Realtime audio application, improving performance - c++

I am currently writing a C++ real time audio application which roughly contains:
reading frames from a buffer
interpolating frames with the hermit interpolation here
filtering ever frame with two biquad filters (and updating their coefficients every frame)
a 3 band crossover containing 18 biquad calculations
a FreeVerb algorithm from the STK libary here
I think this should be handable for my PC but I get some buffer underflows every so often so I would like to improve the performance of my application. I have a bunch of question I hope you can answer me. :)
1) Operator Overloading
Instead of working directly with my flaot samples and doing calculations for every sample,
I pack my floats in a Frame class which contains the left and the right Sample. The class overloads some operators for addition, subtraction and multiplication with float.
The filters (biquad mostly) and the reverb works with floats and doesn't use this class but the hermite interpolator and every multiplication and addition for volume controll and mixing uses the class.
Does this has an impact on the performance and would it be better to work with left and right sample directly?
2) std::function
The callback function from the audio IO libary PortAudio calls a std::function. I use this to encapsulation everything related to PortAudio. So the "user" sets his own callback function with std::bind
std::bind( &AudioController::processAudio,
Since for every callback, the right function has to be found from the CPU (however this works...), does this have an impact and would it be better to define a class the user has to inherit from?
3) virtual functions
I use a class called AudioProcessor which declares a virtual function:
virtual void tick(Frame *buffer, int frameCout) = 0;
This function always processes a number of frames at once. Depending on the drive, 200 frames up to 1000 frames per call.
Within the signal processing path, I call this function 6 time from multiple derivated classes. I remember that this is done with lookup tables so the CPU knows exactly which function it has to call. So does the process of calling a "virtual" (derivated) function has an impact on the performance?
The nice thing about this is the structure in the source code but only using inlines maybe would have an performance improvement.
These are all questions for now. I have some more about Qt's event loop because I think that my GUI uses quite a bit of CPU time as well. But this is another topic I guess. :)
Thanks in advance!
These are all relevant function calls within the signal processing. Some of them are from the STK libary.
The biquad functions are from STK and should perform fine. This goes for the freeverb algorithm as well.
// ################################ AudioController Function ############################
void AudioController::processAudio(int frameCount, float *output) {
Frame * leftFrameBuffer = (Frame*) output;
if(leftLoaded) { // the left processor is loaded
leftProcessor->tick(leftFrameBuffer, frameCount); //(TrackProcessor::tick()
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
leftFrameBuffer[i].leftSample = 0.0f;
leftFrameBuffer[i].rightSample = 0.0f;
if(rightLoaded) { // the right processor is loaded
// the rightFrameBuffer is allocated once and ensured to have enough space for frameCount Frames
rightProcessor->tick(rightFrameBuffer, frameCount); //(TrackProcessor::tick()
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
rightFrameBuffer[i].leftSample = 0.0f;
rightFrameBuffer[i].rightSample = 0.0f;
// MIX
for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++ ) {
leftFrameBuffer[i] = volume * (leftRightMix * leftFrameBuffer[i] + (1.0 - leftRightMix) * rightFrameBuffer[i]);
// ################################ AudioController Function ############################
void TrackProcessor::tick(Frame *frames, int frameNum) {
if(bufferLoaded && playback) {
for(int i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) {
// read from buffer
frames[i] = bufferPlayer->tick();
// filter coeffs
caltulateFilterCoeffs(lowCutoffFilter->tick(), highCutoffFilter->tick());
// filter
frames[i].leftSample = lpFilterL->tick(hpFilterL->tick(frames[i].leftSample));
frames[i].rightSample = lpFilterR->tick(hpFilterR->tick(frames[i].rightSample));
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) {
frames[i] = Frame(0,0);
// Effect 1, Equalizer
if(effsActive[0]) {
insEffProcessors[0]->tick(frames, frameNum);
// Effect 2, Reverb
if(effsActive[1]) {
insEffProcessors[1]->tick(frames, frameNum);
// Volume
for(int i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) {
frames[i].leftSample *= volume;
frames[i].rightSample *= volume;
// ################################ Equalizer ############################
void EqualizerProcessor::tick(Frame *frames, int frameNum) {
if(active) {
Frame lowCross;
Frame highCross;
for(int f = 0; f < frameNum; f++) {
lowAmp = lowAmpFilter->tick();
midAmp = midAmpFilter->tick();
highAmp = highAmpFilter->tick();
lowCross = highLPF->tick(frames[f]);
highCross = highHPF->tick(frames[f]);
frames[f] = lowAmp * lowLPF->tick(lowCross)
+ midAmp * lowHPF->tick(lowCross)
+ highAmp * lowAPF->tick(highCross);
// ################################ Reverb ############################
// This function just calls the stk::FreeVerb tick function for every frame
// The FreeVerb implementation can't realy be optimised so I will take it as it is.
void ReverbProcessor::tick(Frame *frames, int frameNum) {
if(active) {
for(int i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) {
frames[i].leftSample = reverb->tick(frames[i].leftSample, frames[i].rightSample);
frames[i].rightSample = reverb->lastOut(1);
// ################################ Buffer Playback (BufferPlayer) ############################
Frame BufferPlayer::tick() {
// adjust read position based on loop status
if(inLoop) {
while(readPos > loopEndPos) {
readPos = loopStartPos + (readPos - loopEndPos);
int x1 = readPos;
float t = readPos - x1;
Frame f = interpolate(buffer->frameAt(x1-1),
readPos += stepSize;;
return f;
// interpolation:
Frame BufferPlayer::interpolate(Frame x0, Frame x1, Frame x2, Frame x3, float t) {
Frame c0 = x1;
Frame c1 = 0.5f * (x2 - x0);
Frame c2 = x0 - (2.5f * x1) + (2.0f * x2) - (0.5f * x3);
Frame c3 = (0.5f * (x3 - x0)) + (1.5f * (x1 - x2));
return (((((c3 * t) + c2) * t) + c1) * t) + c0;
inline Frame BufferPlayer::frameAt(int pos) {
if(pos < 0) {
pos = 0;
} else if (pos >= frames) {
pos = frames -1;
// get chunk and relative Sample
int chunk = pos/ChunkSize;
int chunkSample = pos%ChunkSize;
return Frame(leftChunks[chunk][chunkSample], rightChunks[chunk][chunkSample]);

Some suggestions on performance improvement:
Optimize Data Cache Usage
Review your functions that operate on a lot of data (e.g. arrays). The functions should load data into cache, operate on the data, then store back into memory.
The data should be organized to best fit into the data cache. Break up the data into smaller blocks if it doesn't fit. Search the web for "data driven design" and "cache optimizations".
In one project, performing data smoothing, I changed the layout of data and gained 70% performance.
Use Multiple Threads
In the big picture, you may be able to use at least three dedicated threads: input, processing and output. The input thread obtains the data and stores it in buffer(s); search the Web for "double buffering". The second thread gets data from the input buffer, processes it, then writes to an output buffer. The third thread writes data from the output buffer to the file.
You may also benefit from using threads for left and right samples. For example, while one thread is processing the left sample, another thread could be processing the right sample. If you could put the threads on different cores, you may see even more performance benefit.
Use the GPU processing
A lot of modern Graphics Processing Units (GPU) have a lot of cores that can process floating point values. Maybe you could delegate some of the filtering or analysis functions to the cores in the GPU. Be aware that this requires overhead and to gain the benefit, the processing part should be more computative than the overhead.
Reducing the Branching
Processors prefer to manipulate data over branching. Branching stalls the execution as the processor has to figure out where to get and process the next instruction. Some have large instruction caches that can contain small loops; but there is still a penalty for branching to the top of the loop again. See "Loop Unrolling". Also check your compiler optimizations and optimize high for performance. Many compilers will switch to loop unrolling for you, if the circumstances are correct.
Reduce the Amount of Processing
Do you need to process the entire sample or portions of it? For example, in video processing, much of the frame doesn't change only small portions. So the entire frame doesn't need to be processed. Can the audio channels be isolated so only a few channels are processed rather than the entire spectrum?
Coding to Help the Compiler Optimize
You can help the compiler with optimizations by using the const modifier. The compiler may be able to use different algorithms for variables that don't change versus ones that do. For example, a const value can be placed in the executable code, but a non-const value must be placed in memory.
Using static and const can help too. The static usually implies only one instance. The const implies something that doesn't change. So if there is only one instance of the variable that doesn't change, the compiler can place it into the executable or read-only memory and perform a higher optimization of the code.
Loading multiple variables at the same time can help too. The processor can place the data into the cache. The compiler may be able to use specialized assembly instructions for fetching sequential data.


Delay function makes openFrameworks window freeze until specified time passes

I have network of vertices and I want to change their color every second. I tried using Sleep() function and currently using different delay function but both give same result - lets say I want to color 10 vertices red with 1 second pause. When Im starting project it seems like the window freezes for 10 seconds and then shows every vertice already with red color.
This is my update function.
void ofApp::update(){
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
ofColor red(255, 0, 0);
Here is draw function
void ofApp::draw(){
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < G[i].size(); j++) {
ofDrawLine(vertices[i].getX(), vertices[i].getY(), vertices[G[i][j]].getX(), vertices[G[i][j]].getY());
void vertice::drawBFS() {
ofDrawCircle(_x, _y, 20);
ofDrawBitmapString(_id, _x - 3, _y + 3);
ofColor black(0, 0, 0);
This is my delay() function
void ofApp::delay(int number_of_seconds) {
// Converting time into milli_seconds
int milli_seconds = 1000 * number_of_seconds;
// Stroing start time
clock_t start_time = clock();
// looping till required time is not acheived
while (clock() < start_time + milli_seconds)
There is no bug in your code, just a misconception about waiting. So this is no definitive answer, just a hint in the right direction.
You have probably just one thread. One thread can do exactly one thing at a time. When you call delay all this one thread is doing is checking the time over and over again until some time has passed.
During this time the thread can do nothing else (it can not magically skip instructions or detect your intentions). So it can not issue drawing commands or swap some buffers to display vectors on screen. That's the reason why you application seems to freeze - 99.9% of the time it's checking if the interval has passed. This also places a heavy load on the cpu.
The solution can be a bit tricky and requires threading. Usually you have a UI-Thread that regularly draws stuff, refreshes the display, maybe takes inputs and so on. This thread should never do heavy calculations to keep the UI responsive. A second thread will then manage heavier calculations or updating data.
If you want to run a task in an interval you don't just loop until the time is over, but essentially "tell the OS" that the second thread should be inactive for a certain period. The OS will manage this way more efficient than implementing active waiting.
But that's quite a large topic, so I suggest you read on about Multithreading. C++ has a small thread library since C++11. May be worth a look.
// .h
float nextEventSeconds = 0;
// .cpp
void ofApp::draw(){
float now = ofGetElapsedTimef();
if(now > nextEventSeconds) {
// do something here that should only happen
// every 3 seconds
nextEventSeconds = now + 3;
Following this example I managed to solve my problem.

How can I smooth the rate of change of a number data?

I'm a collage student and I'm new here. I've been having a problem with my assignment which I have to calculate the speed of a car. I've done with the right algorithm (using a 1/60s timer) and formula except that I have a problem with displaying the speed number. The output data changes very fast in 1 seconds (Yes, it will change very frequently in 1s since I use a 1/60s timer). Is there any way to smooth the rate of change within that output?
I've tried to round the number but the rate of change still very quick.
//For example Car1 object is moving along the x axis
//My method to calculate the speed with a 1/60s timer
//every 1/60s timeout:
if(distanceToggler == true ){
vDistance[0] = car->getCarPos().x();
else {
vDistance[1] = car->getCarPos().x();
//if Ture assign to vDistance[0] else assign to vDistance[1]
distanceToggler = !distanceToggler;
if ( (vDistance[1] - vDistance[0]) >= 0 ){
defaultSetting.editCurrentCarSpeed( (vDistance[1]-vDistance[0]) / (0.6f) );
currentCarSpeed = (vDistance[0]-vDistance[1]) / (0.6f);
A simple way to smooth noisy values arriving frequently is to keep a kind of running average and only adjust it by a percentage of each new value:
const float smooth_factor = 0.05f;
// Assume the first sample is correct (alternatively you could initialize to 0)
float smooth_v;
std::cin >> smooth_v;
// Read samples and output filtered samples
for(float v; std::cin >> v; )
smooth_v = (1.0f - smooth_factor) * smooth_v + smooth_factor * v;
std::cout << smooth_v << std::endl;
The smaller you make smooth_factor, the slower the "smooth" value will change in response to new data. You can tweak this value to something suitable to your application.
This is a fast alternative to taking an unweighted windowed average (although such averages can be computed in constant time), although it's slightly different in that every historical value has some effect (which reduces with time).

QueryPerformanceCounter limiting/speeding up slide speed

I have a thread that waits on a std::condition_variable then loops till it is done.
Im trying to slide my rect that is drawn in opengl.
Everything works fine without using a delta, But i would like my rect to slide at the same speed no matter what computer it is ran on.
At the moment it jumps about half way then slides really slow.
If i dont use my delta it does not run at the same speed if ran on slower computers.
Im not sure if i should ihave a if statement and check if time has passed then do the sliding, an not use a delta?
auto toolbarGL::Slide() -> void
LARGE_INTEGER then, now, freq;
while (true)
// Waits to be ready to slide
// Keeps looping till stopped then starts to wait again
float delta_time_sec = (float)(now.QuadPart - then.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
if (slideDir == SlideFlag::Right)
if (this->x < 0)
this->x += 10 * delta_time_sec;
else if (slideDir == SlideFlag::Left)
if (this->x > -90)
this->x -= 10 * delta_time_sec;
then = now;
If you want your rectangle to move at a steady speed no matter what, I suggest a different approach -- instead of relying on your code executing at a particular time and causing a side effect (like x += 10) each time, come up with a function that will tell you what the rectangle's location should be at any given time. That way, no matter when your Paint() method is called, it will always draw the rectangle at the location that corresponds to that time.
For example:
// Returns the current time, in microseconds-since-some-arbitrary-time-zero
unsigned long long GetCurrentTimeMicroseconds()
static unsigned long long _ticksPerSecond = 0;
if (_ticksPerSecond == 0) _ticksPerSecond = (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&tps)) ? tps.QuadPart : 0;
if ((_ticksPerSecond > 0)&&(QueryPerformanceCounter(&curTicks)))
return (curTicks.QuadPart*1000000)/_ticksPerSecond;
printf("GetCurrentTimeMicroseconds() failed, oh dear\n");
return 0;
// A particular location on the screen
int startPositionX = 0;
// A clock-value at which the rectangle was known to be at that location
unsigned long long timeStampAtStartPosition = GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds();
// The rectangle's current velocity, in pixels-per-second
int speedInPixelsPerSecond = 10;
// Given any clock-value (in microseconds), returns the expected position of the rectangle at that time
int GetXAtTime(unsigned long long currentTimeInMicroseconds)
const long long timeSinceMicroseconds = currentTimeInMicroseconds-timeStampAtStartPosition;
return startPositionX + ((speedInPixelsPerSecond*timeSinceMicroseconds)/1000000);
void PaintScene()
const int rectX = GetXAtTime(GetCurrentTimeMicroseconds());
// code to paint the rectangle at position (rectX) goes here...
Given the above, your program can call PaintScene() as seldom or as often as it wants, and your rectangle's on-screen speed will not change (although the animation will look more or less smooth, depending on how often you call it).
Then if you want the rectangle to change its direction of motion, you can just do something like this:
const unsigned long long now = GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds();
startPositionX = GetXAtTime(now);
speedInPixelsPerSecond = -speedInPixelsPerSecond; // reverse course!
The above example uses a simple y=mx+b-style equation that provides linear motion, but you can get many different types of motion, by using different parametric equations that take a time-value argument and return a corresponding position-value.

Help with code optimization

I've written a little particle system for my 2d-application. Here is raining code:
// HPP -----------------------------------
struct Data
float x, y, x_speed, y_speed;
int timeout;
std::vector<Data> mData;
bool mFirstTime;
void processDrops(float windPower, int i);
// CPP -----------------------------------
: x(rand()%ScreenResolutionX), y(0)
, x_speed(0), y_speed(0), timeout(rand()%130)
{ }
void Rain::processDrops(float windPower, int i)
int posX = rand() % mWindowWidth;
mData[i].x = posX;
mData[i].x_speed = WindPower*0.1; // WindPower is float
mData[i].y_speed = Gravity*0.1; // Gravity is 9.8 * 19.2
// If that is first time, process drops randomly with window height
if (mFirstTime)
mData[i].timeout = 0;
mData[i].y = rand() % mWindowHeight;
mData[i].timeout = rand() % 130;
mData[i].y = 0;
void update(float windPower, float elapsed)
// If this is first time - create array with new Data structure objects
if (mFirstTime)
for (int i=0; i < mMaxObjects; ++i)
processDrops(windPower, i);
mFirstTime = false;
for (int i=0; i < mMaxObjects; i++)
// Sleep until uptime > 0 (To make drops fall with randomly timeout)
if (mData[i].timeout > 0)
// Find new x/y positions
mData[i].x += mData[i].x_speed * elapsed;
mData[i].y += mData[i].y_speed * elapsed;
// Find new speeds
mData[i].x_speed += windPower * elapsed;
mData[i].y_speed += Gravity * elapsed;
// Drawing here ...
// If drop has been falled out of the screen
if (mData[i].y > mWindowHeight) processDrops(windPower, i);
So the main idea is: I have some structure which consist of drop position, speed. I have a function for processing drops at some index in the vector-array. Now if that's first time of running I'm making array with max size and process it in cycle.
But this code works slower that all another I have. Please, help me to optimize it.
I tried to replace all int with uint16_t but I think it doesn't matter.
Replacing int with uint16_t shouldn't do any difference (it'll take less memory, but shouldn't affect running time on most machines).
The shown code already seems pretty fast (it's doing only what it's needed to do, and there are no particular mistakes), I don't see how you could optimize it further (at most you could remove the check on mFirstTime, but that should make no difference).
If it's slow it's because of something else. Maybe you've got too many drops, or the rest of your code is so slow that update gets called little times per second.
I'd suggest you to profile your program and see where most time is spent.
one thing that could speed up such algorithm, especially if your system hasn't got an FPU (! That's not the case of a personal computer...), would be to replace your floating point values with integers.
Just multiply the elapsed variable (and your constants, like those 0.1) by 1000 so that they will represent milliseconds, and use only integers everywhere.
Few points:
Physics is incorrect: wind power should be changed as speed makes closed to wind speed, also for simplicity I would assume that initial value of x_speed is the speed of the wind.
You don't take care the fraction with the wind at all, so drops getting faster and faster. but that depends on your want to model.
I would simply assume that drop fails in constant speed in constant direction because this is really what happens very fast.
Also you can optimize all this very simply as you don't need to solve motion equation using integration as it can be solved quite simply directly as:
x(t):= x_0 + wind_speed * t
y(t):= y_0 - fall_speed * t
This is the case of stable fall when the gravity force is equal to friction.
x(t):= x_0 + wind_speed * t;
y(t):= y_0 - 0.5 * g * t^2;
If you want to model drops that fall faster and faster.
Few things to consider:
In your processDrops function, you pass in windPower but use some sort of class member or global called WindPower, is that a typo? If the value of Gravity does not change, then save the calculation (i.e. mult by 0.1) and use that directly.
In your update function, rather than calculating windPower * elapsed and Gravity * elapsed for every iteration, calculate and save that before the loop, then add. Also, re-organise the loop, there is no need to do the speed calculation and render if the drop is out of the screen, do the check first, and if the drop is still in the screen, then update the speed and render!
Interestingly, you never check to see if the drop is out of the screen interms of it's x co-ordinate, you check the height, but not the width, you could save yourself some calculations and rendering time if you did this check as well!
In loop introduce reference Data& current = mData[i] and use it instead of mData[i]. And use this reference instead of index also in procesDrops.
BTW I think that consulting mFirstTime in processDrops serves no purpose because it will never be true. Hmm, I missed processDrops in initialization loop. Never mind this.
This looks pretty fast to me already.
You could get some tiny speedup by removing the "firsttime" code and putting it in it's own functions to call once rather that testing every calls.
You are doing the same calculation on lots of similar data so maybe you could look into using SSE intrinsics to process several items at once. You'l likely have to rearrange your data structure for that though to be a structure of vectors rather than a vector od structures like now. I doubt it would help too much though. How many items are in your vector anyway?
It looks like maybe all your time goes into ... Drawing Here.
It's easy enough to find out for sure where the time is going.

Simulated time in a game loop using c++

I am building a 3d game from scratch in C++ using OpenGL and SDL on linux as a hobby and to learn more about this area of programming.
Wondering about the best way to simulate time while the game is running. Obviously I have a loop that looks something like:
void main_loop()
I am using the SDL_Delay and time_left() to maintain a framerate of about 33 fps.
I had thought that I just need a few global variables like
int current_hour = 0;
int current_min = 0;
int num_days = 0;
Uint32 prev_ticks = 0;
Then a function like :
void handle_time()
Uint32 current_ticks;
Uint32 dticks;
current_ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
dticks = current_ticks - prev_ticks; // get difference since last time
// if difference is greater than 30000 (half minute) increment game mins
if(dticks >= 30000) {
prev_ticks = current_ticks;
if(current_mins >= 60) {
current_mins = 0;
if(current_hour > 23) {
current_hour = 0;
and then call the handle_time() function in the main loop.
It compiles and runs (using printf to write the time to the console at the moment) but I am wondering if this is the best way to do it. Is there easier ways or more efficient ways?
I've mentioned this before in other game related threads. As always, follow the suggestions by Glenn Fiedler in his Game Physics series
What you want to do is to use a constant timestep which you get by accumulating time deltas. If you want 33 updates per second, then your constant timestep should be 1/33. You could also call this the update frequency. You should also decouple the game logic from the rendering as they don't belong together. You want to be able to use a low update frequency while rendering as fast as the machine allows. Here is some sample code:
running = true;
unsigned int t_accum=0,lt=0,ct=0;
ct = SDL_GetTicks();
t_accum += ct - lt;
lt = ct;
while(t_accum >= timestep){
t += timestep; /* this is our actual time, in milliseconds. */
t_accum -= timestep;
for(std::vector<Entity>::iterator en = entities.begin(); en != entities.end(); ++en){
integrate(en, (float)t * 0.001f, timestep);
/* This should really be in a separate thread, synchronized with a mutex */
std::vector<Entity> tmpEntities(entities.size());
for(int i=0; i<entities.size(); ++i){
float alpha = (float)t_accum / (float)timestep;
tmpEntities[i] = interpolateState(entities[i].lastState, alpha, entities[i].currentState, 1.0f - alpha);
This handles undersampling as well as oversampling. If you use integer arithmetic like done here, your game physics should be close to 100% deterministic, no matter how slow or fast the machine is. This is the advantage of increasing the time in fixed time intervals. The state used for rendering is calculated by interpolating between the previous and current states, where the leftover value inside the time accumulator is used as the interpolation factor. This ensures that the rendering is is smooth, no matter how large the timestep is.
Other than the issues already pointed out (you should use a structure for the times and pass it to handle_time() and your minute will get incremented every half minute) your solution is fine for keeping track of time running in the game.
However, for most game events that need to happen every so often you should probably base them off of the main game loop instead of an actual time so they will happen in the same proportions with a different fps.
One of Glenn's posts you will really want to read is Fix Your Timestep!. After looking up this link I noticed that Mads directed you to the same general place in his answer.
I am not a Linux developer, but you might want to have a look at using Timers instead of polling for the ticks.
SDL Seem to support Timers: SDL_SetTimer