Regex to find two words on the page - regex

I'm trying to find all pages which contain words "text1" and "text2".
My regex:
it doesn't work..

If your IDE supports the s (single-line) flag (so the . character can match newlines), you can search for your items with:
Example with s flag
If the IDE does not support the s flag, you will need to use [\s\S] in place of .:
Example with [\s\S]
Some languages use $1 and $2 in place of \1 and \2, so you may need to change that.
Alternately, if you want to simply match that a file contains both strings (but not actually select anything), you can utilize look-aheads:
This doesn't care about the order (or number) of the arguments, and for each additional text that you want to search for, you simply append another (?=.*?text_here). This approach is nice, since you can even include regex instead of just plain strings.

Try this.This should do it for you.
What this does is match all including multiline .similar to having .*? with s flag.
\s takes care of spaces,newlines,tabs
\S takes care any non space character.

If you want the regex to match over several lines I would try:
Using . is not a good choice, because it usually doesn't match over multiple lines. Also, for matching single characters I think using square brackets is more idiomatic than using ( ... | ... )
If you want the match to be order-independent then use this:

Adding a response for IntelliJ
Building on #OnlineCop's answer, to swap the order of two expressions in IntelliJ,you would style the search as in the accepted response, but since IntelliJ doesn't allow a one-line version, you have to put the replace statement in a separate field. Also, IntelliJ uses $ to identify expressions instead of \.
For example, I tend to put my nulls at the end of my comparisons, but some people prefer it otherwise. So, to keep things consistent at work, I used this regex pattern to swap the order of my comparisons:
Notice that IntelliJ shows in a tooltip what the result of the replacement will be.

For me works text1*{0,}(text2){0,}.
With {0,} you can decide to get your keyword zero or more times OR you set {1,x} to get your keyword 1 or x-times (how often you want).


Notepad++ masschange using regular expressions

I have issues to perform a mass change in a huge logfile.
Except the filesize which is causing issues to Notepad++ I have a problem to use more than 10 parameters for replacement, up to 9 its working fine.
I need to change numerical values in a file where these values are located within quotation marks and with leading and ending comma: ."123,456,789,012.999",
I used this exp to find and replace the format to:
,123456789012.999, (so that there are no quotation marks and no comma within the num.value)
The exp used to find is:
and the exp to replace is:
The problem is parameters \11 \13 are not working (the chars eg .999 as in the example will not appear in the changed values).
So now the question is - is there any limit for parameters?
It seems for me as its not working above 10. For shorter num.values where I need to use only up to 9 parameters the string for serach and replacement works fine, for the example above the search works but not the replacement, the end of the changed value gets corrupted.
Also, it came to my mind that instead of using Notepad++ I could maybe change the logfile on the unix server directly, howerver I had issues to build the correct perl syntax. Anyone who could help with that maybe?
After having a little play myself, it looks like back-references \11-\99 are invalid in notepad++ (which is not that surprising, since this is commonly omitted from regex languages.) However, there are several things you can do to improve that regular expression, in order to make this work.
Firstly, you should consider using less groups, or alternatively non-capture groups. Did you really need to store 13 variables in that regex, in order to do the replacement? Clearly not, since you're not even using half of them!
To put it simply, you could just remove some brackets from the regex:
And replace with:
...But that's not all! Why are you using square brackets to say "match anything inside", if there's only one thing inside?? We can get rid of these, too:
(Note I added a "\" before the ".", so that it matches a literal "." rather than "anything".)
Also, although this isn't a big deal, you can use "\d" instead of "[0-9]".
This makes your final, optimised regex:
And replace with:
Not sure if the regex groups has limitations, but you could use lookarounds to save 2 groups, you could also merge some groups in your example. But first, let's get ride of some useless character classes
We could merge those groups:
We get:
Let's add lookarounds:
The replacement would be \2\4\6\8.
If you have a fixed length of digits at all times, its fairly simple to do what you have done. Even though your expression is poorly written, it does the job. If this is the case, look at Tom Lords answer.
I played around with it a little bit myself, and I would probably use two expressions - makes it much easier. If you have to do it in one, this would work, but be pretty unsafe:
(?:"|(\d+),)|(\.\d+)"(?=,) replace by \1\2
Live demo:

Find / Replace functionality that allows for boundary replacements instead of expressions

Apologies in advance for the confusing title. My issue is as follows, I have the following text in about 600 files:
I would like to replace it with the following:
To clarify, I am matching against the following:
$_REQUEST any number of A-Za-z\d followed by a ]
and replacing it with:
$this->input->post( the alphanumeric word from above followed by a )
Or in general:
Anchor token TEXT TO KEEP end anchor token
This differs from standard find/replace as I want to retain text inside of two word boundaries.
Is this functionality present in any text editors (Eclipse,np++,etc). Or am I going to need to write some type of program to parse these 600 files to make the replacement?
The .*? will match everything from [ to the first ] rather than the last although it's unlikely that it will matter in this case.
By the way the PHP superglobal is $_REQUEST rather than $__REQUEST
You can do this in Notepad++ using regular expressions. Replace
If you ever have double-quotes too, you can do use a more complex expression to handle both cases, though I'm not sure Notepad++ supports backreferences; replace
Note that I've reverted to using #ExplosionPills' suggested (.*?) hereā€”it may be better, actually.

Replacing char in a String with Regular Expression

I got a string like this:
and i need this:
I'm using Notepad++ for the Regex Search and Replace, but i'm shure every other Editor capable of regex replacements can do it to.
I'm using:
for search and
for replace
but that replaces only one space from the string.
The regex search feature in Notepad++ is very, very weak. The only way I can see to do this in NPP is to manually select the part of the text you want to work on, then do a standard find/replace with the In selection box checked.
Alternatively, you can run the document through an external script, or you can get a better editor. EditPad Pro has the best regex support I've ever seen in an editor. It's not free, but it's worth paying for. In EPP all I had to do was this:
search: ((?:PREFIX-\('|\G)[^\s']+)\s+
replace: $1_
EDIT: \G matches the position where the previous match ended, or the beginning of the input if there was no previous match. In other words, the first time you apply the regex, \G acts like \A. You can prevent that by adding a negative lookahead, like so:
If you want to prevent a match at the very beginning of the text no matter what it starts with, you can move the lookahead outside the group:
And, just in case you were wondering, a lookbehind will work just as well as a lookahead:
You have to keep matching from the beggining of the string untill you can match no more.
find /(PREFIX-\('[^\s']*)\s([^']*'\))/
replace $1_$2
like: while (/(PREFIX-\('[^\s']*)\s([^']*'\))/$1_$2/) {}
How about using Replace all for about 20 times? Or until you're sure no string contains more spaces
Due to nature of regex, it's not possible to do this in one step by normal regular expression.
But if I be in your place, I do such replaces in several steps:
find such patterns and mark them with special character
Replace #([^#\s]*)\s to #\1_ server times.
Remove markers!
I studied a little the regex tool in Notepad++ because I didn't know their possibilities.
I conclude that they aren't powerful enough to do what you want.
Your are obliged to learn and use a programming language having a real regex capability. There are a number of them. Personnaly, I use Python. It would take 1 mn to do what you want with it
You'd have to run the replace several times for each space but this regex will work
Replace with
\1_ or $1_
See it working at

How to search (using regex) for a regex literal in text?

I just stumbled on a case where I had to remove quotes surrounding a specific regex pattern in a file, and the immediate conclusion I came to was to use vim's search and replace util and just escape each special character in the original and replacement patterns.
This worked (after a little tinkering), but it left me wondering if there is a better way to do these sorts of things.
The original regex (quoted): '/^\//' to be replaced with /^\//
And the search/replace pattern I used:
You can use almost any character as the regex delimiter. This will save you from having to escape forward slashes. You can also use groups to extract the regex and avoid re-typing it. For example, try this:
I do not know if this will work for your case, because the example you listed and the regex you gave do not match up. (The regex you listed will match '/^\//', not '\^\//'. Mine will match the latter. Adjust as necessary.)
Could you avoid using regex entirely by using a nice simple string search and replace?
Please check whether this works for you - define the line number before this substitute-expression or place the cursor onto it:
I used vim 7.1 for this. Of course, you can visually mark an area before (onto which this expression shall be executed (use "v" or "V" and move the cursor accordingly)).

Need a regex to exclude certain strings

I'm trying to get a regex that will match:
but not match:
I tried
with no luck (it includes even the "16" record)
Some regex libraries allow lookahead:
Otherwise, you can still use multiple character classes:
or, to achieve maximum portability:
[^(16)] means: Match any character but braces, 1, and 6.
The best solution has already been mentioned:
This works, and is greedy enough to take anything coming at it on the same line. If you know, however, that you want a valid file name, I'd suggest also limiting invalid characters:
If you're working with a regex engine that does not support lookahead, you'll have to consider how to make up that !16. You can split files into two groups, those that start with 1, and aren't followed by 6, and those that start with anything else:
If you want to allow somefile_16_stuff.txt but NOT somefile_16.txt, these regexes above are not enough. You'll need to set your limit differently:
Combine this all, and you end up with two possibilities, one which blocks out the single instance (somefile_16.txt), and one which blocks out all families (somefile_16*.txt). I personally think you prefer the first one:
In the version without removing special characters so it's easier to read:
To obey strictly to your specification and be picky, you should rather use:
so that somefile_1666.txt which is {anything} can be matched ;)
but sometimes it is just more readable to use...:
ls | grep -e 'somefile_.*\.txt' | grep -v -e 'somefile_16\.txt'
(?!16) means: Assert that it is impossible to match the regex "16" starting at that position.
Sometimes it's just easier to use two regular expressions. First look for everything you want, then ignore everything you don't. I do this all the time on the command line where I pipe a regex that gets a superset into another regex that ignores stuff I don't want.
If the goal is to get the job done rather than find the perfect regex, consider that approach. It's often much easier to write and understand than a regex that makes use of exotic features.
Without using lookahead
Read it like: somefile_ followed by either:
one character.
any one character except 1 and followed by any other characters.
three or more characters.
either 10 .. 19 note that 16 has been left out.
and finally followed by .txt.