LNK1104 error when building Rhapsody 7.6.1 component - c++

i'm using the Rhapsody 7.6.1 For C++ with the visual Studio 2010
already installed and set as described on this page: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21511885
when trying to build my component i face these two errors:
enter image description here
can you help me please ?

To close this question for those who are following it, after few days of searching and working on this issue, i've noticed that the cause was a damaged ".exe" file whose role is to parse my project's Objects folder and create a text file "objs_files.lst" containing the name of all the generated object files of that folder:
/******objs_files.lst ******/
this file was not created since my "objectfilegenerator.exe" is damaged, so i've created a small c++ .exe to do that job ==> as a result both errors are solved.


How to properly delete projects in PlatformIO?

I use PlatformIO with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
Now whenever I:
create a Project with a name X
close Visual Studio Code
delete the Project folder X
open Visual Studio Code
create a new Project with the same name X
I get an empty project with a main.cpp file as expected, but the IDE shows an error for the line:
#include <Arduino.h>
The Error says: "Include Error recognised. Update your includePath." (Translated)
However, if I try to build, it compiles just fine. Even uploading and running works.
This include error appears not only with Arduino.h but with all includes, even if the file is in the exact same location. And it appears in other files than just main.cpp as well.
Can you tell me why this happens? How can I reuse the project names of deleted projects? Or If I should not delete projects like this (delete the project folder), how else would I delete a project?
I tried this with multiple project names and different boards, always with the same result.
Things I tried so far:
I found a Folder .cache in the PIO directory. But unfortunately renaming it (after step 3) did not help: after restarting PIO it recreated the folder as expected but the error message is still here.
In the same location there is a file homestate.json that among other things contains the path to recently opened projects. I removed those entries without luck.
I am just starting out with VSCoode and PlatformIO so i can't tell you why all of what you are seeing is happening is happening.
I use VSCode v1.63.0 on Windows 10.
If you want to delete the old project name, reuse it or not, you can bring up the Command Palette under the View menu (Shift-Control-P for me) and search for Workspace: Remove Folder from Workspace...., it will only be listed if you have projects in the workspace. A list of projects will be displayed, selected which one to delete and click on it. There will not be a confirmation prompt.

Error on loading an existing project in Visual Studio 2008

When trying to load an existing project on Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 I get the following error
The following error has occurred during XML parsing:
File: C:\pathTo.vcproj
Line: 49501
Column: 6
Error Message:
System error: -2147154682
The line where it fails is on a moc file that doesn't exists because as a moc file it will get generated during the build. The weird thing is that there are several moc files in other projects but not all of them fail to load only certain ones.
Thanks to Anon Mail's comment, I figured out what was needed.
I am not providing a full explanation of the answer because I don't fully understand the black magic behind it but here's what I did to fix my problem:
Make a copy of the incriminated .vcproj file :)
Manually change the .vcproj file and remove all the files (in my case all the mocs) that fails to load as Anon Mail suggested.
The project should then be loaded correctly
Once loaded close Visual Studio and restore the previous .vcproj file
Open up your solution and it should be fine.
Again, I don't really understand why it works this way but I hope this may help someone else in the future.

Cannot compile resource for application manifest in C++ Builder 2006

I am trying to add the application manifest to a program built with C++Builder 2006, by following this article.
(The manifest is to obtain admin rights for my program, which contains "setup" in his name and so it triggers the “This program may not have installed correctly” warning).
I have the MyApp_Setup.exe.manifest in the project folder, along with the MyApp_Setup1.rc file, which is present in the project.
When i try to build, i get:
[RC Fatal Error] MyApp_Setup1.rc(1): File creation failed
What i'm doing wrong, or what should I do?
question edited 'cause i messed up the filenames and the output error didn't matched
Found the problem.
In the project options I always set an "_obj" output folder, but the resource compiler WANTS an existing "debug_build" folder to write the .res file.
It don't create the directory, hence the error in the file creation.
If i remove the "Obj" option, or once you have the "Debug_Build" folder present, everything compiles.

input cascade could not be found/opened

Guyss I need your help!!!. I am making my own haarcascade.xml file for vehicle detection using haartraining function in opencv . Anyway I stopped my training at 9th stage and following files created.
all these are xml files
Then i compiled convert_cascade.c in opencv sample folder and got the .exe file to get the final xml file from those created xml files files . Then I gave parameters like this in cmd (after entering the project folder)
convert_cascade --size="40x40" file_path_to_created xml files vehicle.xml
to that exe file and it says "input cascade could not be found/opened". I searched all over the internet but not found any working solution. Tell me how to solve this problem.
Note- I compiled convert_cascade.c(not in opencv derectory. in another directory) as c++ file in vs 2010 environment(opencv linked) and it built successfully.
My OS is windows 7.
opencv 2.4.8.
tell me if something unclear in my question. I will edit them
it seems, you aborted the training (pressed Ctrl^c), thus the cascade.xml was not generated.
no worries, just restart your cmdline for the opencv_traincascade tool in the same way, and with the same args as you did before, just with -stage 9 . (maybe even 8, the last stage might be corrupted from the abort).
this should try to finish the training at the last stage, and generate a cascade.xml in the data folder.
then use that as argument to generate your vehicle.xml:
convert_cascade --size="40x40" data\cascade.xml vehicle.xml

Using git for VS2010 project: Can't add file *.opensdf

I'm using git to track a C++ project in VS2010. I'm using ignore patterns found on stackoverflow, which usually do not exclude the *.opensdf file. Unfortunately, when trying to commit the file, I get the following error:
error: open("foo.opensdf"): Permission denied
error: unable to index file foo.opensdf
fatal: adding files failed
Why do I get this error and how can it be avoided? Since I'm quite a newbie with VS2010, what is the use of this file?
*.opensdf is a temporary file opened only while .vcxproj/.sln is loaded to Visual Studio IDE. It should be added to your .gitignore file.
See the accepted answer on this question: What should be contained in a global source code control ignore pattern for Visual Studio 2010?