WSO2 API Manager Getting Start - wso2

This is regarding wso2 APM
Is there a getting started guide for those who wanted to start contributing to WSO2 API Manager.
Any feature request page where I can see community voted new features on which contribution is required ?

To get an understanding about the jaggery application structure in the API manager (The UI parts) you can read following tutorials
this is the structure followed in api manager store, publisher and admin-dashboard jaggery application.
You can read to see how the jaggery application is connected with the java code.
These will give you a basic understanding about the code base of the api manager.

Is there a getting started guide for those who wanted to start
contributing to WSO2 API Manager.
WSO2 API Manager is 100% open source API Management solution. You can find the component source code in github, component repo and product repo
Any feature request page where I can see community voted new features
on which contribution is required ? ​
You can find those information in the following mailing list is a mailing list to discuss about all WSO2 products.


WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 - Response Header update

I am studying Open source API manager implementation on microservices and I start with WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 using the available documentation but many solutions mentioned in the document doesn't work.
For example, I checked a forum where people are trying to remove some parts of Response headers especially server: WSO2 Carbon Server. As per documentation it says update <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences/main.xml and add lines mentioned here This did not work for me.
Is this something only available in licensed version or what is the correct process?

WSO2 API Manager: Creating SOAP or websocket API changes existing APIs types

I'm using WSO2's API Manager version 2.5.0 (
I create a REST API then create a SOAP API. When I edit the REST API looking at the first page (Design), it shows a SOAP endpoint instead of the REST endpoints. If I then create a websocket API and view the design page of the REST and SOAP APIs, the endpoints aren't shown indicating they are now websocket APIs. If I then create another REST API, viewing the design page of the other APIs shows they are now back to normal.
What is causing this to happen? Is there a fix for it? Does anyone have information about this? I've done extensive research looking through their docs, their github, stackoverflow, and google searches with no luck.
This is a known issue in 2.5.0 and fixed in 2.6.0.
Edit: My bad. It seems it's fixed after 2.6.0 release.
You can use the development branch[1].

WSO2 GREG 5: how to upload a Word document and associate it with SoapService?

I am evaluating WSO2 Governance Registry version 5.
I added some Web services using new Governance Center - Publisher web frontend - it works just fine.
But now I would like to upload a Word document (specification charter) to repository and associate it with my SoapService so it is visible in SoapService detail page.
I found how to do it using console:
It works but such associated document is not visible in Governance Center / Publisher.
So the question is: is it possible with WSO2 Greg to have a Word (or other) documents associated with Soap service?
Yes, This is possible with new GReg 5 series. Please find this blog post which explains a basic handler for your requirement.
To get it work you will need to write a handler and publisher/store extensions. There is a sample handlers comes with the WSO2 GReg pack. The handler needs to write kind a looks like swagger handler which comes GReg out of the box. Other than that user wanted to write a rxt such as wsdl/wadl or swagger rxt. For more information please refer WSO2 Governance registry 5.1.0 documentation.
Hope this helps

WSO2 Stratos Live Services / APIs

currently I´m evaluating WSO2 Stratos LIVE as a public PaaS. I did much research but there are still some questions:
1.) Does WSO2 Stratos Live offer a "multi-tenancy-api" to make Java web applications multi-tenant-aware (something like the Google App Engine Namespace API)?
2.) Is the cartridge-based architecture available (like in WSO2 Stratos 2)?
3.) Are there official API documentations / code samples for all the cloud services? I just found blog posts and webinars. But an official api documentation and code samples would be very great (for example how to unse Identity Server for authentication in Java web applications).
4.) Based on WSO2 API Manager deployment on Stratos, I assume that the API manager is not available as cloud-service?
5.) Do I have hosting options on Stratos Live (e.g. Java Version, the country / Data Center where my app will be hosted)?
6.) Does exist a logs-api to access application logs from my application?
7.) Are there apis for data handling (for example Map Reduce, execution of cron jobs, CDN)?
8.) Do I have a local test environment? I know that there are IDE plugins for an easy deployment. But is it possible to test my app with all WSO2 Stratos Live cloud services local on my machine without connecting to the real services?
I know this is a lot but it would be more than helpful if the WSO2 professionals would help me to answer those questions. As I said, I did much research but those 8 questions are still open.
Thanks a lot and best regards
See the answers in-line.
1.) Does WSO2 Stratos Live offer a "multi-tenancy-api" to make Java web applications multi-tenant-aware (something like the Google App Engine Namespace API)?
Yes. Your web app can be multi-tenanted.
2.) Is the cartridge-based architecture available (like in WSO2 Stratos 2)?
Not yet. But our plan is to make Stratos2.0 as the foundation of StratosLive. This will be done after the GA release of Stratos2.0 (it is now in beta stage)
3.) Are there official API documentations / code samples for all the cloud services? I just found blog posts and webinars. But an official api documentation and code samples would be very great (for example how to unse Identity Server for authentication in Java web applications).
All the documents and samples available for WSO2 products are valid for StratosLive. Reason is, we have deployed the very same product in the cloud. We are in the process of filling the documentation gap with regards to StratosLive at the moment.
4.) Based on WSO2 API Manager deployment on Stratos, I assume that the API manager is not available as cloud-service?
Not yet. It will be available in the future.
5.) Do I have hosting options on Stratos Live (e.g. Java Version, the country / Data Center where my app will be hosted)?
No. StratosLive uses shared instances to achieve multi-tenantcy (not like some other PaaSes which uses a JVM per tenant). Therefore, hosting options are not available.
6.) Does exist a logs-api to access application logs from my application?
Yes. We allow the tenants to view system logs and application logs. Unfortunately the API for log viewing is not documented yet.
7.) Are there apis for data handling (for example Map Reduce, execution of cron jobs, CDN)?
Map reduce related tasks can be handled using toolboxes which can be deployed in WSO2 BAM ( Please check the WSO2 BAM2 documentation for more info.
8.) Do I have a local test environment? I know that there are IDE plugins for an easy deployment. But is it possible to test my app with all WSO2 Stratos Live cloud services local on my machine without connecting to the real services?
You can download and use the Stratos local setup which can be found at

WSO2 Cloud adapters

I went thorough the features of WSO2 ESB. I noticed WSO2 Coud Connectors like Twitter, LinkedIn ..
I would like to know about any documents, wiki which supports this. I have the Auth Keys from Twitter. I want to do a simple twitter integration using WSO2 ESB.
Please share your thoughts.
This is a new feature that will be released with WSO2 ESB 4.5.0. You can do 3rd party API integration very easily with this new feature. For example once the Twitter Connector Library is deployed in the ESB , you can feed the relevant OAuth keys directly and connect to Twitter Cloud seamlessly. Currently there are no publicly available docs. But please await we will be releasing this documentation soon with upcoming releases.
You can find the documentation on connectors from here. Twitter specific documentation can be found here.