Integrating django-filer into djangocms-text-ckeditor - django

I need a way to use upload and browse abilities of django-filer in the djangocms-text-ckeditor, for example to upload images in the articles of my site, as I'm typing them in the ckeditor.
Are there any settings that help me with that? Or should I write a compatible browser myself?

It seems to me that cmsplugin-filer provides what you are looking for. Take a look at the screenshot. From within the ckeditor modal, I can browse django-filer files and integrate them. Is that what you were looking for?


How to render a pdf file as pdf in browser using django

I am using Django web frame work. I am taking pdf files from users (notes/book/etc). Then I want to display those pdf in website, but I could not find a way. Methods that failed 1)iframe 2)simple rendering using django 3)pdf.js library. Also browser blocks rendering initially. Care to suggest a method and steps to implement it.
I the answer to your problem is here :
Well the answer has to be very very clear here. You can not display pdf using. There is no such library for that. Like pdf.js for javascript based frameworks. I have done the research. So if you want a really good pdf viewer for your django powered website you have to use pdf.js for sure. I have asked people working with django professionally.
output in firefox
ouput in chromium browser
Now 2nd output is what we want
here is the code

How to turn a Django webpage into a PDF

I would like to add a feature to my Django website where the user can click on a link saying "Save as PDF". I would like this link to 1) produce a slightly different version of the page the user is currently on and 2) generate a PDF file in a separate window that the user can then save to wherever he or she wants.
All of the PDF functions I came across related to Django assumed that you already had a PDF that you wanted to render. In this case though, I want to create a PDF based on the content of the current page. Any idea how to do this? Thank you.
You can try this tool WeasyPrint. You can use it with Django
Any webpage is just a HTML basically so any html to pdf library would work. But this one is specifically built for django. Hope this helps.
Documentation for django-wkhtmltopdf

django-cms picture plugin - bulk upload

What would be the best way to make it possible to upload many pictures at once to some cms page? or alternatively, how can I change the admin template/view to make it work?
is there a nice way to achieve it?
(I'm working withe the default picture plugin)
picture plugin does not support multiple uploads. why don't you use gallery plugin? where you can add many images at once.

Django Online File Browser

Recently,I meet a problem when I'm using Django to devlope my site.
In my project, one requirement is to view file online.
That is to say, one can browses files of formats:pdf, jpeg,doc and so on
directly in browsers such as chrome or firefox and so on.
I know this can be done by flash,FlexPaper is one solution. But in django,
not in flash,is there any other solutions? Anyone knows that? If not, I can
only use flexpaper and maybe site can't be accessed via apple devices
Many thanks!!
I think, you can use (documentation) with option inline=True:
render_to_response(..., inline=True)
There are plenty of non-flash file browser plugins out there: Elfinder has a Django connector, and you can probably get an integration with CKfinder.
The django packages page also has a list of django file browsers link.

Django image insertion in Admin

I am building a small side project - a simple news site. I want to use the Django Admin for uploading articles and allow access to non-coders so as they can publish articles a la Wordpress or such. I have added some functionality to the admin, first trying out TinyMCE and Dojo rich text editors. However, these do not come with the ability to insert an image into an article from a file (just urls).
I really only want some light text formatting in the text area plus the ability to upload and insert images from the users's harddrive directly into the article. Is there a simple way to achieve this?
If you are already using django-tinymce, you can integrate django-filebrowser with it. See django-tinymce's documentation.
There is also a commercial choice which looks good, but I have never tested it.