WSO2 Cloud adapters - wso2

I went thorough the features of WSO2 ESB. I noticed WSO2 Coud Connectors like Twitter, LinkedIn ..
I would like to know about any documents, wiki which supports this. I have the Auth Keys from Twitter. I want to do a simple twitter integration using WSO2 ESB.
Please share your thoughts.

This is a new feature that will be released with WSO2 ESB 4.5.0. You can do 3rd party API integration very easily with this new feature. For example once the Twitter Connector Library is deployed in the ESB , you can feed the relevant OAuth keys directly and connect to Twitter Cloud seamlessly. Currently there are no publicly available docs. But please await we will be releasing this documentation soon with upcoming releases.

You can find the documentation on connectors from here. Twitter specific documentation can be found here.


WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 integration with other Billing Engines

I'm trying to integrate an unknown billing engine with WSO2. But there's no documentation on the WSO2 docs for integrating any other billing engine (other than Stripe) with WSO2 API Manager.
If someone has developed an extension for any billing engine other than Stripe, or if there's any article or tutorial explaining how to do it, I'd appreciate if you'd shared it with me.
Even an explanation of wso2-am-stripe-plugin would be helpful, since there's no documentation available for the plugin.

swagger url for WSO2 Governance registry5.4.0 REST API

I am exploring the WSO2 Governance registry version 5.4.0. I would like to get the swagger url for WSO2 governance registry REST API so that I can call the rest apis to create/update/delete/get resources in Publisher portal.
I have installed the WSO2 Governance registry 5.4.0 locally on my windows 10 machine.
Please help me with this. Thanks a lot in advance.
First of all this is not a programming issue but support. Please refer below documentations provided by WSO2:
Invoking a REST Service Using the In-built Swagger UI
Adding a
REST Service
For this case you better subscribe to WSO2 mailing list and mail them your query. They will surely reach you.

How to manage billing with WSO 2 AM (2.0.0)

I would like to combine WSO2 AM and DAS with billing function.
I tried to set it by referring to the following site, but the article did not correspond to WSO2 APIM(2.0.0).
I want to publish WSO 2 APIM(2.0.0) runtime statistics to DAS.
But,WSO2 AM(2.0.0) does not have admin-dashboard like WSO2 AM(1.10.X).
・Should I lower the WSO2 AM version?
・Is there a procedure / article based on WSO 2 AM (2.0.0)?
・Do you have my point should be noted?
Thanks a lot.
From 2.0.0 onwards, it's called admin portal, and the URL is https://localhost:9443/admin. However, analytics configurations are removed from Admin Portal UI. So you have to use api-manager.xml file to configure analytics.
Refer this doc to configure analytics in 2.0.0.
Also, note that online service based on API Manager - WSO2 API Cloud - has API monetization and billing integration available out-of-box - just configure your billing plans and bank account and start collecting money:
There´s a guide on the same blog that you linked
This is for configuring DAS. If you only care about analytics data for apim I would recommend the new wso2am-analytics instead of the DAS. It's made specially for the apim and much easier to configure. See the guide that Bhatiya provided on how to configure wso2am-analytics.
The article is for APIM 1.10.0 and DAS 3.0.x. If you want to try this with APIM 2.0.0 you need to used the sample billing engine in this repo. checkout the tag am-2.0 and check.

How to ptotect non-browser based webservice with saml

I want to protect non-browser based web service with saml using wso2is. please provide me some links or tutorial to do this. So far I google about this but I didn't get idea how to do this. please help. thnx
To protect non-Browser based web services with SAML we need the ECP Profiles. But in the current implementation of the WSO2 Identity server, it doesn't support ECP profiles. It will be implemented in future releases.

WSO2 API Manager Getting Start

This is regarding wso2 APM
Is there a getting started guide for those who wanted to start contributing to WSO2 API Manager.
Any feature request page where I can see community voted new features on which contribution is required ?
To get an understanding about the jaggery application structure in the API manager (The UI parts) you can read following tutorials
this is the structure followed in api manager store, publisher and admin-dashboard jaggery application.
You can read to see how the jaggery application is connected with the java code.
These will give you a basic understanding about the code base of the api manager.
Is there a getting started guide for those who wanted to start
contributing to WSO2 API Manager.
WSO2 API Manager is 100% open source API Management solution. You can find the component source code in github, component repo and product repo
Any feature request page where I can see community voted new features
on which contribution is required ? ​
You can find those information in the following mailing list is a mailing list to discuss about all WSO2 products.