How do I ascertain the CONTACT linked to an S_EVT_ACT record? - siebel

Apologies if this is very basic but I'm fairly new to Siebel.
I have four activity record IDs and I need to find out to which contact they are attached in the database.
I'm assuming a join somewhere, but I don't know the Schema well enough and I can't see an obvious contact ID in the S_EVT_ACT table.

I figured it out.
The S_CONTACT row_id exists in the TARGET_PER_ID column of the S_EVT_ACT table.
If you can't get it from that you can use the S_ACT_CONTACT intersection table.


DynamoDB GSI data modelling for an articles app

I want to create an articles application using serverless (AWS Lambda + DynamoDB + S3 for hosting the FE).
I have some questions regarding the "1 table approach".
The actions I want to follow:
Get latest (6) articles sorted by date
Get an article by id
Get the prev/next article relative to the article opened (based on creation date)
Get related articles by tags
Get comments by article
I have created an initial spreadsheet for the information:
The first problem I have is that for action nr. 1, I cannot get all the articles based on date, I've added the SK for articles as a date, but because the PK has separate articles, each with its id: article-1, article-2.. and so on, I don't know how to fetch all the articles only by SK.
I then tried creating a LSI , but then I noticed that the LSI needs to have the PK the same as the table, so I can select based on LSI type = 'ARTICLE', but I still cannot selected them ordered by date (entities_sort value)
I know AWS says its good for PK to be unique, but then how do you group the data in this case?
I've created a GSI
This helps me get articles by type(GSI2PK)='ARTICLE' sorted by entities_sort (GSI2SK), but isn't there a better way of achieving this? Having your articles as a PK in a table, but somehow still being able to get them sorted by date?
Having GSI1PK, GSI1SK this way - I can get all the comments for an article using reverse lookup, so thats good.
But I still also don't know how to implement number 3. Get the prev/next article relative to the article opened (based on creation date): getting an article by id, check its creation date(entities_sort), then somehow get the next article before and after based on that creation date (entities_sort), is there a function in DynamoDB that can do this for me?
In my approach I try to query/process as few items as possible so I don't want to use filter functions, rather partition my information.
My question is, how should I achieve 1 and 3? And isn't creating 2 GSI's for such few actions overkill?
What is the pattern to have articles on a PK, unique with ids, but still being able to get them sorted by creation date?
Thank you
So what I've ended up doing is:
My access patterns in detail are:
Get any Article by Id (for edit/delete)
Get any Comment by Id (for edit/delete)
Get any Tag by Id (for edit/delete)
Get all Articles ordered by date
Get all the Tags of an Article
Get all comments for an article, sorted by date
Get all Articles that have a specific tag, ordered by date (because I want to show only the last 3 ones)
This is the way I've implemented my model, and I can get all the informations needed.
Also, all my data is partitioned and the queries are really efficient, I always get exactly what I need and the ScannedDocuments value is always the number or returned objects.
The Global Secondary Index helps me query by Article Id and I get, all the comments and tags of that Article.
I've solved the many-to-many between Tags and Articles by a new record in the end:
tag_id, article_date, arct_id, tag_id
So, if I want all articles that have a specific tag sorted by date I can query the PK of the table and sort by SK. If I want to get a single Tag (for edit/delete) I can use the GSI by: article_id, tag_id .. and I get the relation between them.
For getting all Articles sorted by date, i query PK: ARTICLE and an option condition if I want to get only the ones after a date or not I can condition the SK.
For all the comments and tags of an Article I can use the GSI with : article_link_pk: article_id and I get all comments and tags. If I want only comments I can say article_link_pk: article_id and article_link_sk: begins_with(article_link_sk, '2020') in this way I get only comments, without tags.
The data model in NoSQL Developer looks like this:
The GSI reverse lookup looks like this:
It's been a journey, but I feel like I finally got a grasp on how to do data modelling in DynamoDB

Efficient implementation of this simple relation in DynamoDB?

User has an email address and a display name.
Both of these must be unique.
Both of these must be updatable as long as either is not being used already.
A User table will exist with additional non-key attributes and a guid ID.
How to model to support efficient query check if email address or display name is already being used?
Should I create a table with the guid as Key, no range, and 2 separate GSI one for email and one for display name (each being the key)? Both will also have a second field with the guid id of the user. Or should these be completely separate tables, or ????
Thoughts, is there a better way?
There are 3 ways you can design that I can think of:
As you have mentioned, a table with guid and 2 separate GSI one for email and other for Name.
You have stated that both the fields had to be unique, so potentially you can make any one of them as hash and create GSI for other.(This will run into problem as you mention that you need to update Email & Name as well, for that you have to delete old record and add a new record with same attributes and updated Hash keys)
Advantage of this would be that you need to pay less as there will be only one GSI compared to #1.
Another option is to use CloudSearch, your DynamoDB table can be integrated with cloudSearch, in this option you can simply create a table with guid no need to add any GSI, whenever you want to search you can search on CloudSearch to get the output.
One more advantage you will get in CloudSearch is that you will be able to query on any attributes of the table and can use different filters on them.
One thing you need to see it that price difference between #2 and #3, you can go with anyone which is better suited in terms of price and functionality.
If you implement this with other ways feel free to share it.
Hope that helps

Selecting a single record with Doctrine2

I am trying to retrieve a single row from a table. This row contains filed that hold foreign keys into another table, which in turns is related to yet another table. I am trying to get just one row returned, yet, the problem is, it returns not only the row but ALL the objects that are jointly related to that table as well. As I have to deal with a fairly large amount of data, the returned object is very cumbersome as it contains all the related data as well. In some cases my script simply times out because there is just far too much data to grab.
My question is; is there a way to retrieve just a single record without the associated fluff with it? I am basically accessing the table via the entityManager from the repository, then trying to get my record by using the ->find($id) method.
I am sure this is something stupidly simple but I can't seem to figure this out. Thanks in advance for any help, it is much appreciated.
Doctrine 2 use "lazy loading", it means that the associated objects are not really retrieved from the database while you don't try to access them.
So the find($id) is just fine.

Can't add two FK-related tables into maintenance view?

I created two database tables: Primary table and Secondary table.
An Employer field of Primary table is a foreign key for an Employer field for Secondary table, at least I see a checked checkbox at Secondary->Entry Help/Check for Employer field. Both tables are activated.
Now I'm trying to create a View and here is the problem. I choose Dictionary Objects->Create->View->choose Maintenance View, then enter a name.
I go on and then at Table/Join Conditions I'm able to add only ONE table. Why not two? Also I see a blue hint "Table selection and join definition only possible with relationships".
What's the reason I can't add two tables to the View? What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
First, check whether there really is a foreign key relation ship (key/arrow button above the columns of the secondary table).
When creating the view, the system should show you a message (don't know the english text,
should amount to "you can only add secondary views using the key relations"). Enter the primary table you want to maintain. Then place the cursor in that field and press the button below the list of tables. Select the other table from the list. If you don't see it there, chances are that your relationship definitions are wrong.
(This whole setup is to ensure that you only use relationship definitions that can be used by the view maintenance generator later on.)
Please take a look at the documentation as well, this should explain a lot of other questions you might encounter.

Updating two tables, retrieving Foreign Key

I am inserting data into two tables, however I can not figure out (after hours of Googling) how to insert data into the second table after retrieving the new ID created after the first update?
I'm using <CFINSERT>.
use <CFQUERY result="result_name"> and the new ID will be available at result_name.generatedkey .. <cfinsert> and <cfupdate>, while easy and fast for simple jobs, they are pretty limited.
I have never used cfinsert myself, but this blog post from Ben Forta says you may not be able to use cfinsert if you need a generated key
Yes, I realize that blog post is old, but it doesn't appear much has changed.
Why not use a traditional INSERT statement wrapped in a <cfquery> tag?