SOAP 1.1 "Client Fault" Error - c++

I get the following error when I run a web service client that contacts a remote web service server:
SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client[no subcode]
"Client fault"
Detail: [no detail]
I have looked at the client and the server and I can find no faults. Other web server clients can contact web services on the server no problem. The code to the web service client is here, but more than that, I'm actually just wondering how to go about debugging a problem like this one. The web service client and server were constructed using the gSOAP toolkit.
Also, could it have something to do with web service name spaces? I use the ns namespace for all of my webservice applications. See this.

It is likely that there was an EOF or interruption before the response message was fully delivered to the client. Without further details there is no way of knowing for sure.
I suggest to compile the client with -DDEBUG (macro DEBUG set) to generate log files. The log files will be helpful to determine the cause of the problem.
Use the latest version of gSOAP if possible.


Could not access envelope: Unable to create envelope from given source

My application produces a SOAP web service. When consumer consumes the web service sometimes user gets "Could not access envelope: Unable to create envelope from given source" error. If the same request is sent again, it processes sucessfully.
From many of the references, I found problem can be resolved by upgrading Xerces and Xalan version. I have updated both these jars still the problem persists.
Also one strange behaviour, there is no error when web service consumed with local host and port while problem comes when request is sent to https domain.
Any extra configuation to be made for handling reverse proxy or https protocol?

WWS server not responding over a network

I have been testing WCF and WWS services, both my own and the SortService by Mykolad Dudar.
First the WCF version is created, and then wsutil is used for the WWS version.
Both the WCF and WWS services are working fine if the server and client run on the same machine. However, the WWS server is not responding if the server and client are on different machines. The WCF version works fine.
The binding is wshttp and security is set to ’None’. No firewalls or anti virus programs running.
This is the error message I get on the client calling the WWS:
Error: There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or S
OAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
The InnerException is empty.
I’m sure I’m missing something, can anyone please help me out?
Got it working. In case anyone else encounters the same problem, here is how:
Turns out that using ‘localhost’ in the web service url was the problem (on the server). Using the machine IP address instead, solved the problem.
Using ‘localhost’ for the WCF service worked fine, so there is a difference between WCF and WWS on this point.

Web Service Error

I have a xml web service and I published it on IIS(localhost). Web service is veriy simple. There is only one method. And there is no exception potential in the web service. I have to use HttpWebRequest instead of adding web reference. I got the following error:
"The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error". I have checked request xml many times. When I add web referance there is no problem. What's reason of error?
Thanks in advance
Its not possible to tell what the problem is from the information you have provided.
If the web service is one that you have written then you need to get IIS to report a detailed error message on the nature of the problem (by default a restricted error message is shown to prevent would-be attackers obtaining potentially sensitive information), or find another way to obtain detailed error information. Exact instructions on how to do this will depend on the service itself (is this an ASP.Net web service? What version of IIS is this?) however this article - How to Use HTTP Detailed Errors in IIS 7.0 may be of assistance.
If the web service is one that a 3rd party has produced then I'm afraid you need to work with that 3rd party to fix this.
Update: Also try reading Detailed 500 error message, ASP + IIS 7.5 on how to get more detailed error messages.

Unable to open coldfusion Administrator

when i try opening
I get
500 There is no web application configured to service your request There is no web application configured to service your request
when i try opening
I GET THE same error
Kindly guide me to solution.
It means the server did not fully start. The JRun container started and was able to accept an HTTP Request via its internal webserver port, but then the ColdFusion Server inside JRun was not fully deployed or not deployed at all.
The startup events in /path/to/coldfusion8/runtime/logs/coldfusion-event.log and /path/to/coldfusion8/logs/server.log will contain details about what failed during ColdFusion startup.
You will probably not make sense of the events as they are usually somewhat cryptic. Please post log contents for further diagnosis.

SOAP Request fails with "Invalid service URL" error

My BlackBerry application consumes axis2 web services. SOAP POST HTTP request constantly fails with this error "Invalid service URL". I launch my app in 8800 simulator with ";deviceside=false" option specified. MDS is running.
I can't test my app on real device for now. Any help?
Problem solved. You need to add specific options to MDS configuration to make it work behind proxy. Here's an artical that describes the solution.