I am using below code snippet to get the red reduced price from amazon but simehow I am always getting the old price and not the reduced red one.
enter code here`def getSignedUrlAmazon(searchvalue):
params = {'ResponseGroup':'Medium',
action = 'GET'`enter code here`
server = "webservices.amazon.in"
path = "/onca/xml"
params['Version'] = '2011-08-01'
params['AWSAccessKeyId'] = AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
params['Service'] = 'AWSECommerceService'
params['Timestamp'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
# Now sort by keys and make the param string
key_values = [(urllib.quote(k), urllib.quote(v)) for k,v in params.items()]
# Combine key value pairs into a string.
paramstring = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in key_values])
urlstring = "http://" + server + path + "?" + \
('&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in key_values]))
# Add the method and path (always the same, how RESTy!) and get it ready to sign
hmac.update(action + "\n" + server + "\n" + path + "\n" + paramstring)
# Sign it up and make the url string
urlstring = urlstring + "&Signature="+\
return urlstring
forgot the price grabbing part:
def getDataAmazon(searchvalue,PRICE, lock):
searchvalue = removeStopWord(searchvalue)
url = getSignedUrlAmazon(searchvalue)
data = etree.parse(url)
root = objectify.fromstring(etree.tostring(data, pretty_print=True))
counter = 0
if hasattr(root, 'Items') and hasattr(root.Items, 'Item'):
for item in root.Items.Item:
priceCheckFlag = False
try :
if hasattr(item.ItemAttributes, 'EAN'):
cd['EAN'] = str(item.ItemAttributes.EAN)
elif hasattr(item, 'ASIN'):
cd['ASIN'] = str(item.ASIN)
cd['productName'] = str(item.ItemAttributes.Title)
if hasattr(item, 'SmallImage'):
cd['imgLink'] = str(item.SmallImage.URL)
elif hasattr(item, 'MediumImage'):
cd['imgLink'] = str(item.MediumImage.URL)
cd['numstar'] = "0"
cd['productdiv'] = '1'
cd['sellername'] = 'Amazon'
if hasattr(item, 'DetailPageURL'):
cd['visitstore'] = str(item.DetailPageURL)
if hasattr(item.ItemAttributes, 'ListPrice') and hasattr(item.ItemAttributes.ListPrice, 'Amount'):
cd['price'] = item.ItemAttributes.ListPrice.Amount/100.0
elif hasattr(item, 'OfferSummary') and hasattr(item.OfferSummary, 'LowestNewPrice'):
cd['price'] = item.OfferSummary.LowestNewPrice.Amount/100.0
I am trying to give arguments to my function by adding URL parameter.
import json
import flask
def location_sort(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
location = json.dumps(request_json)
location = json.loads(location)
reverse_location = {v: k for k, v in location.items()}
x = location.keys()
harf_x = (float(max(x)) + float(min(x))) / 2
y_right = []
y_left = []
sorted_location = []
for i in location:
if float(i) < harf_x:
sorted_input = y_left + y_right
for i in sorted_input:
sorted_location.append([reverse_location[i], i])
for i in sorted_location:
i[0],i[1] = float(i[0]),float(i[1])
return sorted_location
def cal_centroid(location):
area = 0 # 면적
centroid_x = 0
centroid_y = 0
temp = 0
for i in range(len(location)):
if i == len(location)-1:
temp = location[i][0]*location[0][1] - location[0][0]*location[i][1]
area += temp*0.5
centroid_x += (location[i][0] + location[0][0]) * temp
centroid_y += (location[i][1] + location[0][1]) * temp
temp = location[i][0]*location[i+1][1] - location[i+1][0]*location[i][1]
area += temp*0.5
centroid_x += (location[i][0] + location[i+1][0]) * temp
centroid_y += (location[i][1] + location[i+1][1]) * temp
centroid_x = round(centroid_x / (6*area), 6)
centroid_y = round(centroid_y / (6*area), 6)
x = [centroid_x, centroid_y]
return json.dumps(x)
def main(request):
request_args = request.args
if request_args and "location" in request_args:
request = request["location"]
request = json.dumps(request)
a = location_sort(request)
return cal_centroid(a)
This is my code for Cloud Function and i run main function. And i tried the URL as
And it returns
Error: could not handle the request
What could be the problem to my code? I am very beginner for GCF and i would be very thankful for your help:)
I am having trouble storing the ID to keys, like a sub (parent-child) kind of thing. I spent hours on it and could not figure a way to accomplish this. What output I am expecting is at the end of this post. Any help would be great.
import sys
import collections
dict = collections.OrderedDict()
dict["A.1"] = {"parent_child":0}
dict["A.1.1"] = {"parent_child":1}
dict["A.1.1.1"] = {"parent_child":2}
dict["A.1.1.2"] = {"parent_child":2}
dict["A.1.1.3"] = {"parent_child":2}
dict["A.1.2"] = {"parent_child":1}
dict["A.1.2.1"] = {"parent_child":2}
dict["A.1.2.2"] = {"parent_child":2}
dict["A."] = {"parent_child":3}
dict["A."] = {"parent_child":3}
dict["A.1.2.3"] = {"parent_child":2}
dict["A.1.3"] = {"parent_child":1}
dict["A.1.4"] = {"parent_child":1}
new_dict = {}
p = 0 # previous index
i = 0 # current
n = 1 # next index
current_PC = 0 # current parent_child
next_PC = 0 # next parent_child
previous_id = ""
current_id = ""
next_id = ""
change_current = True
change = True
lst = []
if change_current:
current_id = dict.keys()[i]
current_PC = dict.values()[i]["parent_child"]
change_current = False
next_id = dict.keys()[n]
next_PC = dict.values()[n]["parent_child"]
pass # it will go out of index
print("KEY {0}".format(current_id))
if next_PC > current_PC:
if next_PC - current_PC == 1:
next_PC += 1
print("next_PC: {0}".format(next_PC))
if next_PC == current_PC:
new_dict[current_id] = lst
lst = []
Trying to make output looks like this (at in similar way), the new_dict should look like:
new_dict["A.1"] = ["A.1.1", "A.1.2", "A.1.3", "A.1.4"]
new_dict["A.1.1"] = ["A.1.1.1", "A.1.1.2", "A.1.1.3"]
new_dict["A.1.1.1"] = []
new_dict["A.1.1.2"] = []
new_dict["A.1.1.3"] = []
new_dict["A.1.2"] = ["A.1.2.1", "A.1.2.2", "A.1.2.3"]
new_dict["A.1.2.1"] = []
new_dict["A.1.2.2"] = ["A.", "A."]
new_dict["A."] = []
new_dict["A."] = []
new_dict["A.1.2.3"] = []
new_dict["A.1.3"] = []
new_dict["A.1.4"] = []
This gives you the output you are asking for. Since i did not see a {"parent_child":...} in you desired output i did not proceed with anything else.
options = ["A.1","A.1.1","A.1.1.1","A.1.1.2","A.1.1.3","A.1.2","A.1.2.1","A.1.2.2","A.","A.","A.1.2.3","A.1.3","A.1.4"]
new_dict = {}
for i, key in enumerate(options):
new_dict[key] = []
ls = []
for j, opt in enumerate(options):
if (key in opt) and (len(opt)-len(key)==2):
Using the comment of #Ranbir Aulakh
options = ["A.1","A.1.1","A.1.1.1","A.1.1.2","A.1.1.3","A.1.2","A.1.2.1","A.1.2.2","A.","A.","A.1.2.3","A.1.3","A.1.4"]
new_dict = {}
for i, key in enumerate(options):
new_dict[key] = []
ls = []
for j, opt in enumerate(options):
if (key in opt) and (len(opt.split("."))-len(key.split("."))==1):#(len(opt)-len(key)==2):
I am getting the error need more than 1 value to unpack i am using defaultDict to make my list to dictionary.
def getTabsCols(request):
proj_name = request.GET.get('projname')
cursor = connection.cursor()
proj_details = TProjects.objects.get(
attr_project_name=proj_name, attr_project_type='Structure', attr_is_active=1)
pid = proj_details.project_id
query = 'call SP_Get_TABCOL_NAMES('+str(pid)+')'
proj_details = TProjects.objects.get(
attr_project_name=proj_name, attr_project_type='Structure', attr_is_active=1)
pid = proj_details.project_id
query = 'call SP_Get_TABCOL_NAMES('+str(pid)+')'
result = cursor.fetchall()
tab_list = []
tab_col_list = []
prd = {}
res = []
for row in result:
tabs = collections.OrderedDict()
schema_name = row[1]
table_name = row[3]
tab = (schema_name + '.' + table_name).encode('utf8')
tabs[tab] = row[5].encode('utf8')
d = collections.defaultdict(set)
for k, v in tab_list:
d = dict((k, tuple(v)) for k, v in d1.iteritems())
return HttpResponse(d, content_type="text/html")
I have an empty list, (r) and declared first element as r[0] = a
import time, urllib.request,random
def getDictionary():
word_site = "http://svnweb.freebsd.org/csrg/share/dict/words?view=co&content-type=text/plain"
response = urllib.request.urlopen(word_site)
txt = response.read()
return txt.splitlines()
def getWordsList(listOfWords, sample):
word = ""
randWords = []
for i in range(0,sample):
while(len(word) <=2):
word = random.choice(listOfWords).decode('utf-8')
word = ""
return randWords
start = True
noOfWords = 25
words = getDictionary()
wordsList = getWordsList(words, noOfWords)
start = True
print ("\nINSTRUCTIONS\nWhen the coundown gets to zero, type the word in lowercase letters!\n That's the only rule!")
name = input("What is your name? ")
name = name.split(" ")
input("Press enter when ready...")
while start == True:
print("Game will start in: ")
print ("3 seconds")
print ("2 seconds")
print ("1 seconds")
times = []
k = list()
r = list()
for i in range(25):
startTime = time.time()
userWord = input(str(i+1) + ". " + wordsList[i].capitalize() + " " )
if (userWord.lower() == wordsList[i].lower()):
endTime = time.time()
times.append(endTime - startTime)
r[i] = str(endTime - startTime)
times.append("Wrong Word")
r[i] = ("Wrong Word")
Above is where I am having a problem.
for i in range(25):
startTime = time.time()
print (str(i+1) + ". " + str(k[i]) + ": " + str(times[i]) )
a = 0
for i in range(25):
a = a+i
for i in range(25):
if r[i] == "Wrong Word":
r = r.pop(i)
b = (a/len(r))
c = round(b, 2)
print (c)
start = False
here is my error:
r[i] = "Wrong Word"
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
The pop() method removes an element from the list and returnes it (see an example). What I think is happening is that at some point the condition of the if statment resolves to true. Next, after calling r.pop(i) r is replaced by its i-th element. It's probpably a string so calling its (i+1)-th element later can result in Index out of range error.
In other words, something like this is happening:
r = ["a", "foo", "bar", "baz"]
for i in range(4):
if r[i] == "a": # for i=0 this gives "a" == "a"
r = r.pop(i) # later,this results in r = "a"
next loop iteration with i = 1 will result in "a"[1] which will result in Index out of range.
All in all instead of:
for i in range(25):
if r[i] == "Wrong Word":
r = r.pop(i)
you could just write:
r = [item for item in r if item != "Wrong word"]
which would be also more pythonic solution.
To store the user work folders permanently, I'm using shelve. And to know if the user has the folders configured I'm using a similar code 3 times:
pastaUsuario = os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE') + os.getenv('HOMEPATH')
pastaPrincipal = pastaUsuario + '\\rev'
pastaConfig = pastaPrincipal + '\\config'
config = shelve.open(pastaConfig + '\\config.db')
pastaIsometricosSpooler = config['pastaIsometricosSpooler']
except Exception:
config['pastaIsometricoSpooler'] = raw_input('Digite o caminho da pasta de extração do Spooler: ')
pastaIsometricosSpooler = config['pastaIsometricosSpooler']
config = shelve.open(pastaConfig + '\\config.db')
ultimoIso = config['ultimoIso']
except Exception:
config['ultimoIso'] = raw_input('Digite o tag do isométrico a ser revisado: ')
ultimoIso = config['ultimoIso']
config = shelve.open(pastaConfig + '\\config.db')
ultimaRev = config['ultimaRev']
except Exception:
config['ultimaRev'] = raw_input('Digite a nova revisão: ')
ultimaRev = config['ultimaRev']
How to avoid repeating the almost identical code?
I tried to use the "for" statement with a list:
config = shelve.open(pastaConfig + '\\config.db')
for x in ['pastaIsometricosSpooler', 'ultimoIso', 'ultimaRev']:
x = config[x]
except Exception:
config[x] = raw_input()
x = config[x]
But the variable set doesn't work because of quotes (eg.: 'ultimaRev' = config['ultimaRev'])
Sorry for my bad english!
This is probably best done by using a function rather than trying to make the same code work in a loop. Adapting what you have:
def getconfig( x, prompt ):
theconf= config[x]
except Exception:
config[x] = raw_input( prompt )
theconf= config[x]
return theconf
Then you can use it three times:
config = shelve.open(pastaConfig + '\\config.db')
ultimaRev = getconfig( 'ultimaRev', 'Digite a nova revisão: ')
ultimoIso = getconfig( 'ultimoIso', 'Digite o tag do' )
pastaIsometricosSpooler = getconfig('pastaIsometricosSpooler', 'Digite o caminho da' )