Variable not being set to correct value - c++

I am making a Tic Tac Toe game. At the end of the game if one of the two human players wins, it is supposed to say "Player [1 or 2] has won!" It does this by checking what value ('X' or 'O') the winning row/column/diagonal is and corresponds it to what player it is (player 1 chooses X or O as their symbol). However, it ALWAYS thinks that player 1 has won regardless of who actually won.
Weird thing is, I can have the program cout both playerwon and BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A1") and player_won will ALWAYS output 'X' and BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A1") will output the correct answer, whether it's X or O.
Question: Why is player_won always being set to X? It is supposed to be set to the value of the player who won, but for some reason it is always set to X even if the winning player's value is 'O'.
If you need more information, please let me know. Thanks for your help!
char player1_mark;
char player_won;
class Boardstatus
char A1;
char getsquarestatus( string square )
// enumerator basically changes A1-C3 to a number 1-9
// not an actual enumerator, just a function
int squarenumber = enumerator( square );
switch ( squarenumber )
case 1:
return A1;
//This function acts similar to an enumerator, but instead returns a number 1-9 based
//on what string x is entered so that the switch cases in get and setsquarestatus will
//function properly (they require int or char to work)
int enumerator( string x )
if ( x == "A1" )
return 1;
bool checkwin( Boardstatus& BSTAT)
//Row 'A' checkwin
if (BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A1")!= ' ' && BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A1")==BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A2") && BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A2")==BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A3"))
//****This is where something is wrong****
player_won = BSTAT.getsquarestatus("A1");
return true;
int main()
Boardstatus BSTAT;
if ( player_won = player1_mark )
cout << "Player 1 has won!";
cout << "Player 2 has won!";

This: if ( player_won = player1_mark ) is setting the value of player_won
You need == for comparison, not assignment.


Delete and insert an element from/to array bag. Why boolean array instead of int?

I am implementing bag using array in C++. I can not figure out how to let the deleteElement function work. It is suppose to delete given element from the array.
I also don't understand why the array is initialized with bool and how the insert function works.
So, I got three questions:\
How to make the deleteElement function work?
Why is the array initialized with bool?
How does the insert function work? It looks like it only adds true value to the array, but when this program prints the array, you will see that the x value is printed out, I can not figure this out.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// cin -> add 0 qry 0 del 0 qry 0 quit
// cout -> TF
// add x -> Adds the number x to the bag
// qry x -> Checks if x belongs to the bag then output T, otherwise output F
// del x -> If there is an element x in the bag, remove it, otherwise do nothing.
// quit -> Stops the program
// Exercise: Fun with bags 1 (Here the bag is a set of int values).
input: add 1 add 2 add 1 del 1 qry 1 qry 2 quit
output: FT
// enumeration type for actions on the bag
enum action {add, qry, del, quit, none};
// translation of strings into actions
action str2action(string s) {
if (s=="add") return add;
if (s=="qry") return qry;
if (s=="del") return del;
if (s=="quit") return quit;
return none;
#define BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE 10
struct bag {
bool as_array[BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE]; // using arrays
// Simple function to initialise the bag
void initialise(bag &b){
// Array
for(int i=0; i<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
b.as_array[i] = false;
// function to display the content of the bag
void display_bag(bag b) {
cout << "The bag is : " << endl;
// Array
cout << " - (A) - : " ;
for(int i=0; i<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
cout << i << " " ;
cout << endl;
void insert(bag &b,unsigned int x){ //add
// Array
b.as_array[x] = true;
void check(bag &b,unsigned int x) //qry
bool q = false;
for(int i = 0; i < BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
q = true;
if(q == true)
cout << "T";
if(q == false)
cout << "F";
cout << endl;
void DeleteElement(bag &b, unsigned int x) //del
int i;
for (i=0; i<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
if (b.as_array[i] == x)
for (int j=i; j<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; j++)
b.as_array[j] = b.as_array[j+1];
// this function deals with actions on a bag
void update(bag &b, action a, unsigned int x){
case add:
case qry:
case del:
case quit:
case none:
int main()
bag my_bag; //We create an array of boolean type.
string my_act_str;
unsigned int x;
initialise(my_bag); //The array is initialised with False, which is 0
bool go_on = true;
cout << "What's next? (actions = add x ,qry x ,del x ,quit)" << endl;
cin >> my_act_str;
action act = str2action(my_act_str);
if(act == quit)
go_on = false;
if(act == add)
cin >> x;
if(act == qry)
cin >> x;
if(act == del)
cin >> x;
return 0;
I found out solution for the delete function. It is very easy one:
void delete_element(bag &b, unsigned int x)
b.as_array[x] = false;
Your three questions actually come from the fact that this is not really a bag. What you have here is more like a "Boolean mask" that indicates if numbers from zero to BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 are true or false. That is why you have a Boolean array as the storage and all elements in it are initialized with false. That is, the mask is not set for any of the numbers from zero to BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1.
Your deleteElement function then only needs to set the corresponding array position of the mask to false to "delete" that number and "inserting" a number corresponds to setting that specific position in the mask to true.
In the display_bag function, notice that you are not print the content of the array (which obviously can only be either true or false), but the index of the positions in the array that have a true value.

Is there a way to run a statement when a condition in a loop is met at least once?

I am currently doing games on my free time and am currently working on a hangman game. However, I have stumbled upon a problem and I think I could solve it if there was a way to run a statement if a condition inside a loop is met at least once, and if the condition isn't met even once, it'll do another thing. Is it possible to do? Does anyone have any ideas?
I appreaciate any suggestions.
I tried doing something like this:
for (){
if (string [i] == letter that the player inputed){
// replace underscores with the letter guessed
// and also turn a bool statement true
else {
// turn the bool statement false
if (!bool variable){
// print that the letter guessed was not in the answer
// and substract one from the number of guesses available
However I noticed that it doesn't work because the loop will run and if the last letter that it checks is not in the answer, the bool will turn false, thus printing that the letter was not in the answer and substracting one from the score. (It's also my first time posting here, and I don't know if that's how I'm supposed to write a code, so I apologize beforehand if I'm not doing it correctly)
You should approach this problem from the different angle:
for( ... ) {
if( your condition is met ) {
break; // <<--- exit the loop, so it's done only once
You don't have to put flag guessed off if the comparation fails
string s;
bool guessed = false;
char inputted_letter; // comes from somewhere
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
if (s[i] == inputted_letter) {
// replace underscores with the letter guessed
guessed = true;
if (!guessed) {
// print that the letter guessed was not in the answer
// and substract one from the number of guesses available
You don't have to set false in the loop:
bool has_found = false;
for (auto& c : word_to_guess)
if (input_letter == c) {
// replace _ by current letter...
has_found = true;
if (!has_found){
// print that the letter guessed was not in the answer
// and substract one from the number of guesses available
But I suggest that your loop does only one thing at a time:
bool contains(const std::string& word_to_guess, char input_letter)
return std::any_of(word_to_guess.begin(),
[&](char c){ return input_letter == c; })
for (auto& c : word_to_guess)
if (input_letter == c) {
return true;
return false;
if (contains(word_to_guess, input_letter)
// show current letter...
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != hangman_word.size(); ++i) {
if (word_to_guess[i] == input_letter) {
hangman_word[i] = word_to_guess[i];
} else {
// print that the letter guessed was not in the answer
// and substract one from the number of guesses available
Can you do what you are asking; possibly, however you stated you were making the game Hangman in C++ and I think you are going about this with the wrong approach, therefore, choosing or implementing the wrong algorithms. You are trying to traverse through two strings with possible different lengths from the back end which if it isn't done correctly can lead to issues, will tend to be hard to track especially if their comparisons determine loop conditions, exit or return statements.
I have implemented my version of "Hangman", now albeit the formatting isn't the prettiest, nor are the level dictionaries being generated from a large pool of random words. I express this in the comments of the code that these would generally be read in from a text file and saved into these structures. For simplicity's sake, I initialized them with random words directly in the code.
Take a look to see what I've done:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <random>
class Game;
int main() {
using namespace util;
try {
Game game("Hangman");
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
class Game {
std::string title_;
bool is_running_{ false };
std::string answer_;
std::string guessed_;
std::map<unsigned, std::vector<std::string>> dictionary_; // unsigned represents difficulty level of word
unsigned choosen_difficulty_;
std::string guessed_characters_{"\n"};
Game(const std::string& title) : title_{ title }, choosen_difficulty_{ 0 } {
void start() {
is_running_ = true;
// the player has as many attempts as twice the length of hidden answer's word length.
int number_tries = answer_.size() * 2;
while (is_running_ || number_tries > 0) {
// ask the player to guess a character;
char guess;
// get a character and make sure it is a valid alphabet character
do {
std::cout << "Guess a character ";
std::cin >> guess;
// Note: I'm using ascii characters in this case
// but for demonstration purposes only!
if ((guess < 'a' && guess > 'z') ||
(guess < 'A' && guess > 'Z')) {
std::cout << "invalid entry ";
} while ( (guess < 'a' && guess > 'z') ||
(guess < 'A' && guess > 'Z') );
// test character and update guessed word and number of tries.
// failed condition
if (number_tries <= 0 && guessed_ != answer_) {
std::cout << "\nGame Over!\n";
is_running_ = try_again(number_tries);
// winning condition
} else if (number_tries > 0 && guessed_ == answer_) {
std::cout << "\nCongratulations!\n";
is_running_ = try_again(number_tries);
if (!is_running_) break;
void displayGuessedWord() {
std::cout << '\n' << guessed_ << '\n';
void displayGuessedCharacters() {
std::cout << guessed_characters_ << '\n';
void initialize() {
// Normally this would be read in from a file upon game initialization
// but for demonstration purpose, I'll generate a few small vectors of strings
// and associate them to their difficulty level
// levels are based on 3 factors, the length of the word, the repetitive occurance
// of common characters, and the amount of less commonly used characters.
std::vector<std::string> level_1{ "ate", "cat", "dog", "coat", "coal", "does" };
std::vector<std::string> level_2{ "able", "believe", "balloon", "better", "funny", "happy" };
std::vector<std::string> level_3{ "ability", "carpenter", "dogmatic", "hilarious", "generosity", "hostility" };
// ... etc. I'll use just these here for simplicty where each vector has six entries, however,
// with random number generators, this can be done generically for any size
// or number of elements in each of the different vectors.
// create generate the map:
dictionary_[1] = level_1;
dictionary_[2] = level_2;
dictionary_[3] = level_3;
std::string getWordFromDictionary(unsigned difficulty, std::map<unsigned, std::vector<std::string>>& dict) {
auto level = dict[difficulty]; // extract the vector based on difficulty level
auto size = level.size(); // get the size of that vector
std::random_device dev; // create a random device
std::mt19937 rng(dev()); // create a pseudo random generator
// create a uniform int distribution type with the range from 0 to size-1
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::mt19937::result_type> dist(0, size - 1);
return level[dist(rng)]; // return a random string from this level.
void start_over() {
system("cls"); // Note: I'm running visual studio on Windows!
std::cout << "Welcome to " << title_ << '\n';
// We can use a random generator to pick a word from the given difficulty
// but first we need to get user input for the chosen level.
do {
std::cout << "Choose your difficulty [1-3]\n";
std::cin >> choosen_difficulty_;
if (choosen_difficulty_ < 1 || choosen_difficulty_ > 3) {
std::cout << "Invalid entry:\n";
} while (choosen_difficulty_ < 1 || choosen_difficulty_ > 3);
answer_ = getWordFromDictionary(choosen_difficulty_, dictionary_);
// clear and resize guessed word to be that of answer_ and add bunch of hypens.
guessed_.resize(answer_.size(), '-');
// also reset the guessed_characters
guessed_characters_ = std::string("\n");
bool try_again(int& tries) {
std::cout << "Would you like to try again?\n";
char c;
std::cin >> c;
if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y') {
// don't forget to update this so that the loop can repeat
tries = answer_.size() * 2;
return true;
else {
std::cout << "Thank you for playing " << title_ << '\n';
return false;
void test_character(const char c) {
// here is where you would use the standard library for taking the character
// passed into this function, updating the guessed_characters
// get all indexes
std::vector<unsigned> locations;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < answer_.size(); i++)
if (answer_[i] == c)
// now update the guessed word
if ( locations.size() > 0 )
for (size_t n = 0; n < locations.size(); n++)
guessed_[locations[n]] = c;
void update_guessed_characters(const char c) {
guessed_characters_.insert(0, &c); // just push to the front
If you noticed how I structured the game class above; I am using while and do-while loops in conjunction with for-loops and if-statements and a single boolean flag to determine the state of the game. The game state is also determined from the update to the guessed characters and guessed word. Then I compare that to the answer. Depending on certain conditions the loop will continue seeking input from the user or will exit.
I am not guaranteeing that this code is 100% bug-free for I didn't do any rigorous testing or checking corner cases or special cases but the code has run without error and I've tested all primary game state cases. It appears to be working fine.
I know that there could be many improvements and simplifications made if I had chosen to use some of the standard library functions for working with strings, but I wanted to illustrate the individual steps that are involved in the design or thinking process of making a game with states and their transitions. I could of also put the game class declaration into its own header file with its implementation in a cpp file, but I left that as a single class that is shown in main.cpp for easy copy and paste and compilation.
With this particular game, I did not use a switch and case statements, I just stuck with some while and do-while loops, a few for loops, and if statements since there are only a few game states and transitions to worry about. This implementation also demonstrates the algorithms that are involved and shows how they interconnect with each other. I hope this helps to give you a better understanding of the design process.
When making a game that has different states with a bit of complexity to it, you should start by making your state table first and list all of its transitions before you even write any code. Then you should list your starting, continuing, winning, failing and exiting states or cases. Then you need to draw up how you would transition from one state to another by their required conditions. This will help you in the long run!
Once you have the game state and its transitions laid out properly, then you can start to make your required functions for those states and begin to connect them together. After that is when you would write the internal of the functions or their implementation of what they would do.
Finally, after you have that down is where you want to do some debugging and unit and case testing and if everything appears to be okay, then it would be safe to improve your current algorithms or choosing better ones for peak or most efficient performance.

whitecards (lowercase) skips other players in PlayerVector but the first - why?

I have tried for several days to find a solution to this but I am at a loss.
I am creating a Cards Against Humanity game that makes use of a Player class. This player class has functions to add white cards, retrieve a white card, get rid of a white card, get name, set name, and others.
The program goes:
Main menu (goes to gameplay, how to play, credits, and quit)
Chooses number of players.
Creates vector of players
Sets player names.
Assigns eight cards to each player's whitecards vector.
Begins game.
The main issue I have is with the assigning eight cards to each player's whitecards vector.
This is the code for the part of the program that distributes cards.
for (i = 0; i < playercount; i++) /* Adds eight white cards to each player's vector of cards */
This is the section of Player.cpp that assigns a white card.
bool Player::addwhitecard()`{
whitecard_ptr = fopen("WhiteCards.txt", "r");
if (whitecard_ptr != NULL)
std::cout << "This Part Worked" << std::endl;
if (maxwhitecardcount >= whitecards.size())
std::cout << "Yes Continue Pls" << std::endl;
randomnumber = rand() % 398;
randomnumber2 = rand() % 398;
randomnumber3 = rand() % 398;
randomnumber4 = rand() % 398;
randomnumber5 = rand() % 398;
randomnumber6 = rand() % 398;
randomnumber7 = rand() % 398;
randomnumber8 = rand() % 398;
while (getline(WhiteCards, line))
if (LineNo == randomnumber || LineNo == randomnumber2 || LineNo == randomnumber3 || LineNo == randomnumber4 || LineNo == randomnumber5 || LineNo == randomnumber6 || LineNo == randomnumber7 || LineNo == randomnumber8)
std::cout << "Yes! This size is: " << whitecards.size() << std::endl;
return true;
std::cout << name << "has too many white cards!";
return false;
This is the constructor for the player class.
Player::Player(std::string name, int points)
this->points = 0;
this->name = "PlayerName";
And this is the player class itself in the header file
class Player
Player(std::string name, int points);
void drawwhitecard();
std::string getwhitecard();
void ridwhitecard();
void addpoint();
int getpoints();
bool addwhitecard();
void namechar();
bool showwhitecards();
bool setname();
std::string getname();
int points;
std::vector<std::string> whitecards;
std::string name;
int whitecardcount;
int maxwhitecardcount = 8;
int whitecardchoicenumber = 0;
I tried to put the whitecards vector as an argument in player, but I wasn't able to use the vector in the arguments list when creating a player object in the main code.
Can someone tell me where I went wrong? Whether I do actually need to put the vector in the arguments and how to use it in an arguments list.
Thanks in advance.
I found a solution to this, though it's somewhat long.
I had to add 56 other randomnumber variables that all the other players can use.
Sorry I couldn't provide a MCVE due to time constraints.

Can't figure out how to loop playerturns and moves Tic Tac Toe (C++) [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
EDIT: Solved now thank you triple_r and AJNeufield for your help on this problem I was having.
I've looked around multiple websites and YouTube about this and I can't seem to find anything on what I am specifically looking for this as my format for the program is a good bit different than others. Therefore, it's hard to decipher where I need to put the things I do need that I know of.
Please note that I'm relatively new to C++ so I'd appreciate all the feedback or criticism you might provide me.
Also, note my code does compile and run it just does not allow me to put in more than one input and more than likely does not allow for a switch of player turns.
Quick Edit: Switched the code with the new setup suggested by triple_r but I seemed to have messed it up somewhere along the line and it does compile(with the exception of x and y not being utilized and one other error) but it always starts off with player 2 going first and as soon as it receives input it ends automatically with a segmentation fault.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void initboard(char board[3][3])
int x,y;
for (x=0;x<3;x++)
for (y=0;y<3;y++)
board[x][y]=' ';
void printboard(char board[3][3])
int x,y;
for (x=0;x<3;x++)
for (y=0;y<3;y++)
cout<<" "<<board[x][y]<<" ";
if (y<2) cout<<"|";
if (x<2) cout<<"\n===========";
void getmove(char board[3][3], int player)
int main()
bool done=false;
char board[3][3];
int x,y,player=1,turn,playerchoice,playermark;
if (player==1)
if (turn%2)
cout<<"Player "<<player<<" where do you want to move?: ";
if (playerchoice==1)
else if (playerchoice==2)
else if (playerchoice==3)
else if (playerchoice==4)
else if (playerchoice==5)
else if (playerchoice==6)
else if (playerchoice==7)
else if (playerchoice==8)
else if (playerchoice==9)
cout<<"Invalid move ";
if (board[x][y]!=' ')
cout<<"Move is already taken.";
if(board[x][y]==' ')
}while (!done);
void printboard(char board[3][3]);
return 0;
EDIT: based on the updated code
So, the first thing I can see is that you are using x and y in your program but you don't initialize them or assign any values to them. Also, try to use functions/classes/... yo make your code more readable. You already have a function for player move but you are not using it. You can move the large if statement inside that function and that will make your main code shorter and more readable.
Here are my comments on the main part of your program:
int main()
// add a new variable to see if the move was valid or not:
bool done=false, validmove = true;
char board[3][3];
int x, y, player = 1, turn = 0, playerchoice, playermark;
// swap the two `if`s so you decide who`s turn it is then assign the player mark,
// also, reverse the condition to make sure turn '0' is player 1's turn.
if (!(turn % 2))
player = 1;
player = 2;
if (player == 1)
playermark = 'X';
playermark = 'O';
cout << "Player " << player << " where do you want to move?: ";
cin >> playerchoice;
// Assign `x` and `y` here instead of updating the board, because you want to make
// sure that the move is valid before putting the mark:
validmove = true;
if (playerchoice == 1)
x = 0; y = 0;
else if (playerchoice == 2)
x = 0; y = 1;
else if (playerchoice == 3)
x = 0; y = 2;
else if (playerchoice == 4)
x = 1; y = 0;
else if (playerchoice == 5)
x = 1; y = 1;
else if (playerchoice == 6)
x = 1; y = 2;
else if (playerchoice == 7)
x = 2; y = 0;
else if (playerchoice == 8)
x = 2; y = 1;
else if (playerchoice == 9)
x = 2; y = 2;
cout << "Invalid move, try again!";
// Make sure to mark the move as invalid so they get a chance to
// change their move:
validmove = false;
// check to see if the turn was valid:
if (board[x][y] != ' ')
cout << "Move is already taken, try again";
board[x][y] = playermark;
// have to make sure you have a condition for end of game. A simple
// one is to check if turn is less than `9`, otherwise the board is
// full:
if(turn == 9)
done = true;
// you probably want to add a few more checks to see who won the game.
}while (!done);
// when calling a function, no need to put the return type or parameter type:
return 0;
There are two do-while loops in your program and both seem to be meant as a game loop. What I would do is:
turn = 0;
//this is the game loop
if( validturn )
return 0;
so, you fold everything into one loop. In that loop, you want to:
find who's turn it is:
if (turn % 2)
player = 1;
player = 2;
get users input:
std::cin >> playerchoice;
convert player choice to grid location:
switch ( move )
case 0:
x = 0;
y = 0;
case 1:
//invalid move
see if the move is valid:
if( board[x][y] != ' ' )
//already taken, invalid move
then apply the move:
board[x][y] = playermark;
I hope this helps.
Your cin >> playerchoice is outside your do { ... } while ( moves != 9); loop. Move it inside.

Connect 4 PVP Function

I can't seem to find something that specifically answers my question. I am looking for a solution to my problem. The connect 4 player versus player seems to just ask the first player to drop then the second player to drop, but the first if statement is no longer true so it continues to ask the second player to drop. I am using eclipse for mac osx although the game is programmed for ASCII character set.
int hold;
int hold2 = 0;
int charsPlaced = 0;
bool gamewon = false;
char player = 15;
string r;
while (!gamewon)
if (hold2 != -1)
if (player == 15)
cout << ax << " what column would you like to drop in?";
player = 178;
cout << bx << " what column would you like to drop in?";
player = 176;
You need to switch the players' turn after each action. If P1 took an action, you need to update the "turn" so that the next time the code loops it will ask for P2. Then, after you've done the stuff you need to do for P2, you need to update the "turn" so that the next time it loops it will ask for P1 action.
Here's a different approach on your code by using an enum. You can use a bool type variable which is false for P1 and true for P2, or an int that's 1 or 2, but that's a bit harder to understand from the outisde.
// omitted code
enum PlayerTurn { ePlayer1 = 0, ePlayer2 };
// omitted code
PlayerTurn plTurn = ePlayer1;
while (!gamewon)
if (pTurn == ePlayer1)
cout << ax << " what column would you like to drop in?";
// TODO: stuff to do for Player #1
cout << bx << " what column would you like to drop in?";
// TODO: stuff to do for Player #2
// TODO: decide if game has been won, mechanics etc.
// move to the next player without overflowing the 2 possible values (0 and 1)
plTurn = (plTurn + 1) % 2;
Then, on your display() function, you can show any ASCII character you wish.