input cascade could not be found/opened - c++

Guyss I need your help!!!. I am making my own haarcascade.xml file for vehicle detection using haartraining function in opencv . Anyway I stopped my training at 9th stage and following files created.
all these are xml files
Then i compiled convert_cascade.c in opencv sample folder and got the .exe file to get the final xml file from those created xml files files . Then I gave parameters like this in cmd (after entering the project folder)
convert_cascade --size="40x40" file_path_to_created xml files vehicle.xml
to that exe file and it says "input cascade could not be found/opened". I searched all over the internet but not found any working solution. Tell me how to solve this problem.
Note- I compiled convert_cascade.c(not in opencv derectory. in another directory) as c++ file in vs 2010 environment(opencv linked) and it built successfully.
My OS is windows 7.
opencv 2.4.8.
tell me if something unclear in my question. I will edit them

it seems, you aborted the training (pressed Ctrl^c), thus the cascade.xml was not generated.
no worries, just restart your cmdline for the opencv_traincascade tool in the same way, and with the same args as you did before, just with -stage 9 . (maybe even 8, the last stage might be corrupted from the abort).
this should try to finish the training at the last stage, and generate a cascade.xml in the data folder.
then use that as argument to generate your vehicle.xml:
convert_cascade --size="40x40" data\cascade.xml vehicle.xml


Error while building WSO2 Microgateway project on Windows 10

I’ve been trying to explore WSO2 Microgateway and set up a Microgateway project. Building the project in Windows 10 with the command “micro-gw build project-name” is giving this error: “Could not find or load main class org.wso2.apimgt.gateway.cli.cmd.Main”.
I’ve downloaded the Toolkit and Runtime from I've set the Path environment variable to the /bin directory of the Toolkit and Runtime extracted folders, but still the “micro-gw build project-name” command is giving error “Could not find or load main class org.wso2.apimgt.gateway.cli.cmd.Main”. I’ve also cloned the source code from Github ( which has the class and tried setting environment variables to its path.
I also tried setting the environment variables to the path where Toolkit batch file is present. I also followed the steps mentioned here,
I'm assuming the Toolkit batch file (micro-gw) would execute the class coming up in the error.
These steps did not resolve the error. I'm new to Java based product, and I'm sure I'm missing something here.
Problem is with the init command not the build command. Init command is suppose to setup the TOOLKIT after the first use. It should extract the file and copy all of the required resources to relevant places for you.
I hope you get the Project ___ successfully initialized message after running the init command. Just check $TOOLKIT_HOME/logs/ directory to see if there are any information on the log file.
If the log file also doesn't help, as a workaround, copy all the .jar files inside $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/gateway/platform and $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/gateway/cli to $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/platform/bre/lib and try again, that should work.
Also please report this issue at

Generating working CHM files using Doxygen and GraphViz (Invalid .hhc file?)

I'm in the middle of documenting my C++ GUI library and I just started using Doxygen. I've got two test files that are documented now, but I have problems when trying to generate the CHM help files. Doxygen runs without error, and dot appears to be functioning correctly to generate images.
However, it appears the resulting .hhc, .hhk, and .hhp files are broken in some way. index.hhc and index.hhk are exactly the same and running 'hhc index.hhp' does not work. It returns an error :
HHC6000: Error: An internal file could not be created. Make certain there is enough disk space on the drive where you are compiling your file.
HHC5007: Error: Fatal navigational compilation error. This is likely the result of an invalid contents (.hhc) file.
I have uploaded a zip file of my two test sources, the Doxyfile generated by the Doxy Wizard, and the .hh* files created by doxygen.
Both HTML Help Workshop and GraphViz are on my path.
Do I need to change a setting in the doxyfile? How do I fix this?
Regards, bugsquasher
After taking albert 's advice, everything seemed to magically work. Nothing was really different though.

LNK1104 error when building Rhapsody 7.6.1 component

i'm using the Rhapsody 7.6.1 For C++ with the visual Studio 2010
already installed and set as described on this page:
when trying to build my component i face these two errors:
enter image description here
can you help me please ?
To close this question for those who are following it, after few days of searching and working on this issue, i've noticed that the cause was a damaged ".exe" file whose role is to parse my project's Objects folder and create a text file "objs_files.lst" containing the name of all the generated object files of that folder:
/******objs_files.lst ******/
this file was not created since my "objectfilegenerator.exe" is damaged, so i've created a small c++ .exe to do that job ==> as a result both errors are solved.

Visual Studio 2010 run .exe from command line vs run (f5) debug

I am new to c++ and am making a very simple program. All my program does is call a function from the main function, which reads in a text file and returns. To check that I am reading in the file correctly, I am trying to print out the strings I have read in. The print out (cout) works properly when I run from Visual Studio (f5). However, when I run the executable from command line, none of the print outs from my function show up. Only print outs directly in the main function appear. I cannot find a similar question elsewhere. Any help would be appreciated.
When you run a program from within VC++ the current directory is set to the project directory by default, but the application is by default in a different folder.
E.g. the application may be:
But the project directory may be:
When you start the program from outside of VC++ you need to take steps to make sure the current directory is correct, or that the executable and any data files it refers to are in the same folder.
The default working directory for an IDE-launched project in Visual Studio is the project folder. This is the folder where you project file resides (the .vcproj or .vcprojx file is the project file).
If the data file you are reading is in the same folder, code like this:
std::ifstream inf("datafile.txt");
will succeed because the current working folder and the folder where the data file resides are the same.
However, if you switch to where the executable was written (typically this is the project-dir/Debug or project-dir/Release folders) and run the same executable from a command-shell, the data file will not be found.
To test this is the case. Do the following:
Open a command prompt.
Switch to the project folder where your data file resides.
Run the executable with a specified path: ./Debug/YourProgram.exe, for example.
Note: you can avoid this by having the program take the data file name as an argv[] parameter. Then your program will simply use whatever file you tell it to at launch-time.

Problems building geocommons geocoder

I've downloaded the geocommons/geocoder source and have one small sample TigerLine zip file from the census site saved into /opt/tiger/
I've tried to run the tiger_import tool on this file with the command:
build/tiger_import /opt/tiger/geocoder.db /opt/tiger
with all of the prerequisite gems installed, specifically: Text, fastercsv and sqlite3-ruby gems as well as running make and make install.
However, when I execute tiger_import, I get the error:
ls: /opt/tiger/*/*/tl_* No such file or directory
although there seems to be a geocoder.db file created in /opt/tiger.
Does any have better information on the steps necessary to build the tiger lines data with the geocoder?
The script expects a directory structure more like the 2009 data:
Under your tiger directory, you'll need one state (01_ALABAMA, for instance) and one county (01001_Autauga_County), and inside that you'll need the,, and files.
It's true: the 2010 data isn't set up this way (there's a giant directory for each shape type, and a file for each county in those directories) but the import script isn't set up to use the 2010 data as it's written now. Given the way the script is set up, you might have less heartache using the 2009 data until the import scripts get updated for the 2010 data. Or until the 2010 all gets published.