How to compile source code separately in c++ - c++

I hope someone could help me address this fundamental problem that I have been trying to tackle for the last two weeks.
I have a solution that contains 4 projects, some libraries that the project files depend on. In each of these project, a copy of logic.cpp file has been included and it contains a long list of logic which in pseudo codes looks like this:
BOOL myLogic(){
case 1:
case 2:
case 20:
For project #1, it generates an exe of the tool. While for project #2, it generates the dll version of the tool that I'm building and the other 2 projects, they act as utility files for my tool. If you notice there are like 20 cases that the logic can run into and it is pretty massive.
So, my problem now is that all these source codes are being compiled into my single exe or dll even when some of these case may not even be reached when deployed in some scenarios. What I want to achieve is to break this switch case and compile 20 different sets of exe and dll. So
1) The application has a smaller footprint.
2) The sources could be protected to a certain extent when reverse engineered.
Hence, I would like to seek advise from the community on how do I go about solving this problem, if I would like to still continue using Visual Studio's inbuilt compilation. (I could build the 20 sets of exe and dll with the "Build Solution").
Thank you and I appreciate any advice. Feel free to clarify if I have not been clear enough in my question.

Create a new project, that compiles into static library. In that project create separate source cpp files for all the 20 functionalities. (Splitting to more source files are just for the sake of maintainability.) Split logic.cpp into the 20 separate files. If there are common code parts, you can create more source files to contain those parts.
Now create 2x20 new projects: 20 exe projects and 20 dll projects. Each of these projects depends on the static library project created in step 1, and all of these projects are nothing but a simple stub for calling exactly one of the functionalities from the common library.
When you build the solution, you will have 20 differently named executables and 20 differently named dlls, for each functionality. If dead code elimination is turned on in the linker, then none of the exes/dlls will contain code that is not required for the specific function.

What about some handwork?
Indroduce some defines for your scenarios or use some standard ones like "_ISDLL"
and encase the cases :-) from which you know they can not be reaches in "#ifdefs"
#ifdef _ISDLL
case x:


Embedding localized satellite dll into exe application

I have a C++ CLR/CLI project, I wonder how to embed a localized satellite dll into my exe application, I found similar solutions but it's for C# projects which is pretty different from my project structure.
Is it possible to embed it directly into the binary?
By the way I'm getting issues with namespaces, it seems my custom namespace is not linked to my localized resource file.
I've been searching for hours to find a solution for a C++ CLR/CLI project which is pretty different comparing with C# projects which apparently comes with Build Action and Custom Tool Namespace all these options we don't have in a CLR/CLI project, it's really important, especially if we have changed Namespaces so we gotta use Resource Logical Name instead. Here's my answer how to solve Namespace issues, this also works for localized resource files linked to satellite dlls.
After your localized satellite dll is generated, include that in your project as Compiled Managed Resource you can set that by opening its file property and setting the Item Type. In projects such as C# you won't find that but something similar like "Embedded Resource". Anyways this is intended to C++ CLR/CLI projects only. If you have changed namespaces, don't forget to set Resource Logical Name of the respective resource file.
Next step is to do some code in order to embed that dll into our exe application, here's a good one for that:
Since C++ CLR/CLI doesn't support lambda expressions we have to do this way:
private: System::Reflection::Assembly^ currentDomainAssemblyResolve(System::Object^ sender, System::ResolveEventArgs^ args) {
System::Reflection::AssemblyName^ assemblyName = gcnew System::Reflection::AssemblyName(args->Name);
System::String^ resourceName = assemblyName->Name + ".dll";
System::IO::Stream^ stream = System::Reflection::Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
array<Byte>^ assemblyData = gcnew array<Byte>((unsigned long) stream->Length);
try {
stream->Read(assemblyData, 0, assemblyData->Length);
} finally {
if (stream != nullptr) delete stream;
return System::Reflection::Assembly::Load(assemblyData);
//Put it in your constructor before InitializeComponent()
MyClass(void) {
AppDomain::CurrentDomain->AssemblyResolve += gcnew System::ResolveEventHandler(this, &MyNameSpace::MyClass::currentDomainAssemblyResolve);
So now it's no longer necessary satellite dlls to load your localized resources.
Use a free application packer to bundle files into a single exe.
This one is free, I use it and it works very well for me.

In Unity3d test scripts, how do I call a static function from another class?

I have two files in a Unity3d project. One is a test script that runs in edit mode. The other is a single class with static functions that I'd like to call from the test scripts.
here's my test script:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections;
public class NewTestScript
public void TestAnotherStaticFunction()
int a = NewBehaviourScript.FunctionUnderTest(1);
int b = 1;
// Use the Assert class to test conditions.
Assert.IsTrue(a == b);
here's my function under test:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// the stupidest function in the world,
/// used to verify tests.
/// </summary>
public static int FunctionUnderTest(int a)
return a;
This gives me the error from the Unity compiler (I'm not building outside of Unity):
Assets/TestS/NewTestScript.cs(12,17): error CS0103: The name `NewBehaviourScript' does not exist in the current context
These are running in edit-mode.
I've tried adding and removing the SuperTestNameSpace namespace from the function under test and the calling code.
I've attempted adding/removing files from the .asmdef file that was autogenerated by unity, although this usually leads to other compile errors.
My previous unit test experience is largely in Visual Studio or VSCode, and I'm trying to get my unity3d test experience to match my prior test environment experiences.
Is there a fundamentally limited functionality in the edit-mode tests, or am I missing something stupid?
Further elaboration on the assemblies involved. It looks like there are two assemblies at play here: Assembly-CSharp.dll contains my code under test and TestS.dll contains my testing code. I believe my questions boils down to: how do I add a reference from the TestS.dll assembly to the Assembly-CSharp.dll. I'd know how to do this in Visual Studio (either via the context menu in VS or directly editing the csproj file), however I don't see how to do it in Unity3d. Any edit I make to the csproj file is frequently overwritten by unity, and while there is a 'references' section in the inspector (see picture) I can't add Assembly-CSharp.dll as a reference.
These are the inspector settings for TestS.asmdef. While there's an option to add references, I can't add a reference to Assembly-CSharp.dll, which is where my code-under-test lives.
Ok, I figured this out. There were two things going on:
Editor tests need to be underneath a folder called editor. It's really annoying that the unity editor doesn't do this for you.
You need to have an assembly definition for the code under test and add a reference from the test code to the newly created assembly definition. This must be done in the Unity editor UI.
by default, unity adds your script code to an assembly called Assembly-CSharp.dll, and, for reasons unknown, this assembly isn't referenced by my edit mode test code. I'm not sure if this is a bug in Unity or if it's by design, but explicitly creating and referencing the assembly definition has cleared things up.
The main issue is currently you are trying to call the
constructor which does not exist...
instead of the method
using SuperTestNameSpace;
or alternatively with the namespace in the call directly
Also make sure the filename matches exactly the class name. So in your case it should be
Note that the .cs is not printed by Unity in the Project view so there it should say NewBehaviourScript.
Why does it not compile with the using SuperTestNameSpace;? What is the error?
If that exception
Assets/TestS/NewTestScript.cs(14,17): error CS0103: The name `NewBehaviourScript' does not exist in the current context
is only shown in VisualStudio but the script compiling fine in Unity especially after adding a new script it helps to simply close and restart VS.
In some cases it also helps to close Unity and VS, remove all files and folders except Assets and ProjectSettings (and if you are under version control anything that belongs to it like e.g. .git, .gitignore, .gitattributes etc) in particular delete the Library, .vs folder and all .csproj and .sln files.
Than open Unity again and let it recompile everything.
Make sure the file that contains your NewBehaviourScript class IS NOT inside an Editor folder.
Move both the scripts in the Assets (root) folder and try again.

Including C++ headers in user mode programs built with NT DDK

So...I have a kernel mode component and a user mode component I'm putting together using the turnkey build environment of the NT DDK 7.1.0. The kernel component is all .c/.h/.rc files. The user mode component is .cpp/.c/.h/.rc files.
At first it seemed simplest to use build for both, as I saw you could modify the ./sources file of the user mode component to say something like:
TARGETNAME = MyUserModeComponent
UMTYPE = windows
UMENTRY = winmain
That didn't seem to cause a problem and so I was pleased, until I tried to #include <string> (or <memory>, or whatever) Doesn't find that stuff:
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'string': No such file or directory
Still, it's compiling the user mode piece with C++ language semantics. But how do I get the standard includes to work?
I don't technically need to use the DDK build tool for the user mode piece. I could make a visual studio solution. I'm a bit wary as I have bumped into other annoyances, like the fact that the DDK uses __stdcall instead of __cdecl by default... and there isn't any pragma or compiler switch to override this. You literally have to go into each declaration you care about and change it, assuming you have source to do so. :-/
I'm starting to wonder if this is just a fractal descent into "just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD build user mode apps with the DDK. Here be dragons." So my question isn't just about this particular technical hurdle, but rather if I should abandon the idea of building a C++ user mode component with the DDK tools...just because the kernel component is pure C.
To build a user mode program with WINDDK you need to add some variables to your SOURCES file:
386_STDCALL=0 to use cdecl calling convention by default
USE_STL=1 to use STL
USE_NATIVE_EH=1 to add a support for exception handling
Everything else you already have.
I'll put my full SOURCES file for reference:
TARGETNAME = MyUserModeComponent
UMTYPE = console
UMENTRY = main
SOURCES= main.cpp
And main.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s = "bla bla bla!";
cout << s;
return 0;
Have fun!
Quick Answer
Abandon the idea of building user-mode components with DDK tools (although I find the concept fascinating :-P)
Your kernel mode component should be built separately from the user mode components as a matter of good practice.
Vague thoughts
Off the top of my head, and this really speaking from limited experience...there are a lot of subtle differences that can creep up if you try to mix the two together.
Using your own example of __cdecl vs __stdcall; You have two different calling conventions. _cdecl is all kernel stuff and all of the C++ methods are wrapped around in WINAPI (_stdcall) passing conventions and __stdcall will clean do auto stack clean up and expect frame pointers inserted all over the place. And if you by accident use compiler options to trigger a __fastcall, it would be a pain to debug.
You can definitely hack something together, but do you really want to keep track of that in your user-space code and build environment? UGH I say.
Unless you have very specific engineering reasons to mix the two environments, (and no a unified build experience is not a valid reason, because you can get that from a batch file called buildall.bat) I say use the separate toolchains.

Include Alien in portable app, C++

Ok, I've searched quite a bit, but seem unable to find an answer or example for how to achieve this.
Basically, I have an app that is designed to be portable (built using VC++ in VS2010, but no MFC or managed components, raw WinAPI). I have Lua 5.2 built into it and allow the user to write scripts inside the application. I have multiple glued functions which are exposed to the Lua scripts which handle various WinAPI calls.
However, what I'd like to be able to do is allow the user to write a script in which looks something like this:
local mb = alien.User32.MessageBoxA
mb:types{ 'long', 'long', 'string', 'string', 'long' }
print(mb(0, "Hello World!", "Test", 64))
I simply cannot seem to find a way to do this. I do not want to require the user to install Lua for Windows and, ideally, there be no core.dll and struct.dll from alien; when I tried to do something with those DLLs in ./alien/, it was crashing in Lua5.1.dll because I had LuaForWindows installed, I uninstalled LFW, and then it just states that Lua5.1.dll is missing. I have Lua 5.2 built into my app, so obviously the core/struct DLLs from the Alien rock are expecting Lua5.1.dll to be in the path.
I made a worthless attempt to try to including the Alien src into the project, but doesn't seem to work that way either.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'd prefer it all be contained in my app, but I'll settle for a solution which involves including the libraries in my project to build and bundle in the distribution if that's the only alternative.
Ok, thank you Ben Voigt! I think I'm almost there. I've pulled in core.c and struct.c and made sure all the paths are there for libffi. Everything compiles without issue, until I try to call luaopen_alien_core in core.c (the alien.core src file), claiming the identifier is undeclared. I've tried to declare the function signature in my separate source file that's trying to make the call, the compile gets further, but fails complaining of an unresolved external.
Clearly this is likely now a general C++ issue (as I'm only a novice in this area). Here's the general idea of what I have:
//core.c (from Alien project)
int luaopen_alien_core(lua_State *L) {
lua_getglobal(L, "alien");
if(lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
lua_setglobal(L, "alien");
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
lua_setfield(L, -3, "core");
return 1;
//mysource.c (the file attempting to call luaopen_alien_core(L))
void initLua()
L = luaL_newstate();
This fails to start compiling, issuing the error:
error C3861: 'luaopen_alien_core': identifier not found
Which makes sense, so I add the following line to myheader.h:
int luaopen_alien_core(lua_State *L);
This compiles, but fails to link with:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl luaopen_alien_core(struct lua_State *)" (?luaopen_alien_core##YAHPEAUlua_State###Z)
I've tried several things I can think of, with my limited experience, but nothing will satisfy this error. I even tried to move the contents of core.c into mysource.c, but that creates a whole different mess and seemed to be the wrong way to go as it is.
I'm hoping, and imagining, this is something really stupid, but I'm just not sure how to get it to call luaopen_alien_core, which seems to be the final piece I need.
Thanks again!
I imagine that the require directive both loads a dynamic library and adds its contents to the active Lua engine.
By linking alien directly into your code, you obviate the need for the dynamic library. But the content enumeration code won't have run, and you can't use require to run it, or else it'll go looking for a DLL file (along with all the DLL dependencies).
So, you should find out what functions that require directive calls after loading the DLL, and call those when creating a Lua engine. Then it will neither be necessary nor allowed for the script to start with require [[Alien/alien]], but Alien objects will be available.

Visual C++ - Throwing unhandled exception from setting forms icon?

I can compile the solution with no errors, but when I'll try to run it, I get a crash window:
An unhandled exception of type
'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "<myformname>.resources" was corerctly embedded or linked into assembly "<myprojectname>" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loaded and fully signed.
And after I press Break it throws me to the line:
this->Icon = (cli::safe_cast<System::Drawing::Icon^ >(resources->GetObject(L"$this.Icon")));
If I comment this line out, everything works just fine, but my program doesn't have icon.
Anyone else had this problem? Found a solution? I couldn't find anything clear enough for me to understand, problem is really annoying me, only solution I found was to declare my form class before any other classes, but I don't even have any other classes in my solution?
I also have only one project in this solution, ms support said something about having multiple projects, which I don't have, so it was no use either.
Take a look here :
The exception is thrown because your icon cannot be located. You will probably need to compiles your resources under one .dll and put this under en-US subfolder on your project output. It did the trick for me at least. There are probably other solutions to your problem too.
Do not panic like I did. The root cause of the problem is that the compiled resource file is different from the one that is asked to load at runtime. This happens because the underlying build-script cannot detect the filename or namespace changes made after the form is created.
For example, At first we started a project named x . And our $(RootNamespace) becomes x. And we created a form named y. So our XML resource file y.resx gets compiled into x.y.resource . At this point the icon change works.
Now somehow we changed the project name or the namespace to z. But our $(RootNamespace) remains the x. While at compile-time it wrongly generates old x.y.resource, but at links-time it links z.y.resource. And at this point the icon change does not work.
It can also happen if the form is under some nested namespace which is not known in the project file.
It can be fixed by changing the compilation output of the y.resx file . It can be done by right-clicking the resource and changing the Resource Logical Name to $(RootNamespace).%(Filename).resources .
I will also make sure that ProjectName,AssemblyName and RootNamespace are the same in the .vcxproj file. Somehow if the form is declared under a nested namespace like RootNamespace.gui , then the output file of the resource should be $(RootNamespace).gui.%(Filename).resources .