Does Google Apps Email Migration API v2 support 2 legged oAuth1? - google-admin-sdk

Does the Google Apps Email Migration API v2 support 2 legged oAuth1?
I've looked at this answer, but I believe it refers to the older version of the Email Migration API: Does Google Apps Email Migration API support 2 legged oAuth?
I have been able to authenticate an Email Migration API request using OAuth1 w/ tokens, but all of my 2 legged OAuth 1 attempts have failed. I have tried including xoauth_requestor_id and it has not had an effect.
There is some hinting in the docs that OAuth1 w/ tokens may be required, but I was hoping to confirm that that is the case.
For example the docs say: "If your application has certain unusual authorization requirements, such as logging in at the same time as requesting data access (hybrid) or domain-wide delegation of authority (2LO), then you cannot currently use OAuth 2.0 tokens. In such cases, you must instead use OAuth 1.0 tokens and an API key."
It seems clear there that "tokens" are referenced, however the word "token" is also used to describe the Authorization request header, so it is less clear that this means OAuth1 request tokens.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The section you are referring to doesn't seem up to date. You can have domain-wide delegation of authority using OAuth 2.0. It's called Service Account. Once authenticated, you do exactly the same that you used to do with 2-legged OAuth 1.0.
Here are the steps you need to get started:
Go to Google Developer Console
Create a project if you don't already have one
Go to APIs & auth --> APIs and activate the Admin SDK
Go to APIs & auth --> Credentials and click CREATE NEW CLIENT ID
Select Service Account and click Create Client ID
Download the p12 private key file (and keep it safe !)
Go to your Google Apps Admin Panel
Go to Security --> Advanced Settings --> Manage OAuth Client Access (Direct URL:
Enter the Client Id you just created along with the scopes you'll need, separated with commas (In your case,
Go to your favorite language client library documentation and find how to authenticate using the private key file you downloaded earlier and also impersonate your domain users.
Hope that helps.


Integrate AWS Cognito with Google Workspace using SAML integration

I have some applications served to my company users on EKS (i.e., Jenkins). In company we use Google Workspaces (GSuite) for email and stuff. So I want to allow users to login with Google creds to those applications I serve. I figured out I could use Cognito to achieve it but I cannot connect those and flow end with Google showing 403. Error: app_not_configured_for_user. In their documentation I can find:
Verify that the value in the saml:Issuer tag in the SAMLRequest matches the Entity ID value configured in the SAML Service Provider Details section in the Admin console. This value is case-sensitive.
but how do I debug it? I do not see a logs from neither AWS and Google sides :/
I think I followed all possible guides and I cannot find what I'm doing wrong. I found that Google has this page but they do not provide exact scenario for AWS Cognito. Anyways all of those are very similar so I guess I shouldn't have problems, but I do have.
What I did:
In Google Admin (one for workspaces) I created "Web and mobile app" of SAML type
I downloaded metadata file
In AWS Cognito console I created User Pool
I created IdP provider and uploaded metadata file there
I created application client
Using those values I filled fields ACS URL and Entity ID in Google Admin using values:
Entity ID: urn:amazon:cognito:sp:us-east-1_myPoolId
I also selected Name ID format to be Persisted
In attribute mapping I mapped email value to
In AWS Cognito I enabled HostedUI and also created mapping of to email field.
And now when I click View Hosted UI in AWS console it will redirect me to Google authentication and after it directly to before mentioned 403 app_not_configured_for_user page.
I tied it 3 times with slightly different configurations of mapping, signed responses, etc. but nothing gets me past that error.
Anyone tried to integrate it?
How to troubleshoot the 403 app_not_configured_for_user error related to SAML apps from the Google Workspace Admin console
The first thing you need to do is to grab a HAR file recording the whole login process and find the SAML request. Steps can be found here.
Once you get the file you can open it using that tool and search for SAMLreq at the top right (see image).
After that you will get a list of values containing information. You will have to check one by one until you find the one that has the SAML request in the request tab (see example below).
Once you get the value from the SAML request, copy it and you can use this tool to do a SAML decode and find the entity ID. You can use Ctrl + F and search for saml:Issuer to find the value faster. If the value does not match, then you know you have an error and you will need to contact the support team from the app to see which value is the correct one.
In case the value matches I would recommend opening a ticket to check with Google.

How to select and work with a particular Provider (OIDC provider) added on Google Could - Identity platform by using server side java code

I have added these 2 identity providers (refer attached images) to Google Cloud -->Identity Platform
OIDC Connect (oidc provider)
Now if you see there is a User section as well under Identity Platform
So I have added some random users which are non gmail users (refer image), like, which I want to authenticate with the help of Google Cloud (it when this user comes to login, I will hit API endpoint /login and in login server side code, I will redirect to Google Cloud to Authenticate this user using OIDC Authorization flow)
I need Java code to :
Using some java code, First choose the provider as OIDC provider (oidc-auth-provider).
Make call to Google Cloud which should use this Provider (oidc-auth-provider)
This oidc-auth-provider should look up the users which I have created under Users section (refer image)
Google Cloud after verifying user exist, should send back with Auth Code
using Auth Code I will call back to Google and get ID token/JWT token
I was referring to this link :
If you search "Signing in users with OAuth" this section on page, that is what exactly I am looking for, but the problem is it has given a UI code example using Firebase API example, to create OAuthProvider instance (which will choose provider), but I need server side code example instead, I am not sure if I can use this Firebase API on server side java code for a web application? Any suggestion that how can I do similar things from a server side Java code?
added Providers under Identity-platform
Added users manually which I wanted to authenticate

Alexa Skill with Azure AD B2C Auth expires after an hour

I am currently building an Alexa skill backed by Azure Functions (.NET Core/C#) and Azure AD B2C for authentication.
For the initial setup, I used mostly used the instructions found in this arcticle. Since, the article was written a couple of years ago, I had to make a few changes. In the end, I landed on the following configuration:
Azure Active Directory B2C
As I mentioned, we are using AAD B2C for authentication. Users of a related application are able to sign-up and sign-in to a React application. The idea is to provide an alternative interface for said users through Alexa intents + utterances.
I created an application for Alexa in AAD B2C with the following settings:
Web App / Web API: Yes
Allow implicit flow: Yes
Reply URLs: I entered the values provided by the Alexa skill setup (e.g.; there are three different ones. I also added one for my azure function app (this is something that could be incorrect. It was part of what I did while diagnosing other earlier problems); it's in the format: (Do I even need this???)
Include native client: No
I generated a single App Key, which I'm using as the Secret in the Account Linking section in the Alexa Developer Console.
Many of the examples online mention setting an explicit expiration date here of 1 or 2 years; however, I am not presented with any options at all (i.e. no expiration option), just the code. Could this be part of the problem???
API Access
In the Published scopes section, the Scope's name is user_impersonation. The description is "Access this app on behalf of the signed-in user". The full scope value is:
For API Access, I have to API entries here:
One that uses the user_impersonation scope mentioned above.
The second, titled "Access the user's profile", uses:
Acquire an id_token for users (openid)
Acquire a refresh_token for users (offline_access)
AAD B2C User Flow
The user flow that I'm using allows signing up and signing in, it utilizes the following configuration:
Enable JavaScript enforcing page layout (preview): On
Token lifetime
Access & ID token lifetimes (minutes): 60
Refresh token lifetime (days): 14
Refresh token sliding window lifetime: "Bounded".
Lifetime length (days): 90
Token compatibility settings
Issuer (iss) claim: https://<domain>/<b2c-tenant-guid>
Subject (sub) claim: ObjectID
Claim representing user flow: tfp
Session behavior
Web app session lifetime (minutes): 1440
Web app session timeout: Rolling
Single sign-on configuration: Tenant
Require ID Token in logout requests: No
Azure Function Authentication Middleware
For the authentication layer within the Azure Function, I'm utilizing the method described in the article mentioned above.
Alexa Developer Console
On the Alexa side of things, I have a really simple skill setup with the following settings:
My endpoint uses the HTTPS option with the default region set to the fully-qualified HTTPS endpoint of my Azure Function App's handler function.
The certificate set to "My development endpoint is a sub-domain of a domain that has a wildcard ..."
Account Linking
The account linking settings are as outlined below:
Do you allow uses to create an account or link to ...: Toggled On
Allow users to enable skill without account linking: Toggled On
Allow users to link their account to your skill from within your application or website: Toggled Off
Auth Code Grant: On
Authorization URI:<sign-in-user-flow-policy-name>
Access Token URI:<sign-in-user-flow-policy-name>
Your Client ID: AAD B2C App GUID
Your Secret: Key generated in App settings in AAD B2C for my Alexa Skill App (mentioned in the AAD B2C setup info above).
Your Authentication Scheme: HTTP Basic
Scope: openid and
Domain List: and Note: This is probably wrong as I didn't know what to put here. The article above doesn't mention this setting at all
Default Access Token Expiration Time: 3600
Note: The Alexa Redirect URLS at the bottom are what I put in AAD B2C for the Reply URL section.
The Problem
Now for the most important part, The Problem. Everything seems to work at first...I'm able to go to and utilize Link Account (which redirects me to and from my AAD B2C-driven login screen). Once I link accounts, I'm able to successfully utilize an utterance and receive a reply.
The problems starts when I wait an hour (I believe it's an hour). Attempting to initiate the Intent after an hour yields an error on the Azure Function app side of things when it tries to validate the Auth Token.
Can anyone provide me some guidance as to what I may have setup incorrectly or at least some things that I should look into? As I mentioned at the start of this question, many of the references that I'm finding online are out-of-date and do not cover all of the settings that I'm expected to utilize. Many of them are still using authority vs.
At a glance, I would assume that the problem is that the Alexa skill is failing to refresh its token after it expires after an hour. What do I need to do to ensure that it refreshes correctly?
I think that I have enough information at this point to go ahead and answer my own question. What I found was that the offline_access scope is necessary for Token Refresh to be possible.
Per Microsoft, "The offline_access scope gives your app access to resources on behalf of the user for an extended time. On the consent page, this scope appears as the "Maintain access to data you have given it access to" permission. When a user approves the offline_access scope, your app can receive refresh tokens from the Microsoft identity platform token endpoint. Refresh tokens are long-lived. Your app can get new access tokens as older ones expire.".
You can read more about it here.
To resolve the issue, I ensured that this scope was available in AAD B2C and added it as a referenced scope in the Alexa developer console.
Thanks for giving insight on offline_access. It took few hours to figure out how to implement offline_access. Interestingly offline_access works only with Azure AD, OAuth 1.0 endpoint and not with 2.0.
While trying with 2.0 it kept failing while account linking when multiple scopes were mentioned in Alexa configurations. The scopes I tried were as follows.
Finally I ended up working with OAuth 1.0 endpoint and using the scope https://samplealexabackendapi/.default which considers all scopes available to the app registered.

wso2 API manager for authorsation and authentication of a web application

I have a web app where front end layer has a angular based UI.It has both public pages and other private pages which are accessible to logged in users and it depends on roles of the logged in users as well
My server based application is a java based rest service api .
How can i use wso2 for handle user authenticaiton and role based authorsation.i would like to have an additional layer of api security depending on the role of the user as well.
can someone explain the best architecture for this in wso2?
if i use wso2 api manager , how can i handle login's of the user and how to relate api access with role of the logged in user?
thanks in advance
you can use wso2 appmanager to control the access of any web apps[1]. App manager supports role based access control as well as xacml policy based access control . In order to provide api level role based security you can use scopes[2] in wso2 api manager
Let me suggest another solution. I haven't tried this with APIM. But since APIM also has Identity features installed in it, this should work.
Use OpenID Connect for login. See here for a sample. This sample is for IS, but it should work for APIM too. Only endpoint URLs are different in APIM like this.
Token: https://localhost:8243/token
Revoke: https://localhost:8243/revoke
Authorize: https://localhost:8243/authorize
There, when a user login, you get an ID_token which contains user claims. You can allow/deny page views depending on those data.
In above step, you create an SP and generate a client key-secret pair. You can set the same keys in APIM's application. Read this.
Then, as I mentioned here, you can use scopes to secure your APIs by roles.

How to Pass Username and Password using POSTMAN - Rest Client?

I am a new bee in using POSTMAN - Rest Client - Chrome API
I want to use the Basic Auth which is available in POSTMAN.
I am trying to login into my Google account at url - "".
I provided my Username & Password in the Basic Auth and I had tried GET and POST.
I got a Status 200 OK which loads me the home page but it is not logged in.
I know that i need to change the url, but i am not able to find the correct one which to use?
It would be helpful if #examples are provided for the Different Types of Auth Provided as well.
The link you have provided is deprecated. I don't know if the Gmail API allowed Basic Auth at the time you asked the question, but right now it needs OAuth 2.0, as indicated in the opening lines here.
The correct url is, and this link explains how to supply the parameters.
If I remember correctly, Google stopped allowing http clients(like Postman) accessing its APIs through Basic Auth one year back or more. Now, Google allowing its APIs to be accessed using OAuth 2.0.
For accessing Google APIs, you need to setup an OAuth Application, here
When you create this OAuth Application, Google will generate ClientId and ClientSecret.
With these clientId and clientSecret, you need to generate Access and Refresh Tokens and eventually, you will use these tokens to access Google APIs.
Read more about Google OAuth 2.0 and you will get more information about accessing APIs.