Unit testing for Window Phone App - unit-testing

I am new to windows phone development and Visual Studio. I am writing a windows phone app on Visual Studio Express for Windows. This app has some WinRT components. To unit test this app I used Windows Phone Unit Test App. This Test app run on Windows phone. Is there anything for windows phone from which i can unit test the app apis on desktop itself if yes how can i achieve that?
Is there any maven plugin support for windows phone which does unit testing?
The basic idea behind this is to integrate it with Continuous integration server
Thanks in Advance

You can put the API into a Portable Class Library and test this using other testing tools on your machine (in contrast to WP/Windows apps, xUnit and other great testing frameworks support PCLs)
Furthermore, for testing WP apps, you can do this on your machine as well by running them in the emulator.
To do all these things automatically, look into mstest.exe or even better: the new vstest.console.exe which is used for app unit tests. Depending on what exactly you want to do, this or this might help :)


How to unit test UWP App with Azure Mobile App?

Consider a Visual Studio 2017 solution with 3 projects:
UWPApp - Universal Windows App
UWPAppTest - Universal Windows App Test (NuGet package: Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client)
MobileApp - Azure Mobile App web service (NuGet package: Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server)
I'd like to create a unit test in my UWPAppTest project, that calls my web service, running locally in my MobleApp web service project.
This requires me to somehow configure Visual Studio to launch the MobileApp project (selecting "don't open a page"). And at the same time, click "Debug Selected Test" in my test explorer. Or, somehow automatically launch the MobileApp in debug mode, when I debug a unit test.
This doesn't look like a supported scenario, and if not, what would be the next best workaround to be able to run a UWP test project, with tests calling a local web service?
This is something that Azure Mobile Apps has had to deal with as well. We use end-to-end test scenarios with a mobile backend hosted in the cloud. The test run will clear the contents of the database prior to each run, thus ensuring the appropriate unit testing. The biggest thing here is dealing with state.
In a local debug version, you will want to set the URI passed into the MobileServicesClient to your localhost, but things should not be any different. Just ensure you are fixing the starting point and ending point of your database for each test.

Need help in Xamarin Test Cloud Automation

In Xamrain test cloud both Xamarin.UITest/Calabash is unit testing ? Can't i write in calabash if my app is written with Xamarin as i am not more comfortable with c# ?
Well, you can write your test cases in calabash though your app is written in Xamarin.
Follow this link you might get your answer in Xamrin.iOS section

worklight testing Automation

Is there any Unit testing framework that we can use for Worklight apps. I am aware that there is Rational Test Workbench for Mobile(RTWM) we can use in Worklight IDE for unit testing purpose. I also came across with Appium.io recently and it looks pretty interesting.
I want to be able to run the automated Unit Tests right after the development of the mobile app. Which one would you prefer or any other tools out in the market?
Mobile Test Workbench Worklight (MTWW) is the supported testing framework. Please see: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wrklight/v6r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.worklight.mobtest.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_wl_mobile_test_ovw.html

XML web service running on Ubuntu

VS Studio 2005
I have developed an application that will need to access a web service.
I will be developing the web service. However, the platform will be Ubuntu running Apache Tomcat server.
I have 2 questions:
1) Can I deploy a MS XML web service to run on a Ubuntu Server?
2) If I can't. I will have to develop a Java Web Service. However, my application that is written in VS C# 2005 will need to access it will be a windows application. How can my application access a Java Web Service?
Many thanks for any advice,
If you want cross-platform compatibility, you can only deploy .net code that runs under Mono. The best way to check this is to actually develop the code under Mono and use Mono to test it. So, don't use Visual Studio. Sorry.
There is no problem with interfacing pieces of code written in two different languages. You can use XMLRPC, a RESTful API, or a proprietary protocol. I'm sure there are other ways for the two to "talk", as well.

UI Testing Tool on linux

Looking for a tool to UI testing on Linux .Platform used for development is django.
The idea is that the analysts will capture the tests thru some UI and it will be able to be played back over and over again.
Try with Selenium IDE, http://seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/