Use Google Glass Mirror API to scan QR code - google-glass

I have the Google Mirror API's Quick Start for PHP up and running on a Microsoft Azure Website and can communicate with Google Glass.
I had a closer look to the options like the "request/response" example:
case 'insertItemWithAction':
$new_timeline_item = new Google_TimelineItem();
$new_timeline_item->setText("What did you have for lunch?");
$notification = new Google_NotificationConfig();
$menu_items = array();
// A couple of built in menu items
$menu_item = new Google_MenuItem();
array_push($menu_items, $menu_item);
$menu_item = new Google_MenuItem();
array_push($menu_items, $menu_item);
$new_timeline_item->setSpeakableText("What did you eat? Bacon?");
$menu_item = new Google_MenuItem();
array_push($menu_items, $menu_item);
I am now wondering if it is possible to use the Google Glass Mirror API to scan a QR code.
The idea is to replace the user having to speak a control digit, convert the control digit to a QR code and have the user scan the QR code without having to speak.
Is this possible?

You cannot present a QR Code scanning screen to your user by only using the Mirror API. Nor can you add a MenuItem allowing the user to send back a picture.
But, you can register as a contact, and have your users share with you pictures containing QR Codes.
More info about registering as a contact
More info about receiving shares
This is not a very fluid user experience, but it's the only way you could "scan" QR Codes while only using the Mirror API.


I don't understand how my google action shows up on "Works with Google" search

I have followed below tutorial to build my own home action.
I don't understand well on how this works. Let me explain you all about what I have understood so far and what I have done by now.
What I have DONE :
I built a conversational action (built with dialogflow's inline editor and intents) to change a data of the Firebase realtime database. (for instance, when I say "Turn the light on", then the Firebase data 'LED/OnOff' turns 0 to 1). Below is the code I have in my Dialogflow inline editor. (I have excluded the field including my project's credentials.)
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
console.log('Dialogflow Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
console.log('Dialogflow Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
function welcome(agent) {
agent.add(`Welcome to my agent!`);
function fallback(agent) {
agent.add(`I didn't understand`);
agent.add(`I'm sorry, can you try again?`);
function handle_heatOn(agent) {
const state = agent.parameters.heat_on;
var heat = 0;
if (state == 1)
heat = 1;
return admin.database().ref('0/OnOff').update({
on : true
function handle_heatOff(agent) {
const state = agent.parameters.heat_on;
var heat = 0;
if (state == 0)
heat = 0;
return admin.database().ref('0/OnOff').update({
on : false
//some more functions, related to controlling 4 different devices (heater, cooler, exhaust fan, LED) - exempted
// Run the proper function handler based on the matched Dialogflow intent name
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Default Welcome Intent', welcome);
intentMap.set('Default Fallback Intent', fallback);
intentMap.set('heat_on', handle_heatOn);
intentMap.set('heat_off', handle_heatOff);
intentMap.set('cool_on', handle_coolOn);
intentMap.set('cool_off', handle_coolOff);
intentMap.set('exha_on', handle_exhaOn);
intentMap.set('exha_off', handle_exhaOff);
intentMap.set('led_on', handle_ledOn);
intentMap.set('led_off', handle_ledOff);
// intentMap.set('your intent name here', yourFunctionHandler);
// intentMap.set('your intent name here', googleAssistantHandler);
Then I have deployed my action and Google has approved my action! It is now in production and can be searched in anyone's google account.
I have set up an OAuth 2.0 server. I'm really a beginner in developing, so I managed to use Auth0 to make the server. I have followed the below tutorial :
As a conclusion, when I invoke my conversational action in anyone's Google Assistant App, It will prompt the user to the authentication (login) screen (By Auth0). After the user inputs ID and Password, google assistant will link the user's account and launch my app.
However, my action is not shown on Google Home's "Works with Google" category. After trying to complete Brand Verification in Google Actions Console and linking one of my existent app on Google Play, I still don't know what to do or where to start from.
What I have understood so far :
Sorry for my shallow understanding in advance. I have understood that once my action is invoked by a user, it has to do account linking, which requires OAuth 2.0 server to exchange authentication token. If exchanging token has succeeded, the user's account is linked and he/she is able to use my action. The action will be launched after that.
I have searched the Internet and found some information such as Deep Linking and App Discovery, but I'm not sure this is the right keyword to start from.
I know I am really lacking in knowledge here. Please kindly at least hint where I should study and start.
What I want to understand and do :
I want to make my action, which is in production, show up on Google Home and Google Assistant App's "Works With Google" category without the prefix [test]. In other words, I want to let my app be searched just as the other company's apps. I understand that if you click on one of the apps of a company, your account will be linked and the company's action would be launched. Maybe I have to add some lines on Dialogflow's inline editor?? I know I might be silly, but I really appreciate your help. Thank you for reading my post.

PowerBI Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window' in parsePowerBIAccessToken

Randomly today my powerbi embedded code has been throwing:
DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.
at window.atob (eval at <anonymous> (, <anonymous>:1:83)
at e.parsePowerBIAccessToken (
at e.isTokenTenantValid (
at t.isPowerBIAccessTokenValid (
at t.promptForLogin (
at m.scope.promptForLogin (
at fn (eval at compile (, <anonymous>:4:374)
at m.$digest (
at t.i [as _next] (
I checked the access token and they appear valid. (No different to the ones working yesterday). I added a debug hook into window.atob and it seems like something inside of parsePowerBIAccessToken is passing undefined to atob. I can't figure out why though unless this code changed.
Kind of stuck on how to figure out the issue. (Not helping that Chrome seems to struggle to debug the lines without crashing).
The code path is trying to run the embed token through this code:
e.prototype.parsePowerBIAccessToken = function() {
return JSON.parse(atob(i.powerBIAccessToken.split(".")[1]))
Odd because the code is clearly using "tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed," and thus probably shouldn't be going down that code path?
I noticed it works if I'm logged into the MS account though, so it's using cookies.
If you copy and paste the embed URL from a report it'll have autoAuth=true in the URL. You must remove this from the embed URL or it attempts to use your cookies to authenticate. (It'll also try to use the embed token like an access token and execute wrong code, so that's MS's bug).
In my JS code I removed the autoAuth from the embed url and it'll skip trying to use cookies.
embedURL = embedURL.replace(/autoAuth=true&/ig, '');
You should always get the embed URL using the REST APIs.
From the embed for your customers (Embed Token) documentation
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2;
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.Models;
// You need to provide the workspaceId where the dashboard resides.
ODataResponseListReport reports = await client.Reports.GetReportsInGroupAsync(workspaceId);
// Get the first report in the group.
Report report = reports.Value.FirstOrDefault();
// Generate Embed Token.
var generateTokenRequestParameters = new GenerateTokenRequest(accessLevel: "view");
EmbedToken tokenResponse = client.Reports.GenerateTokenInGroup(workspaceId, report.Id, generateTokenRequestParameters);
// Generate Embed Configuration.
var embedConfig = new EmbedConfig()
EmbedToken = tokenResponse,
EmbedUrl = report.EmbedUrl,
Id = report.Id
You get the embed URL from the Report object.
The URL you got from is powerbi secure embed and it is not recommended to use this URL for another scenario.
We raised this issue with the PowerBI team. You are supposed to use an API call to get the embed URL for a report. There is an API tester here:
Here is a playground for testing embedding:

Need to check the inbox of an Exchange server with C++

I'm working on a project in C++ to backup and restore email on Microsoft Exchange servers, I'm trying to write automated tests for the restore function. Right now I can create test users, databases, and mailboxes, and can send email between users through the Exchange Admin Powershell. However, Exchange doesn't have commandlets to view or delete emails (as far as I can tell). Is there a way to do that with straight Exchange commandlets?
I haven't found a way, so instead I'm looking for an IMAP API that I can add to the project to enable viewing and deleting emails. Free would be ideal, but it can't be licensed with GPL. Is there an IMAP API for C++ that doesn't have GPL? Is there an avenue to programatically view and delete emails I haven't tried yet?
EDIT: Honestly I'm not too fussy on how it gets done, I just need a way to do it. I'm open to any suggestions.
Search-Mailbox can delete messages.
ExportMailboxRequest and ImportMailboxRequest cmdlets do most of the heavy lifting for importing and exporting data.
Why do you need to read messages? Powershell can also do client side scripts using Outlook library commands.
Put a 'magic phrase' in your test email. "MagicRainbowUnicorn".
Delete a message
Search-Mailbox -Identity "TestMailbox" -SearchQuery 'MagicRainbowUnicorn' -DeleteContent
Test for message
Switch ((Search-Mailbox -Identity "TestMailbox" -SearchQuery 'MagicRainbowUnicorn').count) {
0 { "No Results Found" }
1 { "One Result" }
default { "More than One, or some other strange Result" }
I don't have enough reputation to comment, but could you consume Exchange Web Services with C++? I wrote a few programs in C# that use EWS for monitoring mailboxes. I had the ability to view and delete messages from Exchange.
This is a sample of what I used in C#, if you decide to use that instead of C++. Or maybe it'll help steer you in a good direction.
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
ExchangeService svc = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
svc.Credentials = new WebCredentials("", "password");
// loop through messages in Inbox
foreach (EmailMessage msg in svc.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, new ItemView(int.MaxValue)))
// do stuff with message

Create a web service that can answer to WhatsApp messages

I'm trying to understand if it's possible to create a web service that can send and answer to WhatsApp messages. I searched on the web and I found the WhatsAPI,
I guess this solution work fine, but with the actual version of WhatsApp it's not possible to get the nickname, the sender, the imei and the password.
To get them I set up a Linux PC in which I installed mitmproxy to sniff the web traffic of a Samsung Galaxy S4. By using mitmproxy I can see the web traffic generated by the phone, so I tried to register to WhatsApp (with an another SIM), but in mitmproxy I can't see the data I need for WhatsAPI.
Does anyone knows if it's possible to get the password by using another way?
If it exist can you suggest me a way? Do you think it's possible to do that or it's better to use Telegram or Wechat (they have public API)?
For Java, you can try WhatsUp
For Python, see YowsUp.
Beware that WhatsApp threatens legal action against many of these library developers and does not officially support using the service this way.
I have also spoken directly with WhatsApp representatives who have said no commercial API use of WhatsApp is acceptable.
Also note that bulk messaging is against the WhatsApp terms of service.
There used to be a PHP implementation at WhatsAPI, and another Java implementation, WhatsApi4J. Both are no longer available due to legal threats.
For .NET you use
download installer for generate password from this link
string nickname = "Nickname";
/* Your number in the format CCAANNNNNNNNN
* C - Country Code
* A - Area Code
* N - Phone number */
string sender = "***************"; //phone number
string password = "*****************"; // Obtain it with WART or Yowsup
WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true);
wa.OnConnectSuccess += () =>
wa.OnLoginSuccess += (phoneNumber, data) =>
Console.WriteLine("Connection success!");
wa.SendMessage("**************"/* Number */, "Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Message sent!");
wa.OnLoginFailed += (data) => {
Console.WriteLine("Login failed: {0}", data);
wa.OnConnectFailed += (ex) =>
Console.WriteLine("Connect failed: {0}", ex.StackTrace);
wart app maybe works good for you.
WhatsApp Registration Tool
Uses token generator created by Jake
Uses WhatsApiNet fork by me
Requires .NET Framework 4 or Mono Framework (mono-complete on Linux)
This tool is used to register new phonenumbers and can also be used to retrieve a new password for already registered numbers.
The registration identity is auto-generated by the program based on the phone number.
The optional (and highly recommended) password field is used as salt when generating the identity. This will generate a unique identity hash which cannot be replicated unless you know the password.
Leaving the password field blank will generate an identity hash of just the phone number, which can be easily replicated and is highly insecure.
If these answers were helpful to you, please consider saying thank you in a more constructive way

Bing Maps Rest Services Multiple Locations for Geocoding

Currently, I have an ASP application which retrieves a set of locations from a datasource and then uses Bing map REST services to geocode the addresses and then display them on a table and a map in pages of 10 results at a time.
Currently, the application processes the locations sequentially ...
var geocodeRequest = "" + fullAddress.replace('&', ' ').replace(',', ' ') + "?output=json&jsonp=GeocodeCallback&key=" + getCredentials;
function GeocodeCallback(result) {
if (result &&
result.resourceSets &&
result.resourceSets.length > 0 &&
result.resourceSets[0].resources &&
result.resourceSets[0].resources.length > 0) {
// Set the map view using the returned bounding box
var bbox = result.resourceSets[0].resources[0].bbox;
var viewBoundaries = MM.LocationRect.fromLocations(new MM.Location(bbox[0], bbox[1]), new MM.Location(bbox[2], bbox[3]));
map.setView({ bounds: viewBoundaries });
// Add a pushpin at the found location
MM.Location.prototype.locID = null;
var location = new MM.Location(result.resourceSets[0].resources[0].point.coordinates[0], result.resourceSets[0].resources[0].point.coordinates[1]);
location.locID = tableRowIndex;
Is there any way to speed this up by passing 10 locations in one call and then processing result.resourceSets[0], result.resourceSets[1] etc?
How would multiple addresses be passed into the rest services call? (comma deliminated?)
Bing has two REST-accessible geocoding APIs. One of them is the one you're using, which only supports one address at a time, and the other is the Dataflow API which is designed for high-volume batch processing. Neither really seem like they're right for you, as your system is currently designed.
Depending on where you're getting your street addresses from (all you mention is 'a datasource'), you might be able to do a big-batch geocode for all the locations in your datasource - move the geocoding from request time to a batch process, and just use the request-time geocoding for the ones the batch process hasn't gotten to yet.
There is no way of doing this as it looks right now. It has been proposed to support native in javascript (i think), but I do not think that it has been implemented yet. It you want some concurrency, you could look at webworkers:
But this is not supported in IE yet. Maybe you could try to check out html5 async. I do not know if it could be used in the creation of the script element that is created when you call the REST services.