ELI5 how to install an external library like curl? - c++

Hi guys I've been coding in C/C++ for a little while now but I'm struggling to install external librarys. As an example I wanted to install and use curl but I apparently have no clue what I'm doing. If anyone could be kind enough to go step by step on how to install it/other libraries it would be amazing.
Thank you!
edit: I am using mingw and codeblock

If using Visual Studio: cURL NuGet
I just found out today at my job that Visual C++ supports Nuget, and used it to load the Boost C++ Library a piece at a time (using only the pieces I needed) ... huge time saver ...


How to include the library libgeotiff to my C++ projekt in Visual Studio

I'm trying to work on my frist c++ App and would like to include the library libgeotiff:
I just downloaded Visual Studio and created a new projekt:
Next, I downloaded the libraries libgeotiff (link above) and PROJ (link) from github.com and put them next to my project.
I also downloaded the library "libtiff" from the following link and Installed the newest version of sqlite3 (I hope I installed it correctly).
What do I have to do in order to use the library libgeotiff? Do I need to install all the libraries I have downloaded somehow? How do I install them? How do I "import" them into my project after installation? When can I write #inlcude <geotiff.h> into my code?
After spending hours on the internet trying to figure out how it works I feel overwhelmed. I have the impression, that there are dozens of ways to include the libraries but none of them seem to work for me. Could someone write a short step by step guide?

Installing curlpp library

I need your help in installing the curlpp library. I'm still a newbie to C++ and haven't installed any external libraries yet, I browsed around for quite some time but could only find installation wizards or compilers or automated processes. I want to know how to do it manually. Like fully, you go in File Explorer and put all the source code in by yourself. I want to code specifically in Visual Studio Code.
Thanks for you help!!

How to install ZeroMQ for C++ using VS2015 community

I am trying to learn networking in windows in C++ (specifically for making a very simple mmo server).
I was reading about cross-platform-ness and socket complexity and came accross both protobuf and zeroMQ quite a lot.
After reading about zeroMQ I decided it makes sense for an mmo server.
So i went over to the zeroMQ website and downloaded the msi installer. I ran it, and now i'm stuck.
I don't quite understand what the MSI did... Did it plop a zeroMQ.dll in system32? Di I still need to get the C++ binding? Basically, how do you install zeromq for C++?
P.S. extra points if someone shows me how to do it with Nuget. I guess that's why I don't know how to install libraries manually, I always use Nuget...
Nuget does have a package for ZeroMQ, but that seems to be only for C# currently.
The MSI you installed contains Python binding for ZeroMQ, and is installed for the selected python version in the installer.
For C++, they have pre-build binaries on their download page.
However, these libraries are build with an older version of Visual Studio, which are not compatible with Visual Studio 2015. If you want to use ZeroMQ, i'm afraid you are going to have to build the library your self.
When you have successfully build ZeroMQ, you can follow their guide to get a feeling of how to use it. Or you can add the C++ bindings which has a pretty and easy-to-use interface.

Compiling cairo (cairomm) on Windows

I'm trying to compile cairo into a lib file using Mingw. I've downloaded the cairo, cairomm, and pixman source packages, but I can't figure out where to go from here. The INSTALL help file talks about a bunch of scripts that I can't seem to run or even find ('./configure', 'make', 'make install'). Googling the issue is bringing up nothing helpful.
I feel like this is a noobish question to ask. I've only recently started getting into the C++ side of programming (coming from Java/C#), and this is the first time I've had to compile an external library before using it. The shocking lack of explanations on the process makes me wonder if there was some chapter of a tutorial somewhere I was supposed to read that makes this whole process a complete no-brainer.
I think this project isn't supporting building with Mingw.
There are build instructions here for building with Visual Studio (which can be downloaded for free as the Visual Studio Express Edition from MS Website: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-US/products/visual-studio-express-vs
Build instructions here:
It's probably possible to make this work for MingW, but you will have to make it work yourself, which may be a bit of a long step for someone who is new to compilers and build scripts in general.

OpenCV problems with Netbeans and Cygwin

I have tried today for five hours to install OpenCV and run a simple program to check that it works. I have not been able to do this despite looking at several tutorials and youtube video's. Could anyone tell me firstly if there is a difference between using cygwin or mingw? Why is it so hard to link the OpenCV libraries to netbeans. I love the IDE but will have to use Visual Studio if I cant get it working tomorrow. I have not been able to find a tutorial that references opencv2.4.6 which is the latest version and netbeans 7.4. For anyone interested the cygwin version I down loaded was 1.7.25. The main problem I am having is finding out how to correctly link the OpenCV headers etc to netbeans. If anyone has made a record of how to do this then sharing it would be great. Maybe I'm going wrong with the system variables I'm just not sure. As said any help or directions to up to date tutorials would be a great help. I love Netbeans and want to keep using it.
I stumbled across this post while trying to set up OpenCV with Netbeans 7.4 on windows 7.
After finally getting everything to work I wrote this guide: OpenCV Netbeans C++ setup guide
I was able to get all the libraries linked. Also the clean/Build and run works for my C++ opencv 2.4.7 app from netbeans 7.4. Hope this can help anyone else who might want to use Netbeans for OpenCV coding.