How can I add a class for category | link_to - bigcartel

I am designing my custom bigcartel theme and I need to add a class to a certain part of code that is automatically inserted with the bigcartel api.
I have this code here for submenu links and it works fine:
{% for category in %}
<li>{{ category | link_to }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Now I need to add a specific class to the links that are being creatred, but I don't understand how. I checked the help site, but I am not sure how to do it, as I only need to add a class. On the help site the definition looks like this:
link_to(item, text, title, id, class, rel)
And the example looks like that:
{{ category | link_to: 'Tees', 'View tees category', 'tees_category', 'categories' }}
Does anyone have an idea how to add only the class, but not necessarily add all of the other stuff like the title, id, etc.?

You can ignore the other parameters just by passing '' instead of a value, like so:
{% for category in %}
<li>{{ category | link_to: '', '', '', 'categories' }}</li>
{% endfor %}
You can also manually build these links if you want, you don't need to follow the example entirely:
{% for category in %}
<li>{{ }}</li>
{% endfor %}


Django querysets. How to prefetch only unique?

class House(Model)
class Flat(Model):
house = ForeignKey(House, related_name="houses")
owner = ForeignKey(User)
class User(Model)
queryset = User.objects.prefetch_related(
Prefetch("flats", queryset=Flat.objects.select_related("houses"))
And then flats:
{% for flat in user.flats.all %}
<p>№ {{ flat.number }}, {{ }}</p>
{% endfor %}
It's fine. But for houses I need only unique ones
{% for flat in user.flats.all %}
<p>House {{ }}</p>
{% endfor %}
But this template gives me ALL houses, with duplicates.
How can I avoid duplicates, any ideas? I tried .distinct() but it's dosen't work, looks like I using distinct() wrong or etc.
It seems you may end up with duplicate houses if a user is the owner of multiple flats, which are all in the same house. To get all houses that the user is related to via Flats, you can use a different query, starting with House so that you can use distinct:
distinct_houses = House.objects.filter(flats__owner=user).distinct()
The above returns one House object for each flat where the user is an owner, and makes sure you don't have duplicates. (Note that the above assumes the related_name is changed to flats for house = ForeignKey(House, related_name="flats"), since "houses" as the related_name seems like a typo to relate back to the Flat model.)
Alternatively, you could do something in-memory in Python, if you still also need to know all Flats via your original queryset = User.objects.prefetch_related(...) and don't want an additional query. Like:
distinct_houses = { for flat in user.flats.all()}
Side note: it looks like you have a typo in needing to use Flat.objects.select_related('house') rather than Flat.objects.select_related('houses') based on the Foreign Key field name being house.
Only found solution with template filters.
queryset = User.objects.filter(status="ACTIVE").prefetch_related(
Prefetch("flats", queryset=Flat.objects.select_related("house"))
With this I can get all flats for each user:
{% for user in object_list %}
{% for flat in user.flats.all %}
{{ flat.number }}, {{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
And I am using template filter to get unique houses.
{% for user in object_list %}
{% for flat in user.flats.all|get_unique_houses %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
def get_unique_houses(value):
return value.distinct('house')

How to filter a ManyToMany field from django template?

I have a model named Universities in which there is a ManyToMany field named bookmarks associated with User model. In template file, I have looped through all the universities {% for university in universities %} and I am trying to show a bookmark icon based on the logged in user has bookmarked that specific university or not. However, it seems like I can not filter the query in template directly. How do I do that?
Don't name your models with plural names. "universities" should be "university" because every instance of the model represents a single university.
You can access one to many and many to many relationships in the templates. How you do that depends if you have assigned a related_name to the relationship.
Let me show you an example:
class University(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
bookmarks = models.ManyToManyField(Bookmark, on_delete="models.CASCADE", related_name="universities")
Then you pass a list of all university models to the template:
class MyView(View):
def get(self, request):
context = { 'universities' : University.objects.all() }
return render(request, "mytemplate.html", context)
And finally you access all that you need from the template. This part is slightly tricky but not too much.
{% for university in universities %}
{% for bookmark in university.bookmarks.all %}
{{ bookmark }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
If you were to instead pass to the template a list of Bookmark instances, then you would have used the related_name stated in our example.
So like this:
{% for bookmark in bookmarks %}
{% for university in bookmark.universities.all %}
{{ university }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
If you didn't specify a related_name, then you can access the same data using the _set convention:
{% for bookmark in bookmarks %}
{% for university in bookmark.university_set.all %}
{{ university }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Django: one-to-many relationship and reverse lookup

i have a Problem which i am unsure what the most django/pythonic way to solve it would be.
I have the following models:
class Order(models.Model):
ord_someinformation = models.CharField(max_length=10)
class Articles(models.Model):
myFK = models.ForeignKey(Order)
detail_article= models.CharField(max_length=10)
so every Order can have multiple Order_Details think about it like a shopping basket where i have an Order and within it i have multiple articles.
I want to iterate over the orders and the articles within the template. I thought about something like.
myOrder = Order.objects.("" i have no idea what to put here "")
within the template i thought about something like this:
{% for order in myOrder %}
{{ order.ord_someinformation }}
{% for articles in order.articles %}
{{ detail_article }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
is this possible?
If so how ?
I don't know why you think you need to put anything there. You just want to send all the orders to the template, then iterate through them their articles there.
myOrder = Order.objects.all()
{% for order in myOrder %}
{{ order.ord_someinformation }}
{% for article in order.articles_set.all %}
{{ article.detail_article }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

Django : How to hide a variable in a template

I have a template with a tree
Ceramic Composite Metals general
I want to hide general
I wrote
{% for category in object_list %}
{% if category != "general" %}
<li class="closed"><span class="folder"><a >{{ category }}</a></span></li>
{% endif %}
it does not work
What is the error
In the template, {{ category }} is interpreted as Category.__str__() and a string is displayed.
But in {% if category != "general" %}, category is an object that will always be different to the String "general". What you want to do is: {% if != "general" %}
Also, note that if you don't use categories named "general" in this template, you should filter them out when querying the db. It will be more efficient.

what is the right way to query a manytomany field in django

so i have a model which is,
class Category(SmartModel):
title=models.CharField(max_length=64,help_text="Title of category e.g BreakFast")
description=models.CharField(max_length=64,help_text="Describe the category e.g the items included in the category")
#show_description=check box if description should be displayed
#active=check box if category is still avialable
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s %s %s %s " % (self.item,self.title, self.description, self.display_order)
and as you may see, it has a manytomany field
i want to return all the items in a template, here is my for this
def menu(request):
categorys= Category.objects.all()
items= categorys.all().prefetch_related('item')
return render_to_response('menu.html',context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
here is how am doing it in the templates,
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item.item }}
{% endfor %}
after all this,this is what it is returning in my web page,
<django.db.models.fields.related.ManyRelatedManager object at 0xa298b0c>
what am i doing wrong,I have really looked around but all in vain, hoping you can help me out and thanking you in advance
Exactly, you have a many to many manager. You need to actually query something... like all()
{% for item in items %}
{% for i in item.item.all %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Based on your variable naming, I think you're confusing the results of prefetch_related as a bunch of items. It is in fact returning a QuerySet of Category objects.
So it would be more intuitive to call them categories.
{% for category in categories %}
{% for item in category.item.all %}
{{ item }} {# ...etc #}
Try to use:
categorys= Category.objects.prefetch_related('item').all()
And then in template:
{% for category in categorys %}
{% for item in category.item.all %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}