Is there a container like the one I am asking for? - c++

I was looking to implementing a c++ container object with following properties:
Keeps all the elements contiguously in memory, so that it can be iterated over without causing any cache misses.
Expandable, not like arrays which are of a fixed sized, but much like vectors in stl which can adjust the memory allocated to accommodate as many elements as i add.
Does not reallocate elements to new place in memory when resizing like in the case of std vectors. I need to keep pointers to the elements that are in the container, so reallocation the pointers should not be invalidated when adding new elements.
Must be compatible with ranged based for loops, so that the contents can be efficiently iterated through.
Is there any container out there which meets these requirements, in any external library or do i have to implement my own in this case?
As some comments have pointed out, not all the desired properties can be implemented together. I had ought over this, and i have an implementation in mind. Since making things contiguous entirely is not possible, some discontinuity can be accomodated. For example, the data container allocates space for 10 elements initially, and when the cap is reached, allocates another chunk of memory double the amount of the previous block, but doesn't copy the existing elements to that new block. Instead, it fills the new block with the new elements i put into it. This minimizes the amount of discontinuity.
So, is there a data structure which already implements that?

IMHO, the data-structure that is the closest from your need is the
deque in the STL. Basically it stores chunk of contiguous memories and
provides both random access iterators and stability regards to push_back
(your elements stays at the same place although iterators are invalidated).
The only problem with your constrains is that the memory is not contiguous
everywhere but as others commented, your set of needs is incompatible if you want
to fully satisfy them all.
By the way one sweet thing with this container is that you can also push on
the front.


Which STL container best meets these needs?

I would like some advice on which STL container best meets the following needs:
The collection is relatively short-lived.
The collection contains pointers.
Elements are added only at the end. The order of elements must be maintained.
The number of elements is unknown and may vary from hundreds to millions. The number is known only after the final element is added.
I may iterate over the elements several times.
After all elements are added, I need to sort the collection, based on the objects the pointers refer to.
After sorting, I may iterate over the elements several more times.
After that, the collection will be destroyed.
Thread safety is not required.
Here are my thoughts:
list: Requires a separate allocation for each element. More expensive traversal.
vector: Need to be reallocated as the collection grows. Best sort and traversal performance.
deque: Fewer allocations than list and fewer reallocations than vector. I don't know about behavior with respect to sort.
I am currently using list. The flowchart at In which scenario do I use a particular STL container? leads me to deque.
My knowledge of STL is old; I don't know about container types that have been added since 2003, so maybe there's something well-suited that I've never heard of.
std::vector<T*> will be the winner based on the points discussed.
Don't be afraid of the resizing that will need to occur--just reserve() a reasonable amount (say 500 if many of your collections will be around there).
Sorting performance with vector<T*> will also be very good.
Allocation and deallocation of each T will be important. Pay attention to this. For example you may want to allocate thousands of Ts at a time, to reduce the memory allocation overhead (and make it faster to deallocate everything at the end). This is known as an "arena" or "pool". You can probably store 32-bit relative pointers into the arena, saving half the pointer storage space.
And of course, if T is small you might consider storing it by value instead of by pointer.

How does deque manage memory?

There are some confusion for me in using deque container.
I compared a vector with a deque, I entered Integer values dynamically and observed that after a few insertions vector's objects start moving around and addresses have been changed which seemed logical. However deque's objects stayed on the same place in the memory even after I entered a few hundred integers.
This observation gives me the idea that deque reserves a much larger memory than vector but if it is true then what is the point of having dynamic memory instead of static? Even if it does, it will run out of memory at somewhere and need to change the place on the memory, So the next question is does it move every object or just start using memory somewhere else and links it with previous location?
deque container supports iterator arithmetic but is it safe to use it? i want to know how deque manage the memory not how one might prefer to use it.
A deque is a double linked list of mini vectors. That means addresses are stable.
Iterator arithmetic is valid unless operation which invalidates iterators is performed.
This is true for vectors too
From this std::deque reference:
... typical implementations use a sequence of individually allocated fixed-size arrays
You could think of it like a list of arrays.
A deque is typically implemented as a sequence of fixed-length pages of elements. If you append elements, when a page is full a new one is allocated and added at the end of the pages index. This guarantees that, if you add or remove elements only at the end or at the beginning, the ones that have already been stored aren't moved around in memory (in standardese speak, references to existing elements aren't invalidated by push_back, pop_back, push_front and pop_front).

Unordered, fixed-size memory-pool based container with frequent insertion and deletion

I'm looking for a container to store a dynamically growing and shrinking family of objects the size of which I know to come near to but never exceed a given bound. The container need not be ordered, so that I'm happy with any kind of insertion, no matter where it takes place. Moreover, I want all the objects to be stored in a some fixed contiguous memory-pool, but I do not require the memory that is actually occupied at some point in time to be a connected interval in the memory-pool.
Is there any container/allocator in the STL or boost that provides the above?
It seems that a reasonable approach would be to use a linked list with memory taken from a fixed-size memory-pool, but I'd rather use some already existing and well-established implementation for this than trying to do it myself.
Thank you!
As you need elements to be contiguous, I think you should go for std::vector, calling reserve at the beginning.
As I said in comment, as soon as you need contiguous memory you'll have to move something when you delete in the middle and that behavior is already handled by std::vectorusing remove/erase idiom.
Apart from this, if you use only the vector insertion or the lookup will be costly according to your design:
Either you always add new element at the end and the lookup of an element will cost you but the insertion will be painless
Or you sort the vector after every insertion (that will cost) and your lookup will be a lot faster using std::equal_range
Otherwise if you can afford an additional std::unordered_set<std::vector<your_element>::iterator> with a custom hash/equal you have a fair insertion/lookup ratio by looking up with the std::unordered_set<> to find where your element is stored.
Recapping, your requirements are:
dynamically growing and shrinking
no need to be ordered
fixed contiguous memory-pool
With the third requirement you rule out most of the node based containers (such as lists or queues). What you are left with are array-like containers. Specifically std::array and std::vector (or even std::valarray/boost::valarray).
But with the first requirement you rule out std::array (unless you want to implement some weird looking std::array<std::optional<T>> that mimics the functionality of an std::vector).
What you are left with is std::vector, which happens to fit requirement number two as well. Of course you can manage the capacity with std::vector::reserve and std::vector::shrink_to_fit.

STL container for a list with random access?

Is there an STL container similar to a list in that elements of lists are not stored contiguously? The size of this container can be up to 1000x1000 elements with each element being a vector containing 36 doubles. This would be a large chunk to store together (like ~200 megabytes). Is there a variant that instead stores pointers to its contents as a separate vector so it would allow for random access. Is there an STL container class for this that already exists or should I just store the pointers manually?
The container I need is actually a constant size so I think implementing it myself wouldnt be too difficult, but I was wondering if an STL container already exists for this. I'd like to avoid a vector because the list is large and the contents will be of medium size. If the vectors in the container don't need to reside next to each other then wouldn't it be better to separate them in a list to prevent running out of memory from fragmentation?
Both deque<array<double, 36>> and vector<vector<double>> would avoid the need for any really huge contiguous allocations.
The vector<vector<double>> is worse in those terms. For the numbers you specify it needs a contiguous allocation of 1000*1000*sizeof(vector<double>), which is low 10s of MB (most likely a vector is the size of 3 pointers). That's rarely a problem on a "proper computer" (desktop or server). The places where it would be a concern for fragmentation reasons (small virtual address space or no virtual addressing at all), you might also have a more fundamental problem that you don't have 300MB-ish of RAM anyway. But you could play extra-safe by avoiding it, since clearly there can exist environments where you could allocate 300MB total but not 12MB contiguously.
There is no std::array in C++03, but there's boost::array or you could easily write a class to represent 36 doubles.
vector<array<double, 36>> suffers worst from fragmentation, it requires a contiguous 250-MB allocation. Personally I don't find it easy to simulate in testing "the worst possible memory fragmentation we will ever face", but I'm not the best tester. That size of block is about where I start feeling a bit uneasy in a 32 bit process, but it will work fine in good conditions.
I highly recommend you to use the std::array class. It is constant sized, it supports random access to all elements, and has implementations of iterator, const_iterator, reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator. More about it:
It isn't clear what characteristic of std::list<T> you are after exactly. If you want a container whose elements stay put when adding or removing elements, you might want to have a look at std::deque<T>: when adding/removing elements at the front or the back all other element stay at the same location. That is, pointers and references to elements stay valid, unless elements are add or removed in the middle. Iterators get invalid on any insertion or removal. std::deque<T> provides random access.
There is no container directly given random access and support addition/removal at any poistion with the elements staying put. However, as others have pointed out, using a container of pointers provides such an interface. It may be necessary to wrap it to hide the use of pointers.

how c++ vector works

Lets say if I have a vector V, which has 10 elements.
If I erase the first element (at index 0) using v.erase(v.begin()) then how STL vector handle this?
Does it create another new vector and copy elements from the old vector to the new vector and deallocate the old one? Or Does it copy each element starting from index 1 and copy the element to index-1 ?
If I need to have a vector of size 100,000 at once and later I don't use that much space, lets say I only need a vector of size 10 then does it automatically reduce the size? ( I don't think so)
I looked online and there are only APIs and tutorials how to use STL library.
Is there any good references that I can have an idea of the implementation or complexity of STL library?
Actually, the implementation of vector is visible, since it's a template, so you can look into that for details:
iterator erase(const_iterator _Where)
{ // erase element at where
if (_Where._Mycont != this
|| _Where._Myptr < _Myfirst || _Mylast <= _Where._Myptr)
_DEBUG_ERROR("vector erase iterator outside range");
_STDEXT unchecked_copy(_Where._Myptr + 1, _Mylast, _Where._Myptr);
_Destroy(_Mylast - 1, _Mylast);
_Orphan_range(_Where._Myptr, _Mylast);
return (iterator(_Where._Myptr, this));
Basically, the line
unchecked_copy(_Where._Myptr + 1, _Mylast, _Where._Myptr);
does exactly what you thought - copies the following elements over (or moves them in C++11 as bames53 pointed out).
To answer your second question, no, the capacity cannot decrease on its own.
The complexities of the algorithms in std can be found at and the implementation, as previously stated, is visible.
Does it copy each element starting from index 1 and copy the element to index-1 ?
Yes (though it actually moves them since C++11).
does it automatically reduce the size?
No, reducing the size would typically invalidate iterators to existing elements, and that's only allowed on certain function calls.
I looked online and there are only APIs and tutorials how to use STL library. Is there any good references that I can have an idea of the implementation or complexity of STL library?
You can read the C++ specification which will tell you exactly what's allowed and what isn't in terms of implementation. You can also go look at your actual implementation.
Vector will copy (move in C++11) the elements to the beginning, that's why you should use deque if you would like to insert and erase from the beginning of a collection. If you want to truly resize the vector's internal buffer you can do this:
This will hopefully make a temporary vector with the correct size, then swaps it's internal buffer with the old one, then the temporary one goes out of scope and the large buffer gets deallocated with it.
As others noted, you may use vector::shrink_to_fit() in C++11.
That's one of my (many) objection to C++. Everybody says "use the standard libraries" ... but even when you have the STL source (which is freely available from many different places. Including, in this case, the header file itself!) ... it's basically an incomprehensible nightmare to dig in to and try to understand.
The (C-only) Linux kernel is a paragon of simplicity and clarity in contrast.
But we digress :)
Here's the 10,000-foot answer to your question:
Vector containers are implemented as dynamic arrays; Just as regular
arrays, vector containers have their elements stored in contiguous
storage locations, which means that their elements can be accessed not
only using iterators but also using offsets on regular pointers to
But unlike regular arrays, storage in vectors is handled
automatically, allowing it to be expanded and contracted as needed.
Vectors are good at:
Accessing individual elements by their position index (constant time).
Iterating over the elements in any order (linear time).
Add and remove elements from its end (constant amortized time).
Compared to arrays, they provide almost the same performance for these
tasks, plus they have the ability to be easily resized. Although, they
usually consume more memory than arrays when their capacity is handled
automatically (this is in order to accommodate extra storage space for
future growth).
Compared to the other base standard sequence containers (deques and
lists), vectors are generally the most efficient in time for accessing
elements and to add or remove elements from the end of the sequence.
For operations that involve inserting or removing elements at
positions other than the end, they perform worse than deques and
lists, and have less consistent iterators and references than lists.
Reallocations may be a costly operation in terms of performance, since
they generally involve the entire storage space used by the vector to
be copied to a new location. You can use member function
vector::reserve to indicate beforehand a capacity for the vector. This
can help optimize storage space and reduce the number of reallocations
when many enlargements are planned.
I only need a vector of size 10 then does it automatically reduce the size?
No it doesn't automatically shrink.
Traditionally you swap the vector with a new empty one: reduce the capacity of an stl vector
But C++x11 includes a std::vector::shrink_to_fit() which it does it directly