Do I need to set my destructor methods when I am using shared pointers? - c++

I tried finding an answer but didn't see one for my particular problem. I am using shared pointers for a ternary search tree (to be used for a predictive text algorithm) and am running into some problems using shared pointers.
I've been away from C++ for 5 years, and let me tell you, Java does not help you learn pointers. I've had to relearn pointer material I learned in school 5-6 years ago over the past couple of days, and have successfully managed to destroy my code.
Here is most of the code I have:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ternary_search_tree.h"
TernarySearchTree::TernarySearchTree() {
num_nodes_ = 0;
size_in_memory_ = 0;
root_node_ = nullptr;
TernarySearchTree::TernarySearchTree(const TernarySearchTree& other) {
num_nodes_ = other.num_nodes_;
size_in_memory_ = other.size_in_memory_;
TernarySearchTreeNode node;
node = *other.root_node_;
TernarySearchTree::~TernarySearchTree() {
TernarySearchTree& TernarySearchTree::operator=(const TernarySearchTree& other) {
//TODO: swap idiom - create a copy of the node then swap the new one with it
//do this first to provide exception safety
TernarySearchTreeNode node;
node = *other.root_node_;
num_nodes_ = other.num_nodes_;
size_in_memory_ = other.size_in_memory_;
return *this;
//Convert from string to c-style string
std::vector<char> TernarySearchTree::ConvertStringToCString(std::string str) {
std::vector<char> wordCharacters (str.begin(), str.end());
//remove newlines or tabs
if (wordCharacters.back() == '\n' || wordCharacters.back() == '\t') {
return wordCharacters;
//Insert a node
TernarySearchTreeNode TernarySearchTree::InsertNode(TernarySearchTreeNode &currentNode,
char character,
NodePosition position,
bool isRoot) {
TernarySearchTreeNode newNode;
if (!isRoot) {
switch (position) {
return newNode;
//Insert a word
void TernarySearchTree::InsertWord(std::string word) {
std::vector<char> characters = ConvertStringToCString(word);
std::shared_ptr<TernarySearchTreeNode> currentNode = 0;
bool isFirstCharacter = true;
//Add each character to a node while traversing
//Base case where there is no root node
if (!root_node_) {
for(std::vector<char>::iterator it = characters.begin(); it != characters.end(); ++it) {
if (*it != '\0') {
//if it is the first character
//root_node_ is equal to the address of new node
if (isFirstCharacter) {
std::cout << "HIHI";
TernarySearchTreeNode node = InsertNode(*currentNode, *it, NODE_POS_CENTRE, true);
isFirstCharacter = false;
} else {
TernarySearchTreeNode node = InsertNode(*currentNode, *it, NODE_POS_CENTRE, false);
std::cout << std::endl << node.get_character();
//If not base case, then we need to compare each character
} else {
currentNode = root_node_;
for(std::vector<char>::iterator it = characters.begin(); it != characters.end(); ++it) {
if (*it != '\0') {
currentNode.reset(&SetNextNode(*currentNode, *it, *std::next(it, 1)));
} else {
//Recursive function for obtaining/adding the next node when inserting a word
TernarySearchTreeNode TernarySearchTree::SetNextNode(TernarySearchTreeNode &currentNode, const char currentChar, const char nextChar) {
//If characters match
if (currentChar == currentNode.get_character()) {
//if centre node exists
if (currentNode.get_centre_node()) {
return *(currentNode.get_centre_node());
//Otherwise, create a new node and recall method on that node
} else {
//If not the end of the word, make a new node with the next letter
if (nextChar != '\0') {
return InsertNode(currentNode, nextChar, NODE_POS_CENTRE, false);
} else {
return currentNode;
//If it is less, follow node on the left
} else if (currentChar < currentNode.get_character()) {
//if left node exists, recursive call
if (currentNode.get_left_node()) {
return SetNextNode(*(currentNode.get_left_node()), currentChar, nextChar);
//Otherwise, create a new node and recall method on that node
} else {
return SetNextNode(InsertNode(currentNode, currentChar, NODE_POS_LEFT, false), currentChar, nextChar);
//Otherwise it is bigger, so take right path
} else {
//if right node exists, recursive call
if (currentNode.get_right_node()) {
return SetNextNode(*(currentNode.get_right_node()), currentChar, nextChar);
//Otherwise, create a new node and recall method on that node
} else {
return SetNextNode(InsertNode(currentNode, currentChar, NODE_POS_RIGHT, false), currentChar, nextChar);
//Populate the TST from a word list/file
void TernarySearchTree::PopulateTreeFromTextFile(std::string fileName) {
std::ifstream file;
std::string line;;
if (file.is_open()) {
//Assume text file has one word per line
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
bool TernarySearchTree::SearchForWord(std::string word) {
return false;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
TernarySearchTree tst;
//Open file
//start at root and follow some paths
std::cout << tst.get_root_node();
/**std::vector<char> vec;
std::vector<char>::iterator it = vec.begin();
std::cout << *std::next(vec.begin(), 1);
std::cout << (*it < 'c');
std::cout << *std::next(it, 0);
std::cout << (*it < 'c');
return 0;
and for the nodes:
/*TST node methods */
#include <iostream>
#include "ternary_search_tree_node.h"
TernarySearchTreeNode::TernarySearchTreeNode() {
character_ = '\0';
end_of_word_ = false;
left_node_ = nullptr;
centre_node_ = nullptr;
right_node_ = nullptr;
TernarySearchTreeNode::TernarySearchTreeNode(const TernarySearchTreeNode& other) {
character_ = other.character_;
end_of_word_ = other.end_of_word_;
TernarySearchTreeNode leftNode;
leftNode = *other.left_node_;
TernarySearchTreeNode centreNode;
centreNode = *other.centre_node_;
TernarySearchTreeNode rightNode;
rightNode = *other.right_node_;
TernarySearchTreeNode::TernarySearchTreeNode(char character, bool end_of_word,
TernarySearchTreeNode left_node,
TernarySearchTreeNode centre_node,
TernarySearchTreeNode right_node) {
character_ = character;
end_of_word_ = end_of_word;
TernarySearchTreeNode::~TernarySearchTreeNode() {
TernarySearchTreeNode& TernarySearchTreeNode::operator=(const TernarySearchTreeNode& other) {
if (&other) {
TernarySearchTreeNode leftNode;
leftNode = *other.left_node_;
TernarySearchTreeNode centreNode;
centreNode = *other.centre_node_;
TernarySearchTreeNode rightNode;
rightNode = *other.right_node_;
character_ = other.character_;
end_of_word_ = other.end_of_word_;
return *this;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TernarySearchTreeNode& obj)
// write obj to stream
char c = obj.get_character();
bool b = obj.is_end_of_word();
os << c << "\t is end of word: " << b;
return os;
When I run in debug mode (Visual Studios), it is able to set the root node, but when it goes to input the second node, it crashes trying to delete "stuff" when currentNode calls .reset(&node) within the else statement of function InsertWord. Am I doing something wrong in the copy constructors or operator= methods, or the destructors? The cout line above it does print the correct letter, so it looks like the node is getting created properly.
The debug call stack shows:
TernarySearchTree.exe!std::_Ref_count_base::_Decref() Line 118 C++
Line 347 C++
Line 624 C++
Line 649 C++
Line 50 C++ TernarySearchTree.exe!TernarySearchTreeNode::`scalar
deleting destructor'(unsigned int) C++
Line 161 C++ TernarySearchTree.exe!std::_Ref_count_base::_Decref()
Line 120 C++
Line 347 C++
Line 624 C++
Line 649 C++
Line 50 C++
word) Line 105 C++ TernarySearchTree.exe!TernarySearchTree::PopulateTreeFromTextFile(std::basic_string,std::allocator
fileName) Line 182 C++ TernarySearchTree.exe!wmain(int argc, wchar_t * * argv) Line 200 C++
TernarySearchTree.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 533 C
TernarySearchTree.exe!wmainCRTStartup() Line 377 C
kernel32.dll!7592338a() Unknown [Frames below may be incorrect
and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]
ntdll.dll!77599f72() Unknown ntdll.dll!77599f45() Unknown
Thanks for any help you can provide! And let me know if there is anythign else you need me to provide (the text file I am reading in just has the word cornin it).

Your problem is that you're using Java style in C++. Unlike in Java where everything is essentially a pointer, in C++ you have to think about the difference between values, references, pointers, and object lifetime.
This function is bad:
TernarySearchTreeNode::TernarySearchTreeNode(char character, bool end_of_word,
TernarySearchTreeNode left_node,
TernarySearchTreeNode centre_node,
TernarySearchTreeNode right_node) {
character_ = character;
end_of_word_ = end_of_word;
You are taking TernarySearchTreeNode objects by value, then putting their address into a shared_ptr. The point of a shared_ptr to to take ownership of a dynamically allocated object (one created using new) and delete it when the reference count goes to zero. The objects above (left_node, etc) are stack objects that will go out of scope at the end of the function. When you put their address into a shared_ptr, it will then try to delete those objects later, but they no longer exist.
As far as recommending how to fix this, there is a whole lot going on here where the assumptions are just off. For instance, can a child node have more than one parent? Does it actually make sense to copy nodes?
I'll assume for the moment that copying nodes makes sense, so using shared_ptr is reasonable. In that case we might start here:
TernarySearchTreeNode TernarySearchTree::InsertNode(std::shared_ptr<TernarySearchTreeNode currentNode>,
char character,
NodePosition position,
bool isRoot) {
auto newNode = std::make_shared<TernarySearchTreeNode>();
if (!isRoot) {
switch (position) {
Then all of your functions like set_left_node should also take std::shared_ptr<TernarySearchNode> as parameters. You should not be calling reset(), which exists to allow a shared_ptr to take ownership (refcount == 1) of a free pointer. shared_ptr works by incrementing the reference count on copy and dereferencing in the destructor. When you dereference the pointer and then take the address, you are working around the shared_ptr.


C Creating a binary tree based on a sequence

I need help adjusting the createTree function.
Which accepts a string and after that character by character traverses it, creating a binary tree based on it
If it encounters the character 0, it recursively creates two sub-branches.
If it encounters another character, it saves it in the leaf node.
For the string in the example, I need to make a tree as in the picture, but the function does not work properly for me. Thank you in advance for your advice.
int x = 0;
Node* createTree(string str, int si, int ei)
if (si > ei)
return NULL;
Node *root = new Node((str[si] - '0'));
if(str[si] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[si] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str,0,str.length());
return 0;
The problem can quite easily be broken down into small steps (what you partly did in your question).
Start iterating at the first character
Create the root node
If the current character is non-zero, set the value of this node to this character
If current character is a zero, set this node to zero, create a left and a right node and get back to step 3 for every one of them. (That's the recursive part.)
Below is my implementation of this algorithm.
First, a little bit of setting up:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
struct Node;
// Iterator to a constant character, NOT a constant iterator
using StrConstIt = std::string::const_iterator;
using UniqueNode = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
struct Node
int value;
UniqueNode p_left;
UniqueNode p_right;
Node(int value)
: value(value) {}
Node(int value, UniqueNode p_left, UniqueNode p_right)
: value(value), p_left(std::move(p_left)), p_right(std::move(p_right)) {}
As you can see, I'm using std::unique_ptr for managing memory. This way, you don't have to worry about manually deallocating memory. Using smart pointers is often considered the more "modern" approach, and they should virtually always be preferred over raw pointers.
UniqueNode p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(StrConstIt& it, StrConstIt stringEnd)
if (it >= stringEnd)
return nullptr;
UniqueNode node;
if (*it == '0')
// Create node with appropriate value
// Create branches and increment iterator
node = std::make_unique<Node>(
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(++it, stringEnd),
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(it, stringEnd)
// Create leaf node with appropriate value
node = std::make_unique<Node>(*it - '0');
// Increment iterator
return node;
UniqueNode p_createTree(StrConstIt begin, StrConstIt end)
return p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(begin, end);
The first function takes a reference to the iterator to the next character it should process. That is because you can't know how much characters a branch will have in its leaf nodes beforehand. Therefore, as the function's name suggests, it will update the iterator with the processing of each character.
I'm using iterators instead of a string and indices. They are clearer and easier to work with in my opinion — changing it back should be fairly easy anyway.
The second function is basically syntactic sugar: it is just there so that you don't have to pass an lvalue as the first argument.
You can then just call p_createTree with:
int main()
std::string str = "050067089";
UniqueNode p_root = p_createTree(str.begin(), str.end());
return 0;
I also wrote a function to print out the tree's nodes for debugging:
void printTree(const UniqueNode& p_root, int indentation = 0)
// Print the value of the node
for (int i(0); i < indentation; ++i)
std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << p_root->value << '\n';
// Do nothing more in case of a leaf node
if (!p_root->p_left.get() && !p_root->p_right.get())
// Otherwise, print a blank line for empty children
if (p_root->p_left.get())
printTree(p_root->p_left, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
if (p_root->p_right.get())
printTree(p_root->p_right, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
Assuming that the code which is not included in your question is correct, there is only one issue that could pose a problem if more than one tree is built. The problem is that x is a global variable which your functions change as a side-effect. But if that x is not reset before creating another tree, things will go wrong.
It is better to make x a local variable, and pass it by reference.
A minor thing: don't use NULL but nullptr.
Below your code with that change and the class definition included. I also include a printSideways function, which makes it easier to see that the tree has the expected shape:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int m_Data;
Node* m_Left = nullptr;
Node* m_Right = nullptr;
Node(int v) : m_Data(v) {}
// Instead of si, accept x by reference:
Node* createTree(string str, int &x, int ei)
if (x >= ei)
return nullptr;
Node *root = new Node((str[x] - '0'));
if(str[x] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[x] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
// Overload with a wrapper that defines x
Node* createTree(string str)
int x = 0;
return createTree(str, x, str.length());
// Utility function to visualise the tree with the root at the left
void printSideways(Node *node, string tab) {
if (node == nullptr) return;
printSideways(node->m_Right, tab + " ");
cout << tab << node->m_Data << "\n";
printSideways(node->m_Left, tab + " ");
// Wrapper for above function
void printSideways(Node *node) {
printSideways(node, "");
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str);
return 0;
So, as you see, nothing much was altered. Just si was replaced with x, which is passed around by reference, and x is defined locally in a wrapper function.
Here is the output:

Inserting a basic singly linked list node seems to break my c++ code?

Singly Linked List and Node classes and the start of the main function, where I wrote a brief outline of the code functionality. The issue is toward the end of the main function. I wrote '...' in place of what I believe to be irrelevant code because it simply parses strings and assigns them to the string temp_hold[3] array.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class Node {
string value;
string attr;
string tagname;
Node *next;
Node(string c_tagname, string c_attr, string c_value) {
this->attr = c_attr;
this->value = c_value;
this->tagname = c_tagname;
this->next = nullptr;
class SinglyLinkedList {
Node *head;
Node *tail;
SinglyLinkedList() {
this->head = nullptr;
this->tail = nullptr;
void insert_node(string c_tagname, string c_attr,string c_value) {
Node *node = new Node(c_tagname,c_attr, c_value);
if (!this->head) {
this->head = node;
} else {
this->tail->next = node;
this->tail = node;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* storage is a vector holding pointers to the linked lists
linked lists are created and the linked list iterator sll_itr is incremented when
previous line begins with '</' and the currentline begins with '<'
linked lists have nodes, which have strings corresponding to tagname, value, and attribute
SinglyLinkedList *llist = new SinglyLinkedList();
vector<SinglyLinkedList*> sllVect;
auto sll_itr = sllVect.begin();
string temp_hold[3];
// to determine new sll creation
bool prev = false;
bool now = false;
int num1, num2;
cin >> num1; cin >> num2;
//read input in
for (int i = 0; i <= num1; ++i) {
string line1, test1;
getline(cin, line1);
test1 = line1.substr(line1.find("<") + 1);
//determine to create a new linked list or wait
if (test1[0] == '/') {
prev = now;
now = true;
} else {
//make a node for the data and add to current linked list
if (i > 0) {
prev = now;
now = false;
//if last statement starts with '</' and current statment starts with '<'
// then start a new sll and increment pointer to vector<SinglyLinkedList*>
if (prev && !now) {
SinglyLinkedList *llisttemp = new SinglyLinkedList();
//parse strings from line
int j = 0;
vector<string> datastr;
vector<char> data;
char test = test1[j];
while (test) {
if (isspace(test) || test == '>') {
string temp_for_vect(data.begin(),data.end());
if (!temp_for_vect.empty()) {
} else
if (!isalnum(test)) {
} else {
test = test1[j];
//each node has 3 strings to fill
int count = 0;
for (auto itrs = datastr.begin(); itrs!=datastr.end(); ++itrs) {
switch (count) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
cout << "before storing node" << endl;
(*sll_itr)->insert_node(temp_hold[0], temp_hold[1], temp_hold[2]);
cout << "after" << endl;
cout << "AFTER ELSE" << endl;
return 0;
And here is the line that breaks the code. The auto sll_itr is dereferenced which means *sll_itr is now a SinglyLinkedList* and we can call the insert_node(string, string, string) to add a node to the current linked list. However when I keep the line, anything after the else statement brace does not run, which means the cout<<"AFTER ELSE"<< endl; does not fire. If I remove the insert_node line, then the program runs the cout<<"AFTER ELSE"<< endl; I am unsure what the issue is.
cout << "after" << endl;
} //NOT HANGING. This closes an else statement.
cout << "AFTER ELSE" << endl;
return 0;
Compiled as g++ -o myll mylinkedlist.cpp and then myll.exe < input.txt And input.txt contains
8 3
<tag1 value = "HelloWorld">
<tag2 name = "Name2">
<tag5 name = "Name5">
<tag6 name = "Name6">
Your linked list isn't the problem, at least not the problem here.
A recipe for disaster in the making: retaining, referencing, and potentially manipulating, an iterator on a dynamic collection that potentially invalidates iterators on container-modification. Your code does just that. tossing out all the cruft between:
vector<SinglyLinkedList*> sllVect;
auto sll_itr = sllVect.begin();
SinglyLinkedList *llisttemp = new SinglyLinkedList();
sllVect.push_back(llisttemp); // HERE: INVALIDATES sll_iter on internal resize
To address this, you have two choices:
Use a container that doesn't invalidate iterators on push_back. There are really only two sequence containers that fit that description: std::forward_list and std::list.
Alter your algorithm to reference by index`, not by iterator. I.e. man your loop to iterate until the indexed element reaches end-of-container, then break.
An excellent discussion about containers that do/do-not invalidate pointers and iterators can be found here. It's worth a read.

Trie Tree. Unable to access memory

I am a beginner at C++ and am have some issues with 2 separate errors. Unable to access memory and stack overflow.
This is my implementation for a Trie Tree, using pointers, of words containing characters a-z. When running tests, I can successfully add several hundred, or even thousands of nodes without issue, until it eventually crashes. Error: Unable to access memory. I more often get this error when I am trying to run a query and use the "isAWord" function. I also get a stack overflow when I try to run the deconstructor. Any help is appreciate, as I've spent 2 days trying to debug with little success.
#include "Trie.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
//sets up tree
for (int i = 0; i < ALPH; i++)
this->childs[i] = nullptr;
endNode = false;
//add 'userInput' string to trie
void Trie::addAWord(std::string userInput)
Trie* start = this;
for (int i = 0; i < userInput.length(); i++)
int index = userInput[i] - 'a';
if (start->childs[index] == nullptr)
start->childs[index] = new Trie();
start = start->childs[index];
start->endNode = true;
//returns true if 'wordFind' is in tree
bool Trie::isAWord(std::string wordFind)
if (this == nullptr)
return false;
Trie* start = this;
for (int i = 0; i < wordFind.length(); i++)
int index = wordFind[i] - 'a';
start = start->childs[index];
if (start == nullptr)
return false;
return start->endNode;
//returns a vector containing the words in tree with prefix 'prefFind'
vector<std::string> Trie::allWordsStartingWithPrefix(std::string prefFind)
string pres = PrefixRec(prefFind,*this);
stringstream preStream(pres);
istream_iterator<std::string> begin(preStream), end;
vector<std::string> stringSet(begin, end);
copy(stringSet.begin(), stringSet.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
return stringSet;
//helper method for AllWordsStartingWithPrefix
std::string Trie::PrefixRec(std::string& key, Trie const temp)
if (temp.endNode)
return(key + " ");
for (char index = 0; index < ALPH; ++index)
index = key[index] - 'a';
Trie const* curChild = temp.childs[index];
if (curChild)
PrefixRec(key, *curChild);
//copy cons and assignment op
Trie& Trie::operator=(const Trie& other)
Trie* newPtr = new Trie(other);
return *newPtr;
if (this == nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < ALPH; i++)
if (childs[i] != nullptr)
delete this;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#define ALPH 26
class Trie
bool endNode;
Trie* childs[ALPH];
void addAWord(std::string key);
bool isAWord(std::string key);
std::vector<std::string> allWordsStartingWithPrefix(std::string key);
Trie& operator=(const Trie& other);
std::vector<std::string> wordsWithWildcardPrefix(std::string);
std::string PrefixRec(std::string& key, Trie const temp);
I also get a stack overflow when I try to run the deconstructor.
This is because of this line:
delete this;
This is what a delete does
The delete expression invokes the destructor (if any) for the object
that's being destroyed,
You can imagine why calling delete from within the destructor would be problematic. (Hint: Infinite recursion)
You don't want any delete this in your code.
Once you get rid of this, there are other issues.(Although you may live just by fixing this). For instance calling the destructor explicitly as you are doing in this line(and several other lines)
From iso cpp:
Should I explicitly call a destructor on a local variable?
The destructor will get called again at the close } of the block in which the local was created. This is a guarantee of the language; it happens automagically; there’s no way to stop it from happening. But you can get really bad results from calling a destructor on the same object a second time! Bang! You’re dead!
Replace the explicit destructor calls with delete and let it call the destructor correctly.
I would recommend replace any raw pointers and new and delete with smart pointer. Start with shared_ptr to begin with. (raw_pointers are so 2010 ;))
Footnote: Get rid of these checks. They are non-idiomatic. It's ok and desirable for the caller to burn when calling a member function on a nullptr
if (this == nullptr)
return false;

Properly exiting out of recursions?

TrieNode and Trie Object:
struct TrieNode {
char nodeChar = NULL;
map<char, TrieNode> children;
TrieNode() {}
TrieNode(char c) { nodeChar = c; }
struct Trie {
TrieNode *root = new TrieNode();
typedef pair<char, TrieNode> letter;
typedef map<char, TrieNode>::iterator it;
Trie(vector<string> dictionary) {
for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.size(); i++) {
void insert(string toInsert) {
TrieNode * curr = root;
int increment = 0;
// while letters still exist within the trie traverse through the trie
while (curr->children.find(toInsert[increment]) != curr->children.end()) { //letter found
curr = &(curr->children.find(toInsert[increment])->second);
//when it doesn't exist we know that this will be a new branch
for (int i = increment; i < toInsert.length(); i++) {
TrieNode temp(toInsert[i]);
curr->children.insert(letter(toInsert[i], temp));
curr = &(curr->children.find(toInsert[i])->second);
if (i == toInsert.length() - 1) {
temp.nodeChar = NULL;
curr->children.insert(letter(NULL, temp));
vector<string> findPre(string pre) {
vector<string> list;
TrieNode * curr = root;
/*First find if the pre actually exist*/
for (int i = 0; i < pre.length(); i++) {
if (curr->children.find(pre[i]) == curr->children.end()) { //DNE
return list;
else {
curr = &(curr->children.find(pre[i])->second);
/*Now curr is at the end of the prefix, now we will perform a DFS*/
pre = pre.substr(0, pre.length() - 1);
findPre(list, curr, pre);
void findPre(vector<string> &list, TrieNode *curr, string prefix) {
if (curr->nodeChar == NULL) {
else {
prefix += curr->nodeChar;
for (it i = curr->children.begin(); i != curr->children.end(); i++) {
findPre(list, &i->second, prefix);
The problem is this function:
void findPre(vector<string> &list, TrieNode *curr, string prefix) {
/*if children of TrieNode contains NULL char, it means this branch up to this point is a complete word*/
if (curr->nodeChar == NULL) {
else {
prefix += curr->nodeChar;
for (it i = curr->children.begin(); i != curr->children.end(); i++) {
findPre(list, &i->second, prefix);
The purpose is to return all words with the same prefix from a trie using DFS. I manage to retrieve all the necessary strings but I can't exit out of the recursion.
The code completes the last iteration of the if statement and breaks. Visual Studio doesn't return any error code.
The typical end to a recursion is just as you said- return all words. A standard recursion looks something like this:
returnType function(params...){
//Do stuff
if(need to recurse){
return function(next params...);
}else{ //This should be your defined base-case
return base-case;
The issue arises in that your recursive function can never return- it can either execute the push_back, or it can call itself again. Neither of these seems to properly exit, so it'll either end quietly (with an inferred return of nothing), or it'll keep recursing.
In your situation, you likely need to store the results from recursion in an intermediate structure like a list or such, and then return that list after iteration (since it's a tree search and ought to check all the children, not return the first one only)
On that note, you seem to be missing part of the point of recursions- they exist to fill a purpose: break down a problem into pieces until those pieces are trivial to solve. Then return that case and build back to a full solution. Any tree-searching must come from this base structure, or you may miss something- like forgetting to return your results.
Check the integrity of your Trie structure. The function appears to be correct. The reason why it wouldn't terminate is if one or more of your leaf nodes doesn't have curr->nodeChar == NULL.
Another case is that any node (leaf or non-leaf) has a garbage child node. This will cause the recursion to break into reading garbage values and no reason to stop. Running in debug mode should break the execution with segmentation fault.
Write another function to test if all leaf-nodes have NULL termination.
After posting the code, the original poster has already pointed out that the problem was that he/she was not returning the list of strings.
Apart from that, there are a few more suggestions I would like to provide based on the code:
How does this while loop terminate if toInsert string is already in the Trie.
You will overrun the toInsert string and read a garbage character.
It will exit after that, but reading beyond your string is a bad way to program.
// while letters still exist within the trie traverse through the trie
while (curr->children.find(toInsert[increment]) != curr->children.end())
{ //letter found
curr = &(curr->children.find(toInsert[increment])->second);
This can be written as follows:
while (increment < toInsert.length() &&
curr->children.find(toInsert[increment]) != curr->children.end())
Trie( vector<string> dictionary)
should be
Trie( const vector<string>& dictionary )
because dictionary can be a large object. If you don't pass by reference, it will create a second copy. This is not efficient.
I am a idiot. I forgot to return list on the first findPre() function.
vector<string> findPre(string pre) {
vector<string> list;
TrieNode * curr = root;
/*First find if the pre actually exist*/
for (int i = 0; i < pre.length(); i++) {
if (curr->children.find(pre[i]) == curr->children.end()) { //DNE
return list;
else {
curr = &(curr->children.find(pre[i])->second);
/*Now curr is at the end of the prefix, now we will perform a DFS*/
pre = pre.substr(0, pre.length() - 1);
findPre(list, curr, pre);
return list; //<----- this thing

Logic flaw in trie search

I'm currently working on a trie implementation for practice and have run into a mental roadbloack.
The issue is with my searching function. I am attempting to have my trie tree be able to retrieve a list of strings from a supplied prefix after they are loaded into the programs memory.
I also understand I could be using a queue/shouldnt use C functions in C++ ect.. This is just a 'rough draft' so to speak.
This is what I have so far:
bool SearchForStrings(vector<string> &output, string data)
Node *iter = GetLastNode("an");
Node *hold = iter;
stack<char> str;
while (hold->visited == false)
int index = GetNextChild(iter);
if (index > -1)
str.push(char('a' + index));
iter = iter->next[index];
//We've hit a leaf so we want to unwind the stack and print the string
else if (index < 0 && IsLeaf(iter))
iter->visited = true;
string temp("");
stringstream ss;
while (str.size() > 0)
temp +=;
int i = 0;
for (std::string::reverse_iterator it = temp.rbegin(); it != temp.rend(); it++)
ss << *it;
//Store the string we have
output.push_back(data + ss.str());
//Move our iterator back to the root node
iter = hold;
//We know this isnt a leaf so we dont want to print out the stack
iter->visited = true;
iter = hold;
return (output.size() > 0);
int GetNextChild(Node *s)
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (s->next[i] != nullptr && s->next[i]->visited == false)
return i;
return -1;
bool IsLeaf(Node *s)
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (s->next[i] != nullptr)
return false;
return true;
struct Node{
int value;
Node *next[26];
bool visited;
The code is too long or i'd post it all, GetLastNode() retrieves the node at the end of the data passed in, so if the prefix was 'su' and the string was 'substring' the node would be pointing to the 'u' to use as an artificial root node
(might be completely wrong... just typed it here, no testing)
something like:
First of all, we need a way of indicating that a node represents an entry.
So let's have:
struct Node{
int value;
Node *next[26];
bool entry;
I've removed your visited flag because I don't have a use for it.
You should modify your insert/update/delete functions to support this flag. If the flag is true it means there's an actual entry up to that node.
Now we can modify the
bool isLeaf(Node *s) {
return s->entry;
Meaning that we consider a leaf when there's an entry... perhaps the name is wrong now, as the leaf might have childs ("y" node with "any" and "anywhere" is a leaf, but it has childs)
Now for the search:
First a public function that can be called.
bool searchForStrings(std::vector<string> &output, const std::string &key) {
// start the recursion
// theTrieRoot is the root node for the whole structure
return searchForString(theTrieRoot,output,key);
Then the internal function that will use for recursion.
bool searchForStrings(Node *node, std::vector<string> &output, const std::string &key) {
if(isLeaf(node->next[i])) {
// leaf node - add an empty string.
if(key.empty()) {
// Key is empty, collect all child nodes.
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (node->next[i] != nullptr) {
std::vector<std::string> partial;
// so we got a list of the childs,
// add the key of this node to them.
for(auto s:partial) {
} // end for
} // end if key.empty
else {
// key is not empty, try to get the node for the
// first character of the key.
int c=key[0]-'a';
if((c<0 || (c>26)) {
// first character was not a letter.
return false;
if(node->next[c]==nullptr) {
// no match (no node where we expect it)
return false;
// recurse into the node matching the key
std::vector<std::string> partial;
// add the key of this node to the result
for(auto s:partial) {
// provide a meaningful return value
if(output.empty()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
And the execution for "an" search is.
Call searchForStrings(root,[],"an")
root is not leaf, key is not empty. Matched next node keyed by "a"
Call searchForStrings(node(a),[],"n")
node(a) is not leaf, key is not empty. Matched next node keyed by "n"
Call searchForStrings(node(n),[],"")
node(n) is not leaf, key is empty. Need to recurse on all not null childs:
Call searchForStrings(node(s),[],"")
node(s) is not leaf, key is empty, Need to recurse on all not null childs:
... eventually we will reach Node(r) which is a leaf node, so it will return an [""], going back it will get added ["r"] -> ["er"] -> ["wer"] -> ["swer"]
Call searchForStings(node(y),[],"")
node(y) is leaf (add "" to the output), key is empty,
recurse, we will get ["time"]
we will return ["","time"]
At this point we will add the "y" to get ["y","ytime"]
And here we will add the "n" to get ["nswer","ny","nytime"]
Adding the "a" to get ["answer","any","anytime"]
we're done