Pycharm debugger does not stop on breakpoints - python-2.7

I have a flask project I am trying to debug (this was working absolutely ok till few hours ago) - When I debug the project, I see the following :
Connected to pydev debugger (build 135.1057)
/Users/vantani/cp/bin/python /Applications/ --multiproc --save-
signatures --client --port 49223 --file /Users/vantani/cp/unnamed/ server
pydev debugger: process 484 is connecting
/Users/vantani/cp/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_cache/ UserWarning: Flask-
Cache: CACHE_TYPE is set to null, caching is effectively disabled.
warnings.warn("Flask-Cache: CACHE_TYPE is set to null, "
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader
pydev debugger: process 498 is connecting
As I said this setup was working fine. Now, the debugger does not stop at the breakpoint and the debugger window is empty. I see that there are two processes created by PyDev and I guess that is causing this issue. I have restarted my machine and there is only one pycharm process running.

Sometimes this might be caused by the fact that some other module is using the same tracing api (sys.settrace) as debugger, for instance The solution would be to go to your Rub/Debug Configurations and add --no-cov flag to the Additional Arguments.
Alternatively you might want to delete all --cov in pytest settings (i.e. pytest.ini) or run tests with --no-cov flag, i.e.
pytest --no-cov
It might be also caused by a bad filename, e.g. your file/directory has special characters or spaces in it. Try removing them or changing to e.g. underscore (_).

There is an issue with the debugger in PyCharm lately.
I'm on mac using PyCharm 2020.2 and while the debugger would stop at tests, it wouldn't stop when running the dev server for django.
For me disabling Gevent compatible option in Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment has helped.
Worth noting that some suggest to enable some suggest to disable that option - so it's worth having a go at each and see if that helps your case.

Just need set flask's debug mode off, such as

I didn't have a flask project but I had the same problem. In my case I had to change the project-path! There were umlauts (ü,ä,ö) in it. By removing them the breakpoints worked again.

My problem is solved when I installed pydevd-pycharm
pip install pydevd-pycharm
Also here is a useful link for this problem.
github from jetbrains intellij-community

Check your python debugger settings, and clear your cache, This helped me

The following workaround should help. I had a same problem in a simple Python script. PyCharm debugger didn't stop on a simple breakpoint and just ran to the end.
Thanks to Gabriel's answer, I checked the path to my script and it had Russian letters. Because I use Russian Windows and it creates admin user named 'Administrator' using Russian letters.
I changed the Russian letters to use only English letters from the project-path (just copied PyCharm projects folder to the root of disk and reloaded my project from new place. Nothing else was changed!). And the debugger immediately started working just fine and stopped on breakpoints!
It looks like this a bug that PyCharm debuger can't work with different national letters in the path. It very common situation outside English-speaking countries.

For Sanic case.
Run go_fast(..auto_reload=False,..).

There is a long thread about this issue on JetBrains forums: Reading through that thread is like reading a black magic book, everyone has their own voodoo $^$#
I ran into this issue with 2021.1.1 CE and a brand new project. My solution was to change the default test runner to pytest. YMMV. If that thread is any indication, debugging might stop working if it rains tomorrow.

For me I deleted project from "recent projects in pycharm" then I opened project direct from repository. It works again.

Had the same issue recently (July 2021 PyCharms 2021.1.3 CE) for days trying everything I could find online would not work. Then found under File --> Manage IDE Settings --> Restore Default Setting, that fixed the issue for me.

For all those people that have the same problem, but can't resolve it, maybe this will work:
The problem could be, that pydev isn't connecting to its subprocess.
Check if the option "Attach to subprocess automatically while debugging?" in the debugger settings is set. You can find it in File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger (current version of PyCharm)
Usually there is also a short hint in the console but I didn't notice it.

After removing debug_toolbar middleware the debugger is back to normal.

It's happening because of a third party module. I tried all the solutions listed and none worked for me.
I changed the interpreter that I'm using and it's working.

I had this issue when running remote interpreter from docker-compose. It disappeared when I set Working directory to my project root directory in Run/Debug Configuration. I also restarted Pycharm and invalidated caches.

I got it fixed by removing coverage config from pytest.ini

Not exactly the same case but, if you are using the Debug Server to debug a docker container, the only thing which made the breakpoint to stop for me is to set and environment variable for the container:
PyCharm Version: 2022.2.2

For me PyCharm actually executed a different file. If you just clicked the run button... try if it makes a difference if you use
right click on file => Run 'xy'.
Or double check if your file full path to be executed is specified in "Script path" in the run configuration. I used to use the file name in "interpreter option" along with "working directory" specified. It would work that way.


VSCode "go to definition" not working

I installed Visual Studio Code 1.1 with the C/C++ extension,
opened my C++ project and tried to use "Go to definition" in vain.
The "Go to definition" is not working at all.
Example, go to definition of a class member:
int i = m_myVar;
(I opened a simpler project with one file and it was working for this one)
In the end, what I want is good indexation of my big project, is there a way to install Intellisense?
I had a the same issue: F12 and Ctrl + Click and Right Click "Go To Definition" wasn't working.
The fix for me was:
Go to Extensions
Click "Disable All Installed Extensions"
Close and Reopen VS Code
Back to Extensions and "Enable All Extensions"
Essentially enable/disable all extensions fixed the issue.
I recently came across this same issue and after trying all of the suggested solutions I could find with no success, I found this article:
Basically my project grew too large and VS code was no longer able to track all files, which messed up the "go to definition" functionality.
After following the steps on the link to increase the maximum number of files to be tracked, the issue was resolved.
The correction is pretty simple (tested on Ubuntu 18.04):
Add this line:
to the end of the file /etc/sysctl.conf
After saving, run the following command:
sudo sysctl -p
Hopefully this will be useful to someone else, this has been bothering me for the last few days.
I had a similar problem except with Python and google searches for solutions kept bringing me back to this post so I figured I'd post my solution here in the hopes that it might help other people.
I was working on a remote cluster through VScode Remote and was getting similar errors to the original question(all 'go to ___' functionality was unavailable and was even getting a 'too large to track' error) and I thought I had to increase the number of watches, which didn't end up helping.
All I needed to do was install a python interpreter on the remote VScode server. This fixed my problem.
I believe vscode 1.1 (well, 1.1.1 actually) + the C++ extension (cpptools) is as much Intellisense as we can get for now.
You should load your big project with the "open folder" function to make vscode know about the other files. warns about letting the indexing finish first (red icon in lower right corner during indexing) and mentions the current limitations on the source code parsing.
It wasn't working on my laptop as well after installing a few VSCode extensions. I decided to close and re-open VSCode with administrator permission and suddenly it sorted out.
I have been trying to fix this for a long time. In the end, what worked for me was simply reinstalling VSCode, then installing the latest C/C++ extension (v0.18.1). Then, in your .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file, under includePath, add your include folder which has all your header files.
I tried the methods mentioned in this thread none of them seemed to work for me. A simple solution that worked for me is that I closed the current workspace and created a new workspace, added the folders which I required(same as the old workspace), and saved the new workspace. Waited for a couple of minutes to index and IntelliSense is able to find definitions now.
I am using VSCode 1.52.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.
In my case, for whatever reason,c_cpp_properties.json has become set to Disabled in ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json.
Manually changing it to Enabled solved the problem.
Fixed mine by UNCHECKING C_Cpp > Default > Limit Symbols To Included Headers
Your mileage may vary. Good luck!
Have you saved your workspace? Or did you just open a folder with File->Open Folder? This question already has many answers, but none of them address this case, which was my issue.
The question is not specific enough for me to know if you are having the exact same symptoms as my case.
You have not saved your workspace. vscode doesn't say "(workspace)" at the top of the window.
None of the goto functions are working, but instead report: "No ___ found for ____"
The tag parser database icon in the bottom right is always there but only reports "Parsing open files", rather than telling you how many files have been parsed.
Try saving your workspace.
If you have multiple versions of a language on your PC, specify the exact language you are using in the VScode(in my case, I am using Python, so I must specify the version to the python Interpreter in VS Code)
If you could not do it whatsoever, then uninstall all the other versions that you don't use and then if you go to VS Code, it will ask the version to be used, and you would have only one version, so when you select the version, the "Go To Definition" will be activated.
I was having a similar issue with java on Ubuntu 20.04 using OpenJDK version 11 (openjdk-11-jdk in apt). At first I didn't have the JRE installed, so I installed it and it still didn't work.
Afterwards, I went to the CTRL + SHIFT + P menu and then to Java: Configure Java Runtime, there I saw in the Java Tooling Runtime tab that /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 was selected, changed it to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 just to see if it would work, and after a restart it did. I'm not sure why this is, but I hope it may help somone else.
For python ensure your code analysis settings are correct. In my case the languageServer was accidentally set to 'None'. Reverting it to 'default' or 'pylance' did the trick.
Just to inform if none of above works then
In my case i was using Kite extension in my VS code, I just disabled it and it worked. I think kite extension is blocking this feature.
OS: Linux Ubuntu 22.04
if you encountered with following error:
"The .NET Core SDK cannot be located. .NET Core debugging will not be enabled. Make sure the .NET Core SDK is installed and is on the path."
Normally Vscode remains unable to locate .Net sdk. need to set path manually.
sudo ln -s /snap/dotnet-sdk/current/dotnet /usr/local/bin/dotnet
restart omnisharp & restart vscode
No need to do anything. Just close and re-open. It will work.
I also faced similar problem. In my mac os cmnd + 'click' is used to 'go to definition' then it suddenly stoped working. If that is the case then please follow these steps:
restart vs code
restart pc
uninstall all extensions and reinstall again followed by a pc restart.
I had a similar issue with the extension C/C++ installed. I solved it by downloading an older version of the extension and upgrading to the last version. Somehow it solved the problem...

Pycharm debugger error

I am trying to run the pycharm debugger but he not working, for all my files (which he work for them last night)
this is the erorr:
C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 5.0.1\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support --client --port 60124 --file C:/Users/User/PycharmProjects/untitled/
pydev debugger: process 6168 is connecting
Connected to pydev debugger (build 143.595)
Process finished with exit code 0
I was stuck on the same issue for a while, but reading over these two threads at the developer's site made me find the issue:
Pycharm debugger not working
Debugger not working: code is executed normally
In my case, it was because the Breakpoints setting had become incorrect somehow. To fix it, go to the Breakpoints menu by clicking here (or CTRL+SHIFT+F8):
Then set the settings to something like this. The top option Enabled was disabled in my case.
After this, it worked as usual in my case.
Pycharm 2017.1.1 professional
Python 3.5.1
Django 1.10
Remove all set breakpoints and then retry debugging. To do this press <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<F8> then select all breakpoints then click the (-) button. This problem can occur across multiple versions.

Can't run Python via IDLE from Explorer [2013] - IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection

Resolved April 15, 2013.
In windows 7 (64bit) windows explorer when I right clicked a Python file and selected "edit with IDLE" the editor opens properly but when I run (or f5) the Python 3.3.1 program, it fails with the "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection." error message. All other methods of starting IDLE for running my python 3.3.1 programs worked perfectly.
Even the "Send to" method worked but it was unacceptably clunky. I've spend four days (so far) researching this and trying various things including reinstalling Python many times.
And NO it's not the FireWall blocking it. I've tried totally turning Firewall off and it had no effect.
Here's an important clue: In the beginning I installed and configured python 3.3 64 bit and everything worked including running from "edit with IDLE" but then recently when I needed a library only available in Python 2 I installed python 2.7.4 and from that point on the stated problem began. At one point I completely removed all traces of both versions and reinstalled Python 3.3.1 64 bit. Problem remained.
Then I tried have both 32 bit versions installed but still no luck. Then at some point in my muddling around I lost the option to "edit with IDLE" and spent a day trying everything including editing in Regedit. No luck there either. I reinstalled Python 3.3.1 still no "edit with IDLE" then Finally I uninstalled all versions of Python and I removed python references to environment variables PATH and PYTHONPATH. Then I Deleted all the Python related keys in the windows registry, deleted the C:\python33 directory that the uninstall didn't bother to delete. Overkill, of course, then I restarted windows and installed Python 3.3.1 64 bit version again and thankfully the option to 'edit with IDLE' was back. I was momentarily happy, I opened windows explorer, right clicked on a python program, selected 'edit with IDLE' selected RUN (eyes closed) and you guessed it, same original error message "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection."
I am completely stuck on this issue and really need help. Pretty sure that you can see I and not a happy camper. And to top it all off, I guess I don't understand StackOverflow yet, I have had this plea for help up in various versions for 5 days and not one response from anyone. Believe me I've looked at every thing in stackoverflow plus other sites and I can't see the answer. Almost seems like I have to answer my own question and post it, trouble is, so far I can't.
Anyway, thanks for listening. Yes I'm pretty new to Python but I've been programming and overcoming problems for many years (too many perhaps). anyone? Not personally having someone that is familiar with Python makes this difficult, how can I get in touch with an expert in Python for a quick phone conversation?
I had this same problem today. I found another stack overflow post where someone had a file in the same directory as python, and they fixed it by removing that file. When I looked in my python directory, I realized I had created a script called and put it there. I suspect that it conflicted with the normal random module in python. When I removed this file, python started working again.
So I would suggest you look in your main python directory and see if there are any .py files that you could move to different places.
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. I saw the same errors today. I tracked down the cause for me, hopefully it'll help you. I had IDLE open in the background for days. Today I tried to run a script in IDLE, and got the "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection." errors. So I closed all IDLE windows, and tried to restart IDLE. That then caused the same errors to pop up, and now IDLE wouldn't open successfully.
The cause was an extra pythonw.exe process running in the background. If I open up an instance of IDLE, then open a second, the second has issues connecting, and closes. But it does not close the instances of pythonw.exe that it opened, one is left running in the background. That extra instance then prevents future attempts to open IDLE.
Opening up Task Manager and killing all pythonw.exe processes fixed IDLE, and now it functions properly on my machine (1 instance open at a time though!).
Look for files on your main python folder that you may create in names like "", "" and other names that overlapps with your Lib folder and move/delete them
Adding to existing answers - it is actually possible to have firewall block IDLE when not running with -n flag. I haven't used IDLE for a few months and decided to try if it works properly with newly installed python3.3 (on Linux Mint 13 x86). In between I made iptables setup much more aggressive and apparently it blocked idle-python3.3 from connecting to the Python RPC server. Sometimes it is just what the message says.
I had exactly the same issue :"IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection."
I found the answer from this stackoverflow site. I created a file named and that classhed with the normal python files. I removed the and everything works now. Thanks folks.
I had the same error message. Error not seen after I added all the *.exe filea to be found in the Python install directory to the Windows firewall exception list.
I finally got it to work when I disabled ALL firewalls and antivirus, because some antivirus ALSO have firewall control. Ex. avast
Remove in your folder if you happen to have one
Using Windows 7 64 installation of Python 2.7.10 Shell I solved the above problem by opening the program as an administrator.
i have the Same issue on os win7 64Bit and Python 3.1 and find a workaround because i have a Project with many .py files and just one gave this error. - Workaround is to copy a working file and copy the contents from not working file to working file. (i used Another editor as idle. The Problem with that workaround is... of you rename the file it doenst work. attention just rename the not working file doesnt work for me. just that copy paste. – john
I came across this problem too. There are two things you can do
You may already have a process running call pythonw.exe which prevents IDLE from being starting. End that task and try running IDLE again
Use pythonwin or python command line

Problem spawning application

Gosh, this is so weird, I don't know what to say. The short version is that I have a simulator app which I spawn from my application when the user asks me to. It recently stopped working, though I can run the simulator fine from the command line or Start menu. This could be due to moving to VS2010 or Windows 7 or something I didn't notice reviewing source control diffs.
I have a second simulator which I try to spawn in the same fashion and it works fine.
By default, I'm using Qt3's QProcess wrapper around CreateProcess for this purpose, but I get the same behavior using system, my own CreateProcess, and ShellExecute.
ShellExecute of a cmd.exe "/c application params" does provide me with some more information however. I get the dialog
"The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
Inconveniently, both the parent application and the second simulator use MSVCR80.dll.
Upon copying MSVC*80.dll from g:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.4927_none_d08a205e442db5b5 to the same directory as my executable, the error message changes to
"Runtime Error!
Program: g:\path\to\app.exe
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Followed by
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application.
And, once again, the application runs fine from the command line with those dlls in place.
I suspected perhaps it was environment related, so changed my ShellExecute mechanism to do cmd /c set && app params. I set up a cmd.exe with those same params and my app is now crashing similarly. Will update when I figure out why :)
It is MATLAB's component runtime tool that is modifying my process's PATH variable to bad effect. It is prepending its own dir full of dll's and wreaking havoc.
A foolish tool I was using did a setenv on PATH, prepending a directory it wanted for dynamically loading some dlls, but which messed up my application later. I ended up using GetEnvironmentStrings as shown in the last example here, erasing the first entry in the PATH env var, and sending the new (original) environment to QProcess, which wraps CreateProcessA.
You need to install the CRT
This may work - if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces :-)
Try installing VC++ redistributable from here -
Remember to backup your system, create a restore point etc. before installing stuff.
Another idea -try reinstalling the failing appliacation itself. It may come with its own copy of VC++ redistributables, and reinstalling might help. Esp. trying to reinstall it using Windows 7's compability mode (perhaps go back to Vista or XP compatibility) might be even more effective.
To reiterate - you'll have to try, and I've no real idea if either of the above ideas will do you good, or even be sure to do no harm. That said, if I were faced with a similar problem, these are the steps I'd try. HTH!

Eclipse/PyDev + Django debug

Eclipse/PyDev, Python 2.6, Django 1.1
All is working in run mode. If I put debug point inside file, breakpoint worked. But when I putted it in any action method, it causes nothing :(
Usually the problem is that you're running with auto-reload in django, in which case a different process is actually feeding the pages, so, you need to run it with the no reload option or use the remote debugger.
(To configure PyDev to work with Django see:
Note that if you want to execute without the auto-reload feature (which PyDev should do automatically when you create a new Django run), you can do all directly (i.e.: the debugger and launching don't need any special adjustments).
Note: the situation has improved a bit recently, so, although the above answer is still valid, there are improvements for those that do want to develop with auto-reload on:
Answer with auto-reload on:
If you want to have auto-reload on while developing, use the tips at: PyDev and Django: how to restart dev server? (to overcome an issue where Django will leave child processes alive when the main process is killed)
And see the session related to the remote debugger at: to see how to attach the debugger to PyDev when using the auto-reload feature (mainly, you'll need to start the remote debugger, but will add breakpoints regularly and PyDev will stop on those provided you call pydevd.patch_django_autoreload() before you main session -- i.e.: before if __name__ == "__main__":, add the following: import pydevd;pydevd.patch_django_autoreload()).
also if while attempting to import pydevd eclipse can't find the pydevd depependency. Make sure to add it from your plugins folder:
Look for your eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_x.x.x/pysrc where x.x.x is your eclipse pydev plugin version. In the eclipse/plugins folder you will find lot's of folders that start with a similar name only one of them will have a pysrc subfolder(and the right version number).
Add eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_x.x.x/pysrc to your project's external libraries:
Right click on your project explorer.
Go to properties/PyDev - PYTHONPATH/External Libraries/ and click on Add Source folder.
Find your eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_x.x.x/pysrc folder on the provided browser.