I was watching the second part of Walter Brown's CppCon2014 talk on template metaprogramming, during which he discussed the uses of his novel void_t<> construction. During his presentation Peter Sommerlad asked him a question that I didn't quite understand. (link goes directly to the question, the code under discussion took place directly before that)
Sommerlad asked
Walter, would that mean we actually can implement concepts lite right now?
to which Walter responded
Oh yeah! I've done it ... It doesn't have quite the same syntax.
I understood this exchange to be about Concepts Lite. Is this pattern really that versatile? For whatever reason, I am not seeing it. Can someone explain (or sketch) how something like this might look? Is this just about enable_if and defining traits, or what was the questioner referring to?
The void_t template is defined as follows:
template<class ...> using void_t = void;
He uses this then to detect if type statements are well formed, using this to implement the is_copy_assignable type trait:
//helper type
template<class T>
using copy_assignment_t
= decltype(declval<T&>() = declval<T const&>());
//base case template
template<class T, class=void>
struct is_copy_assignable : std::false_type {};
//SFINAE version only for types where copy_assignment_t<T> is well-formed.
template<class T>
struct is_copy_assignable<T, void_t<copy_assignment_t<T>>>
: std::is_same<copy_assignment_t<T>,T&> {};
Because of the talk, I understand how this example works, but I don't see how we get from here to something like Concepts Lite.
Yes, concepts lite basically dresses up SFINAE. Plus it allows deeper introspection to allow for better overloading. However that only works if the concept predicates are defined as concept bool. The improved overloading does not work with the current concept predicates, but conditional overloading can be used. Lets look how we can define predicates, constrain templates, and overload functions in C++14. This is kind of long, but it goes over how to create all of the tools needed to accomplish this in C++14.
Defining Predicates
First, it is kind of ugly to read the predicate with all the std::declval and decltype everywhere. Instead, we can take advantage of the fact that we can constrain a function using a trailing decltype(from Eric Niebler’s blog post here), like this:
struct Incrementable
template<class T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype(++x);
So if ++x is not valid, then the requires_ member function is not callable. So we can create a models trait that just checks if requires_ is callable using void_t:
template<class Concept, class Enable=void>
struct models
: std::false_type
template<class Concept, class... Ts>
struct models<Concept(Ts...), void_t<
: std::true_type
Constraining Templates
So when we want to constrain the template based on the concept, we will still need to use enable_if, but we can use this macro to help make it cleaner:
#define REQUIRES(...) typename std::enable_if<(__VA_ARGS__), int>::type = 0
So we can define an increment function that is constrained based on Incrementable concept:
template<class T, REQUIRES(models<Incrementable(T)>())>
void increment(T& x)
So if we call increment with something that is not Incrementable, we will get an error like this:
test.cpp:23:5: error: no matching function for call to 'incrementable'
test.cpp:11:19: note: candidate template ignored: disabled by 'enable_if' [with T = foo]
template<class T, REQUIRES(models<Incrementable(T)>())>
Overloading Functions
Now if we want to do overloading, we want to use conditional overloading. Say we want to create an std::advance using concept predicates, we could define it like this(for now we will ignore the decrementable case):
struct Incrementable
template<class T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype(++x);
struct Advanceable
template<class T, class I>
auto requires_(T&& x, I&& i) -> decltype(x += i);
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Advanceable(Iterator, int)>())>
void advance(Iterator& it, int n)
it += n;
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Incrementable(Iterator)>())>
void advance(Iterator& it, int n)
while (n--) ++it;
However, this causes an ambiguous overload(In concepts lite this would still be an ambiguous overload unless we change our predicates to refer to the other predicates in a concept bool) when its used with std::vector iterator. What we want to do is order the calls, which we can do using conditional overloading. It can be thought of writing something like this(which is not valid C++):
template<class Iterator>
void advance(Iterator& it, int n) if (models<Advanceable(Iterator, int)>())
it += n;
else if (models<Incrementable(Iterator)>())
while (n--) ++it;
So if the first function isn't called, it will call the next function. So lets start by implementing it for two functions. We will create a class called basic_conditional which accepts two function objects as template parameters:
struct Callable
template<class F, class... Ts>
auto requires_(F&& f, Ts&&... xs) -> decltype(
template<class F1, class F2>
struct basic_conditional
// We don't need to use a requires clause here because the trailing
// `decltype` will constrain the template for us.
template<class... Ts>
auto operator()(Ts&&... xs) -> decltype(F1()(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...))
return F1()(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
// Here we add a requires clause to make this function callable only if
// `F1` is not callable.
template<class... Ts, REQUIRES(!models<Callable(F1, Ts&&...)>())>
auto operator()(Ts&&... xs) -> decltype(F2()(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...))
return F2()(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
So now that means we need to define our functions as functions objects instead:
struct advance_advanceable
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Advanceable(Iterator, int)>())>
void operator()(Iterator& it, int n) const
it += n;
struct advance_incrementable
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Incrementable(Iterator)>())>
void operator()(Iterator& it, int n) const
while (n--) ++it;
static conditional<advance_advanceable, advance_incrementable> advance = {};
So now if we try to use it with an std::vector:
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
auto iterator = v.begin();
advance(iterator, 4);
std::cout << *iterator << std::endl;
It will compile and print out 5.
However, std::advance actually has three overloads, so we can use the basic_conditional to implement conditional that works for any number of functions using recursion:
template<class F, class... Fs>
struct conditional : basic_conditional<F, conditional<Fs...>>
template<class F>
struct conditional<F> : F
So, now we can write the full std::advance like this:
struct Incrementable
template<class T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype(++x);
struct Decrementable
template<class T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype(--x);
struct Advanceable
template<class T, class I>
auto requires_(T&& x, I&& i) -> decltype(x += i);
struct advance_advanceable
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Advanceable(Iterator, int)>())>
void operator()(Iterator& it, int n) const
it += n;
struct advance_decrementable
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Decrementable(Iterator)>())>
void operator()(Iterator& it, int n) const
if (n > 0) while (n--) ++it;
n *= -1;
while (n--) --it;
struct advance_incrementable
template<class Iterator, REQUIRES(models<Incrementable(Iterator)>())>
void operator()(Iterator& it, int n) const
while (n--) ++it;
static conditional<advance_advanceable, advance_decrementable, advance_incrementable> advance = {};
Overloading With Lambdas
However, additionally, we could use lambdas to write it instead of function objects which can help make it cleaner to write. So we use this STATIC_LAMBDA macro to construct lambdas at compile time:
struct wrapper_factor
template<class F>
constexpr wrapper<F> operator += (F*)
return {};
struct addr_add
template<class T>
friend typename std::remove_reference<T>::type *operator+(addr_add, T &&t)
return &t;
#define STATIC_LAMBDA wrapper_factor() += true ? nullptr : addr_add() + []
And add a make_conditional function that is constexpr:
template<class... Fs>
constexpr conditional<Fs...> make_conditional(Fs...)
return {};
Then we can now write the advance function like this:
constexpr const advance = make_conditional(
STATIC_LAMBDA(auto& it, int n, REQUIRES(models<Advanceable(decltype(it), int)>()))
it += n;
STATIC_LAMBDA(auto& it, int n, REQUIRES(models<Decrementable(decltype(it))>()))
if (n > 0) while (n--) ++it;
n *= -1;
while (n--) --it;
STATIC_LAMBDA(auto& it, int n, REQUIRES(models<Incrementable(decltype(it))>()))
while (n--) ++it;
Which is little more compact and readable than using the function object versions.
Additionally, we could define a modeled function to reduce down the decltype ugliness:
template<class Concept, class... Ts>
constexpr auto modeled(Ts&&...)
return models<Concept(Ts...)>();
constexpr const advance = make_conditional(
STATIC_LAMBDA(auto& it, int n, REQUIRES(modeled<Advanceable>(it, n)))
it += n;
STATIC_LAMBDA(auto& it, int n, REQUIRES(modeled<Decrementable>(it)))
if (n > 0) while (n--) ++it;
n *= -1;
while (n--) --it;
STATIC_LAMBDA(auto& it, int n, REQUIRES(modeled<Incrementable>(it)))
while (n--) ++it;
Finally, if you are interested in using existing library solutions(rather than rolling your own like I've shown). There is the Tick library that provides a framework for defining concepts and constraining templates. And the Fit library can handle the functions and overloading.
At work, I ran into a situation where the best type to describe the result returned from a function would be std::variant<uint64_t, uint64_t> - of course, this isn't valid C++, because you can't have two variants of the same type. I could represent this as a std::pair<bool, uint64_t>, or where the first element of the pair is an enum, but this is a special case; a std::variant<uint64_t, uint64_t, bool> isn't so neatly representable, and my functional programming background really made me want Either - so I went to try to implement it, using the Visitor pattern as I have been able to do in other languages without native support for sum types:
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>
class EitherVisitor {
virtual C onLeft(const A& left) = 0;
virtual C onRight(const B& right) = 0;
template <typename A, typename B>
class Either {
template <typename C>
virtual C Accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) = 0;
template <typename A, typename B>
class Left: Either<A, B> {
A value;
Left(const A& valueIn): value(valueIn) {}
template <typename C>
virtual C Accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) {
return visitor.onLeft(value);
template <typename A, typename B>
class Right: Either<A, B> {
B value;
Right(const B& valueIn): value(valueIn) {}
template <typename C>
virtual C Accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) {
return visitor.onRight(value);
C++ rejects this, because the template method Accept cannot be virtual. Is there a workaround to this limitation, that would allow me to correctly represent the fundamental sum type in terms of its f-algebra and catamorphism?
Perhaps the simplest solution is a lightweight wrapper around T for Right and Left?
Basically a strong type alias (could also use Boost's strong typedef)
template<class T>
struct Left
T val;
template<class T>
struct Right
T val;
And then we can distinguish between them for visitation:
template<class T, class U>
using Either = std::variant<Left<T>, Right<U>>;
Either<int, int> TrySomething()
if (rand() % 2 == 0) // get off my case about rand(), I know it's bad
return Left<int>{0};
return Right<int>{0};
struct visitor
template<class T>
void operator()(const Left<T>& val_wrapper)
std::cout << "Success! Value is: " << val_wrapper.val << std::endl;
template<class T>
void operator()(const Right<T>& val_wrapper)
std::cout << "Failure! Value is: " << val_wrapper.val << std::endl;
int main()
visitor v;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
auto res = TrySomething();
std::visit(v, res);
std::variant<X,X> is valid C++.
It is a bit awkward to use, because std::visit doesn't give you the index, and std::get<X> won't work either.
The way you can work around this is to create a variant-of-indexes, which is like a strong enum.
template<std::size_t i>
using index_t = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>;
template<std::size_t i>
constexpr index_t<i> index = {};
using number = std::variant< index_t<Is>... >;
namespace helpers {
template<class X>
struct number_helper;
struct number_helper<std::index_sequence<Is...>> {
using type=number<Is...>;
template<std::size_t N>
using alternative = typename helpers::number_helper<std::make_index_sequence<N>>::type;
we can then extract the alternative from a variant:
namespace helpers {
template<class...Ts, std::size_t...Is, class R=alternative<sizeof...(Ts)>>
constexpr R get_alternative( std::variant<Ts...> const& v, std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
constexpr R retvals[] = {
return retvals[v.index()];
constexpr alternative<sizeof...(Ts)> get_alternative( std::variant<Ts...> const& v )
return helpers::get_alternative(v, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{});
so now you have a std::variant<int, int>, you can
auto which = get_alternative( var );
and which is a variant, represented at runtime by an integer which is the index of the active type in var. You can:
std::variant<int, int> var( std::in_place_index_t<1>{}, 7 );
auto which = get_alternative( var );
std::visit( [&var](auto I) {
std::cout << std::get<I>(var) << "\n";
}, get_alternative(var) );
and get access to which of the alternative possibilities in var is active with a compile time constant.
The get_alternative(variant), I find, makes variant<X,X,X> much more usable, and fills in the hole I think you might be running into.
Live example.
Now if you don't need a compile-time index of which one is active, you can just call var.index(), and visit via visit( lambda, var ).
When you construct the variant, you do need the compile time index to do a variant<int, int> var( std::in_place_index_t<0>{}, 7 ). The wording is a bit awkward, because while C++ supports variants of multiples of the same type, it considers them a bit less likely than a "standard" disjoint variant outside of generic code.
But I've used this alternative and get_alternative like code to support functional programming like data glue code before.
I require a simple way to obtain the count / length / size of an object of class T where T is some sort of collection type, such as a std::map, std::list, std::vector, CStringArray, CString, std::string, …
For most of the standard types, T::size() is the correct answer, for most of the MFC classes T::GetSize() is correct and for CString, it is T::GetLength().
I want to have a like:
template <typename T> auto size(const T & t)
...which evaluates to the correct member function call.
It seems like there should be a simple way to invoke a traits template on T which has a size(const T & t) member, which itself uses SFINAE to exist or not exist, and if it exists, then it is by definition calling an appropriate t.size_function() to return the count of elements in that instance of a T.
I could write an elaborate has_member type-trait template - there are a few examples on stackoverflow - all of them quite convoluted for what seems to me "there must be a simpler approach". With C++ 17, it seems like this issue should be easily and elegantly solved?
These discussions here and here seems to use an inelegant solution with some of the answers using preprocessor macros to get the job done. Is that still necessary?
But... surely, there must be a way to use the fact that calling the correct member function on a T is compilable, and calling the wrong one fails to compile - can't that be used directly to create the correct type traits wrapper for a given type T?
I would like something along the lines of:
template <typename T>
auto size(const T & collection)
return collection_traits<T>::count(collection);
Where the exact specialization of collection_traits<T> is selected because it is the only one that fits for T (i.e. it calls the correct instance method).
You can use expression SFINAE and multiple overloads.
The idea is as follows: check if x.size() is a valid expression for your type - if it is, invoke and return it. Repeat for .getSize and .getLength.
struct A { int size() const { return 42; } };
struct B { int getSize() const { return 42; } };
struct C { int GetLength() const { return 42; } };
You can provide:
template <typename T>
auto size(const T& x) -> decltype(x.size()) { return x.size(); }
template <typename T>
auto size(const T& x) -> decltype(x.getSize()) { return x.getSize(); }
template <typename T>
auto size(const T& x) -> decltype(x.GetLength()) { return x.GetLength(); }
int main()
live example on wandbox.org
This solution is easy to extend and seamlessly works with containers that are templatized.
What if a type exposes two getters?
The solution above would result in ambiguity, but it's easy to fix by introducing a ranking/ordering that solves that.
Firstly, we can create a rank class that allows us to arbitrarily prioritize overloads:
template <int N> struct rank : rank<N - 1> { };
template <> struct rank<0> { };
rank<N> is implicitly convertible to rank<N - 1>. An exact match is better than a chain of conversions during overload resolution.
Then we can create a hierarchy of size_impl overloads:
template <typename T>
auto size_impl(const T& x, rank<2>)
-> decltype(x.size()) { return x.size(); }
template <typename T>
auto size_impl(const T& x, rank<1>)
-> decltype(x.getSize()) { return x.getSize(); }
template <typename T>
auto size_impl(const T& x, rank<0>)
-> decltype(x.GetLength()) { return x.GetLength(); }
Finally we provide an interface function that begins the dispatch to the right size_impl overload:
template <typename T>
auto size(const T& x) -> decltype(size_impl(x, rank<2>{}))
return size_impl(x, rank<2>{});
Using a type like D below
struct D
int size() const { return 42; }
int getSize() const { return 42; }
int GetLength() const { return 42; }
will now choose the rank<2> overload of size_impl:
live example on wandbox
The simplest solution, IMO, is function overloading.
// Default implementation for std containers.
template <typename Container>
std::size_t size(Container const& c) { return c.size(); }
// Overloads for others.
std::size_t size(CStringArray const& c) { return c.GetSize(); }
std::size_t size(CString const& c) { return c.GetLength(); }
// ... etc.
You need expression SFINAE, and you must play nice with other types which might decide to conform to both interfaces, so study std::size().
The goal is to augment std::size() to work on all types which follow at least one of the conventions, as long as they don't mess up trying to follow any of them.
#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>
namespace internal {
// Avoid conflict with std::size()
template <class C>
auto size_impl(const C& c, int) -> decltype((void)c.size());
// Avoid conflict with std::size()
template <class T, std::size_t N>
void size_impl(const T (&array)[N], int);
template <class C>
constexpr auto size_impl(const C& c, long)
-> decltype(c.GetLength())
{ return c.GetLength(); }
template <class C>
constexpr auto size_impl(const C& c, long long)
-> decltype(c.getSize())
{ return c.getSize(); }
template <class T>
using enable_if_not_void_t = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<T>(), T>;
using std::size;
template <class C>
constexpr auto size(const C& c)
noexcept(noexcept(internal::size_impl(c, 0)))
-> enable_if_not_void_t<decltype(internal::size_impl(c, 0))>
{ return internal::size_impl(c, 0); }
You can get arbitrary levels of precedence for extending things using templates and inheritance:
template <std::size_t N>
struct priority : priority<N - 1> {};
template <>
struct priority<0> {};
Something like the proposed Abbreviated Lambdas for Fun and Profit would greatly simplify things.
Recently I've been programming a lot in Java, now I'm coming back to my C++ roots (I really started missing the pointers and segmentation faults). Knowing that C++ has a broad support for templates I was wondering whether it has some capabilities of Java which could be useful for writing generalized code. Lets say I'have two groups of classes. One of them has the first() method, the other one has the second() method. Is there a way of specializing the templates to be picked by the compiler depending on the methods one class possesses? I'm aiming at behavior which is similar to the one of Java:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
First first = () -> System.out.println("first");
Second second = () -> System.out.println("second");
static <T extends First> void method(T argument) {
static <T extends Second> void method(T argument) {
Where First and Second are interfaces. I know I could group both of these groups by deriving each of them from an upper class, but it's not always possible (no autoboxing in C++ and some classes don't inherit from a common ancestor).
A good example of my needs is the STL library, where some classes have methods like push() and some others have insert() or push_back(). Lets say I want to create an function which has to insert multiple values into an container using an variadic function. In Java it's easy to perform because collections have a common ancestor. In C++ on the other hand it's not always the case. I tried it by duck-typing, but the compiler yields an error message:
template <typename T>
void generic_fcn(T argument) {
template <typename T>
void generic_fcn(T argument) {
So my question is: Is implementing such behavior possible without creating unnecessary boileplate code by specializing every single case?
Instead of <T extends First>, you will use something we call sfinae. This is a technique about adding constaints on a function based on parameter types.
Here's how you'd do it in c++:
template <typename T>
auto generic_fcn(T argument) -> void_t<decltype(argument.first())> {
template <typename T>
auto generic_fcn(T argument) -> void_t<decltype(argument.second())> {
For the function to exist, the compiler will need the type of argument.second() or the type of argument.first(). If the expression does not yield a type (ie. T has not a first() function), the compiler will try another overload.
void_t is implemented as follow:
using void_t = void;
Another great thing is that if you have such class:
struct Bummer {
void first() {}
void second() {}
Then the compiler will effectively tell you that the call is ambiguous because the type match both constraints.
If you really want to test if a type extends another (or implement, in c++ it's the same thing) you can use the type trait std::is_base_of
template <typename T>
auto generic_fcn(T argument) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<First, T>::value> {
template <typename T>
auto generic_fcn(T argument) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Second, T>::value> {
To read more about this topic, check sfinae on cpprefence, and you can check available traits provided by the standard library.
so many options available in c++.
My preference is to favour free functions and return any result type correctly.
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
struct X
int first() { return 1; }
struct Y
double second() { return 2.2; }
// option 1 - specific overloads
decltype(auto) generic_function(X& x) { return x.first(); }
decltype(auto) generic_function(Y& y) { return y.second(); }
// option 2 - enable_if
namespace detail {
template<class T> struct has_member_first
template<class U> static auto test(U*p) -> decltype(p->first(), void(), std::true_type());
static auto test(...) -> decltype(std::false_type());
using type = decltype(test(static_cast<T*>(nullptr)));
template<class T> using has_member_first = typename detail::has_member_first<T>::type;
namespace detail {
template<class T> struct has_member_second
template<class U> static auto test(U*p) -> decltype(p->second(), void(), std::true_type());
static auto test(...) -> decltype(std::false_type());
using type = decltype(test(static_cast<T*>(nullptr)));
template<class T> using has_member_second = typename detail::has_member_second<T>::type;
template<class T, std::enable_if_t<has_member_first<T>::value>* =nullptr>
decltype(auto) generic_func2(T& t)
return t.first();
template<class T, std::enable_if_t<has_member_second<T>::value>* =nullptr>
decltype(auto) generic_func2(T& t)
return t.second();
// option 3 - SFNAE with simple decltype
template<class T>
auto generic_func3(T&t) -> decltype(t.first())
return t.first();
template<class T>
auto generic_func3(T&t) -> decltype(t.second())
return t.second();
int main()
X x;
Y y;
std::cout << generic_function(x) << std::endl;
std::cout << generic_function(y) << std::endl;
std::cout << generic_func2(x) << std::endl;
std::cout << generic_func2(y) << std::endl;
std::cout << generic_func3(x) << std::endl;
std::cout << generic_func3(y) << std::endl;
You can dispatch the call as it follows:
struct S {
template<typename T>
auto func(int) -> decltype(std::declval<T>().first(), void())
{ std::cout << "first" << std::endl; }
template<typename T>
auto func(char) -> decltype(std::declval<T>().second(), void())
{ std::cout << "second" << std::endl; }
template<typename T>
auto func() { return func<T>(0); }
struct First {
void first() {}
struct Second {
void second() {}
int main() {
S s;
Method first is preferred over second if a class has both of them.
Otherwise, func uses function overloading to test the two methods and choose the right one.
This technique is called sfinae, use this name to search on the web for further details.
Here is a little library that helps you determine if a member exists.
namespace details {
template<template<class...>class Z, class always_void, class...>
struct can_apply:std::false_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts>
struct can_apply<Z, std::void_t<Z<Ts...>>, Ts...>:std::true_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts>
using can_apply=details::can_apply<Z, void, Ts...>;
Now we can write has first and has second easily:
template<class T>
using first_result = decltype(std::declval<T>().first());
template<class T>
using has_first = can_apply<first_result, T>;
and similarly for second.
Now we have our method. We want to call either first or second.
template<class T>
void method_second( T& t, std::true_type has_second ) {
template<class T>
void method_first( T& t, std::false_type has_first ) = delete; // error message
template<class T>
void method_first( T& t, std::true_type has_first ) {
template<class T>
void method_first( T& t, std::false_type has_first ) {
method_second( t, has_second<T&>{} );
template<class T>
void method( T& t ) {
method_first( t, has_first<T&>{} );
this is known as tag dispatching.
method calls the method_first which is determined if T& can be invoked with .first(). If it can be, it calls the one that calls .first().
If it cannot, it calls the one that forwards to method_second and tests if it has .second().
If it has neither, it calls an =delete function, which generates an error message at compile time.
There are many, many, many ways to do this. I personally like tag dispatching because you can get better error messages out of failure to match than SFIANE generates.
In C++17 you can be more direct:
template<class T>
void method(T & t) {
if constexpr (has_first<T&>{}) {
if constexpr (has_second<T&>{}) {
Is it possible to iterate over all elements in a struct or class?
For example if I have a struct of three elements of different type:
struct A {
classA a;
classB b;
classC c;
then I need some iterator such that a method next() would give me the value
of the next element. The problem is that as you see, the values have different types.
Nope, not with the language as it is.
You could do it by deriving your classes from a common base, and then implementing your own iterator to return pointers to each item as the iterator is traversed.
Alternatively put the items in a std::vector and use that to provide the iteration.
No, there is no reflection in C++, (yet, there are murmurs about static reflection coming one day).
Anyway, there is a way to work around this, to an extent - first of all, you'll need a (temporary) tuple with references to your data members.
Then you will need a construct "iterating" over the tuple, such as:
void applyToAll() { }
template <typename Lambda, typename... Lambdas>
void applyToAll(Lambda&& closure, Lambdas&&... closures) {
// use your favourite sequence-making trick
template <unsigned... Is>
struct _Sequence {
typedef _Sequence<Is...> type;
template <unsigned Max, unsigned... Is>
struct _MakeSequence : _MakeSequence<Max - 1, Max - 1, Is...> { };
template <unsigned... Is>
struct _MakeSequence<0, Is...> : _Sequence<Is...> { };
template <typename Tuple, typename Functor, unsigned... Is>
void _foreachElemInTuple(_Sequence<Is...>, Tuple&& t, Functor&& f) {
[&]{ std::forward<Functor>(f)(std::get<Is>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))); }...
template <typename Tuple, typename Functor>
void foreachElemInTuple(Tuple&& t, Functor&& f) {
typename std::decay<Tuple>::type>::value>(),
std::forward<Tuple>(t), std::forward<Functor>(f)
Then you can call foreachElemInTuple(yourTuple, some_adapter()).
Your adapter will look like:
struct some_adapter {
template <typename... Args>
// A little bit of C++14, you can also just -> decltype the thing
decltype(auto) operator()(Args&& ... args) const {
return doStuff(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
As everyone else says, you cannot directly iterate over data members of a
class. However, it is not difficult to do it indirectly, provided of course that
you can access each of the data members you want to iterate over. The idea
in essense, as per ScarletAmaranth's solution, is to iterate over an std::tuple
of references to those data members.
The following program shows how to obtain such a tuple, using std::forward_as_tuple,
and another way to do the iterating by compiletime recursion, without
auxiliary apparatus.
#include <tuple>
/* You want to be able do something with the values of the members of an `A`
in turn.
struct A
char ch;
int i;
double d;
// May also have members of class type. It doesn't matter
/* 1) Provide yourself with the means of creating a sequence that contains
references to the data members of a given `A`
std::tuple<char const &, int const &, double const &> get_A_vals(A const & a)
return std::forward_as_tuple(a.ch,a.i,a.d);
/* 2) Provide yourself with a means of applying some operation, `Func`,
to each element of an `std::tuple`
template<size_t I = 0, typename Func, typename ...Ts>
typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(Ts)>::type
for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> const &, Func) {}
template<size_t I = 0, typename Func, typename ...Ts>
typename std::enable_if<I < sizeof...(Ts)>::type
for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> const & tpl, Func func)
for_each_in_tuple<I + 1>(tpl,func);
/* 3) Combine 1) and 2) to apply `Func` over the members of an `A`
template<typename Func>
void for_each_in_A(A const & a, Func func)
// Testing...
#include <iostream>
// A specimen operation: just prints its argument
struct printer
template<typename T>
void operator () (T && t)
std::cout << t << std::endl;
int main()
A a{'a',1,2.0};
return 0;
// EOF
The program outputs:
If you have control of the structs or classes over whose members you need to
iterate, you may consider whether it is practical simply to dispense with them
and use the corresponding std::tuples everywhere.
Code built with gcc 4.8.2 and clang 3.3, -std=c++11.
typedef std::tuple< int, double > Tuple;
Tuple t;
int a = std::get<0>(t);
double b = std::get<1>(t);
for( size_t i = 0; i < std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value; i++ ) {
std::tuple_element<i,Tuple>::type v = std::get<i>(t);// will not compile because i must be known at compile time
I know it is possible to write code for get std::get working (see for example iterate over tuple ), is it possible to get std::tuple_element working too?
Some constraints (they can be relaxed):
no variadic templates, no Boost
C++ is a compile-time typed language. You cannot have a type that the C++ compiler cannot determine at compile-time.
You can use polymorphism of various forms to work around that. But at the end of the day, every variable must have a well-defined type. So while you can use Boost.Fusion algorithms to iterate over variables in a tuple, you cannot have a loop where each execution of the loop may use a different type than the last.
The only reason Boost.Fusion can get away with it is because it doesn't use a loop. It uses template recursion to "iterate" over each element and call your user-provided function.
If you want to do without boost, the answers to iterate over tuple already tell you everything you need to know. You have to write a compile-time for_each loop (untested).
template<class Tuple, class Func, size_t i>
void foreach(Tuple& t, Func fn) {
// i is defined at compile-time, so you can write:
std::tuple_element<i, Tuple> te = std::get<i>(t);
foreach<i-1>(t, fn);
template<class Tuple, class Func>
void foreach<0>(Tuple& t, Func fn) { // template specialization
fn(std::get<0>(t)); // no further recursion
and use it like that:
struct SomeFunctionObject {
void operator()( int i ) const {}
void operator()( double f ) const {}
foreach<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>(t, SomeFunctionObject());
However, if you want to iterate over members of a tuple, Boost.Fusion really is the way to go.
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/iteration/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/boost_tuple.hpp>
and in your code write:
boost::for_each(t, SomeFunctionObject());
This an example for boost::tuple. There is an adapter for boost::fusion to work with the std::tuple here: http://groups.google.com/group/boost-list/browse_thread/thread/77622e41af1366af/
No, this is not possible the way you describe it. Basically, you'd have to write your code for every possible runtime-value of i and then use some dispatching-logic (e.g. switch(i)) to run the correct code based on the actual runtime-value of i.
In practice, it might be possible to generate the code for the different values of i with templates, but I am not really sure how to do this, and whether it would be practical. What you are describing sounds like a flawed design.
Here is my tuple foreach/transformation function:
#include <cstddef>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<size_t N>
struct tuple_foreach_impl {
template<typename T, typename C>
static inline auto call(T&& t, C&& c)
-> decltype(::std::tuple_cat(
::std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c)
return ::std::tuple_cat(
::std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c)
struct tuple_foreach_impl<0> {
template<typename T, typename C>
static inline ::std::tuple<> call(T&&, C&&) { return ::std::tuple<>(); }
template<typename T, typename C>
auto tuple_foreach(T&& t, C&& c)
-> decltype(tuple_foreach_impl<
::std::tuple_size<typename ::std::decay<T>::type
>::value>::call(std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c)))
return tuple_foreach_impl<
::std::tuple_size<typename ::std::decay<T>::type>::value
>::call(::std::forward<T>(t), ::std::forward<C>(c));
The example usage uses the following utility to allow printing tuples to ostreams:
#include <cstddef>
#include <ostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<size_t N>
struct tuple_print_impl {
template<typename S, typename T>
static inline void print(S& s, T&& t) {
tuple_print_impl<N-1>::print(s, ::std::forward<T>(t));
if (N > 1) { s << ',' << ' '; }
s << ::std::get<N-1>(::std::forward<T>(t));
struct tuple_print_impl<0> {
template<typename S, typename T>
static inline void print(S&, T&&) {}
template<typename S, typename T>
void tuple_print(S& s, T&& t) {
s << '(';
::std::tuple_size<typename ::std::decay<T>::type>::value
>::print(s, ::std::forward<T>(t));
s << ')';
template<typename C, typename... T>
::std::basic_ostream<C>& operator<<(
::std::basic_ostream<C>& s, ::std::tuple<T...> const& t
) {
tuple_print(s, t);
return s;
And finally, here is the example usage:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct inc {
template<typename T>
T operator()(T const& val) { return val+1; }
int main() {
// will print out "(7, 4.2, z)"
cout << tuple_foreach(make_tuple(6, 3.2, 'y'), inc()) << endl;
return 0;
Note that the callable object is constructed so that it can hold state if needed. For example, you could use the following to find the last object in the tuple that can be dynamic casted to T:
template<typename T>
struct find_by_type {
find() : result(nullptr) {}
T* result;
template<typename U>
bool operator()(U& val) {
auto tmp = dynamic_cast<T*>(&val);
auto ret = tmp != nullptr;
if (ret) { result = tmp; }
return ret;
Note that one shortcoming of this is that it requires that the callable returns a value. However, it wouldn't be that hard to rewrite it to detect whether the return type is void for a give input type, and then skip that element of the resulting tuple. Even easier, you could just remove the return value aggregation stuff altogether and simply use the foreach call as a tuple modifier.
I just realized that the tuple writter could trivially be written using the foreach function (I have had the tuple printing code for much longer than the foreach code).
template<typename T>
struct tuple_print {
print(T& s) : _first(true), _s(&s) {}
template<typename U>
bool operator()(U const& val) {
if (_first) { _first = false; } else { (*_s) << ',' << ' '; }
(*_s) << val;
return false;
bool _first;
T* _s;
template<typename C, typename... T>
::std::basic_ostream<C> & operator<<(
::std::basic_ostream<C>& s, ::std::tuple<T...> const& t
) {
s << '(';
tuple_foreach(t, tuple_print< ::std::basic_ostream<C>>(s));
s << ')';
return s;