadPtr->next = NULL;
HeadPtr->prev = NULL;
// Turning Header and Footer High Bits On
(HeadPtr->size |= (1 << 31));
(FootPtr->size |= (1 << 31));
// Return actual allocated memory's location
void* MemAddress = HeadPtr;
MemAddress = ((char*)MemAddress + sizeof(Header));
m_PoolSizeTotal = HeadPtr->size;
return MemAddress;
int* TestArray;
MemoryManager::GetInstance()->CreateHeap(1); // Allocates 1MB
MemoryManager::GetInstance()->AllocateArray(TestArray, 3);
As far as these two specific points:
Instantiate the elements of the array
Set the pointer that is passed in to that Array.
For (1): there is no definitive notion of "initializing" the elements of the array in C++. There are at least two reasonable behaviors, this depends on the semantics you want. The first is to simply zero the array (see memset). The other would be to call the default constructor for each element of the array -- I would not recommend this option as the default (zero argument) constructor may not exist.
EDIT: Example initialization using inplace-new
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
new (&arr[i]) T();
For (2): It is not exactly clear what you mean by "and then set the pointer that is passed in to that Array." You could "set" the memory returned as data = static_cast<T*>(&mem[4]), which you already do.
A few other words of cautioning (having written my own memory managers), be very careful about byte alignment (reinterpret_cast(mem) % 16); you'll want to ensure you are returning points that are word (or even 16 byte) aligned. Also, I would recommend using inttypes.h to explicitly use uint64_t to be explicit about sizing -- current it looks like this allocator will break for >4GB allocations.
Speaking from experiment -- writing a memory allocator is a very difficult thing to do, and it is even more painful to debug. As commenters have stated, a memory allocator is specific to the kernel -- so information about your platform would be very helpful.

Allocate chunk of memory for array of structs

I need an array of this struct allocated in one solid chunk of memory. The length of "char *extension" and "char *type" are not known at compile time.
char *extension;
char *type;
If I used the "new" operator to initialize each element by itself, the memory may be scattered. This is how I tried to allocate a single contiguous block of memory for it:
//numTypes = total elements of array
//maxExtension and maxType are the needed lengths for the (char*) in the struct
//std::string ext, type;
unsigned int size = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1) * numTypes;
mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
But, when I try to load the data in like this, the data is all out of order and scattered when I try to access it later.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
//get data from file
getline(fin, line);
stringstream parser.str(line);
parser >> ext >> type;
//point the pointers at a spot in the memory that I allocated
mimeTypes[i].extension = (char*)(&mimeTypes[i]);
mimeTypes[i].type = (char*)((&mimeTypes[i]) + maxExtension);
//copy the data into the elements
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].extension, ext.c_str());
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].type, type.c_str());
can anyone help me out?
unsigned int size = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1);
mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size * numTypes);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
strcpy((char*)(mimeTypes + (i*size)), ext.c_str());
strcpy((char*)(mimeTypes + (i*size) + (maxExtension+1)), type.c_str());
You mix 2 allocation:
1) manage array of MIMETYPE and
2) manage array of characters
May be (I don't really understand your objectives):
char extension[const_ofmaxExtension];
char type[maxType];
would be better to allocate linear items in form:
new MIMETYPE[numTypes];
I'll put aside the point that this is premature optimization (and that you ought to just use std::string, std::vector, etc), since others have already stated that.
The fundamental problem I'm seeing is that you're using the same memory for both the MIMETYPE structs and the strings that they'll point to. No matter how you allocate it, a pointer itself and the data it points to cannot occupy the exact same place in memory.
Lets say you needed an array of 3 types and had MIMETYPE* mimeTypes pointing to the memory you allocated for them.
That means you're treating that memory as if it contains:
8 bytes: mime type 0
8 bytes: mime type 1
8 bytes: mime type 2
Now, consider what you're doing in this next line of code:
mimeTypes[i].extension = (char*)(&mimeTypes[i]);
extension is being set to point to the same location in memory as the MIMETYPE struct itself. That is not going to work. When subsequent code writes to the location that extension points to, it overwrites the MIMETYPE structs.
Similarly, this code:
strcpy((char*)(mimeTypes + (i*size)), ext.c_str());
is writing the string data in the same memory that you otherwise want to MIMETYPE structs to occupy.
If you really want store all the necessary memory in one contiguous space, then doing so is a bit more complicated. You would need to allocate a block of memory to contain the MIMETYPE array at the start of it, and then the string data afterwards.
As an example, lets say you need 3 types. Lets also say the max length for an extension string (maxExtension) is 3 and the max length for a type string (maxType) is 10. In this case, your block of memory needs to be laid out as:
8 bytes: mime type 0
8 bytes: mime type 1
8 bytes: mime type 2
4 bytes: extension string 0
11 bytes: type string 0
4 bytes: extension string 1
11 bytes: type string 1
4 bytes: extension string 2
11 bytes: type string 2
So to allocate, setup, and fill it all correctly you would want to do something like:
unsigned int mimeTypeStringsSize = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1);
unsigned int totalSize = (sizeof(MIMETYPE) + mimeTypeStringsSize) * numTypes;
char* data = (char*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, totalSize);
MIMETYPE* mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)data;
char* stringData = data + (sizeof(MIMETYPE) * numTypes);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
//get data from file
getline(fin, line);
stringstream parser.str(line);
parser >> ext >> type;
// set pointers to proper locations
mimeTypes[i].extension = stringData + (mimeTypeStringsSize * i);
mimeTypes[i].type = stringData + (mimeTypeStringsSize * i) + maxExtension+1;
//copy the data into the elements
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].extension, ext.c_str());
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].type, type.c_str());
(Note: I've based my byte layout explanations on typical behavior of 32-bit code. 64-bit code would have more space used for the pointers, but the principle is the same. Furthermore, the actual code I've written here should work regardless of 32/64-bit differences.)
What you need to do is get a garbage collector and manage the heap. A simple collector using RAII for object destruction is not that difficult to write. That way, you can simply allocate off the collector and know that it's going to be contiguous. However, you should really, REALLY profile before determining that this is a serious problem for you. When that happens, you can typedef many std types like string and stringstream to use your custom allocator, meaning that you can go back to just std::string instead of the C-style string horrors you have there.
You really have to know the length of extension and type in order to allocate MIMETYPEs contiguously (if "contiguously" means that extension and type are actually allocated within the object). Since you say that the length of extension and type are not known at compile time, you cannot do this in an array or a vector (the overall length of a vector can be set and changed at runtime, but the size of the individual elements must be known at compile time, and you can't know that size without knowing the length of extension and type).
I would personally recommend using a vector of MIMETYPEs, and making the extension and type fields both strings. You're requirements sound suspiciously like premature optimization guided by a gut feeling that dereferencing pointers is slow, especially if the pointers cause cache misses. I wouldn't worry about that until you have actual data that reading these fields is an actual bottleneck.
However, I can think of a possible "solution": you can allocate the extension and type strings inside the MIMETYPE object when they are shorter than a particular threshold and allocate them dynamically otherwise:
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <new>
template<size_t Threshold> class Kinda_contig_string {
char contiguous_buffer[Threshold];
char* value;
Kinda_contig_string() : value(NULL) { }
Kinda_contig_string(const char* s)
size_t length = std::strlen(s);
if (s < Threshold) {
value = contiguous_buffer;
else {
value = new char[length];
std::strcpy(value, s);
void set(const char* s)
size_t length = std::strlen(s);
if (length < Threshold && value == contiguous_buffer) {
// simple case, both old and new string fit in contiguous_buffer
// and value points to contiguous_buffer
std::strcpy(contiguous_buffer, s);
if (length >= Threshold && value == contiguous_buffer) {
// old string fit in contiguous_buffer, new string does not
value = new char[length];
std::strcpy(value, s);
if (length < Threshold && value != contiguous_buffer) {
// old string did not fit in contiguous_buffer, but new string does
std::strcpy(contiguous_buffer, s);
delete[] value;
value = contiguous_buffer;
// old and new strings both too long to fit in extension_buffer
// provide strong exception guarantee
char* temp_buffer = new char[length];
std::strcpy(temp_buffer, s);
std::swap(temp_buffer, value);
delete[] temp_buffer;
const char* get() const
return value;
class MIMETYPE {
Kinda_contig_string<16> extension;
Kinda_contig_string<64> type;
const char* get_extension() const
return extension.get();
const char* get_type() const
return type.get();
void set_extension(const char* e)
// t must be NULL terminated
void set_type(const char* t)
MIMETYPE() : extension(), type() { }
MIMETYPE(const char* e, const char* t) : extension(e), type(t) { }
I really can't endorse this without feeling guilty.
Add one byte in between strings... extension and type are not \0-terminated the way do it.
here you allocate allowing for an extra \0 - OK
unsigned int size = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1) * numTypes;
mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
here you don't leave any room for extension's ending \0 (if string len == maxExtension)
//point the pointers at a spot in the memory that I allocated
mimeTypes[i].extension = (char*)(&mimeTypes[i]);
mimeTypes[i].type = (char*)((&mimeTypes[i]) + maxExtension);
instead i think it should be
mimeTypes[i].type = (char*)((&mimeTypes[i]) + maxExtension + 1);

Branchless memory manager?

Anyone thought about how to write a memory manager (in C++) that is completely branch free? I've written a pool, a stack, a queue, and a linked list (allocating from the pool), but I am wondering how plausible it is to write a branch free general memory manager.
This is all to help make a really reusable framework for doing solid concurrent, in-order CPU, and cache friendly development.
Edit: by branchless I mean without doing direct or indirect function calls, and without using ifs. I've been thinking that I can probably implement something that first changes the requested size to zero for false calls, but haven't really got much more than that.
I feel that it's not impossible, but the other aspect of this exercise is then profiling it on said "unfriendly" processors to see if it's worth trying as hard as this to avoid branching.
While I don't think this is a good idea, one solution would be to have pre-allocated buckets of various log2 sizes, stupid pseudocode:
class Allocator {
void* malloc(size_t size) {
int bucket = log2(size + sizeof(int));
int* pointer = reinterpret_cast<int*>(m_buckets[bucket].back());
*pointer = bucket; //Store which bucket this was allocated from
return pointer + 1; //Dont overwrite header
void free(void* pointer) {
int* temp = reinterpret_cast<int*>(pointer) - 1;
vector< vector<void*> > m_buckets;
(You would of course also replace the std::vector with a simple array + counter).
EDIT: In order to make this robust (i.e. handle the situation where the bucket is empty) you would have to add some form of branching.
EDIT2: Here's a small branchless log2 function:
//returns the smallest x such that value <= (1 << x)
log2(int value) {
union Foo {
int x;
float y;
} foo;
foo.y = value - 1;
return ((foo.x & (0xFF << 23)) >> 23) - 126; //Extract exponent (base 2) of floating point number
This gives the correct result for allocations < 33554432 bytes. If you need larger allocations you'll have to switch to doubles.
Here's a link to how floating point numbers are represented in memory.
The only way I know to create a truly branchless allocator is to reserve all the memory it will potentially use in advance. Otherwise there's always going to be some hidden code somewhere to see if we're exceeding some current capacity whether it's in a hidden push_back in a vector checking if the size exceeds capacity used to implement it or something of that sort.
Here is one such crude example of a fixed alloc which has a completely branchless malloc and free method.
class FixedAlloc
FixedAlloc(int element_size, int num_reserve)
element_size = max(element_size, sizeof(Chunk));
mem = new char[num_reserve * element_size];
char* ptr = mem;
free_chunk = reinterpret_cast<Chunk*>(ptr);
free_chunk->next = 0;
Chunk* last_chunk = free_chunk;
for (int j=1; j < num_reserve; ++j)
ptr += element_size;
Chunk* chunk = reinterpret_cast<Chunk*>(ptr);
chunk->next = 0;
last_chunk->next = chunk;
last_chunk = chunk;
delete[] mem;
void* malloc()
assert(free_chunk && free_chunk->next && "Reserve memory exhausted!");
Chunk* chunk = free_chunk;
free_chunk = free_chunk->next;
return chunk->mem;
void free(void* mem)
Chunk* chunk = static_cast<Chunk*>(mem);
chunk->next = free_chunk;
free_chunk = chunk;
union Chunk
Chunk* next;
char mem[1];
char* mem;
Chunk* free_chunk;
Since it's totally branchless, it simply segfaults if you try to allocate more memory than initially reserved. It also has undefined behavior for trying to free a null pointer. I also avoided dealing with alignment for the sake of a simpler example.

One question about element inserting in STL list

struct Stringdata
// Length of data in buffer.
size_t len;
// Allocated size of buffer.
size_t alc;
// Buffer.
char data[1];
typedef std::list<Stringdata*> Stringdata_list;
Stringdata_list strings_;
Stringdata *psd = this->strings_.front();
if (len > psd->alc - psd->len)
alc = sizeof(Stringdata) + buffer_size;
char* ret = psd->data + psd->len;
memcpy(ret, s, len - sizeof(Stringpool_char));
memset(ret + len - sizeof(Stringpool_char), 0,
psd->len += len;
return reinterpret_cast<const Stringpool_char*>(ret);
In the code sample above, I have confused about the operations in the else
Does it create a new element and insert it after the front element or
just place a new element after within the first element of list?
Your code appears to do neither. The code in the else branch does not modify the strings_ structure at all. The code is only modifying the element return from the front of the list. This should have no affect on the actual list structure.
It doesn't create a new element -- just appends data from s to the data that's already in the front element, if there's space. Very confusingly written code, though.
As far as I can tell (some important code is missing from your excerpt), you have a block of data, which is essentially an array of Stringdata object, and a list<> of pointers into that block. The else block is expanding that array.
You probably would be better off with a vector<Stringdata> rather than a list<Stringdata*>