how can i get the details of a photo posted to facebook from instagram - facebook-graph-api

I was trying to access the details(likes and comments) of the photos which are posted to facebook from instagram app.
I coulnd't find any way to get that.
how can i confirm that a photo is posted from instagram?

Did you try the facebook endpoint /me/instapp:take ?
I can at least get my photos... don't know about public pictures...

Now I am able to get my instagram photos and others as well but the thing is we can't access anybody's instagram photo details for that we need to have access token of that user.


Facebook Graph API - not able to get from name for all the comments on a post

I am using Facebook Graph API version 8. I want to get all the comments from a selected post along with the user who commented. I am asking for following permissions while connecting the Facebook Business page with my platform:
'public_profile', 'email', 'pages_read_user_content', 'pages_read_engagement'
My issue is that from all the comments received few of them have detail of the user who commented and few doesn't. I am using long live user access token to fetch the comments from the selected post.
Can anyone please help me identify the thing what I am doing wrong? Wrong access token or missing permission? I have tried a lot of things but could not figure out the issue.

Extract my timeline posts from Facebook Graph API

I am trying to extract my posts, via Graph API from facebook. I used some basic code snippets but they don't work. I can not get my feed even in the Graph Explorer. It always says that I don;t have the permission and I have to submit my App for review and provide a video tutorial on how I use the extracted posts.
But I want to extract just my posts, I don't care for anybody elses. Do I seriously need FB App review to do that?
This is what I get with my token from my app:
user/posts requires additional contract signing:
Use /me/posts with your own App, with your User Token and authorize with the user_posts permission. This works without any approval from Facebook - for your account and your App only, of course. I just tested if it still works in the Graph API Explorer and it did:

Get instagram ID from facebook graph API without manage_pages permission

I'm creating an app that's using facebook login to get instagram follower insights. Currently I've followed and and successfully made the soloution written here:
But here's the problem. Facebook won't approve the "manage_pages" permission for my app. Without manage_pages I have no idea how to get the instagram account id.
I've tried for a couple of weeks now, and facebook won't give any explanation other than "This permission is not required for your app's intended function, or it doesn't appear to enhance the user experience" and then referencing this
I currently have a facebook support ticket regarding the issue but they haven't replied for almost 2 weeks. And I'm getting a little desperate.
Using below URL for version 3.0 and 3.2 to get the instagram accounts - It works with "manage_permissions" but without it the response is empty.
Facebook has finally replied to my support ticket and accepted my app review! The approach and guide I was using above was correct.
I have similar problem to get Instagram Id without extra manage_pages permission. I see no point to ask users for manage page permissions (just read it - its includes ads/create/delete etc permissions, crazy) just to get their Instagram accounts id connected to the page. I've found pages_read_engagement permission will provide this data! So, read only permission fixed my problem. Try it! Its better than manage_pages I guess.

photo not in any album facebook

i've noticed that there are some photos that doesn't appear in any albums. This photos are published by fan on a facebook page.
Is there any way to get this photos by the API ?
The API call /feed returns all the posts of the wall, but many of this photo that i seen in the wall on browser doesn't appear in the response of the API.
Any idea ?
Try using below<YOUR_PAGE_NAME>/picture
Hope this help
I use
Permissions Needed: user_photo_video_tags or friends_photo_video_tags.
refer to: user photos
I have a live example of this usage is you wish to test. it is an iframe plugin that feeds the photos for a page. "is not set up for users".
Just replace "anotherfeed" page user name with any page.

How do I get all photos a fan page is tagged in with the Facebook Graph API?

I was able to write a PHP application which requests an access node for the admin of the FB Fan Page, and then requests an access node to gain access to the fan page itself.
I'm now able to get all photos that were posted to the timeline of the fan page by going to
However, I actually want the photos the fan page is tagged in. The above url only gives me the photos posted to the time line of the fan page, not the ones in which the page is tagged by other users. According to the developers documentation I could get these by going to
Everything seemed to work this way. I got a photo in which the fan page was tagged (profile picture of the fan page). However, I don't get any other photos in which the fan page is tagged. I tried to tag the fan page in its own photos (posted and tagged by an admin of the fan page) and tagging the fan page in other people's photos, but I only get the one profile photo in which the fan page is tagged.
Is this a permission problem or something else?
When requesting the access tokens I asked for the following permissions:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.