Meaning of do-while in this code - c++

In the tutorial of Nextpeer you can see such code:
CCScene* GameLayer::scene() {
CCScene * scene = NULL;
do {
// 'scene' is an autorelease object
scene = CCScene::create();
CC_BREAK_IF(! scene);
// 'layer' is an autorelease object
GameLayer *layer = GameLayer::create();
CC_BREAK_IF(! layer);
// add layer as a child to scene
} while (0);
// return the scene
return scene;
What is the meaning of do-while block in this code?

CC_BREAK_IF is a macro for if(condition) break. (Edit: I've confirmed that it is.)
This is an idiom used for a structured goto:
do {
if (!condition0) break;
if (!condition1) break;
} while(0);
do...while(0); exists only to allow a break statement to skip some section of code.
This would be similar to:
if (!condition0) goto end;
if (!condition1) goto end;
Except it avoids the use of goto.
The use of either of these idioms is to avoid a nested if:
if (condition0) {
if (condition1) {

In C and C++ the break statement works only in select contexts: a while, do/while or for loop or in a switch statement. The CC_BREAK_IF macro presumably executes a break if the condition is met. This is a simple method for handling exceptional/error conditions in C (a poor man's exception handling, if you will).
The do/while loop that never loops simply provides a context for the break statements to work.

The meaning is to make CC_BREAK_IF statements work correctly, that is to break the loop and jump to return scene;.

It's a common method when you have several conditional statements which would otherwise result in a chain of if/else clauses. Instead you use a single iteration loop and use break statements to exit the loop (CC_BREAK_IF is probably a macro which tests an expression and break if true).


Use of goto in this very specific case... alternatives?

I have a question about the possibile use of goto in a C++ code: I know that goto shall be avoided as much as possibile, but in this very particular case I'm having few difficulties to find good alternatives that avoid using multiple nested if-else and/or additional binary flags...
The code is like the following one (only the relevant parts are reported):
// ... do initializations, variable declarations, etc...
while(some_flag) {
if(some_other_condition) {
// ... do few operations (20 lines of code)
return_flag=foo(input_args); // Function that can find an error, returning false
if(!return_flag) {
// Print error
break; // jump out of the main while loop
// ... do other more complex operations
while(index<=SOME_VALUE) {
// ... do few operations (about 10 lines of code)
return_flag=foo(input_args); // Function that can find an error, returning false
if(!return_flag) {
goto end_here; // <- 'goto' statement
// ... do other more complex operations (including some if-else and the possibility to set some_flag to true or leave it to false
// ... get a "value" to be compared with a saved one in order to decide whether to continue looping or not
if(value<savedValue) {
// Do other operations (about 20 lines of code)
// ... handle 'index'
it++; // Increse number of iterations
// ... when going out from the while loop, some other operations must be done, at the moment no matter the value of some_flag
if(!return_flag) {
goto end_here; // <- 'goto' statement
// ... other operations here
// ... get a "value" to be compared with a saved one in order to decide whether to continue looping or not
if(value<savedValue) {
// Do other operations (about 20 lines of code)
// Additional termination constraint
// The code after end_here checks for some_flag, and executes some operations that must always be done,
// no matter if we arrive here due to 'goto' or due to normal execution.
// ...
Every time foo() returns false, no more operations should be executed, and the code should execute the final operations as soon as possible. Another requirement is that this code, mainly the part inside the while(index<=SOME_VALUE) shall run as fast as possible to try to have a good overall performance.
Is using a 'try/catch' block, with the try{} including lots of code inside (while, actually, the function foo() can generate errors only when called, that is in two distinct points of the code only) a possibile alternative? Is is better in this case to use different 'try/catch' blocks?
Are there other better alternatives?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Three obvious choices:
Stick with goto
Associate the cleanup code with the destructor of some RAII class. (You can probably write it as the delete for a std::unique_ptr as a lambda.)
Rename your function as foo_internal, and change it to just return. Then write the cleanup in a new foo function which calls foo_internal
return_t foo(Args...) {
const auto result = foo_internal(Args..);
// cleanup
return result;
In general, your function looks too long, and needs decomposing into smaller bits.
One way you can do it is to use another dummy loop and break like so
int state = FAIL_STATE;
do {
if(!operation()) {
if(!other_operation()) {
// ...
state = OK_STATE;
} while(false);
// check for state here and do necessary cleanups
That way you can avoid deep nesting levels in your code beforehand.
It's C++! Use exceptions for non-local jumps:
try {
if(some_result() < threshold) throw false;
catch(bool) {
// Here follows mandatory cleanup for both sucsesses and failures

Two for loops and an if statement inside it

My code is something like this:-
for() //outer for
for() //inner for
If the break statement executes the next execution will be of which for loop?
I know this is a very abstract question but I really don't have time to write the full code. Thanks.
break will break the inner for **loop** only. It breaks the closest loop ONLY where it was called.
In your example, if your if condition is satisfied, it will stop iterations of the inner for loop and move back(continue) the outer for loop.
The break statement terminates the execution of the nearest enclosing do, for, switch, or while statement in which it appears. In this case, that means breaking out of the inner for only.
Edit: Standard Reference: 6.6.1 The break statement [stmt.break]
1 The break statement shall occur only in an iteration-statement or a
switch statement and causes termination of the smallest enclosing
iteration-statement or switch statement; control passes to the
statement following the terminated statement, if any.
You can use goto to break the outer loop as well if you like.
You'll need a way to break the outer loop as the break will only leave its enclosing scope. What you use to manage state can be anything, but in its most simple form you can just use a boolean and check for that as well as your original condition in the outermost loop.
bool breakLoop = false;
for(...; ... && !breakLoop; ...) //outer for
for() //inner for
breakLoop = true;

Use of goto for cleanly exiting a loop

I have a question about use of the goto statement in C++. I understand that this topic is controversial, and am not interested in any sweeping advice or arguments (I usually stray from using goto). Rather, I have a specific situation and want to understand whether my solution, which makes use of the goto statement, is a good one or not. I would not call myself new to C++, but would not classify myself as a professional-level programmer either. The part of the code which has generated my question spins in an infinite loop once started. The general flow of the thread in pseudocode is as follows:
void ControlLoop::main_loop()
InitializeAndCheckHardware(pHardware) //pHardware is a pointer given from outside
//The main loop
while (m_bIsRunning)
simulated_time += time_increment; //this will probably be += 0.001 seconds
if (data_is_bad) {
m_bIsRunning = false;
goto loop_end;
while ( GetWallClockTime() < simulated_time ) {}
if ( end_condition_is_satisified ) m_bIsRunning = false;
The pHardware pointer is passed in from outside the ControlLoop object and has a polymorphic type, so it doesn't make much sense for me to make use of RAII and to create and destruct the hardware interface itself inside main_loop. I suppose I could have pHardware create a temporary object representing a sort of "session" or "use" of the hardware which could be automatically cleaned up at exit of main_loop, but I'm not sure whether that idea would make it clearer to somebody else what my intent is. There will only ever be three ways out of the loop: the first is if bad data is read from the external hardware; the second is if ProcessPendingEvents() indicates a user-initiated abort, which simply causes m_bIsRunning to become false; and the last is if the end-condition is satisfied at the bottom of the loop. I should maybe also note that main_loop could be started and finished multiple times over the life of the ControlLoop object, so it should exit cleanly with m_bIsRunning = false afterwards.
Also, I realize that I could use the break keyword here, but most of these pseudocode function calls inside main_loop are not really encapsulated as functions, simply because they would need to either have many arguments or they would all need access to member variables. Both of these cases would be more confusing, in my opinion, than simply leaving main_loop as a longer function, and because of the length of the big while loop, a statement like goto loop_end seems to read clearer to me.
Now for the question: Would this solution make you uncomfortable if you were to write it in your own code? It does feel a little wrong to me, but then I've never made use of the goto statement before in C++ code -- hence my request for help from experts. Are there any other basic ideas which I am missing that would make this code clearer?
Avoiding the use of goto is a pretty solid thing to do in object oriented development in general.
In your case, why not just use break to exit the loop?
while (true)
if (condition_is_met)
// cleanup
As for your question: your use of goto would make me uncomfortable. The only reason that break is less readable is your admittance to not being a strong C++ developer. To any seasoned developer of a C-like language, break will both read better, as well as provide a cleaner solution than goto.
In particular, I simply do not agree that
if (something)
goto loop_end;
is more readable than
if (something)
which literally says the same thing with built-in syntax.
With your one, singular condition which causes the loop to break early I would simply use a break. No need for a goto that's what break is for.
However, if any of those function calls can throw an exception or if you end up needing multiple breaks I would prefer an RAII style container, this is the exact sort of thing destructors are for. You always perform the call to DeInitializeHardware, so...
// todo: add error checking if needed
class HardwareWrapper {
HardwareWrapper(Hardware *pH)
: _pHardware(pH) {
~HardwareWrapper() {
const Hardware *getHardware() const {
return _pHardware;
const Hardware *operator->() const {
return _pHardware;
const Hardware& operator*() const {
return *_pHardware;
Hardware *_pHardware;
// if you don't want to allow copies...
HardwareWrapper(const HardwareWrapper &other);
HardwareWrapper& operator=(const HardwareWrapper &other);
// ...
void ControlLoop::main_loop()
HardwareWrapper hw(pHardware);
// code
Now, no matter what happens, you will always call DeInitializeHardware when that function returns.
If your main concern is the while loop is too long, then you should aim at make it shorter, C++ is an OO language and OO is for split things to small pieces and component, even in general non-OO language we generally still think we should break a method/loop into small one and make it short easy for read. If a loop has 300 lines in it, no matter break/goto doesn't really save your time there isn't it?
I'm not against goto but I won't use it here as you do, I prefer just use break, generally to a developer that he saw a break there he know it means goto to the end of the while, and with that m_bIsRunning = false he can easily aware of that it's actually exit the loop within seconds. Yes a goto may save the time for seconds to understand it but it may also make people feel nervous about your code.
The thing I can imagine that I'm using a goto would be to exit a two level loop:
goto loop_end;
Instead of using goto, you should use break; to escape loops.
There are several alternative to goto: break, continue and return depending on the situation.
However, you need to keep in mind that both break and continue are limited in that they only affect the most inner loop. return on the other hand is not affected by this limitation.
In general, if you use a goto to exit a particular scope, then you can refactor using another function and a return statement instead. It is likely that it will make the code easier to read as a bonus:
// Original
void foo() {
while (...) {
for (;;) {
if () {
goto X;
label X: DoTearDown();
// Refactored
void foo_in() {
while (...) {
for (;;) {
if () {
void foo() {
Note: if your function body cannot fit comfortably on your screen, you are doing it wrong.
Goto is not good practice for exiting from loop when break is an option.
Also, in complex routines, it is good to have only one exit logic (with cleaning up) placed at the end. Goto is sometimes used to jump to the return logic.
Example from QEMU vmdk block driver:
static int vmdk_open(BlockDriverState *bs, int flags)
int ret;
BDRVVmdkState *s = bs->opaque;
if (vmdk_open_sparse(bs, bs->file, flags) == 0) {
s->desc_offset = 0x200;
} else {
ret = vmdk_open_desc_file(bs, flags, 0);
if (ret) {
goto fail;
/* try to open parent images, if exist */
ret = vmdk_parent_open(bs);
if (ret) {
goto fail;
s->parent_cid = vmdk_read_cid(bs, 1);
/* Disable migration when VMDK images are used */
"vmdk", bs->device_name, "live migration");
return 0;
return ret;
I'm seeing loads of people suggesting break instead of goto. But break is no "better" (or "worse") than goto.
The inquisition against goto effectively started with Dijkstra's "Go To Considered Harmful" paper back in 1968, when spaghetti code was the rule and things like block-structured if and while statements were still considered cutting-edge. ALGOL 60 had them, but it was essentially a research language used by academics (cf. ML today); Fortran, one of the dominant languages at the time, would not get them for another 9 years!
The main points in Dijkstra's paper are:
Humans are good at spatial reasoning, and block-structured programs capitalise on that because program actions that occur near each other in time are described near each other in "space" (program code);
If you avoid goto in all its various forms, then it's possible to know things about the possible states of variables at each lexical position in the program. In particular, at the end of a while loop, you know that that loop's condition must be false. This is useful for debugging. (Dijkstra doesn't quite say this, but you can infer it.)
break, just like goto (and early returns, and exceptions...), reduces (1) and eliminates (2). Of course, using break often lets you avoid writing convoluted logic for the while condition, getting you a net gain in understandability -- and exactly the same applies for goto.

Why use do { ... } while (FALSE); in C++ outside of macros [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Are do-while-false loops common?
Is there a reason to have code like:
do {
// a lot of code that only needs to be run once
} while (FALSE);
when the code isn't defining a macro? I know it's a trick when it comes to macros, but is there a reason for it in normal code?
Well, it does allow you to use the break; (or continue) keyword for early exit if you have a need for that for some reason. That would be kinda ugly though. I'd really rather see it moved into its own routine, with the early exit implemented via a return; statement.
Well one reason for it would be if you want to break out at some point.
//some code that should always execute...
if ( condition )
//do some stuff
//some code that should execute if condition is not true
if ( condition2 )
//do some more stuff
//further code that should not execute if condition or condition2 are true
In certain situations the resulting code is a little bit more clear / easier to understand if written as above.
Such a construct is used as a kind of goto to be able to jump after the end of the loop using a break statement inside.
I would not do this but:
I looks slightly more logical than just braces
int main()
std::ifstream file("Data");
} // Data now closed.
// We can re-use data here as it was closed.
std::ofstream file2("Data");
An unobservant maintainer may see the braces and think.
What the heck and remove them
int main()
std::ifstream file("Data");
// FAIL. data is still open from before.
std::ofstream file2("Data");
I suppose using the while tick at least make syou think about it (though an unobservant maintainer may still remove it).
int main()
std::ifstream file("Data");
} while (false);
// We can re-use data here as it was closed.
std::ofstream file2("Data");
There is no reason to ever write a loop that is known, at compile time, to execute exactly once.
Doing so, in order to pretend that goto is written as break, is abusive.
I've just realised that my assertion about compile-time knowledge is false: I suppose you might do something complicated with conditional #defines that might mean that, at compile time for one build configuration, it is known to execute once, but for a different build configuration, it is executed multiple times.
#define CONDITION (--x)
#define CONDITION 0
int x = 5
} while(CONDITION)
However, the spirit of my assertion still stands.
It can be used to implement a behavior similar to goto statement, or say jump behavior!
See this:
if (doSomething() != 0) break; //jump
if (doSomethingElse() != 0) break; //jump
if (doSomethingElseNew() != 0) break; //jump
} while(false);
//if any of the break encountered, execution can continue from here, just after the do-while block!
// statement1
// statement2
// statement3
// so on
Taken from here: Are do-while-false loops common?

Using continue in a switch statement

I want to jump from the middle of a switch statement, to the loop statement in the following code:
while (something = get_something())
switch (something)
case A:
case B:
// get another something and try again
// do something for a handled something
Is this a valid way to use continue? Are continue statements ignored by switch statements? Do C and C++ differ on their behaviour here?
It's fine, the continue statement relates to the enclosing loop, and your code should be equivalent to (avoiding such jump statements):
while (something = get_something()) {
if (something == A || something == B)
But if you expect break to exit the loop, as your comment suggest (it always tries again with another something, until it evaluates to false), you'll need a different structure.
For example:
do {
something = get_something();
} while (!(something == A || something == B));
Yes, continue will be ignored by the switch statement and will go to the condition of the loop to be tested.
I'd like to share this extract from The C Programming Language reference by Ritchie:
The continue statement is related to break, but less often used; it causes the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, or do loop to begin. In the while and do, this means that the test part is executed immediately; in the for, control passes to the increment step.
The continue statement applies only to loops, not to a switch statement. A continue inside a switch inside a loop causes the next loop iteration.
I'm not sure about that for C++.
Yes, it's OK - it's just like using it in an if statement. Of course, you can't use a break to break out of a loop from inside a switch.
It's syntactically correct and stylistically okay.
Good style requires every case: statement should end with one of the following:
return (x);
exit (x);
throw (x);
Additionally, following case (x): immediately with
case (y):
is permissible - bundling several cases that have exactly the same effect.
Anything else is suspected to be a mistake, just like if(a=4){...}
Of course you need enclosing loop (while, for, do...while) for continue to work. It won't loop back to case() alone. But a construct like:
while(record = getNewRecord())
case RECORD_TYPE_...;
default: //unknown type
continue; //skip processing this record altogether.
//...more processing...
} okay.
While technically valid, all these jumps obscure control flow -- especially the continue statement.
I would use such a trick as a last resort, not first one.
How about
while (something = get_something())
switch (something)
case A:
case B:
It's shorter and perform its stuff in a more clear way.
Switch is not considered as loop so you cannot use Continue inside a case statement in switch...