fstream constructor causing access violation - c++

I'm having trouble reading from a file. I've cut my program down and down until all I'm left with is not much more than Hello World - and I'm still getting an error of 'access violation'.
The error is occuring on the line fstream f(..); - it never gets as far as f.good(). The only changes to this project have been to include ozz-animation header files and .lib's (easily found on Google), as well as setting Runtime Library mode to /MT rather than /MD. Ozz was throwing the same error when attempting to read a file (hence the cutting down until I'm left with what you see). The file is present, although I don't believe it should matter. Code is as follows:
#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream f("C:\\Users\\thoma_000\\Desktop\\Limitless\\Bin\\Asset\\skin_example\\A.txt");
if (f.good())
return 0;

I managed to resolve this by creating the project initially as an empty win32 project rather than a Windows project. I have been through the project settings and I currently can't tell what setting is causing the problem - but at least I have a resolution.


How to open input file, C++ on visual studio community 2015?

Does anyone know why the file isn't opening? I also tried just putting "infile.txt" and placing it in the folder of the program and also the debug folder but the ways I used to check for open error both triggered meaning that it could not open. I know I can hard code the location but I don't want to.
I heard you should do stringobj.c_str() but I don't know if that's accurate?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream infile;
ofstream outfile;
string fileloc = "infile.txt";
if (!infile)
cout << "open fail 1" << endl;
bool fail = infile.fail();
if (fail)
cout << "open fail 2";
return 0;
Note that the directory structure (at least for VS2013) is
- Solution Directory
- Debug
- Release
- Project Directory
- Debug
- Release
The program by default runs in the project directory (even though it is built to the solution/debug directory).
If you accepted the default naming convention when starting your project, you should be putting your file in the "Projects\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1" directory, not "Projects\ConsoleApplication1"
Check your working directory in Project Settings -> Debugging. Make your file available there.
First, the documentation for the signature of
std::ifstream::open( const char * filename, ios_base::openmode mode=ios_base::in)
does indicate it requires a const char *, exactly what std::string::c_str() provides. However, there is an overload for open which accepts a const str &, which means it works the same way for both on most implementations.
Otherwise, what you're grappling with is known as the current working directory (or cwd). Apparently you're not sure where THAT directory is. It may be different while you run the debugger on Visual Studio than it is when you run your program from the command line, and it may be different in various IDE's.
I'm not sure why you want to ensure your program only opens a file by name in the current directory, and not give the full path, but...
You may want to inquire what the current working directory is, so you can solve the mystery wherever you try this. In my Visual Studio 2015, the directory ends up being the directory ABOVE debug, but that depends entirely on how your project is configured, and we can't see that out here.
So, try:
std::string cwd = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
This requires a header <direct.h> on Windows in Visual Studio, but it will give you the directory you're trying to figure out.
string fileloc = "infile.txt";
if you put infile.txt in the same folder of the cpp file, it should be fine.
btw I delete your first line
#include "stdafx.h"
I use cygwin console, may have minor diff
For my issue - i was stuck at loading image by opencv - i was wrong to place directory with jpg in the root of the C++ project

Why does "cout" keep giving me error C1083?

I was using Visual C++ 6.0 just now, and I keep getting this error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'streambuf': No such file or directory
My code is just a simple hello world program.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout<<"Hello World.";
return 1;
Then I went and checked my INCLUDE folder and found a file called STREAMBF, but the compiler was looking for STREAMBUF. Notice that the file that is present is missing the U, between the B and the F. This was from a good copy of VC++6.0, directly from the actual CD, not a pirated copy. So there should be all the files needed. But it appears that a file is missing! Is this MS being stupid again, and yet making another big mistake, and forgetting to include an important file on their CDs? I'd hate to think that every single CD for VC++6.0 that was pressed that came out of MS factories had this problem. And I know that it is a missing file, not just a misnamed file, as renaming STREAMBF to STREAMBUF just led to more errors.
Anybody know where I can find a copy of the file STREAMBUF? Or am I just overlooking something here? Is this exact error a known problem with running old copies of VC++ on modern OS's like Windows 7? Is it possible that the only reason that it's looking for STREAMBUF is that this is a newer file associated with Win7, and that if it was running in a different environment (an older OS), it would actually be looking for the correct file, STREAMBF? Can somebody help me here?
Your installation is either broken, deprecated or interpretes your code in wrong way.
You should only use older compiles if you are trying to build project developed entirely for this version.
Try to compile same code with new compiler, if you want to use VS then you should look for Visual Studio Express 2013.
Your code does not have any errors.
Modify your program to, you should be able to see it okay.
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"Hello World.";
return 1;
your compiler is pretty old. You need to an upgrade.
There are C++ compilers for Windows from Microsoft Express Visual Studios Link and Info VS2013 to
some other non-Microsoft like GCC for Windows.
If you don't have installation access there are some portable c++ compilers.
Finally there are some online compilers for simple test. web based online compilers.
For my win 10 installation of VC 6.0, I had the same problem ... fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'streambuf': No such file or directory
Replacing with <iostream.h> does not solve the problem.
I have checked the header file installation folder (Program files\VS98\VC98\INCLUDE). For some (unknown) reason, some file names have been changed during installation. Restoring the original name has solved the problem, in my case, in example:
Notice: other header file names might be wrong. I have listed above the file names wrong in my installation.
I hope this may help.

undefined reference to function code blocks

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void echo(string);
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void echo(string code){
cout << code;
After compiling the code in code blocks 12.11, it gives me that error:
undefined reference to `echo(std::string)
I use windows 7 x64.
I have added the directory; Project>build options > search directories and added the current working directory.
All the files are in one console project in code blocks
I believe you should read up a bit more on namespaces usage. You are missing std in print.cpp.
Generally, while starting to learn cpp or getting a grip of the language you should always try writing full names of the classes along with the namespaces. Eventually with practice and some oversights (like now) you will learn why you really need them. In a nutshell namespaces are great:
When you are writing code over multiple files
Compartmentalize your code into separate blocks.
Also, using namespace std; should be used within cpp files mostly (otherwise headers get mangled up.
Anyways, try changing your code to this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void echo(std::string code){
std::cout << code;
Then your results will look like this:
> g++ main.cpp print.cpp -o a.out
> ./a.out
helloHello world!
You should get more than that linker error, since you use string without any namespace in your print.cpp file. And if that source file doesn't compile it can't be linked with, and you will get the linker error you have.
Change to e.g.
void echo(std::string code) { ... }
And you do try to link with the object file created from print.cpp ?
I know this is old, but for anyone looking to solve this issue, the following may be a solution for you. If you have g++ follow c++ 11 under project->build options (check your options anyway) then you must check that box for all files you make in the project for the error to be cleared up. I had that annoying undefined reference thing too but now it is gone!
Try "Project/Properties/Build Targets tab". There you should find "Build target files" field. In that filed find "print.cpp" and click the checkbox (now the compiler will build print.cpp).
Some usefull information on Project management in CB
When dealing with strings in C++ its best to sue std::string and your code seems to be wrong with a changes like using std::cout instead of plain cout another thing you need to be careful is linking your files especially files in different directories you need to tell code blocks were to find this print.cpp by going to build option and go for the search tab directory and point to where print.cpp is other wise the other approach is to just build a project which will have the main.cpp and and then add print.cpp class to current project I hope this will be of some help

MS Visual C++ 2008 Express cannot find path

I'm trying to do something basic
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, World!";
return 0;
After using F7 I get
1>mt.exe : general error c10100b1: Failed to load file "..\Debug\helloworld.exe". The system cannot find the path specified.
So it cant find the file that it'll eventually create?
What gives?
mt.exe is the manifest tool. The manifest tool shouldnt run if there is a build error. I dont think you will see mt.exe run if there is a build error. Go to your solution file, under the manifest tab, check if the path's in the settings are not hard coded to some wrong path.
#include <.iostream.>
Did your build really succeed? The above line looks suspicious - I'd have expected to see (note the missing periods):
#include <iostream>

Berkeley DB(Unable to Locate Component)

I have a problem with berkeley DB. I get a dialog titled "Unable To Locate Componenent" saying "This application has failed to start because libdb48.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem", then it crashes after clicking ok. I got the error message when running these simple code below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <db_cxx.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
Db db(0, 0);
I already set the Additional include directories to the "build_windows" directory and I have linked to the "libdb48.lib". I honestly do not know what to do here. The funny part is, I googled and I had 0 pages returned.
I am using visual studio c++ 2008 and Berkeley DB 4.8.24
Where is libdb48.dll? Is it installed? Where? A hackish solution that should make it work is to copy libdb48.dll into c:\windows\system32. If that solves the problem, then you know that the DLL just wasn't on the path. Then you can find a more appropriate place to put it.