Storing data in the nodes of a Binary Tree - c++

I'm creating some basic AI for Tic-Tac-Toe in C++. It involves creating a Binary Tree that consists of a 'board' class. Each node randomly places a X or O and then creates two more children until someone has won or the game has been drawn. To keep track of the value of each node, I use an integer: -1 for O winning, 0 for draw, 1 for X winning and 2 for game still in progress. Here is an example of what a game could look like.
After my tree has been populated, I will need to look through the left and right side of the root node and sum up all the leafs. The side with the higher sum will be the more desirable option of the initial two children.
I have some very rough code for the expansion of the tree that appears to work, however, when I attempt to sum up my tree after its expansion, I seem to have lost the value that each node contains. Here is my .cpp for the node
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "BTNode.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
BTNode::BTNode(board gameboard, string setplayer)
value = 2; //assume the game is continuing
cout << "Beginning a new node\n";
nodeboard = gameboard;
player = setplayer;
void BTNode::expand()
//place a piece
cout << "Expanding";
//check to see if a leaf
value = nodeboard.checkwinner(); //returns -1 for O win, 0 for draw, 1 for X win and 2 for game still in progress
cout << "Value of this node: " << value << "\n";
if (value == 2)
if (player == "X")
BTNode right(nodeboard, "O");
BTNode left(nodeboard, "O");
BTNode left(nodeboard, "X");
BTNode right(nodeboard, "X");
cout << "A game had ended";
int BTNode::getvalue(int side)
//in case this node is the root, i will only want to check 1 side of the tree
//-1 is left side, 0 is both, 1 is right
int toreturn=0;
if (value ==2)
if (side == -1)
toreturn = left ->getvalue(0);
if (side == 0)
toreturn = right->getvalue(0) + left->getvalue(0);
if (side == 1)
toreturn = right->getvalue(0);
cout << "\nThis is a leaf, returning: " << value;
toreturn = value;
return toreturn;
void BTNode::placerandom(string player)
srand(time(NULL)); //make a new seed based off time
int randx = rand()%3;
int randy = rand()%3;
while (not,randy,player))
randx = rand()%3;
randy = rand()%3;
#include <string>
#include "board.h"
using namespace std;
class BTNode
BTNode(board gameboard, string setplayer);
void placerandom(string player);
int getvalue(int side);
void expand();
board nodeboard;
string player;
BTNode *left;
BTNode *right;
int value;
In theory, I should just be able to call "root -> getvalue(-1)" from the tree, which would return a summation of all the nodes beginning from the left side of the tree. However, attempting to get 'value' from any nodes after the expansion functions returns "-1131609994".
Have I created my tree wrong? It seemed quite promising until I attempted to sum it.


C++ How to find the longest possible combination of decreasing numbers in an array

I am working on a problem in which I'm given a list of numbers representing the diameter of cake layers (for example: 9 12 10 7 4 6 11 5). With this list, I have to find the length of the longest combination of numbers that are equal to or decreasing (stacking cake layers from greatest diameter at the bottom to smallest at the top). You are allowed to skip over numbers, but you can't come back to them. I.e. with the previous list, the length of the longest combination would be 5 with the combination being (12,10,7,6,5).
I believe that the best way to solve this would be feeding the array into a tree and returning the height of the tree. This is currently the code I have, with a working tree implementation above the main
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string sizeInput, transfer; //Strings to hold input and transfer to array
int maxLayers = 0, numOfInputs = 0, numNodes = 0; //ints for holding the max height and the number of inputs by the user
int cakeSizes [30]; //Array holding sizes of the cakes input, no more than 30
cout << "Cake sizes: ";
getline(cin,sizeInput); //Gets input from user and puts into a stringstream
stringstream readInput(sizeInput);
while(readInput >> transfer)
cakeSizes[numOfInputs] = stoi(transfer); //Puts the numbers into the array and counts how many were placed
for(int i=0; i<numOfInputs; i++) //Puts the array into a tree
Tree<int> cakeStack; //Creates tree to hold combination
for(int j=i; j<numOfInputs; j++)
insert(cakeStack, cakeSizes[j]);
if(height(cakeStack) > maxLayers) //Checks if the new combination tree's height is greater than the last
maxLayers = height(cakeStack);
destroy(cakeStack); //Destroys the tree from the previous combination in preparation for new one
cout << endl << "You can build a cake with " << maxLayers << " layers.";
This actually works for combinations that are always decreasing (like 5,4,2,1 and 8,3,2,1), but it fails when interrupting numbers are thrown in (like with 5,4,2,8,1). I'm almost certain that the problem lies here:
for(int j=i; j<numOfInputs; j++)
insert(cakeStack, cakeSizes[j]);
But I'm unsure of how to implement it an a way that checks all combinations of the array (like skipping numbers that wouldn't give the longest combination), rather than running straight down the list unable to skip numbers.
The tree is definitely the way to go. You build the tree by inserting each value under the smallest node larger than it. Then when the tree is finished you iterate through it looking for the longest path.
What I did in the code below is I made a head node to store the sub trees and it needed a really large value so that all the inputs would fit under it. But then when I print the tree or look for a path I need to ignore that head node, so I have to keep track of the depth.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
struct Tree {
Tree(int value) : value(value) {}
int value;
std::vector<Tree> children;
// Recursively check this level of the tree
void insert_node(Tree& node, int value)
// if the new value is bigger than where
// we are then stop descending
if (value > node.value)
// if the new value fits under this
// parent then check all the children
bool inserted = false;
for (Tree& child : node.children)
// if we find a child large enough
// then insert ourselves inside
if (value < child.value)
insert_node(child, value);
inserted = true;
// if the new value fits under this parent but
// not under any of the children then put it here
if (!inserted)
void print_tree(Tree node,
std::vector<bool> flags = std::vector<bool>(100, true),
bool last = false,
int depth = 0)
for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i)
if (flags[i])
std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << " ";
// Don't print our fake head
if (depth > 0)
std::cout << "+- " << node.value << '\n';
if (last) flags[depth] = false;
int n = 0;
for (Tree child : node.children)
last = (n++ == node.children.size() - 1);
print_tree(child, flags, last, depth + 1);
flags[depth] = true;
void print_path(std::vector<int> path)
std::cout << "Path:";
for (int value : path)
std::cout << " " << value;
std::cout << "\n";
void print_paths(Tree node,
std::vector<int>& max_path,
std::vector<int> path = std::vector<int>(),
int depth = 0)
// Don't add our fake head
if (depth > 0)
if (node.children.size() == 0)
// check if this path is the longest one yet
if (max_path.size() < path.size())
max_path = path;
for (Tree child : node.children)
print_paths(child, max_path, path, depth + 1);
int main()
Tree head(INT_MAX);
std::vector<int> input = {9, 12, 10, 7, 4, 6, 11, 5};
// Build the tree
for (int value : input)
insert_node(head, value);
// Print the tree
std::cout << "Tree:\n";
std::cout << "\n";
// Print the paths and
// find the longest one
// and then print it too
std::vector<int> max_path;
print_paths(head, max_path);
std::cout << "\nLongest ";
return 0;

Vector attributes on class instance in returned pointer attribute disappearing

I'm implementing a kind of tree search that requires being able to get a "most promising node" from a tree and then doing something with that node in order to update the remainder of the tree for the next iteration.
Problem: an object pointer Board* has vector attributes that seem to change between the return of the function producing them, and the Board* value holding them in the calling environment.
My output:
>>g++ -std=c++17 -o tmp.out tests/test.cpp // <- require c++17 for other parts of the project
Best leaf by tree traversal has score: 8
Best leaf associated state has -1977735524 values in its attribute vector though! (Should be 4)
What I'd expect:
>>g++ -std=c++17 -o tmp.out tests/test.cpp // <- require c++17 for other parts of the project
Best leaf by tree traversal has score: 8
Best leaf associated state has 4 values in its attribute vector though! (Should be 4)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class Board{
vector<int> attribute;
string name;
attribute = {1,2,3,4};
name = "nonempty name";
Board getcopy(){
return *this;
int AttrLen(){
return attribute.size();
class Node{
Board* board;
Node* parent;
std::vector<Node*> children;
int depth=0;
int score=0;
bool terminal=false;
Node(Node* _parent, Board* _board,int _depth){
parent = _parent;
board = _board;
depth = _depth;
// randomize score
score = rand() % 10;
for(int _=0;_<2;_++){
Board new_state = board -> getcopy();
children.push_back(new Node(this,&new_state,depth+1));
} else {
children = {};
int getScore(){
return score;
bool isTerminal(){
return terminal;
Node* getBestChild(){
if(children[0] ->getScore() > children[1] -> getScore()){
return children[0];
} else {
return children[1];
} else {
return nullptr;
Board* getStateptr(){
return board;
int main(){
// make a board
Board my_board = Board();
// make a root node
Node root = Node(nullptr, &my_board, 0);
Node* best_child = root.getBestChild();
while(!best_child -> isTerminal()){
best_child = best_child -> getBestChild();
cout << "Best leaf by tree traversal has score: " << best_child -> getScore() << endl;
cout << "Best leaf associated state has " << best_child -> getStateptr() ->AttrLen() << " values in its attribute vector though! (Should be 4)" << endl;
Not sure if this is the only problem, but here
for(int _=0;_<2;_++){
Board new_state = board -> getcopy();
children.push_back(new Node(this,&new_state,depth+1));
Your create a copy of Board which only lives inside the for loop. It gets destroyed automatically at }. Hence the pointers you store in the node are dangling. The point to objects that are long gone.
Note that your getcopy is a bit weird. You should use a copy constructor instead. In general, when your type mangages resources via raw pointers (not sure if it actually is the case) then you need to respect the rule of 3/5. In any case you can copy a board simply by writing Board new_state = *board; (assuming the compiler generated copy constructor does the right thing).

Accessibility for Vectors of Singly Linked Lists (or possibly a Linked List of Linked Lists)

Been wracking my mind all day trying to hammer out the underlying data structures for a challenge assignment in one of my programming classes.
The problem is as follows:
Given an assortment of objects (each of which includes an identifier and a weight) and a supply of containers (which have a fixed weight capacity), pack all the items using as few containers as possible without overloading any of them.
I have the logic aspects hammered out using a hodgepodge of arrays, but the dynamic nature of this assignment has me wanting to optimize things by using vectors and/or linked lists.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Item
int number;
double weight;
bool operator < (const Item& str) const
return (weight < str.weight);
class Node
int number;
double weight;
Node* next;
void SetID(int iNum)
number = iNum;
void SetWeight(double iWeight)
weight = iWeight;
void SetNext(Node* iNext)
next = iNext;
int GetID()
return number;
double GetWeight()
return weight;
Node* Next()
return next;
class List
Node* head;
double weight;
head = NULL;
weight = 0;
int Size()
Node* tmp;
int count = 0;
for (tmp = head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->Next())
return count;
double Weight()
return weight;
void Print()
Node *tmp = head;
if ( tmp == NULL )
cout << " E M P T Y" << endl;
cout << setw(8) << tmp->GetID() << " | " << setw(8) << tmp->GetWeight() << endl;
tmp = tmp->Next();
} while ( tmp != NULL );
void Append(int iNum, double iWeight)
Node* newNode = new Node();
Node *tmp = head;
if ( tmp != NULL )
while ( tmp->Next() != NULL )
tmp = tmp->Next();
head = newNode;
weight += iWeight;
double ItemWeights(vector<Item> iVect)
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < iVect.size(); i++)
total += iVect[i].weight;
return total;
int main()
const double MAX_WEIGHT = 20;
vector< Item > source;
// Segment of code which propagates the vector data
// works fine, but is excluded for the sake of brevity
double totalWeight = ItemWeights(source);
// Duplicate vector of items
vector< Item > items(source);
for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)
cout << setw(8) << items[i].number << setw(8) << items[i].weight << endl;
cout << "\n Total weight = " << totalWeight << endl;
cout << "\n\n Press any key to continue... ";
// Solution A-Original
// vector< vector< Item > > boxesAO( vector< Item >);
// boxesAO[0].push_back({items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight});
vector< List > boxesAO;
// boxesAO[0].Append(items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight);
return 0;
I've left some of the methods I've tried in the code (commented out) - none of which worked. As I mentioned above, I've got it working with arrays of linked lists and with 2D arrays, but the vast range of potential input makes these problematic at best. Either a bunch of empty lists taking up space or, worse, not having enough.
I'm thinking that vector< List > is my best option, but I can't figure out how I'm supposed to access any of the List functionality.
If someone would be so helpful as to offer a suggestion for how to create a "dynamic 2D array" as well as a code example of how to access it, I would be most greatly appreciative. My deepest thanks in advance.
#jaredad7 ~ That's what I've been trying, but it keeps causing the program to crash.
List box;
box.Append(items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight);
This works just fine - no problems whatsoever.
The earlier code propagates a 1D vector of Item structs, which also works properly.
vector< List > boxes;
boxes[0].Append(items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight);
This compiles fine but crashes during execution, no matter what index is used. (I'm also using couts for debugging, and the issue most definitely lies with trying to access the List functions.)
I'm suspecting that .push_back or somesuch may be needed, but I haven't been able to find much information concerning vectors of List objects.
If you can, my first suggestion would be to go with the vector (if that is allowed). As for accessing functions/attributes of a member of a vector, it's done the same way as an array, that is:
The best way to do this without vectors would be to use your nodes as the item container (a struct), and handle node-creation, deletion, etc. in your list class. Then, you would only really need one container for as many objects of one type as you need. You can make the type dynamic (although it appears you only need doubles for this project) by adding a class template (use google if you are unfamiliar with templates in C++). This will allow your user to make a container for each type of data (much like a vector).

A Problem with Vectors (std::out_of_range)

Here is the description of my problem:
The Program's Description:
I am implementing a program in C++ that tests Prim's algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees. The objective of the program is calculating the number of seconds it takes to find the minimum spanning tree for a selected number of random graphs.
What i have done up to now?
I finished the implementation of the functions and the header files for the whole program. Since the source code is small, i decided for clarity reasons to paste it with this mail in order to provide a better visualization of the problem.
The Problem:
For some reason, i am facing some sort of "out of range" vector problem during the run time of the application.
The problem is marked in the ("Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.cpp") file.
Requesting help:
I would be really grateful if anyone can help me spotting the problem. I have inlined the source code with this question.
The Source Code:
The (Undirected_Graph.h) file:
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <climits>
class Edge;
class Node
Node(int); //The constructor.
int id; //For the id of the node.
bool visited; //For checking visited nodes.
int distance;
vector <Edge*> adj; //The adjacent nodes.
class Edge
Edge(Node*, Node*, int); //The constructor.
Node* start_Node; //The start_Node start of the edge.
Node* end_Node; //The end of the edge.
int w; //The weight of the edge.
bool isConnected(Node* node1, Node* node2) //Checks if the nodes are connected.
return((node1 == this->start_Node && node2 == this->end_Node) ||
(node1 == this->end_Node && node2 == this->start_Node));
class Graph
Graph(int); //The Constructor.
int max_Nodes; //Maximum Number of allowed Nodes.
vector <Edge*> edges_List; //For storing the edges of the graph.
vector <Node*> nodes_List; //For storing the nodes of the graph.
void insertEdge(int, int, int);
int getNumNodes();
int getNumEdges();
The (Undirected_Graph.cpp) file:
#include "Undirected_Graph.h"
Node::Node(int id_Num)
id = id_Num;
visited = 0;
distance = INT_MAX;
Edge::Edge(Node* a, Node* b, int weight)
start_Node = a;
end_Node = b;
w = weight;
Graph::Graph(int size)
max_Nodes = size;
for (int i = 1; i <= max_Nodes; ++i)
Node* temp = new Node(i);
void Graph::insertEdge(int x, int y, int w)
Node* a = nodes_List[x-1];
Node* b = nodes_List[y-1];
Edge* edge1 = new Edge(a, b, w);
Edge* edge2 = new Edge(b, a, w);
int Graph::getNumNodes()
return max_Nodes;
int Graph::getNumEdges()
return edges_List.size();
The (Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h) File:
class PKA
//inline void generateRandomGraph();
//-No Protected Data Members in this Class.
void runAlgorithms();
void prim();
The (Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.cpp) file
*(The problem is in this file and is marked below):*
#include "Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h"
#include "Undirected_Graph.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#include <cstdlib>
using std::rand;
using std::srand;
#include <ctime>
using std::time;
//============Global Variables and Settings for the program====================
const int numIterations = 1; //How many times the Prim function will run.
const int numNodes = 10; //The number of nodes in each graph.
const int numEdges = 9; //The number of edges for each graph.
const int sRandWeight = 1; //The "start" range of the weight of each edge in the graph.
const int eRandWeight = 100; //The "end" range of the weight of each edge in the graph.
void PKA::runAlgorithms() //Runs the Algorithms
srand( time(0) );
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
//Calling the Functions:
cout << "\nRunning the Prim's Algorithms:\nPlease wait till the completion of the execution time" << endl;
//Start the clock for Prim's Algorithm:
clock_t start, finish;
start = clock();
for(int iter1 = 1; iter1 <= numIterations; ++iter1)
//Stop the clock for Prim and print the results:
finish = clock();
cout << "\n\tThe execution time of Prim's Algorithm:\t" << ((double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s";
void PKA::prim()
//=============================Generating A Random Graph=======================
//Randomizing Values:
int randStartNode = rand() % numNodes; //Generation a random start node.
int randEndNode = rand() % numNodes; //Generating a random end node.
int randWeight; //Random weight for the edge.
while(randEndNode == randStartNode) //Checking if both randomized nodes are equal.
randEndNode = (rand() % numNodes);
Graph myGraph(numNodes);
for(int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
//Generating a random weight:
randWeight = sRandWeight + rand() % eRandWeight;
//Inserting a new Edge:
myGraph.insertEdge(randStartNode, randEndNode, randWeight);
int currentNode = 0; //The current Node being under investigation.
int adjCounter = NULL; //How many adjacent nodes do we have for the current node.
int minDistance = NULL;
int minIndex = 0;
myGraph.nodes_List[0]->distance = 0; //Indicate the start node.
myGraph.nodes_List[0]->visited = 1; //The starting node is already considered as a visited node.
for(int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++)
//Determine how many adjacent nodes there are for the current node:
adjCounter = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.size();
if(adjCounter == 0) //If there are no adjacent nodes to the current node:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>end_Node->visited = 1;
cout << "\n*******Not all nodes are connected!*******" << endl;
minDistance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>w;
minIndex = 0;
for(int counter = 0; adjCounter > 0; adjCounter--, counter++)
if(myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->end_Node->visited == false)
if(myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->distance > myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w)
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->distance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w;
if(minDistance > myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w)
minDistance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w;
minIndex = counter;
//=========================The Problem is in the following two lines====================
//Mark the current node as visited:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>end_Node->visited = 1;
//Switching to the next node that we have just visited:
currentNode = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>start_Node->id;
The (Client_Code.cpp) file: For testing the program.
#include "Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
cout << "\nWelcome to the Prim and Kruskal Algorithms Comparison!" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease wait until the completion of the algorithms." << endl;
PKA myPKA; //Creating an object of the class.
myPKA.runAlgorithms(); //Running the Algorithm.
cout << "\n\nThe program terminated successfully!" << endl;
return 0;
Look at this line:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>end_Node->visited = 1;
As an experienced C++ programmer, I find that line terrifying.
The immediate cause of trouble is that adj doesn't have as many members as you think it does; you're asking for (in my test run) the 5th element of a list of size zero. That sends you off the map, where you then start manipulating memory.
More generally, you are not checking bounds.
More generally still, you should allow these classes to manage their own members. Use accessors and mutators (getX() and setX(...)) so that member access happens all in one place and you can put the bounds checking there. Reaching down myGraph's throat like that is very unsafe.
You'll notice that I haven't said where/when/how the program diverges from intention so that the list doesn't have as many elements as it should. That's because it's too much trouble for me to track it down. If you organize the classes as I suggest, the code will be a lot cleaner, you can check your assumptions in various places, and the bug should become obvious.
To create a random connected graph, try this:
Graph myGraph(numNodes); //Create a new Graph.
// This ensures that the kth node is connected to the [1...(k-1)] subgraph.
for(int k=2 ; k<=numNodes ; ++k)
randWeight = rand() % eRandWeight;
myGraph.insertEdge(k, rand()%(k-1)+1, randWeight);
// This adds as many extra links as you want.
for(int i = 0; i < numExtraEdges; ++i)
randWeight = rand() % eRandWeight;
randStartNode = rand()%(numNodes-1)+1;
randEndNode = rand()%(numNodes-1)+1;
myGraph.insertEdge(randStartNode, randEndNode, randWeight);
You have too much code for a casual examination to be sure of anything. But the .at() method will throw the out-of-range exception that you mentioned and that crashing line occurs right after you've updated minIndex so I would suggest reviewing the code that determines that value. Are you using a debugger? What is the value of minIndex at the point of the exception and what is the allowable range?
Also, when you have a monster line of compounded statements like that, it can help in debugging problems like this and give you clearer, simpler looking code if you break it up. Rather than repeating big chunks of code over and over, you can have something like this:
Node * node = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode];
Edge * minAdjEdge = node->;
Then use minAdjEdge to refer to that edge instead of that repeated compound statement.
It also seems odd to me that your first use of minIndex in the big loop is still using the value determined from the node in the previous iteration, but it's applying it to the new current node. Then you reset it to zero after possibly using the stale value. But that isn't near the line that you say is causing the crash, so that may not be your problem. Like I said, you have a lot of code pasted here so it's hard to follow the entire thing.
It is too much code, but what I can observe at the first glance is that for some reason you are mixing 0-based and 1-based iteration.
Is this intentional? Couldn't that be the cause of your problem?

Nightmare Expression Tree with over-constrained class

I inadvertently let my students overconstrain a shared class used to solve the following problem. I realized it might be a problem denizens of this site might enjoy.
The first team/function, getNodes, takes a string representing a prefix expression using signed integers and the four operations +, -, *, and / and produces the corresponding null terminated linked list of tokens, using the class Node, with tokens linked through the "right" pointer.
The second team/function, getTree, takes a similar string, passes it to getNodes, and relinks the resultant nodes to be an expression tree.
The third team/function, evaluate, takes a similar string, passes it to getTree, and evaluates the resultant expression tree to form an answer.
The over-constrained exptree.h follows. The problem has to be solved by writing just the three functions defined above, no additional functions.
#ifndef EXPTREE_H_
#define EXPTREE_H_
using namespace std;
enum Ops{ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, NUM};
class Node {
int num;
Ops op;
Node *left, *right;
friend Node *getNodes(string d);
friend Node *getTree(string d);
friend int evaluate (string);
int evaluate(string d);
Node *getNodes(string d);
Node *getTree(string d);
The only libraries that can be used are these
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "exptree.h"
For those of you worried about my students, I will be pointing out today how just a couple of more well placed functions would allow this problem to be easily solved. I know the expression tree can code rational numbers and not just integers. I'll be pointing that out today as well.
Here is the driver program I gave them based on their specs.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "exptree.h"
using namespace std;
void test(string s, int target) {
int result = evaluate(s);
if (result == target)
cout << s << " correctly evaluates to " << target << endl;
cout << s << "(" << result
<< ") incorrectly evaluates to " << target << endl;
int main() {
test("42", 42);
test("* - / 4 2 1 42", 42);
test("* - / -4 +2 -1 2", -2);
test("* - / -4 +2 -1 2 ", -2);
test("* 9 6", 54);
return 0;
Can you write the three functions in as elegant a fashion as possible to solve this nightmarish problem?
The getNodes and getTree functions would be pretty trivial to write under these constraints, so I just skipped ahead to the interesting part. You would naturally evaluate an expression tree recursively, but that is not an option here because the eval function only takes a string. Sure, you could restringify the remaining tree into a prefix expression and call eval recursively on that, but that would just be stupid.
First, I convert the expression tree into a postfix expression, using an explicit stack as the poor man's recursion. Then I evaluate that with the standard operand stack.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "exptree.h"
int evaluate(string d){
Node* tree = getTree(d);
//convert tree to postfix for simpler evaluation
vector<Node*> node_stack;
Node postfix_head;
Node* postfix_tail = &postfix_head;
while(node_stack.size() > 0){
Node* place = node_stack.back();
if(place->left == 0){
if(place->right == 0){
postfix_tail->right = place;
} else {
place->right = 0;
} else {
place->left = 0;
//evaluate postfix
Node* place = postfix_head.right;
vector<int> stack;
while(place != 0){
if(place->op != NUM){
int operand_a, operand_b;
operand_b = stack.back();
operand_a = stack.back();
case ADD:
stack.push_back(operand_a + operand_b);
case SUB:
stack.push_back(operand_a - operand_b);
case MUL:
stack.push_back(operand_a * operand_b);
case DIV:
stack.push_back(operand_a / operand_b);
} else {
place = place->right;
return stack.back();
I think that "no additional functions" is a too tough requirement. The easiest way to implement e.g. getTree is probably recursive, and it requires defining an additional function.
Node* relink(Node* start) // builds a tree; returns the following node
if (start->op == NUM)
Node* result = start->right;
start->left = start->right = NULL;
return result;
start->left = start->right;
start->right = relink(start->left);
return relink(start->right);
Node* getTree(string d)
Node* head = getNodes(d);
return head;
I could implement recursion by using an explicit stack (implemented by std::vector) but that is ugly and obscure (unless you want you students to practice exactly that).
For what its worth, here is the solution I coded up just before I posted the question
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "exptree.h"
using namespace std;
Node *getNodes(string s) {
const int MAXINT =(int)(((unsigned int)-1) >> 1), MININT = -MAXINT -1;
Node *list;
int sign, num;
s += " "; // this simplifies a lot of logic, allows trailing white space to always close off an integer
list = (Node *) (num = sign = 0);
for (int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i) {
char c = s[i]; // more efficient and cleaner reference to the current character under scrutiny
if (isdigit(c)) {
if (sign == 0) sign = 1; // if sign not set, then set it. A blank with a sign==0 now signifies a blank that can be skipped
num = 10*num + c - '0';
} else if (((c=='+') || (c=='-')) && isdigit(s[i+1])) { // another advantage of adding blank to string above so don't need a special case
sign = (c=='+') ? 1 : -1;
} else if ( !isspace(c) && (c != '+') && (c != '-') && (c != '*') && (c != '/')) {
cout << "unexpected character " << c << endl;
} else if (!isspace(c) || (sign != 0)) { // have enough info to create next Node
list->left = (list == 0) ? (list = new Node) : (list->left->right = new Node); // make sure left pointer of first Node points to last Node
list->left->right = 0; // make sure list is still null terminated
list->left->op = (c=='+' ? ADD : (c=='-' ? SUB : (c=='*' ? MUL : (c=='/' ? DIV : NUM)))); // choose right enumerated type
list->left->num = (list->left->op==NUM) ? sign*num : MININT; // if interior node mark number for evaluate function
num = sign = 0; // prepare for next Node
return list;
Node *getTree(string s) {
Node *nodes = getNodes(s), *tree=0, *root, *node;
vector<Node *> stack;
if (nodes == 0) return tree;
root = tree = nodes;
nodes = nodes->right;
for (node=nodes; node != 0; node=nodes) {
nodes = nodes->right;
if (root->op != NUM) { // push interior operator Node on stack til time to point to its right tree
root = (root->left = node); // set interior operator Node's left tree and prepare to process that left tree
} else {
root->left = root->right = 0; // got a leaf number Node so finish it off
if (stack.size() == 0) break;
root = stack.back(); // now pop operator Node off the stack
root = (root->right = node); // set its left tree and prepare to process that left tree
if ((stack.size() != 0) || (nodes != 0)) {
cout << "prefix expression has missing or extra terms" << endl;
return tree;
int evaluate(string s) {
// MININT is reserved value signifying operator waiting for a left side value, low inpact since at edge of representable integers
const int MAXINT =(int)(((unsigned int)-1) >> 1), MININT = -MAXINT -1;
Node *tree = getTree(s);
vector<Node *> stack;
int v = 0; // this is value of a leaf node (a number) or the result of evaluating an interior node
if (tree == 0) return v;
do {
v = tree->num;
if (tree->op != NUM) {
tree = tree->left; // prepare to process the left subtree
} else while (stack.size() != 0) { // this while loop zooms us up the right side as far as we can go (till we come up left side or are done)
delete tree; // done with leaf node or an interior node we just finished evaluating
tree = stack.back(); // get last interior node from stack
if (tree->num == MININT) { // means returning up left side of node, so save result for later
tree->num = v;
tree = tree->right; // prepare to evaluate the right subtree
break; // leave the "else while" for the outer "do while" which handles evaluating an expression tree
} else { // coming up right side of an interior node (time to calculate)
stack.pop_back(); // all done with interior node
v = tree->op==ADD ? tree->num+v : (tree->op==SUB ? tree->num-v : (tree->op==MUL ? tree->num*v : tree->num/v)) ;
} while (stack.size() != 0);
return v;