Thread through functions unless not null - clojure

Is there a built in macro for that?
(defn keep-looking-for-value-in-multiple-sources [value source1 source2 ...]
(let [ ret (source1 value)]
(if ret
(let [ret (source2 value)]
(if ret
I know it's easy to implement a macro, but maybe there is a idiomatic approach?

Depending on whether you can live with false being treated equally to nil (as your example suggests), you could just use or:
(or (source1 value)
(source2 value)
This should not be unreasonably verbose in most cases, but obviously only works if you know (and explicitly use) the collection of functions you want to apply.

This is what I've come up with
(some #(% value) [source1 source2])

You don't need a macro. The function you specify is roughly as you have it, with a suitable frame:
(defn keep-looking-for-value-in-multiple-sources [value & sources]
(some #(% value) sources))
But is this really what you want? For example,
(keep-looking-for-value-in-multiple-sources -2 pos? odd? even?)
... not very informative.
I blame some. For example, if I write
(some odd? (range))
... I intuitively expect 1. In fact, I get true, the first truthy result of applying odd? to successive elements of (range). There is no standard function that does what, IMO, some ought to do.

user> (defn keep-looking [value & sources]
(loop [s sources]
(if-let [ret ((first s) value)]
(recur (rest sources)))))
user> (keep-looking :something
{:not-something 1}
{:something 3})
;=> 3


Accumulate values to a list

I'd like to create a list depending on the results of some functions. In Java (my background), I'd do something like:
List<String> messages = ...
if(condition 1)
messages.add(message 1);
if(condition 2)
messages.add(message 2);
if(condition N)
messages.add(message N);
In clojure, I think I'll need to create a list using let like the following (just dummy example):
(let [result
(if (= 1 1) "message1" "message2")
(if (= 1 0) "message3" "message4"))]
I've also checked cond but I need to be appending the elements to the list considering all the validations (and cond breaks after one condition is satisfied).
Which way should I follow to achieve this?
If you want them to be conditionally added like in the Java example, you could use cond->, which does not short circuit:
(let [messages []]
(cond-> messages ; Conditionally thread through conj
(= 1 1) (conj "Message1")
(= 0 1) (conj "Message2")
(= 0 0) (conj "Message3")))
=> ["Message1" "Message3"]
If you want to conditionally add one or the other like your second example suggests however, you could just use plain conj with some if expressions:
(let [messages []]
(conj messages
(if (= 1 1) "Message1" "Message2")
(if (= 0 1) "Message3" "Message4")))
=> ["Message1" "Message4"]
And I'll note that your original attempt almost worked. Instead of vec, you could have used vector, or just a vector literal:
(let [messages [(if (= 1 1) "Message1" "Message2")
(if (= 1 0) "Message3" "Message4")]]
=> ["Message1" "Message4"]
Although, this is would only be beneficial if you didn't already have a messages populated that you wanted to add to. If that was the case, you'd have to use concat or into:
(let [old-messages ["old stuff"]
messages [(if (= 1 1) "Message1" "Message2")
(if (= 1 0) "Message3" "Message4")]]
(into old-messages messages))
=> ["old stuff" "Message1" "Message4"]
Take a look at cond->.
For example, your Java example could be written like:
(cond-> (some-fn-returning-messages)
(= 1 1) (conj "message1")
(= 1 2) (conj "message2")
(= 1 n) (conj "messagen"))
I see several answers pointing to the cond-> macro which appears to match your request most closely in that it is nearest to the style outlined in your question.
Depending on the number of conditions you have, your question seems like a good candiate for simply using filter.
(def nums (range 10))
(filter #(or (even? %) (= 7 %)) nums)
If you have a bunch of conditions (functions), and "or-ing" them together would be unwieldy, you can use some-fn.
Numbers from 0-19 that are either even, divisible by 7, greater than 17, or exactly equal to 1. Stupid example I know, just wanted to show a simple use-case.
(filter (some-fn
#(zero? (mod % 7))
#(> % 17)
#(= 1 %))
(range 20))
Looks like everyone had the same idea! I did mine with keywords:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core demo.core tupelo.test))
(defn accum
(cond-> [] ; append to the vector in order 1,2,3
(contains? conds :cond-1) (conj :msg-1)
(contains? conds :cond-2) (conj :msg-2)
(contains? conds :cond-3) (conj :msg-3)))
(is= [:msg-1] (accum #{:cond-1}))
(is= [:msg-1 :msg-3] (accum #{:cond-1 :cond-3}))
(is= [:msg-1 :msg-2] (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-1}))
(is= [:msg-2 :msg-3] (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-3}))
(is= [:msg-1 :msg-2 :msg-3] (accum #{:cond-3 :cond-2 :cond-1 })) ; note sets are unsorted
If you want more power, you can use cond-it-> from the Tupelo library. It threads the target value through both the condition and the action forms, and uses the special symbol it to show where the threaded value is to be placed. This modified example shows a 4th condition where, "msg-3 is jealous of msg-1" and always boots it out of the result:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core demo.core tupelo.test))
(defn accum
(cond-it-> #{} ; accumulate result in a set
(contains? conds :cond-1) (conj it :msg-1)
(contains? conds :cond-2) (conj it :msg-2)
(contains? conds :cond-3) (conj it :msg-3)
(contains? it :msg-3) (disj it :msg-1) ; :msg-3 doesn't like :msg-1
; remember that sets are unsorted
(is= #{:msg-1} (accum #{:cond-1}))
(is= #{:msg-3} (accum #{:cond-1 :cond-3}))
(is= #{:msg-1 :msg-2} (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-1}))
(is= #{:msg-2 :msg-3} (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-3}))
(is= #{:msg-2 :msg-3} (accum #{:cond-3 :cond-2 :cond-1 }))
Not necessarily relevant to your use case, and certainly not a mainstream solution, but once in a while I like cl-format's conditional expressions:
(require '[clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]])
(require '[ :as g])
(cl-format nil
"~:[He~;She~] ~:[did~;did not~] ~:[thought about it~;care~]"
(g/boolean) (g/boolean) (g/boolean))
A typical case would be validating a piece of data to produce an error list.
I would construct a table that maps condition to message:
(def error->message-table
{condition1 message1
condition2 message2
Note that the conditions are functions. Since we can never properly recognise functions by value, you could make this table a sequence of pairs.
However you implement the table, all we have to do is collect the messages for the predicates that apply:
(defn messages [stuff]
(->> error->message-table
(filter (fn [pair] ((first pair) stuff)))
(map second)))
Without a coherent example, it's difficult to be more explicit.
First-class functions and the packaged control structures within filter and map give us the means to express the algorithm briefly and clearly, isolating the content into a data structure.

Clojure macros: quoting, unquoting and evaluation

I have the following code:
(ns macroo)
(def primitives #{::byte ::short ::int})
(defn primitive? [type]
(contains? primitives type))
(def pp clojure.pprint/pprint)
(defn foo [buffer data schema]
(println schema))
(defmacro write-fn [buffer schema schemas]
(let [data (gensym)]
`(fn [~data]
(primitive? schema) `(foo ~buffer ~data ~schema)
(vector? schema) (if (= ::some (first schema))
`(do (foo ~buffer (count ~data) ::short)
(map #((write-fn ~buffer ~(second schema) ~schemas) %)
`(do ~#(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector schema)]
((write-fn buffer s schemas) `(get ~data ~i)))))
:else [schema `(primitive? ~schema) (primitive? schema)])))) ; for debugging
(pp (clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '(write-fn 0 [::int ::int] 0)))
The problem is, upon evaluating the last expression, I get
[:macroo/int :macroo/int true false]
[:macroo/int :macroo/int true false])))
I'll explain the code if necessary, but for now i'll just state the problem (it might be just a newbie error I'm making):
`(primitive? ~schema)
(primitive? schema)
in the :else branch return true and false respectively, and since i'm using the second version in the cond expression, it fails where it shouldn't (I'd prefer the second version as it would be evaluated at compile time if i'm not mistaken).
I suspect it might have something to do with symbols being namespace qualified?
After some investigations (see edits), here is a working Clojure alternative. Basically, you rarely need recursive macros. If you
need to build forms recursively, delegate to auxiliary functions and call them from the macro (also, write-fn is not a good name).
(defmacro write-fn [buffer schemas fun]
;; we will evaluate "buffer" and "fun" only once
;; and we need gensym for intermediate variables.
(let [fsym (gensym)
bsym (gensym)]
;; define two mutually recursive function
;; to parse and build a map consisting of two keys
;; - args is the argument list of the generated function
;; - body is a list of generated forms
(letfn [(transformer [schema]
(primitive? schema)
(let [g (gensym)]
{:args g
:body `(~fsym ~schema ~bsym ~g)})
(sequential? schema)
(if (and(= (count schema) 2)
(= (first schema) ::some)
(primitive? (second schema)))
(let [g (gensym)]
{:args ['& g]
`(doseq [i# ~g]
(~fsym ~(second schema) ~bsym i#))})
(reduce reducer {:args [] :body []} schema))
:else (throw (Exception. "Bad input"))))
(reducer [{:keys [args body]} schema]
(let [{arg :args code :body} (transformer schema)]
{:args (conj args arg)
:body (conj body code)}))]
(let [{:keys [args body]} (transformer schemas)]
`(let [~fsym ~fun
~bsym ~buffer]
(fn [~args] ~#body))))))
The macro takes a buffer (whatever it is), a schema as defined by your language and a function to be called for each value being visited by the generated function.
(pp (macroexpand
'(write-fn 0
[::int [::some ::short] [::int ::short ::int]]
(fn [& more] (apply println more)))))
... produces the following:
[G__1178 (fn [& more] (apply println more)) G__1179 0]
[[G__1180 [& G__1181] [G__1182 G__1183 G__1184]]]
(G__1178 :macroo/int G__1179 G__1180)
[i__1110__auto__ G__1181]
(G__1178 :macroo/short G__1179 i__1110__auto__))
[(G__1178 :macroo/int G__1179 G__1182)
(G__1178 :macroo/short G__1179 G__1183)
(G__1178 :macroo/int G__1179 G__1184)]))
First, evaluate buffer and fun and bind them to local variables
Return a closure which accept one argument and destructures it according to the given schema, thanks to Clojure's destructuring capabilities.
For each value, call fun with the appropriate arguments.
When the schema is [::some x], accept zero or more values as a vector and call the function fun for each of those values. This needs to be done with a loop, since the size is only know when calling the function.
If we pass the vector [32 [1 3 4 5 6 7] [2 55 1]] to the function generated by the above macroexpansion, the following is printed:
:macroo/int 0 32
:macroo/short 0 1
:macroo/short 0 3
:macroo/short 0 4
:macroo/short 0 5
:macroo/short 0 6
:macroo/short 0 7
:macroo/int 0 2
:macroo/short 0 55
:macroo/int 0 1
In this line:
`(do ~#(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector schema)]
((write-fn buffer s schemas) `(get ~data ~i)))))
you are calling write-fn, the macro, in your current scope, where s is just a symbol, not one of the entries in schema. Instead, you want to emit code that will run in the caller's scope:
`(do ~#(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector schema)]
`((write-fn ~buffer ~s ~schemas) (get ~data ~i)))))
And make a similar change to the other branch of the if, as well.
As an aside, it looks to me at first glance like this doesn't really need to be a macro, but could be a higher-order function instead: take in a schema or whatever, and return a function of data. My guess is you're doing it as a macro for performance, in which case I would counsel you to try it out the slow, easy way first; once you have that working you can make it a macro if necessary. Or, maybe I'm wrong and there's something in here that fundamentally has to be a macro.

Clojure idioms: sanely pass function-value pairs

Sometimes I want to pass argument-value pairs to a higher-order function, where the value I should pass is determined by the argument I pass. I want to be able to pass the argument without explicitly specifying the accompanying value. In particular, I'm interested in the case where the argument is itself a function.
Generic Example:
Here's a very generic example, where my-foo and my-bar are functions that I'm passing to higher-foo:
(higher-foo my-foo :option4 args) ;good
(higher-foo my-bar :option13 args) ;good
(higher-foo my-foo :option13 args) ;how stupid are you?! my-foo requires :option4!
Question: Is there a "standard" method for making :option4 or :option13 to be inferable by higher-foo so that I can just write (higher-foo my-foo) and (higher-foo my-bar)?
More Specific Example:
Bear in mind that there are better alternatives to the following code, but I'm just trying to put forward a concrete example of what I'm talking about:
(defn seq-has? [f n someseq]
(every? (partial apply f)
(partition n 1 someseq)))
(defn monotonicity [a b]
(<= a b))
(defn generalized-fib [a b c]
(= c (+ a b)))
(seq-has? monotonicity 2 someseq) should return true if the sequence is monotonic, false otherwise. (seq-has? generalized-fib 3 someseq) should return true if the sequence follows the generalized Fibonacci form, false otherwise.
But the "2" and "3" bother me. I could have an arbitrary number of properties to test for, and I don't want to have to remember the appropriate "magic numbers" for such calls.
Note: I know of two ways to do this, and for my own personal use, I suppose they both work. But I'm interested in what is idiomatic or considered best practice in the community. I'll post my answers, but I'm hoping there are more solutions.
Just make the predicate function itself take variadic arguments, and have it do the partitioning / recurring. Your monotonic? for instance already exists in core, and is called <=
(<= 1 2 4 5)
=> true
(<= 1 2 1 5)
=> false
Here's the source for the 1, 2 and variadic arg versions:
(source <=)
(defn <=
"Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically non-decreasing order,
otherwise false."
{:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte ~x ~y)))
:inline-arities #{2}
:added "1.0"}
([x] true)
([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte x y)))
([x y & more]
(if (<= x y)
(if (next more)
(recur y (first more) (next more))
(<= y (first more)))
You can make a fib? work the same way, have it take variadic arguments and recur over triples:
(defn fib?
[a b & [c & r]]
(if (= c (+ a b))
(if r
(recur b c r)
(fib? 0 1 1)
=> true
(fib? 2 3 5 8 13)
=> true
Since you are asking for a standard way how a function determines a not passed argument from one argument:
(defn f
([arg0] (case a :foo (f a :bar)
:baz (f a :quux)))
([arg0 arg1] ...))
Depending on your use case a different dispatch construct than case may be a better fit.
For your generic example this implies that higher-foo should determine the correct :option in the desired overload like demonstrated above.
In your specific example, you can't determine the n from the passed function. You need a more specific datastructure:
(defn seq-has? [{:keys [f n]} s]
(every? (partial apply f)
(partition n 1 s)))
(def monotonicity
{:f <=
:n 2})
(def generalized-fib
{:f #(= (+ %1 %2) %3)
:n 3})
(seq-has? monotonicity [1 2 3])
;; => true
This solution seems like a hack to me. Is it considered common/idiomatic? Use meta-data on the functions that define the property you are looking for:
(defn higher-foo [foo & args]
(apply foo (:option (meta foo))
(def my-foo
(fn [a b] (println "I'm doing something cool"))
{:option :option4}))
;using it:
user=> (higher-foo my-foo arg)

Single predicate to test for "self-evaluating" atoms in Clojure

At the home site of Clojure, there is the following statement:
Strings, numbers, characters, true,
false, nil and keywords evaluate to
Is there a single combined predicate that tests for any of these, combining string?, number?, char?, true?, false?, nil?, and keyword?. Should I just use (complement symbol?)?
Maybe I'm missing something, but you could use the following to test for any of those conditions and return true if one is true:
(defn self-eval?
(or (string? x)
(number? x)
(char? x)
(keyword? x)
(true? x)
(false? x)
(nil? x)))
It's easy enough to write a macro that asks "does the given expression evaluate to itself". In fact this is a good example of tasks that can only be done with a macro because they need to see the argument both evaluated and unevaluated.
(defmacro selfp [a] `(= ~a (quote ~a)))
user> (selfp 1)
user> (selfp +)
user> (selfp [1 2])
user> (selfp '(+ 1 2 3))
While strings, numbers, characters, keywords, and the booleans are all self-evaluating, other things such as [1 2] are as well,so this may not be a useful test in general.
Another option is to create a function that uses a map:
(defn myclassifier? [x]
(let [types-I-care-about #{java.lang.Sring ...}]
(if (types-I-care-about (type x))
Another option which may have better performance is to use java's dynamism:
(extend-type Object
(myclassifier? [x]
(let [c (.getClass x)]
(if (types-I-care-about (type c))
(extend-type (.getClass x)
(myclassifier? [x] true))
where types-I-care-about is a set of types you care about.

Is there a function similar to "andmap" in clojure?

I want to apply a series of tests on my list and make sure that all the tests are passed.
Is there a function similar to "andmap" in Clojure?
You could use every?:
user=> (every? string? '("hi" 1))
Here's the documentation on every?.
Clojure 1.3 will add every-pred (and the related some-fn for the "or" version).
([p] [p1 p2] [p1 p2 p3] [p1 p2 p3 & ps])
Takes a set of predicates and returns a function f that returns true if all of its
composing predicates return a logical true value against all of its arguments, else it returns
false. Note that f is short-circuiting in that it will stop execution on the first
argument that triggers a logical false result against the original predicates.
A naive implementation might be:
(defn every-pred [& preds] (fn [& args] (every? #(every? % args) preds)))
but the actual implementation will have better performance.
I wrote andmap as a macro which takes predicates as its arguments and builds a function that "wraps an and around the predicates", i.e.,
(andmap integer? odd?)
(fn [x] (and (integer? x)
(odd? x)))
(it doesn't expand to exactly this, but it expands to something equivalent to this)
This has the advantage that it shortcuircuts on the predicates so you can write
(every? (andmap integer? odd?) [1 3 "a string"])
without getting a runtime exception as you would get with Arthurs answer.
Here is the definition of andmap:
(defmacro andmap
([] `(fn [& x#] true))
([p & ps] `(fn [& x#] (and (apply ~p x#)
(apply (andmap ~#ps) x#)))))
It is also possible to define andmap as an function which also short-circuits on it's predicates due to lazyness:
(defn andmap [& ps]
(fn [& x]
(every? true? (map (fn [p] (apply p x)) ps))))
The predicates to andmap can take an arbitrary number of arguments, so it is possible to write
(map (andmap #(and (integer? %1)
(integer? %2))
#(and (odd? %1)
(even? %2))
[1 3 9]
[2 6 "string"])
which evaluates to (true true false).
every? will ask "Does this one function return true for each member of the seq", which is close to what I think you are asking for. An improvement on every? would take a list of functions and ask "Are all these predicates true for every member of this seq".
Here is a first attempt:
(defn andmap? [data tests]
(every? true? (for [d data, f tests]
(f d))))
user> (andmap? '(2 4 8) [even? pos?])
user> (andmap? '(2 4 8) [even? odd?])