Path is wrong, what to do? - c++

I'd like to write something to my path.
My code is following
QString Log::logPacketsPath = QDir::currentPath() + "/logs/Packets/";
int userID = 1;
QString text = "test 1 2 3";
QFile logPacketFile(logPacketsPath + "UserID: " + userID + " - " + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yy") + ".log");
if ( | QFile::Text | QFile::Append))
QTextStream out(&logPacketFile);
out << "[" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yy, hh:mm:ss") << "]: " << text << "\n";
But it only creates the file named "UserID" with nothing in it.
Do you know where the mistake is?

I'm not sure which OS you're using, but ':' is invalid in a Windows filename.
Next, you should flush the QTextStream before closing the file:
or create additional scope:
QTextStream out(&logPacketFile);
out << "[" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yy, hh:mm:ss") << "]: " << text << "\n";
Also, as Chemobyl has pointed out, you can get into trouble by concatinating the int userID to your filepath. I'd suggest using string formatting to create the filename:
QString logPacketFile("%1UserID%2 - %3.log")

Convert int to QString:
Use QString::number().
Output with your current code:
"C:/.../logs/Packets/UserID [bad symbols here] - 17.11.14.log"
Output with
QFile logPacketFile(logPacketsPath + "UserID " + QString::number(userID) + " - " + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yy") + ".log");//removed colon
"C:/.../logs/Packets/UserID 1 - 17.11.14.log"
It is source of big troubles. See next:
int userID = 70;
QString text = "test 1 2 3";
QFile logPacketFile(logPacketsPath + "UserID " + userID + " - " + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yy") + ".log");
.../UserID F - 17.11.14.log"
Note F, not a 70 because operator+ thought that you use simple char and 70 in char is F:
So I strongly suggest you to use QString::number to prevent errors.


Add condition within String statement in C++

In my code, at run time i can get num value as zero so want to add condition like if num value is zero then skip one of the sub statements otherwise add in string statement.
String Statement =
"Timer Main\r\n"
"Sharm \tv7 (" + IntToStr(Value) + ")\r\n"
"Get All Values \t" + FloatToStr((float)GetAllValues/50, 1, 2) + "\r\n"
"Sum of Values \t" + FloatToStr((float)SumOneValue/50, 2, 4) + "\r\n"
"% for \t" + FloatToStr(((float)num)*100.0, 12,
2) + "\r\n\r\n"
You can use a string stream:
#include <sstream>
std::stringstream s;
s << "Timer Main" << std::endl << "Sharm \tv7 (" << IntToString(value) << ")" << std::endl;
// ...
if (num == 0)
s << "";
s << "!= 0";
// ...
std::string statement = s.str();
The advantage of doing this is that you can create your string in multiple steps, so having conditional checks is easier. You can also use the formatting options provided by iomanip, like filling with spaces etc.
The conditional operator can be used to write that compact:
bool condition = false;
std::string str = std::string("hello") + (condition ? std::string(" true string") : " false string") + " world";
std::cout << str;
hello false string world
Though, the conditional operator is also a great way to write unreadable code and you should probably just do this:
std::string str2 = "hello";
if (condition) str2+= " true string";
else str2+= " false string";
str2+=" world";
Simply don't try to squeeze everything in a single statement.

Insert the value on certain line and column of text file

I want to insert the value of double spin box on 14th line and 19th column of my large text file. I have created loop to insert the value on 14th line, but it is just placed on first column of the line. Can anyone help me to move the value after text, parameter PW_x = ?
This is the portion of my text file.
parameter PW_x = "i want to insert value here this is 14th line and 19th column"
parameter PW_y =
parameter PD =
parameter PC =
This is my code
void MainWindow::on_doubleSpinBox_6_editingFinished()
QString file("D:\\my text file name");
QFile outputFile(file);
if ( | QIODevice::Text))
for (int i=0;i<13;i++) {
QTextStream stream(&outputFile);
stream << QString::number(ui->doubleSpinBox_6->value());
As I advised in my comment, you should parse->edit->save
you can for sure use other ways to insert the value in the file, like trying to match and replace the string in each line of the file (be aware that this is very inefficient..) but here an example:
in the for loop, try to replace the string "PW_x = " with the value PW_x = 'your spinbox double', the replace action will leave intact all the lines that dont match the string you are looking for...
here an example
QString l1{"parameter PW_x = " };
QString l2{"parameter PW_y = " };
QString l3{"parameter PD = " };
QString l4{"parameter PC = " };
QString doubleAsString{"3.1415"};
l1.replace("PW_x = ", "PW_x = " + doubleAsString);
l2.replace("PW_x = ", "PW_x = " + doubleAsString);
l3.replace("PW_x = ", "PW_x = " + doubleAsString);
l4.replace("PW_x = ", "PW_x = " + doubleAsString);
qDebug() << "v1: " << l1;
qDebug() << "v2: " << l2;
qDebug() << "v3: " << l3;
qDebug() << "v4: " << l4;

Updating PostgreSQL table with binary data

I have a std::stringstream strs variable with this serialized binary data:
�G�{SSF��>%�����hgRQ;Tjh A "ʐk�R3 1[Z�yA _�Kx
O��� ���f��' ����t %��+>, ���~� 삾�+/ Tb�Ҷ�7 �(���� �Q1�5m&
��( G#�bm 3O�AN ) �DP߇g �0=ʆ�0 ���j�u E�3�� �G�#�" \��!�o%
L.�� �WMG?B- 3����}& �.�S� (�B� �j&� �#��%&, 65��0 !G�5R
��N��0 ��b�� h񅷇v) �8�� x�%7 5e��: w|7ώJ 8���� ����X/ v�c�h2 3��i� o^���
�A��� �oG��0 +���Ȑ" n�� ���4 F#�>b .��m�=; � �X ��< �
c(= ���7Y: �� �� Q��O� w�k�q! �D��G�8 O���l�1 j��DH ��rhJ
v͑UF� �P���; �| ���h �U��z�* 0 Ԏ��6 #I� ��,K�� �R�B� ��ﲒi
��o�H�0 �"�� ���B,� $6QP�# YŽ�05 �8�s�� �>���:> ���*� Kp1>�~<
����� x�5 05 S?�V�" �m�7 )����z$ �Ye��- �nKPz ~8�쩳 dF �̄5
�ɼ��% v�x�O�# 9�B�/�6 �5��[. ��P%:� ���V�tG'�O ��#bQ�9 �����)
�0%�[0 f�(? e( �5 rt �O �[�۠ �ɴKG� �'$�_s ��g:] Aߞ,�Q
This is the same data after using GDB:
\000.\271\224m\246=;\000\305\t\017\372X\024\024\000\232\023\005\360\277<\017\000\036\242 c\005(=\000\211\200\212\067Y:\000\273\206\017\n\204\233\027\000\002Q\364\376O\277\033\000w\212\033k\273q!\000\333D\204\241G\331\070\000O\242\306\346l\327\061\000j\224\205DH\033\032\000\270\025\375rhJ\n\000v͑UF\227
I'm trying to upload this data (stored in std::stringstream strs) to a PostgreSQL database encoded with UTF8 and into the byte_info column excepting bytea using the libpqxx library:
pqxx::connection Con("My con information");
pqxx::work W(Con);
W.exec("UPDATE " + tableName + " SET byte_info =" + strs.str() + " WHERE id = 1;");
But all I get is this error:
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xfc
What am I missing here or doing wrong?
According to manual of PostgreSQL bytea, there are 2 ways for writing a statement containing binary stream.
For a string "\x4A\xC3\xA1\xF2\x18"
hex bytea : E'\\x4AC3A1F218'
escaped bytea : E'J\\303\\241\\362\\030'::bytea -- escape \ as \\\\, escape ' as \' and escape non-printable as \\three-digit-octal
So you can come up with functions like these.
std::string ascii_to_hex_bytea(std::string_view sv) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << R"(E'\\x)" << std::hex << std::uppercase;
for (unsigned char ch : sv) {
os << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << static_cast<uint16_t>(ch);
os << "'";
return os.str();
std::string ascii_to_escaped_bytea(std::string_view sv) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "E'" << std::oct;
for (unsigned char ch : sv) {
if (isprint(ch))
switch (ch) {
case('\\') : os << R"(\\\\)"; break; // escape back slash
case('\'') : os << R"(\')"; break; // escape single quote
default : os << ch; // simply put printable char
else // escape the rest as an octal with back slash leading
os << R"(\\)" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << static_cast<uint16_t>(ch);
os << "'::bytea";
return os.str();
Suppose you have ss as stringstream with some data (for demo, we just ramdom it here)
std::stringstream ss;
{ // random bits for length of 1024
std::string str(1024,'\0');
for (char* addr =; addr < + str.size(); ++addr )
*addr = static_cast<char>(std::experimental::randint<uint16_t>(0,255) );
You can write statement using those functions
auto hex_str = ascii_to_hex_bytea(ss.str() );
std::cout << hex_str << "\n";
std::string tableName{"table_name"};
std::string statement1 = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET byte_info = " + hex_str + " WHERE id = 1;";
std::cout << statement1 << "\n\n";
auto escaped_str = ascii_to_escaped_bytea(ss.str() );
std::cout << escaped_str << "\n";
std::string statement2 = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET byte_info = " + escaped_str + " WHERE id = 1;";
std::cout << statement2 << "\n";
UPDATE table_name SET byte_info = E'\\x4AC3A1F218E1ED92AB0B3966C3E99C...' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE table_name SET byte_info = E'J\\303\\241\\362\\030\\341\\355\\...'::bytea WHERE id = 1;

Server Status to XML using fwrite?

// Update the server status xml
string filelocation ("/var/www/html/index.xml");
string firstline ("<server>\n");
string secondline ("\t<current>" + msg.getCount() + "</current>\n");
string thirdline ("\t<highest>" + "--" + "</highest>\n");
string fourthline ("\t<status>Online</status>\n")
string finalline ("</server>");
fstream file;;
file.write(firstline + secondline + thirdline + fourthline + finalline);
string updateFlush ("Server Status updated.");
printf("%s\n", updateFlush);
Note that msg.getCount() is a function in the same file to get player count from the central server.
Gives out errors about an operands const char*. Something to do with + or -
Take a look at the line
string secondline ("\t<current>" + msg.getCount() + "</current>\n");
"\t<current>" is a const char *
msg.getCount() looks like an int or size_t
</current>\n again is a const char *
Adding a const char * to an int or size_t creates a new const char * pointing to a different address.
The same happens in the line
string thirdline ("\t<highest>" + "--" + "</highest>\n");
Here you are adding pointers together. The result is a pointer pointing to a more or less random address.
And in these two lines:
string updateFlush ("Server Status updated.");
printf("%s\n", updateFlush);
You are creating a C++ string-object and trying to print it using a C print function with a format string that requires a char *.
You are mixing C and C++ or stream based I/O with conventional I/O.
In current C++ you should do it this way:
string filelocation ("/var/www/html/index.xml");
fstream file;;
<< "<server>\n"
<< "\t<current>" << msg.getCount() << "</current>\n"
<< "\t<highest>" << "--" << "</highest>\n"
<< "\t<status>Online</status>\n"
<< "</server>";
string updateFlush ("Server Status updated.");
cout << updateFlush << std::endl;
Or even more readable:
auto file = std::ofstream("/var/www/html/index.xml");
<< "<server>" << std::endl
<< "\t<current>" << msg.getCount() << "</current>" << std::endl
<< "\t<highest>" << "--" << "</highest>" << std::endl
<< "\t<status>Online</status>" << std::endl
<< "</server>";
std::cout << "Server status updated." << std::endl;
If operating with streams use std::endl to output a newline. It outputs the correct newline for the operation system (CRLF or LF or whatever) and it flushes the stream.
To use std::cout you have to include <iostream> and for std::ofstream include <fstream>.
If you like it short, you could even do this:
<< "<server>" << std::endl
<< "\t<current>" << msg.getCount() << "</current>" << std::endl
<< "\t<highest>" << "--" << "</highest>" << std::endl
<< "\t<status>Online</status>" << std::endl
<< "</server>";
std::cout << "Server status updated." << std::endl;

const char * changing value during loop

I have a function that iterates through a const char * and uses the character to add objects to an instance of std::map if it is one of series of recognized characters.
#define CHARSEQ const char*
void compile(CHARSEQ s) throw (BFCompilationError)
std::cout << "#Receive call " << s << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (std::string("<>-+.,[]").find_first_of(s[i]) == std::string::npos)
throw BFCompilationError("Unknown operator",*s,i);
std::cout << "#Compiling: " << s[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "#address s " << (void*)s << std::endl;
std::cout << "#var s " << s << std::endl;[s[i]]);
The character sequence passed is "++++++++++."
For the first three iterations, the print statements display the expected values of '+', '+', and '+', and the value of s continues to be "+++++++++++.". However, on the fourth iteration, s becomes mangled, producing bizarre values such as 'Ð', 'öê', 'cR ', 'œk' and many other character sequences. If the line that throws the exception is removed and the loop is allowed to continue, the value of s does not change after again.
Other functions have access to s but since this is not a multithreaded program I don't see why that would matter. I am not so much confused about why s is changing but why it only changes on the fourth iteration.
I have searched SO and the only post that seems at all relevant is this one but it still doesn't answer my question. (Research has been difficult because searching "const char* changing value" or similar terms just comes up with hundreds of posts about what part of is is const).
Lastly, I know I should probably be using std::string, which I will if no answers come forth, but I would still like to understand this behavior.
Here is the code that calls this function.
CHARSEQ text = load(s);
std::cout << "#Receive load " << text << std::endl;
catch(BFCompilationError& err)
std::cerr << "\nError in bf code: caught BFCompilationError #" << err.getIndex() << " in file " << s << ":\n";
std::cerr << text << '\n';
for(int i = 0; i < err.getIndex(); i++)
std::cerr << " ";
std::cerr << "^\n";
std::cerr << err.what() << err.getProblemChar() << std::endl;
return 1;
Where load is:
std::ifstream infile (fname);
std::string data(""), line;
if (infile.is_open())
std::cout << "#loading: "<< line << '\n';
data += line;
std::cerr << "Error: unable to open file: " << fname << std::endl;
return std::trim(data).c_str();
and the file fname is ++++++++++. spread such that there is one character per line.
Here is an example of console output:
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: +
#loading: .
#Receive load ++++++++++.
#Receive call ++++++++++.
#Compiling: +
#address s 0x7513e4
#var s ++++++++++.
#Compiling: +
#address s 0x7513e4
#var s ++++++++++.
#Compiling: +
#address s 0x7513e4
#var s ++++++++++.
#address s 0x7513e4
#var s ßu
Error in bf code: caught BFCompilationError #4 in file bf_src/Hello.txt:
Unknown operatorß
Your load function is flawed. The const char* pointer returned by c_str() is valid only until the underlying std::string object exists. But data is a local variable in load and is cleared after return. Its buffer is not overwritten by zeroes but left as it were as free memory. Therefore printing out the value immediately after returning is likely to work but your program may put new values there and the value pointed by your pointer will change.
I suggest to use std::string as the return value of load as a workaround.