How to Pass Username and Password using POSTMAN - Rest Client? - postman

I am a new bee in using POSTMAN - Rest Client - Chrome API
I want to use the Basic Auth which is available in POSTMAN.
I am trying to login into my Google account at url - "".
I provided my Username & Password in the Basic Auth and I had tried GET and POST.
I got a Status 200 OK which loads me the home page but it is not logged in.
I know that i need to change the url, but i am not able to find the correct one which to use?
It would be helpful if #examples are provided for the Different Types of Auth Provided as well.

The link you have provided is deprecated. I don't know if the Gmail API allowed Basic Auth at the time you asked the question, but right now it needs OAuth 2.0, as indicated in the opening lines here.
The correct url is, and this link explains how to supply the parameters.

If I remember correctly, Google stopped allowing http clients(like Postman) accessing its APIs through Basic Auth one year back or more. Now, Google allowing its APIs to be accessed using OAuth 2.0.
For accessing Google APIs, you need to setup an OAuth Application, here
When you create this OAuth Application, Google will generate ClientId and ClientSecret.
With these clientId and clientSecret, you need to generate Access and Refresh Tokens and eventually, you will use these tokens to access Google APIs.
Read more about Google OAuth 2.0 and you will get more information about accessing APIs.


guidance with Dj-rest-auth and implementing google login in flutter app

I have a flutter application with a DRF back end. currently using Dj-rest-auth for regular authentication (token).
I'm at a point where I'd like to implement social authentication (specifically Google).
I searched a few resources but still don't quite get the workflow.
my guess is:
you set up your application on google cloud console.
You make a request to get an "access token" to the google auth on the Frontend (in my case flutter)
send that access token to your Back end - django to confirm. which then sends back a regular token for authentication?
Any guidance would be appreciate.
Your guess is accurate.
The exact flow would be to:
Set up API credentials on Google cloud console
Use Sign in with google which gives you an object with a token.
Use the recieved token to hit your dj-rest-auth endpoint for google authentication and mint your own jwt token and return it.
Now, depending on whether your requirement is for flutter or django I could help better with code referrences for it.

How can I authenticate users via social account from mobile app using retrofit2?

I'm trying to connect my website's API and mobile app. I need to authenticate the user with google account but I don't know how to do it.
I created the backend with Django. And I set the endpoint as rest-auth/google/. On the restframework's page, it requires Access Token and Code but honestly I don't get how I can test if it actually works using actual google account.
I want to test from mobile app but I don't understand how and what I need to POST.
Anyone could give me tips?
I would recommend you to use a ready solution like "django-allauth".
If you want to do authentication yourself you might want to read Google's documentation about the topic:
In nutshell you create API credentials:
Send a user to a link with specific parameters (api-credentials, scope, redirect link etc). Google client can help you to generate it.
A user will login in his account as he would normally do and will give your app permissions to use his information (or won't). After that he will be redirected to the link you specified with GET request with a code as a parameter (or error).
With help of Google client you can exchange the code on a token and then use that token to get information from his profile.

How to test client web api on postman

I'm working on BP monitor app and trying to test web APIs according to the documentation with the OAuth 2.0 type authorization. But I'm facing some problems to get validate GET or POST response.
Could you please help me how I can get the response of GET and POST web APIs.
1) In the postman app, you first enter your API endpoint into the URL field.
2) Just to the left of the URL input, there is a dropdown to select whether you'd like to send your request as GET or POST.
3) To the right of the URL input, you can define any extra parameters needed.
These parameters are where you can define specific details needed for your test-case.
Postman also allows you to easily generate OAuth tokens for testing (support for OAuth 1.0a and OAuth2).

Generate an OAuth2 token in a view

Let's say I have an AngularJS application that consumes the REST API of a Django application.
The Django application has got a built-in OAuth2 provider that can be called to retrieve an access token and use the protected endpoints of the API. This provider is using django-oauth-toolkit.
Let's assume there is a registered client with "password" grant type, so that the end users only need to provide their credentials in the front-end in order to get an access token from the back-end.
At some point we want to add some support for social networks login and we decide to use python-social-auth (PSA) to that end. Here is the workflow I want to achieve:
The user logs in on Facebook from the front-end (via the Facebook SDK) and we get an access token back from the OAuth2 provider of Facebook.
We send the Facebook token to an endpoint of our REST API. This endpoint uses the Facebook token and django-social-auth to authenticate the user in our Django application (basically matching a Facebook account to a standard account within the app).
If the authentication succeeds, the API endpoint requests an access token from the OAuth2 provider for this newly authenticated user.
The Django access token is sent back to the front-end and can be used to access the REST API in exactly the same way that a regular user (i.e. logged in with his credentials) would do.
Now my problem is: how do I achieve step 3? I first thought I would register a separate OAuth2 client with Client Credentials Grant but then the generated token is not user-specific so it does not make sense. Another option is to use the TokenAuthentication from DRF but that would add too much complexity to my project. I already have an OAuth server and I don't want to set up a second token provider to circumvent my problem, unless this is the only solution.
I think my understanding of PSA and django-oauth-toolkit is not deep enough to find the best way of reaching my goal, but there must be a way. Help!
I managed to get something working using urllib2. I can't speak towards whether or not this is good practice, but I can successfully generate an OAuth2 token within a view.
Normally when I'd generate an access token with cURL, it'd look like this:
curl -X POST -d "grant_type=password&username=<user_name>&password=<password>" -u"<client_id>:<client_secret>" http://localhost:8000/o/token/
So we're tasked with making urllib2 accomplish this. After playing around for some bit, it is fairly straightforward.
import urllib, urlib2, base64, json
# Housekeeping
token_url = 'http://localhost:8000/auth/token/'
data = urllib.urlencode({'grant_type':'password', 'username':<username>, 'password':<password>})
authentication = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (<client_id>, <client_secret>))
# Down to Business
request = urllib2.Request(token_url, data)
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % authentication)
access_credentials = urllib2.urlopen(request)
json_credentials = json.load(access_credentials)
I reiterate, I do not know if this is in bad practice and I have not looked into whether or not this causes any issues with Django. AFAIK this will do this trick (as it did for me).

Does Google Apps Email Migration API v2 support 2 legged oAuth1?

Does the Google Apps Email Migration API v2 support 2 legged oAuth1?
I've looked at this answer, but I believe it refers to the older version of the Email Migration API: Does Google Apps Email Migration API support 2 legged oAuth?
I have been able to authenticate an Email Migration API request using OAuth1 w/ tokens, but all of my 2 legged OAuth 1 attempts have failed. I have tried including xoauth_requestor_id and it has not had an effect.
There is some hinting in the docs that OAuth1 w/ tokens may be required, but I was hoping to confirm that that is the case.
For example the docs say: "If your application has certain unusual authorization requirements, such as logging in at the same time as requesting data access (hybrid) or domain-wide delegation of authority (2LO), then you cannot currently use OAuth 2.0 tokens. In such cases, you must instead use OAuth 1.0 tokens and an API key."
It seems clear there that "tokens" are referenced, however the word "token" is also used to describe the Authorization request header, so it is less clear that this means OAuth1 request tokens.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The section you are referring to doesn't seem up to date. You can have domain-wide delegation of authority using OAuth 2.0. It's called Service Account. Once authenticated, you do exactly the same that you used to do with 2-legged OAuth 1.0.
Here are the steps you need to get started:
Go to Google Developer Console
Create a project if you don't already have one
Go to APIs & auth --> APIs and activate the Admin SDK
Go to APIs & auth --> Credentials and click CREATE NEW CLIENT ID
Select Service Account and click Create Client ID
Download the p12 private key file (and keep it safe !)
Go to your Google Apps Admin Panel
Go to Security --> Advanced Settings --> Manage OAuth Client Access (Direct URL:
Enter the Client Id you just created along with the scopes you'll need, separated with commas (In your case,
Go to your favorite language client library documentation and find how to authenticate using the private key file you downloaded earlier and also impersonate your domain users.
Hope that helps.