Loopback strange behaviour - loopbackjs

I am talking about loopback push component. I am trying to intercept the "create" method of "Installation" model. My code looks like this -
module.exports = function (app) {
var Installation = app.models.Installation;
var create = Installation.create;
Installation.create = function (data, cb) {
//reinitializing old implementation
this.create = create;
console.log("Received data: "+JSON.stringify(data));
if (!data || !data.imei) {
console.log("No data or imei was provided, creating new");
this.create(data, cb);
//saving 'this' reference
var that = this;
//search by imei filter
var filter = {where: {imei: data.imei}};
this.findOne(filter, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error occurred while looking for installation by IMEI");
if (!result) {
console.log("No installation found by IMEI, will create a new installation");
that.create(data, cb);
console.log("Found existing installation with id: " + JSON.stringify(result));
result.deviceToken = result.gpsLocation = result.osVersion = result.vendor = result.phoneNumbers = null;
if (data.deviceToken) {
result.deviceToken = data.deviceToken;
if (data.gpsLocation) {
result.gpsLocation = data.gpsLocation;
if (data.osVersion) {
result.osVersion = data.osVersion;
if (data.vendor) {
result.vendor = 'jahid';
if (data.phoneNumbers) {
result.phoneNumbers = data.phoneNumbers;
that.upsert(result, cb);
Unfortunately this code is invoked only once, I mean the first time. After that this code is never invoked. I became sure by looking at the log. It only prints the log first time. After that it does not print any log.
Any idea why this glue code is only invoked once? My intention is to intercept all create method invocation for Installation model. And check if there is already an entry for supplied "IMEI", if so then reuse that. Otherwise create new.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

What I would start here with is:
instead of implementing your own intercepting mechanism use Model Hooks
check out findOrCreate() method

boot scripts are only run once during application startup. if you want a function that triggers every time a function is called, use a remote hook or model hook. probably something along the lines of:
Installation.beforeRemote('create', ...
see http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Adding+logic+to+models for more info


Run Amazon Alexa Skill locally instead of AWS Lambda (Javascript)

Is it possible to run alexa skill locally with ngrok instead AWS? I built a skill in AWS Lambda but I would rather use my own server. What can I do to run Alexa locally?
I tried https://github.com/alexa-js/alexa-app-server but it makes any sense because I would need to rewrite my whole code :( The better solution is http://docs.bespoken.tools/en/latest/tutorials/tutorial_lambda_nodejs/ but it isn't the best. It just works only for a wellcome intent and freezes after that :(
Terminal Logs from bespken command:
BST: v0.9.35 Node: v7.8.0
Your URL for Alexa Skill configuration:
INFO 2017-04-25T20:27:20.628Z Connected - proxy.bespoken.tools:5000
INFO 2017-04-25T20:27:26.812Z RequestReceived: POST /?node-id=33efccba-2246-477f-bbb8-2e1e510cce9d ID: 1493152039146
INFO 2017-04-25T20:27:26.815Z Forwarding localhost:10000
Current hour: 24
Warning: Application ID is not set
INFO 2017-04-25T20:27:27.939Z ResponseReceived ID: 1493152039146
INFO 2017-04-25T20:28:10.755Z RequestReceived: POST /?node-id=33efccba-2246-477f-bbb8-2e1e510cce9d ID: 1493152078963
INFO 2017-04-25T20:28:10.756Z Forwarding localhost:10000
Warning: Application ID is not set
INFO 2017-04-25T20:28:11.157Z ResponseReceived ID: 1493152078963
INFO 2017-04-25T20:28:51.073Z RequestReceived: POST /?node-id=33efccba-2246-477f-bbb8-2e1e510cce9d ID: 1493152113739
INFO 2017-04-25T20:28:51.073Z Forwarding localhost:10000
Warning: Application ID is not set
INFO 2017-04-25T20:28:51.995Z ResponseReceived ID: 1493152113739
Yes, there are several solutions for running your node lambda locally. I've been using node-lambda, for example. Like most solutions it is oriented to users who want to test locally and then easily deploy to AWS Lambda.
If you want to run them yourself, I would note that MS and IBM have made their implementations of lambda open-source (here's MS's and IBM's). I haven't actually tried it myself, and I would note that with AWS, GCP, and Azure all providing Lambda services for node the market for these is healthy and the lock-in is minimal so I feel less need to be able to run it myself than for something like Dynamo.
But I also recommend that you continue to pursue BST. I'm using some of my own pieces for testing my skills because I got started before I heard of their stuff, but what I have tried of their's (BSTAlexa) is very useful and I see that they provide some of the other pieces you need for easy and effective testing of your skill.
Here's some sample code that you can use to easily run a Lambda locally, call this file AlexaLambda.js:
const log = require('console');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.region = "us-east-1";
accessKeyId: "----",
secretAccessKey: "----",
* Wraps the actual underlying Alexa lambda initialization in a
* Promise. Injects test mocks where appropriate.
var initializerPromise = new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
// Mock out certain imports here if you want but not necessary
var Module = require('module');
var originalRequire = Module.prototype.require;
Module.prototype.require = function() {
if ((arguments[0] == 'S3FeedService') ||
(arguments[0] == './lib/S3FeedService')) {
return MockS3Service;
} else if ((arguments[0] == 'WebsocketService') ||
(arguments[0] == './lib/WebsocketService')) {
return WSMockService;
} else if ((arguments[0] == 'SQSService') ||
(arguments[0] == './lib/SQSService')) {
return SQSMockService;
} else {
return originalRequire.apply(this, arguments);
// Import your actual lambda here.
var lambda = require('../src/index.js');
* The Alexa Lambda context object which is called upon completion
* of lambda execution. Also wraps the callback which contains the
* test assertion code of the caller.
* #param callback - must be of the form function(error, result) {};
* #returns
function Context(callback) {
this.clientContext = {"env": {}};
this.callback = callback;
Context.prototype.done = function(error, result) {
if (typeof error != "undefined" && error) {
this.callback(error, null);
} else {
this.callback(null, result);
Context.prototype.succeed = function(result) {
this.callback(null, result);
Context.prototype.fail = function(error) {
this.callback(error, null);
* The AlexaLambda object that's exposed for test cases.
* #returns
function AlexaLambda() {
* Executes the lambda function, provided an inputEvent and a
* callback.
* #param inputEvent - the input event that includes the intent.
* #param callback - called upon completion of lambda execution.
AlexaLambda.prototype.execute = function(inputEvent, callback) {
initializerPromise.then(function(lambda) {
var context = new Context(callback);
lambda.handler(inputEvent, context);
* Export the lambda class, importers instantiate via new AlexaLambda();
module.exports = AlexaLambda;
Then you can use this 'AlexaLambda' in your tests like so (in my case, I'm using Mocha):
var AlexaLambda = require('./AlexaLambda');
var Event = require('./Event'); // My 'fake' Event class
describe("Guest User Test", function() {
var alexaLambda = new AlexaLambda();
it("Alexa, open/launch 60db", function(done) {
var event = Event.createLaunchEvent();
alexaLambda.execute(event, function(error, result) {
Then it's just a matter of running your test via whatever framework you're using.
You can test your alexa skill locally by following the following tutorial:
How to test Alexa locally

Unit Test NService.Send from an API Controller

I have an API Controller which publishes a command using NServiceBus. I am using NUnit and NSubstitute for testing. I want to test that certain properties from the model are populated on the command
Here is my controller with a route.
public class FileServiceController : ApiController
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ReleaseFile(FileReleaseAPIModels.ReleaseFileModel model)
var currentUser = RequestContext.Principal?.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
if (model.FileType.Equals("ProductFile"))
_logger.Info($"Releasing Product files for date: {model.FileDate.ToShortDateString()} ");
_bus.Send<IReleaseProductFiles>("FileManager.Service", t =>
t.FileId = Guid.NewGuid();
t.RequestedDataDate = model.FileDate;
t.RequestingUser = currentUser?.Name;
t.RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now;
return Ok();
In my test, I substitute(mock) Ibus and try to validate the call received. Here is the test method:
public async Task TestReleaseProductsFile()
var bus = Substitute.For<IBus>();
var dbContent = _container.Resolve<IFileManagerDbContext>();
var apiContext = new FileServiceController(bus, dbContent);
//Create a snapshot
var releaseDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
var result = await apiContext.ReleaseFile(new ReleaseFileModel
FileDate = releaseDate,
FileType = "ProductFile"
Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null, "Result is null");
Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf<OkResult>(), "Status code is not ok");
.Send<IReleaseProductFiles>(Arg.Is<string>("FileManager.Service"), Arg.Is<Action<IReleaseProductFiles>>(
action =>
action.FileId = Guid.NewGuid();
action.RequestedDataDate = releaseDate;
action.RequestingUser = String.Empty;
action.RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now;
This results in error - even though the message is actually sent. Here is the error message:
NSubstitute.Exceptions.ReceivedCallsException : Expected to receive exactly 1 call matching:
Send<IReleaseProductFiles>("Capelogic.Service", Action<IReleaseProductFiles>)
Actually received no matching calls.
Received 1 non-matching call (non-matching arguments indicated with '*' characters):
Send<IReleaseProductFiles>("Capelogic.Service", *Action<IReleaseProductFiles>*)
I am obviously missing something obvious here.
The problem here is with the Action<IReleaseProductFiles> argument to Send -- we can't automatically tell if two different actions are the same. Instead, NSubstitute relies on the references being equivalent. Because both the test and the production code create their own Action instance, these will always be different and NSubstitute will say the calls don't match.
There are a few different options for testing this. These examples relate to Expression<Func<>>, but the same ideas apply to Action<>s.
In this case I'd be tempted to test this indirectly:
public async Task TestReleaseProductsFile()
var bus = Substitute.For<IBus>();
var returnedProductFiles = Substitute.For<IReleaseProductFiles>();
// Whenever bus.Send is called with "FileManager.Service" arg, invoke
// the given callback with the `returnedProductFiles` object.
// We can then make sure the action updates that object as expected.
// ... remainder of test ...
Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf<OkResult>(), "Status code is not ok");
Assert.That(returnedProductFiles.FileId, Is.Not.EqualTo(Guid.Empty));
Assert.That(returnedProductFiles.RequestedDataDate, Is.EqualTo(releaseDate));
Assert.That(returnedProductFiles.RequestingUser, Is.EqualTo(String.Empty));
I'd recommend having a look through the previously mentioned answer though to see if there is a better fit for your situation.

How to update warning in webstorm?

I've been developing node js app which use mongodb to manipulate static data. I'm using webstorm to my main editor program.
I wrote a function which use mongodb to find a data. Actually, this is sample code in the mongodb's getting started document.
var findRestaurants = function(db, callback) {
var cursor =db.collection('restaurants').find( );
cursor.each(function(err, doc) {
assert.equal(err, null);
if (doc != null) {
} else {
In the 3rd line, each is the method of the cursor object which defined in mongodb driver api. This method operate the callback function to the returned records which the cursor pointing to, and there's no problem to run this code.
But, in the webstorm editor window, the program gives warning to each method, saying that this symbol is deprecated. It says that javascript has deprecated this each method. It may seems that webstorm doesn't know about the api information of node js or mongodb. Of course, I could ignore this message, but it makes me a little irritated.
Is there a way to update warning information of webstorm program? I think that there's a way to register node js or mongodb api list to webstorm program, but I can't find it by searching.
I was experiencing this same problem, and I have found it to be a reference to the javascript .each() method which is in fact deprecated. The simplest (read quick fix) way to resolve this, is to place "//noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols" above the line giving the error. You can alternatively click on the lightbulb icon on the left, goto "inspection Deprecated Javascript symbol options", then Suppress for statement (or any other option you may wish to use to disable this warning)
var findRestaurants = function(db, callback) {
var cursor =db.collection('restaurants').find( );
//noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols
cursor.each(function(err, doc) {
assert.equal(err, null);
if (doc != null) {
} else {
I took a look at the list of functions present in MongoDB engine for Node.JS. There two function that can replace "each" function: "next" and "hasNext".
So for your example, I would write this code:
var findRestaurants = function(db, callback) {
var cursor = db.collection('restaurants').find( );
var parseRestaurant = function() {
cursor.next(function(err, restaurant){
if (err)
return console.error(err);
var hasNextRestaurant = function() {
cursor.hasNext(function(err, result){
if (err)
return console.error(err);
if (result)
else {
//Here is the last point of iterations
//We can use this for statistics output
return console.log('That\'s all');
Or something like this:
var findRestaurants = function(db, callback) {
var cursor = db.collection('restaurants').find( );
var parseRestaurant = function(err, doc) {
if (err)
return console.error(err);
var checkNext = function(err) {
if (err)
return console.error(err);
if (result)
else {
//Here is the last point of iterations
//We can use this for statistics output
return console.log('That\'s all');

Ember.js global routed/transitioned events

Is it possible to subscribe to all transition events in the application? Or alternatively some observable property containing the current route?
I'm integrating with a third-party UI component that needs to be synchronized to the current route.
The application controller has a currentRouteName property, as explained here. It's mostly for debugging, but I imagine that it's a fairly stable property that could be used in production.
EDIT: If you need to be alerted of all changes, use the hashchange event like Ember does internally. This will only work if you're using hash based routing though. If you're using Ember's history API based routing, you'll have to use that.
In your app_controller you can add this snippet which fires on every path/route change
currentPathDidChange: function currentPathDidChange() {
var path = this.get('currentPath')
I solved this by hooking into Router.didTransition
Live example: http://jsbin.com/yuzedacu/5/edit (modified the example found here)
updateCurrentRoute: function(infos) {
var appController = this.container.lookup('controller:application');
if (!('currentRoute' in appController)) {
Ember.defineProperty(appController, 'currentRoute');
if (infos && infos.length > 0) {
// The last part of the route contains the route name
var route = infos[infos.length - 1].name;
// Collect the dynamic route parameters
var params = infos.reduce(function(a, b) {
// Parameter can be named anything
// assume there are 0 or 1 parameters
for (var name in b.params) {
if (b.params.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
// 1 parameter
return a.concat(b.params[name]);
// 0 parameters
return a;
}, []);
var path = [route].concat(params);
Ember.set(appController, 'currentRoute', path);
} else {
Ember.set(appController, 'currentRoute', []);
didTransition: function(infos) {
return this._super(infos);

Need help to use node-soap module

I have to make a server to update some device.
They asked me to use node.js and the device send a soap request.
I need to check the parameters to verify the version. So I decided to use the node-soap module. (The WSDL file I use is a local file)
But I can't find how to recover the value of those parameters.
I read the node-soap spec, but I couldn't find how to do that. :/
Here is my code (I didn't do much yet because I'm stuck because of this) :
var myService = {
ActiaProxyAPI: { //MyService
ActiaProxyAPI: { //MyPort
GetData: function(args) { //MyFunction
if (args.i-uiType == "11") {
var ID = args.i-pcIdentifiant;
var reg=new RegExp("[ $]+", "g"); //parse the string (actually works)
var tableau=ID.split(reg);
console.log(tableau[4] );
return {
name: args.o-poData
var xml = require('fs').readFileSync('./wsdl/ActiaProxyAPI.wsdl', 'utf8'),
server = http.createServer(function(request,response) {
response.end("404: Not Found: "+request.url);
soap.listen(server, '/wsdl', myService, xml);
I've found how to retrieve the arguments' value : instead of args.i-uiType I used args["i-uiType"] , and instead of name: args.o-poData :
'tns:GetDataResponse': {'o-poData': result}
Well I hope this can help other people, because it works for me !