One question about element inserting in STL list - c++

struct Stringdata
// Length of data in buffer.
size_t len;
// Allocated size of buffer.
size_t alc;
// Buffer.
char data[1];
typedef std::list<Stringdata*> Stringdata_list;
Stringdata_list strings_;
Stringdata *psd = this->strings_.front();
if (len > psd->alc - psd->len)
alc = sizeof(Stringdata) + buffer_size;
char* ret = psd->data + psd->len;
memcpy(ret, s, len - sizeof(Stringpool_char));
memset(ret + len - sizeof(Stringpool_char), 0,
psd->len += len;
return reinterpret_cast<const Stringpool_char*>(ret);
In the code sample above, I have confused about the operations in the else
Does it create a new element and insert it after the front element or
just place a new element after within the first element of list?

Your code appears to do neither. The code in the else branch does not modify the strings_ structure at all. The code is only modifying the element return from the front of the list. This should have no affect on the actual list structure.

It doesn't create a new element -- just appends data from s to the data that's already in the front element, if there's space. Very confusingly written code, though.

As far as I can tell (some important code is missing from your excerpt), you have a block of data, which is essentially an array of Stringdata object, and a list<> of pointers into that block. The else block is expanding that array.
You probably would be better off with a vector<Stringdata> rather than a list<Stringdata*>


Accessing data from buffer created from boost

I am trying to access the data that is serialized using boost buffer function and would like to fill it into two vectors. I am having problem with address to fill the second vector. Following class shows the two vectors and how they are filled.
class LidarMeasurement {
std::vector<uint32_t> _header;
std::vector<float> _azimuth;
//The header consists of an array of uint32_t's in the following layout
enum Index : size_t {
explicit LidarMeasurement(uint32_t NumOfChannels = 0u): _header(Index::SIZE + NumOfChannels, 0u) {
_header[Index::ChannelCount] = NumOfChannels;
// called before filling vectors
void Reset(uint32_t total_point_count) {
std::memset( + Index::SIZE, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * GetChannelCount());
// after reset,Write point function starts filling vectors.. following function is called 104 times (not constant) before next reset
void WritePoint(uint32_t channel, float angle_hor) {
_header[Index::SIZE + channel] += 1u;
uint32_t GetChannelCount() const {
return _header[Index::ChannelCount];
Once they are filled, its serialized and sent to a client. its serialized using the function below:
template <typename Sensor>
inline Buffer LidarSerializer::Serialize(
const Sensor &,
const LidarMeasurement &measurement,
Buffer &&output) {
std::array<boost::asio::const_buffer, 2u> seq = {
return std::move(output);
Once I receive the serialized data, I need to put azimuth back to vector.
I am using the following function to get the vector. _begin is the address to the buffer.
std::vector<float> GetAzimuth(const uint32_t* _begin) const{
std::vector<float> localAzimuthMemCopy;
begin_azi = const_cast<float*>(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(_begin )) + (sizeof(uint32_t) * (GetChannelCount() + Index::SIZE));
end_azi = begin_azi + GetTotalPointCount();//Total point count is the addition of individual channel point counts (not shown here)
for(float* i = begin_azi; i < end_azi; i++){
return localAzimuthMemCopy;
However, the result i get has a memory offset. I am getting 104 values but the last 18 values are junk. vector is read from a wrong start address. What is wrong with the code?
The problem is caused bt wrong begin adress calculation.
begin_azi = const_cast<float*>(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(_begin )) + (sizeof(uint32_t) * (GetChannelCount() + Index::SIZE));
1) Pointer arithmetic requires only the pointer and number of elements to advance. Number of bytes the compiler should deduct by himself, based on the pointers type. So multiplication at sizeof(uint32_t) is redundant. The correct way of pointer advance is shown at float* end_azi = begin_azi + GetTotalPointCount();
2) Adress offset should be calculated for pointer to uint32_t type, and only then converted to pointer to float type.
So correct way of begin_azi should look this way:
begin_azi = const_cast<float*>(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(_begin + GetChannelCount() + Index::SIZE));
Why did it partially worked earlier? from cppreference
Pointer arithmetic
If the pointer P points at an element of an array with index I, then
P+N and N+P are pointers that point at an element of the same array with index I+N
P-N is a pointer that points at an element of the same array with index {tt|I-N}}
The behavior is defined only if both the original pointer and the result pointer are pointing at elements of the same array or one past the end of that array.
Noone knows where did the pointed begin_azi pointed after wrong calculation. So noone guarantee that the program will execute in correct or wrong way.

How can I find the size of a (* char) array inside of a function?

I understand how to find the size using a string type array:
char * shuffleStrings(string theStrings[])
int sz = 0;
printf("sz is %d\n", sz);
char * shuffled = new char[sz];
return shuffled;
One of my questions in the above example also is, why do I have to decrement the size by 1 to find the true number of elements in the array?
So if the code looked like this:
char * shuffleStrings(char * theStrings[])
//how can I find the size??
//I tried this and got a weird continuous block of printing
int i = 0;
printf("sz is %d\n", i);
char * shuffled = new char[i];
return shuffled;
You should not decrement the counter to get the real size, in the fist snippet. if you have two element and one empty element, the loop will end with value , which is correct.
In the second snippet, you work on a pointer to a pointr. So the while-condition should be *theStrings (supposing that a NULL pointer ist the marker for the end of your table.
Note that in both cases, if the table would not hold the marker for the end of table, you'd risk to go out of bounds. Why not work with vector<string> ? Then you could get the size without any loop, and would not risk to go out of bounds
What you are seeing here is the "termination" character in the string or '\0'
You can see this better when you use a char* array instead of a string.
Here is an example of a size calculator that I have made.
int getSize(const char* s)
unsigned int i = 0;
char x = ' ';
while ((x = s[i++]) != '\0');
return i - 1;
As you can see, the char* is terminated with a '\0' character to indicate the end of the string. That is the character that you are counting in your algorithm and that is why you are getting the extra character.
As to your second question, seem to want to create a new array with size of all of the strings.
To do this, you could calculate the length of each string and then add them together to create a new array.

memcpy not copying into buffer

I have a class with a std::vector<unsigned char> mPacket as a packet buffer (for sending UDP strings). There is a corresponding member variable mPacketNumber that keeps track of how many packets have been sent so far.
The first thing I do in the class is reserve space:
and then later, in a loop that runs while I want packets to get sent:
mPacket.clear(); //empty out the vector
long packetLength = 0; //keep track of packetLength for sending udp strings
memcpy(&mPacket[0], &&mPacketNumber, 4); //4 bytes because it's a long
packetLength += 4; //add 4 bytes to the packet length
memcpy(&mPacket[packetLength], &data, dataLength);
packetLength += dataLength;
udp.send(, packetLength);
Except I realized that nothing was getting sent! How peculiar.
So I dug a bit deeper, and found that mPacket.size() returns zero, while packetLength returns the size I think the packet should be.
I can't think of a reason for mPacket to have zero length -- even if I'm mishandling the data, the header with mPacketNumber should have been written just fine.
Can anyone suggest why I'm running into this problem?
The elements you reserve are not for normal use. The elements are created only if you resize the vector. While it might somehow look it works, it would be a different situation with types having constructors - you could see that the constructors were not called. This is undefined behaviour - you're accessing elements which you aren't allowed in this situation.
The .reserve() operation is normally used together with .push_back() to avoid reallocations, but this is not the case here.
The .size() is not modified if you use .reserve(). You should use .resize() instead.
Alternatively, you can use your copy operation together with .push_back() and .reserve(), but you need to drop the usage of memcpy, and instead use the std::copy together with std::back_inserter, which uses .push_back() to push the elements to the other container:
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&mPacketNumber), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&mPacketNumber) + sizeof(mPacketNumber), std::back_inserter(mPacket))
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data) + dataLength, std::back_inserter(mPacket));
These reinterpret_casts are vexing, but the code still has one advantage - you won't get buffer overrun in case your estimate was too low.
vector, apparently, doesn't count the elements when you call size(). There's a counter variable inside the vector that holds that information, because vector has plenty of memory allocated and can't really know where the end of your data is. It changes counter variable as you add/remove elements using methods of vector object, because they are programmed to do so.
You added data directly to its array pointer, which awakens no reaction of your vector object because it does not use any of its methods. Data is there, but vector doesn't acknowledge it, so counter remains at 0 and size() returns 0.
You should either replace all size() calls with packageLength, or use methods inside your vector to add/remove/read data, or use a dynamically allocated array instead of a vector, or create your own class for containing array and managing it the way you like it. To be honest, using a vector in a situation like this doesn't really make sense.
Vector is a conventional high-level object-oriented component and in most os the cases it should be used that way.
Example of one's own Array class:
If you used your own dynamically allocated array, you'd have to remember its length all the time in order to use it. So lets create a class that will cut us some slack in that. This example has element transfer based on memcpy, and the [] notation works perfectly. It has an original max length, but extends itself when necessary.
Also, this is an in-line class. certain IDEs may ask of you to actually seperate it in header and source file, so you may have to do that yourself.
Add more methods yourself if necessary. When applying this, do not use memcpy unless you're going to change arraySize attribute manually. You've got integrated addFrom and addBytesFrom methods that use memcpy inside (assuming calling array being the destination) and separately increase arraySize. If you do want to use memcpy, setSize method can be used for forcing new array size without modifying the array.
#include <cstring>
//this way you can easily change types during coding in case you change your mind
//more conventional object-oriented method would use templates and generic programming, but lets not complicate too much now
typedef unsigned char type;
class Array {
type *array;
long arraySize;
long allocAmount; //number of allocated bytes
long currentMaxSize; //number of allocated elements
//private call that extends memory taken by the array
bool reallocMore()
//preserve old data
type *temp = new type[currentMaxSize];
memcpy(temp, array, allocAmount);
long oldAmount = allocAmount;
//calculate new max size and number of allocation bytes
currentMaxSize *= 16;
allocAmount = currentMaxSize * sizeof(type);
//reallocate array and copy its elements back into it
delete[] array;
array = new type[currentMaxSize];
memcpy(array, temp, oldAmount);
//we no longer need temp to take space in out heap
delete[] temp;
//check if space was successfully allocated
if(array) return true;
else return false;
Array(bool huge)
if(huge) currentMaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
else currentMaxSize = 1024;
allocAmount = currentMaxSize * sizeof(type);
array = new type[currentMaxSize];
arraySize = 0;
//copy elements from another array and add to this one, updating arraySize
bool addFrom(void *src, long howMany)
//predict new array size and extend if larger than currentMaxSize
long newSize = howMany + arraySize;
if(newSize > currentMaxSize)
bool result = reallocMore();
if(!result) return false;
else break;
//add new elements
memcpy(&array[arraySize], src, howMany * sizeof(type));
arraySize = newSize;
return true;
//copy BYTES from another array and add to this one, updating arraySize
bool addBytesFrom(void *src, long byteNumber)
//predict new array size and extend if larger than currentMaxSize
int typeSize = sizeof(type);
long howMany = byteNumber / typeSize;
if(byteNumber % typeSize != 0) howMany++;
long newSize = howMany + arraySize;
if(newSize > currentMaxSize)
bool result = reallocMore();
if(!result) return false;
else break;
//add new elements
memcpy(&array[arraySize], src, byteNumber);
arraySize = newSize;
return true;
//clear the array as if it's just been made
bool clear(bool huge)
//huge >>> 1MB, not huge >>> 1KB
if(huge) currentMaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
else currentMaxSize = 1024;
allocAmount = currentMaxSize * sizeof(type);
delete[] array;
array = new type[currentMaxSize];
arraySize = 0;
//if you modify this array out of class, you must manually set the correct size
bool setSize(long newSize) {
if(newSize > currentMaxSize)
bool result = reallocMore();
if(!result) return false;
else break;
arraySize = newSize;
//current number of elements
long size() {
return arraySize;
//current number of elements
long sizeInBytes() {
return arraySize * sizeof(type);
//this enables the usage of [] as in yourArray[i]
type& operator[](long i)
return array[i];
mPacket.resize(4 + dataLength); //call this first and copy into, you can get what you want
mPacket.clear(); //empty out the vector
long packetLength = 0; //keep track of packetLength for sending udp strings
memcpy(&mPacket[0], &&mPacketNumber, 4); //4 bytes because it's a long
packetLength += 4; //add 4 bytes to the packet length
memcpy(&mPacket[packetLength], &data, dataLength);
packetLength += dataLength;
udp.send(mPacket, packetLength);

Copy elements of an old array of pointers into new array of pointers?

I need some assistance with a C++ project. What I have to do is remove the given element from an array of pointers. The technique taught to me is to create a new array with one less element and copy everything from the old array into the new one except for the specified element. After that I have to point the old array towards the new one.
Here's some code of what I have already:
I'm working with custom structs by the way...
Data **values = null; // values is initialized in my insert function so it is
// populated
int count; // this keeps track of values' length
bool remove(Data * x) {
Data **newArray = new Data *[count - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
while (x != values[i]) {
newArray[i] = values[i];
count -= 1;
return true;
values = newArray;
return false;
So far the insert function works and outputs the populated array, but when I run remove all it does is make the array smaller, but doesn't remove the desired element. I'm using the 0th element every time as a control.
This is the output I've been getting:
count=3 values=[5,6,7] // initial insertion of 5, 6, 7
five is a member of collection? 0
count=3 values=[5,6] // removal of 0th element aka 5, but doesn't work
five is a member of collection? 0
count=4 values=[5,6,5] // re-insertion of 0th element (which is stored in
five is a member of collection? 0 // my v0 variable)
Could anyone nudge me in the right direction towards completing this?
First of all, your code is leaking memory like no good! Next you only copy the first element and not even that if the first element happens to be the one you want to remove. Also, when you return from your function, you haven't changed your internal state at all. You definitely want to do something along the lines of
Data** it = std::find(values, values + count, x);
if (it != values + count) {
std::copy(it + 1, values + count, it);
return true;
return false;
That said, if anybody taught you to implement something like std::vector<T> involving reallocations on every operation, it is time to change schools! Memory allocations are relatively expensive and you want to avoid them. That is, when implementing something like a std::vector<T> you, indeed, want to implement it like a std::vector<T>! That is you keep an internal buffer of potentially more element than there are and remember how many elements you are using. When inserting a new element, you only allocate a new array if there is no space in the current array (not doing so would easily result in quadratic complexity even when always adding elements at the end). When removing an element, you just move all the trailing objects one up and remember that there is one less object in the array.
Try this:
bool remove(Data * x)
bool found = false;
// See if x is in the array.
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (x != values[i]) {
found = true;
if (!found)
return false;
// Only need to create the array if the item to be removed is present
Data **newArray = new Data *[count - 1];
// Copy the content to the new array
int newIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (x != values[i])
newArray[newIndex++] = values[i];
// Now change the pointers.
delete[] values;
values = newArray;
return true;
Note that there's an underlying assumption that if x is present in the array then it's there only once! The code will not work for multiple occurrences, that's left to you, seeing as how this is a school exercise.

Filling a string buffer when using Ocilib

I'm using Ocilib to perform a bulk insert on a Oracle database but I'm having some trouble while filling a string buffer.
The documentation says:
For string/RAW arrays, the input array
MUST BE a contiguous block of data and
not an array of pointers. So to bind
an array of 10 elements for a
varchar2(30) column, binded variable
must be a like array[10][31]
And a sample proceeds to fill a buffer like this:
char tab_str[1000][21];
OCI_BindArrayOfStrings(st, ":s", (char*) tab_str, 20, 0);
sprintf(tab_str[i],"Name %d",i+1);
I'm trying to fill the string buffer while looping through a std::vector of MyClass. MyClass has a std::string member.
I'm trying to use the std::string::copy method to copy over the string contents to the buffer. But I don't know exactly how to index the buffer to do it.
OCI_BindArrayOfStrings(st, ":f2", NULL, VCHAR_SIZE, 0);
char** vc_buffer = (char**)OCI_BindGetData(OCI_GetBind(st, 2));
int i = 0;
for(vector<MyClass>::const_iterator it = myVec.begin(); it != myVec.end(); ++it)
/* 1st try */ it->m_string.copy((vc_buffer + (i * VCHAR_SIZE)), VCHAR_SIZE);
/* 2nd try */ it->m_string.copy(vc_buffer[i], VCHAR_SIZE);
The first way gives me buggy data in the database. The second makes me hit a null pointer.
What I'm doing wrong?
The second approach, along the approach proposed by Alessandro Vergani below, results in null strings inserted. The first approach gives this (somewhat bizarre) result:
The gvim window shows what it's supposed to look like, the apex screen shows what ends up in the database.
std::vector<char> tab_str(myVec.size() * (VCHAR_SIZE + 1));
OCI_BindArrayOfStrings(st, ":s", &tab_str[0], VCHAR_SIZE, 0);
int offset = 0;
for(vector<MyClass>::const_iterator it = myVec.begin(); it != myVec.end(); ++it, offset += VCHAR_SIZE)
it->m_string.copy(&tab_str[offset], VCHAR_SIZE);
I'm not sure you need to add the null terminator: if not, remove the -1 from the copy and remove the second line.