Interfacing Qt application with Scilab via call_scilab (Scilab API) - c++

I'm working on Qt application, that has to compute some data using Scilab's numerical engine. My OS is Ubuntu 14.04 with installed Scilab v.5.5.0 and QtCreator v.3.2.1 (Qt 5.3.2).
I'm using a simple code example provided in scilab help:
/****** INITIALIZATION **********/
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if ( StartScilab(NULL,NULL,NULL) == FALSE )
if ( StartScilab(getenv("SCI"),NULL,NULL) == FALSE )
fprintf(stderr,"Error while calling StartScilab\n");
/****** ACTUAL Scilab TASKS *******/
SendScilabJob("myMatrix=['sample','for the help']");
SendScilabJob("disp(myMatrix);"); // Will display !sample for the help !
SendScilabJob("disp([2,3]+[-44,39]);"); // Will display - 42. 42.
/****** TERMINATION **********/
if ( TerminateScilab(NULL) == FALSE ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error while calling TerminateScilab\n");
My problem is that after clicking "Run", I get an alert as follows:
/home/med/Dokumenty/QTWorkspace/build-QTtest-Desktop_Qt_5_3_GCC_32bit-Debug/QTtest: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I tried to add following line to qmake .pro file, but without any results:
LIBS += /usr/lib/scilab/
The library already is in specified dir (I've checked this manually). Before that I was trying a lot of another settings - still without success.
Could anyone provide the proper solution of this problem?

try adding the location of your lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Try to use this in your project file:
LIBS = -L/usr/lib/scilab -lscicall_scilab
You will need to rerun qmake then to regenerate the Makefile(s). Make sure that you have 32 bit library of scilab or change the build to 64 bit should that be the issue.


Tensorflow Lite c++ Build

I have already put a question about the access violation of the TensorFlow lite c++ API. No one answered it so far, I believe the error I made is with selecting the wrong header- and library files from the Bazel build.
The steps that I have done to get the Tensorflow Lite Header and Libraries are from Youtube Tutorial and from Tensorflow.
Get Required Python (for me Python 3.9.5)
Install required Packages locally
Install Bazel (for me 3.7.2) and MSYS2 (after installation run pacman -S git patch unzip) and add it to Path
Check VS Build Tools 2019 for C++ (I have VS 19 Community with MSVC v142 & Windows 10 SDK)
Download and Unzip Tensorflow Sources from Github (Release of 2.5.3)
Inside the Tensorflow Sources, use python .\ to start configure the bazel build (I only used Yes for override eigen strong inline, the rest is kept on the default value)
The I opened GitBash cmd inside the tensorflow source bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/lite:tensorflowlite
After a successful build later I get the "bazel-bin", "bazel-out", "bazel-tensorflow-2.5.3" and "bazel-testlogs" folder.
I created the following folders tensorflow/include/tensorflow/lite & core and tensorflow/include/flatbuffers for the headers and finally the tensorflow/lib for the libraries.
I copied the tensorflowlite.dll & tensorflow.dll.if.lib from the build directory (tensorflow-2.5.3\bazel-bin\tensorflow\lite) into the tensorflow/lib directory together with the flatbuffers.lib (from tensorflow-2.5.3\bazel-bin\external\flatbuffers\src)
I copied the tensorflow-2.5.3\bazel-bin\external\flatbuffers\src_virtual_includes\flatbuffers\flatbuffers headers into the tensorflow/include/flatbuffers directory
I copied the tensorflow-2.5.3\tensorflow\lite and tensorflow-2.5.3\tensorflow\core from the original sources into the tensorflow/include/tensorflow/lite & core directory.
After those steps, I could create a new VS Project and add the created linker and include information. And created the following short example to read the input layer.
#include "tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/model.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/optional_debug_tools.h"
if (!(x)) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, "Error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
exit(1); \
int main()
std::string filename = "C:/project/tflitetesting/models/classification/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite";
std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model =
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
tflite::InterpreterBuilder builder(*model, resolver);
std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter;
TFLITE_MINIMAL_CHECK(interpreter->AllocateTensors() == kTfLiteOk);
printf("=== Pre-invoke Interpreter State ===\n");
// Get Input Tensor Dimensions
unsigned char* input = interpreter->typed_input_tensor<unsigned char>(0);
But I am still receiving the access violation exception inside interpreter.h at
const Subgraph& primary_subgraph() const {
return *subgraphs_.front(); // Safe as subgraphs_ always has 1 entry.
What am I doing wrong? I dont want to build the shared library since the target (Coral Edge) has direct access to those functions (ex. interpreter->typed_input_tensor<unsigned char>(0); too.
The thing is, you cannot Debug a Release (Optimized) version.
with the command bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/lite:tensorflowlite you will create an "Release" version of the dll's and lib's.
Therefore just apply bazel build -c dbg //tensorflow/lite:tensorflowlite to get the debug tflite c++ version.

OpenCV program compiles but doesn't run

I am working on Windows 8 with OpenCV 2.4.13 and MinGW 4.9.
I wrote a simple and small opencv program to check if everything was installed properly. Following is the code:
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
int main () {
printf("in main\n");
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
IplImage * image = cvLoadImage("C:/{...}/test.jpg");
return 0;
I compiled it with the following command at the command prompt:
g++ -o test test.cpp -LC:\{...}\opencv\build\x64\vc11\lib -lopencv_core2413 -lopencv_highgui2413 -IC:\{...}\opencv\build\include
{...} is the path to the specified folder/file.
This command runs properly and compilation is successful without any errors. However, when I run it with:
in main and one here gets printed after which I get the error message as 'test.exe has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution.'
What all I have tried:
For installation of OpenCV, ran the downloaded opencv executable file (which extracts all files) and added the system variable OPENCV_DIR and edited the system PATH for location of DLLs (which reside in %OPENCV_DIR%\bin) as per:
Tried adding the required DLLs in the same directory as the .exe.
Tried doing the whole thing from vc12 directory.
After the error message appears, it gives an option of debugging. On pressing that, the Just In Time Debugger opens up and says 'An unhandled win32 exception occurred in test.exe'. I googled this and tried inspecting the registry key as directed here
but it was already properly set. So, there was nothing for me to change in that.
Nothing is working for me at all. Please let me know if any more information is required. I'm desperately looking for a solution to this.
For those who might be encountering the same problem, I compiled the program with OpenCV dynamic (.dll) libraries instead of the .lib files and it ran just fine at runtime for some reason.

Application runs fine when built from Xcode, won't run directly from the .app

Working on a c++ mac application in Xcode. When I hit run everything is fine (debug and release mode). But when I go into finder into the Products/Release folder and double click on the .app directly, the app immediately closes with an error (application quit unexpectedly. click report to see more detailed information). When I click report, the line of code it errors on seems to indicate that it isn't finding my resource files, but it finds them fine when I build/run the same exact app from xcode. heres an example of how i use the resource files in the code:
std::ifstream file;"");
//do stuff
anyone have any ideas why double clicking the .app that xcode just created would have different results than running it from xcode?
also not sure if this is part of the issue, but it seems strange that I have to reference the resource folder from outside the .app file ( I would expect that path to be relative to the executable in .app/Contents/MacOS like this (../Resources/Saves/1.svd) but that didnt work either.
I had similar problem and spending some time researching different options I ended up using Apple's objects. I needed to get resources folder:
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include "CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h"
Then actual snippet is:
#ifdef __APPLE__
char path[FILENAME_MAX];
CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(mainBundle);
if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(resourcesURL, TRUE, (UInt8 *)path, PATH_MAX)){
//log("CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation returned false. Path:%s", path);
//log("Current path:%s", path);

Qt deployed (macdeployqt) application does not create a file

I'm facing the following problem:
I wrote a simple application to track working hours. Therefor I create a *.db file programmatically.
Launching the application from Qt Creator (debug or release) works perfectly fine.
I used the macdeployqt tool to get a *.dmg file. When starting the application now the method (see below) cannot open, respectively create the *.db file and I run out of ideas why. In addition to this, the application should output some *.csv files. This also fails.
One more information, running the application as administrator using the sudo command on terminal...well it works and the *.db file and *.csv files get created.
So I am quite sure it must deal with file permissions but I have no idea how to change this except for changing it in the information context menu but this didn't help at all.
Below the method for the *.db file which always returns false when not launching the app from Qt Creator:
QFile file(Globals::Environment::WORKING_DIRECTORY + "/" + "Records.db");
return true;
QMessageBox msg;
msg.setText("Failed to create database file!");
return false;
I am on MacOS 10.11.3.
Qt 5.5.1 (Clang 6.1 (Apple), 64 bit)
If more information is needed, I will provide it of course.
Thanks a lot for every help in advance.

How to use LibVLC with Qt 5

I'm trying to use LibVLC in a Qt 5 program to open a VLC instance and play a video.
The following code comes from
I'm using Linux.
.pro :
TARGET = projectLoic
QT += widgets
# Input
SOURCES += main.cpp
LIBS +=-lvlc
main :
#include <vlc/vlc.h>
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
libvlc_instance_t * inst;
libvlc_media_player_t *mp;
libvlc_media_t *m;
// Load the VLC engine
inst = libvlc_new(0, NULL);
// Create a new item
m = libvlc_media_new_path (inst, "/home/........mp3");
// Create a media player playing environement
mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media (m);
// play the media_player
libvlc_media_player_play (mp);
return app.exec();
The compilation is fine. But the program immediatly crashes when I build it (with Qt Creator). Any idea?
Many thanks
Many things could cause this crash. The best is to get VLC source code to trace back the issue. Passing the option '--verbose=2' when initializing libVLC can help as well.
In my case the cause of the crash was due to this bug in the ubuntu package of vlc:
When calling libvlc_new() vlc modules and their dependent libraries are loaded into memory. The qt module of LibVLC was searching for Qt4 shared objects instead of Qt5 (manually installed).
The solution was to rebuild the module cache which was outdated an pointing to Qt4 binaries. You can reset it on the command line:
sudo /usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen -f /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/
Or pass to vlc the option:
I have never used this library, but Are you using exactly this code?
m = libvlc_media_new_path (inst, "/home/........mp3");
This path may be the problem.
What distribution of Linux are you using?
I ran into this same problem with Qt5 and LibVLC, and the primary cause (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS), was that LibVLC was loading the qt4 interface plugin, which conflicted with Qt5. If you check your call stack, you'll most likely see that at a Qt4 library was being loaded, causing the crash.
If this is the problem, there are only 3 options (tested with LibVLC 2.2 and Qt5 on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 LTS 64 bit).
The first (worst) is to delete the qt4 user interface plugin. You can test this is the problem by moving and running and then setting it back. Deleting will break your regular VLC player most likely.
Second option is to create a copy of the plugins directory and set that in your runtime path using VLC_PLUGIN_PATH, environment variable. but I've had trouble getting that to work without changing the original plugin path folder also (which will break your VLC player unless you modify your shortcuts, etc. to also set VLC_PLUGIN_PATH.
The third option, and what I ended up doing, was to custom build my own static LibVLC binary with a few edits to the source code so that it will not load the qt4 interface plugin installed with VLC. You can follow these steps to do this.
1) Download VLC Source Code for your platforms distribution.
Make sure you download the version matching your distribution. For
example, match the VLC version to what is installed with Ubuntu.
2) Extract source code to folder
3) Install dependencies for the OS distribution
sudo apt-get build-dep vlc
4) Modify src/modules/bank.c
Edit the module_InitDynamic function
Add the following code at the top of the function:
if(strstr(path, "qt4") != NULL)
return NULL;
3) From terminal
./configure --disable-qt --disable-skins2 --enable-xcb --prefix=/home/$USER/vlc-custom_build_output_folder_name
./make install
4) Copy/Save the resulting files in the install folder.
Then just link against this library instead.