django-cms picture plugin - bulk upload - django

What would be the best way to make it possible to upload many pictures at once to some cms page? or alternatively, how can I change the admin template/view to make it work?
is there a nice way to achieve it?
(I'm working withe the default picture plugin)

picture plugin does not support multiple uploads. why don't you use gallery plugin? where you can add many images at once.


Multiple image upload in Django admin for a gallery

I have spent a lot of time trying different ways to upload multiple images in Django admin but I have failed miserably. I have tried django-multiupload-admin which I didn't manage to make it work and inlines is not what I am looking for. I just want to select several images all at once, upload them under one category and them display them into a mansory gallery. I am willing to pay someone to help me find a simple way. Please help!
You can extend the Admin interface pretty easily using Javascript.
Here is the link ... it will help you design django admin with drag and drop method to upload images
Django Snippet Article about Image Upload

Integrating django-filer into djangocms-text-ckeditor

I need a way to use upload and browse abilities of django-filer in the djangocms-text-ckeditor, for example to upload images in the articles of my site, as I'm typing them in the ckeditor.
Are there any settings that help me with that? Or should I write a compatible browser myself?
It seems to me that cmsplugin-filer provides what you are looking for. Take a look at the screenshot. From within the ckeditor modal, I can browse django-filer files and integrate them. Is that what you were looking for?

How to use in Django photologue to extract GPSInfo from images and display it in google map

I am using Django-photologue this app to display a photo gallery, which is quite nice. But what I want to do further is extract out the GPSInfo from each image and display it on the website (or more advanced, display it in google map). I am quite a newbie to Django, so don't know how to proceed.
The way I am doing the gallery is from Django Photologue Upload Photo Example.
If you can show me some details, like how to override the models, views, urls, that would be great. And if you can suggest another app to incorporate the google map API,I really appreciate. Thanks
Django-photologue's documentation has some examples showing how you can override the admin, views, urls and models. If you try these examples, they can give you some ideas for creating your own customisations.
I am not sure how to best use, as I have never used it myself!

Django image insertion in Admin

I am building a small side project - a simple news site. I want to use the Django Admin for uploading articles and allow access to non-coders so as they can publish articles a la Wordpress or such. I have added some functionality to the admin, first trying out TinyMCE and Dojo rich text editors. However, these do not come with the ability to insert an image into an article from a file (just urls).
I really only want some light text formatting in the text area plus the ability to upload and insert images from the users's harddrive directly into the article. Is there a simple way to achieve this?
If you are already using django-tinymce, you can integrate django-filebrowser with it. See django-tinymce's documentation.
There is also a commercial choice which looks good, but I have never tested it.

Django Photologue Tutorial

I have a hard time understanding how photologue works exactly.
Is anybody aware of a Example Project Tutorial where I can display a gallery via Django-Photologue. Where Imagelinks are stored in a database?
Or how can I achieve that in Django?
Or what else is out there to create a decent Photo Display?
Thanks for the time!
The best way to get started with photologue is to start a new django project, and follow the installation instructions. Then, load up the django admin and start adding photos and creating galleries. You should be able to get a good understanding of Photologue that way.
Photologue is based around the concept of having gallerys of images with different photo sizes and effects. It's great if you want to show a gallery of images. If you are looking to intergrate images into your own apps, you might find ImageKit much more useful. I think it's based on Photologue, but instead of giving you automated photo galleries it provides hooks that you can use to do manage photos programmatically.
Here is an example project by the author of photologue: