Run Qt program in while loop - c++

I'm running a C++ program, build with Qt, that never can stop.
The program always fetches data from database and if there is a result sends an SMS.
I'm able to connect to database, but after some hours (+/- 10), it doesn't work anymore.
I don't know if the problem is because I lose connection with database or because my computer goes standby...
I'm not able in Qt to see database status: always returns true when tested inside while loop.
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL");
if (
while (true)
// MySQL Request
// If data -> send SMS

There's always the possibility to loose a DB connection for whatever reason. You just can't rely on it. You have to check your connection inside the loop and implement some kind of re-connection scheme if the connection gets lost. As far as I know Qt doesn't do that for you.

Qt provides an event driven framework; events occur and the program reacts to those events.
When you have a never ending loop, events are queued, waiting until they can be processed. In your case, this is never going to happen, so the queue of events will just keep increasing, taking up resources such as memory.
There are two possible ways of solving this. The first is to call QApplication::processEvents every now and again in your loop.
However, the better method would be to remove the while(true) and instead use a QTimer which will periodically call a function to process any available data.
Assuming you have a class, derived from QObject, here's skeleton code using QObject's own timer
class MyObject : public QObject
MyObject(QObject *parent = 0);
// this will be called periodically from the timer
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);
m_timerId = 0; // C++ 11 initialisation
MyObject::MyObject(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
m_timerId = startTimer(50); // 50-millisecond timer
void MyObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if(event->timerId() == m_timerId)
// MySQL Request
// If data -> send SMS


QDialog box showing blank when MainWindow thread is busy

I am working on a Qt-C++ based front-end app for a Raspberry Pi powered robot. I am using Qt version 5.9 along with libraries QSerialPort and Pigpio. In my app, when I give the run command for a command sequence to the robot, my Raspberry Pi starts a serial communication with a microcontroller in which it sends some message and then waits to receive a response. This sending and waiting causes the Mainwindow thread to freeze up. I am trying to build in a emergency stop functionality, which would stop the command execution in the middle of the run process.
Towards that effort, I tried to push my serial communication part to a separate thread(QThread). It didn't work out. Now I am trying to build the emergency stop part into a QDialog box that opens up when I give the run command, which contains a emergency stop QPushbutton. The Dialog box is being run in non-modal form. But in my current code, when I give the run command, a dialog box does open up, but the dialog box is completely blank and then closes up when the run command ends(which is intentional). I'll share some screenshots of the appearance.
Can you suggest where I might be going wrong? Or is there a better approach to this issue? Any criticism and suggestions are welcome!
One shouldn't block the main thread in the Qt. Everytime you call the blocking function, your GUI freezes, as well as Dialog boxes.
One solution is to use signal/slots. They blend really well into Qt. But doing a complicated request/response logic would require a huge state machine usually prone to errors.
Sometimes it is better to leave this code blocking, create a plain chain of request/response code, and put it in another non-GUI thread. Then use the signal to notify the main thread about the job result.
In order to stop the execution it is possible to use an atomic and check it between blocking steps. The biggest time delay before exiting the working function is the biggest delay of the single blocking function. You should carefully tune the timeouts. Or you can write your own function, which emulates timeout and a stop condition. It should check if incoming data is available in an infinite loop and check fro stop condition on each iteration, which must be a timeout AND a stop condition variable.
// pseudocode here
while (true) {
if (stopCondition) return; // check for emergency condition
it (currentTime - startTime > timeout) return;
if (serial->dataReady()) break;
auto data = serial->getData();
If a step can block forever, then this method can't be used.
There is an example with QtConcurrent framework, which demonstrates the use of QFuture and the work of a function in a separate thread without blocking the main thread. You can put all your communication logic inside it.
The code is example only!
#include <QObject>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>
#include <QFuture>
class WorkerClass : public QObject
explicit WorkerClass(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {
connect(&futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, [this] () {
emit workFinsihed();
void startWork(int value) {
atomic = 0;
future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &WorkerClass::workFunction, value);
void stopWork() {
atomic = 1;
QFuture<void> future;
QFutureWatcher<void> futureWatcher;
void workFunction(int value) {
for (int i = 0; i < value; ++i) {
if (atomic) return;
QAtomicInt atomic{0};
void workFinsihed();

Qt infinite loop in another thread

I am trying to setup an infinite loop in another thread. The purpose is to download some data from an URL, send the data to the main thread and sleep for some seconds:
DataFetcher::DataFetcher(QUrl url, int fetchRateSec) :
url {url},
fetchRateSec {fetchRateSec}
void DataFetcher::run()
QNetworkAccessManager* manager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
QObject::connect(manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &DataFetcher::onReply);
while (true) {
QNetworkRequest req;
qDebug() << "run";
void DataFetcher::onReply(QNetworkReply* reply)
qDebug() << "repl";
emit fetched(reply->readAll());
class DataFetcher : public QThread
DataFetcher(QUrl, int);
void run() override;
void fetched(QString);
const QUrl url;
const int fetchRateSec;
private slots:
void onReply(QNetworkReply*);
But onReply is never called.
It is interesting because the qDebug in the while loop is executed as it should.
Im a bit nooby with QT so i might have missed something regarding how to connect the slots / signals but i think i got it right following some other examples.
It looks about right from the accepted answer in How do I write a Qt HTTP GET request?
what could be the problem here?
Per the discussion in the comments, it seems like the whole business of threading is not needed.
One of Qt's strongest attributes is that it is event-driven. You generally create a program by describing what you want to happen (slots) in response to certain events (signals). Explicitly waiting or sleeping is very rare in Qt-based applications (usually only testing), and is generally considered a no-no in event-driven development.
For your specific problem, a solution might look like this. You can create a QTimer in the main thread and connect its timeout signal to a function to make your HTTP request. You can then connect a slot to the QNetworkAccessManager::finished signal, which will run when your response completes. All of this can take place in the main thread, relying on the thread's event loop to manage the callbacks. No need to manage a separate thread yourself, and no looping, sleeping, blocking, or anything like that.

Worker threads with shared resources in Qt application

I am working on a Qt application which involves serial communication with one or multiple devices. There are different procedures that can be executed simulteanously and each procedure may send one or unknown number of commands to a device and may receive data in response. To make it more clear, here is a graphical illustration of the scenario:
Clicking on a button triggers the execution of the corresponding procedure. So two or more different procedures may be running at the same time when the user clicks on two or more buttons in a short interval. Actually the only thing that may be shared between them is the serial communication with a single device; otherwise they are mostly independent of one another. And here are two pseudo-code examples of what a procedure may look like:
Procedure A:
write command a1 on serial port
wait for one second
perform some computations
write command a2 on serial port
wait for one second
Procedure B:
while true:
write command b1 on serial port
read the response from serial port
perform some computations
if a condition holds return, otherwise continue
My solution and its issue:
To simplify the situation consider that there is only one device which we need to communicate with. Since procedures can be executed simulteanously (and only one of them can communicate with the device through serial port at a time) I have created one thread and one worker class for each of the procedures and have moved the workers to their corresponding threads. To synchronize procedures when accessing the serial port I have created one mutex:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow {
QSerialPort* serial_;
QMutex serial_mutex_;
ProcAWorker* proca_worker;
ProcBWorker* procb_worker;
ProcCWorker* procc_worker;
ProcDWorker* procd_worker;
QThread proca_thread;
QThread procb_thread;
QThread procc_thread;
QThread procd_thread;
void MainWindow::onConnectButtonClicked()
serial_ = new QSerialPort();
// configure serial port settings
void MainWindow::onButtonAClicked()
proca_worker = new ProcAWorker(0, this); // pass a pointer to this class to be able to access its methods and members
// setup worker-thread connections: started, quit, finished, etc.
proca_thread.start(); // triggers `proccess` slot in proca_worker
// same thing for other buttons and procedures
void ProcAWorker::ProcAWorker(QObject *parent, QMainWindow *wnd) :
QObject(parent), wnd_(wnd)
void ProcAWorker::process()
wnd_->serial_->write('Command a1'); // Warning occurs in this line
bool write_ok = client_->serial_->waitForBytesWritten(SERIAL_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
// perform some computations
wnd_->serial_->write('Command a2');
bool write_ok = client_->serial_->waitForBytesWritten(SERIAL_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
if (write_ok) {
// signal successful to main window
emit success();
However, when the write operation is performed on the serial port (i.e. wnd_->serial_->write('Command a1');) the following warning is shown:
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different
thread. (Parent is QSerialPort(0x18907d0), parent's thread is
QThread(0x13cbc50), current thread is QThread(0x17d8d08)
My questions:
1) I have already looked at other questions on Stackoverflow regarding this warning, but their answers have only mentioned that signal/slot should be used. I am familiar with using signal/slot to communicate with worker threads. However, I can't figure out how to implement my specific scenario (simultaneous running procedures with shared resources like serial port) using signal/slot or how can I modify my current solution to resolve this issue? Note that the procedures should be allowed to run in parallel (unless in those moments when they want to communicate with the device). Obviously one can run the procedures sequentially (i.e. one after another) but I am not looking for such solutions.
2) Actually there is also a "Halt" button that stops all the running procedures and sends a halt command to the device. But I could not figure out to implement this functionality as well (set a flag, send a quit signal, etc.). Could you please give me some hints in this regards as well?
First of all, you don't need explicit multithreading (it's optional), second of all you don't need any manually managed synchronization primitives.
Then, model each procedure using a state machine. Hopefully the communication protocol allows each procedure recognize the responses to its own commands, so that even though you'd be replicating the incoming data to all of the procedures, they'd ignore the data irrelevant to them.
This answer has a sketch of a solution that does exactly what you want, sans multiplexing. Multiplexing a QIODevice is trivial when you expose it via local pipes: everything incoming from the port is written to one end of one or more local pipes. Everything incoming from the pipes is written to the port. The pipes will maintain the integrity of the packets as long as you open their procedure end in Unbuffered mode. That way each write will arrive at the serial port as a contiguous block of bytes, and will be written to the port in the same manner.
How would you multiplex? Like so:
class IODeviceMux : public QObject {
QVector<QPointer<AppPipe>> m_portPipes;
QVector<QPointer<AppPipe>> m_userPipes;
QPointer<QSerialPort> m_port;
IODeviceMux(QObject *parent = {}) : QObject(parent) {}
void setPort(QIODevice *port) {
if (m_port) {
disconnect(m_port.get(), 0, this, 0);
for (auto pipe : qAsConst(m_userPipes))
disconnect(m_port.get(), 0, pipe.get(), 0);
m_port = port;
connect(m_port.get(), &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &IODeviceMux::onPortRead);
AppPipe *getPipe() {
QScopedPointer<AppPipe> user(new AppPipe(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
auto *port = new AppPipe(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered, this);
connect(port, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &IODeviceMux::onPipeRead);
connect(m_port.get(), &QIODevice::bytesWritten, user.get(), &QIODevice::bytesWritten);
connect(user, &QObject::destroyed, port, &QObject::deleteLater);
return user.take();
void onPortRead() {
if (!m_port) return;
auto data = m_port->readAll();
for (auto pipe : qAsConst(m_portPipes))
void onPipeRead() {
auto *pipe = qobject_cast<AppPipe*>(sender());
QByteArray data;
if (pipe) data = pipe->readAll();
if (m_port) m_port->write(data);
The procedures would each getPipe() and treat the pipe as if it was a serial port device. Each write into a pipe gets faithfully executed on the port. Each readyRead on the port is faithfully forwarded, with same data amounts available immediately to read. Even the port's bytesWritten is forwarded. But bytesToWrite doesn't work - it always returns zero. This could be fixed by adding an option to AppPipe to query this value.
That's about all you need to get it to work, I'd think.

QTcpSocket in QThread will commitTransaction but when Write is called "Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread."

Disclaimer: I am relatively new to Qt and any type of programming that revolves around Threads and Networking. I have also adopted a lot of code from Qt Examples, API, and other online examples.
All code can be found on GitHub. This code is relatively as simple as it can get minus striping out GUI. I figure supplying it this way would help as well versus just pasting the code below.
I want to use and believe I need to use Threads as I need multiple clients send a request to the server, the server run some SQL code, then spit out the results back to the client (basically deriving a MySQL Server, but specific to what I am doing). Right now though, I am just working on learning the workings of it all.
With all that being said, as the Title states.. My client can connect to the server, the server sets up the thread, and will receive data (a String) through the readReady. After the data is read in, for right now I am just trying to echo it back to the client. It will do this, but only once. Then it spits out:
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is QNativeSocketEngine(0x266cca92ea0), parent's thread is serverThread(0x266cca9ed60), current thread is QThread(0x266cac772e0)
I cannot send any further data to the server unless I have the client reconnect, then after the data is sent, it will do its job but then spit out the same error and cease functioning. I have tried quite a bit of different things, but cannot seem to fix the issue. I even tried setting up a SIGNAL/SLOT for this as suggested in API:
It is important to remember that a QThread instance lives in the old thread that instantiated it, not in the new thread that calls run(). This means that all of QThread's queued slots will execute in the old thread. Thus, a developer who wishes to invoke slots in the new thread must use the worker-object approach; new slots should not be implemented directly into a subclassed QThread.
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated! My Code is below..
// Project
#include "ServerDialog.h"
#include "ServerThread.h"
ServerThread::ServerThread(qintptr _socketDiscriptor, QObject *parent /*= 0*/)
: QThread(parent)
socketDiscriptor = _socketDiscriptor;
void ServerThread::run()
emit threadStarted(socketDiscriptor);
// Start Thread
clientSocket = new QTcpSocket;
// Set SocketDisc
if (!clientSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDiscriptor))
emit error(clientSocket->error());
// Connect Socket and Signal
connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected()));
//// Loop Thread to Stay Alive for Signals and Slots
void ServerThread::readyRead()
QDataStream in(clientSocket);
QString dataReceived;
in >> dataReceived;
if (!in.commitTransaction())
emit readyReadError(socketDiscriptor);
emit readyReadMessage(socketDiscriptor, dataReceived);
void ServerThread::disconnected()
emit threadStopped(socketDiscriptor);
void ServerThread::echoData(QString &data)
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << data;
So in ServerThread.cpp when echoData is called, that is when the error shows up and the Socket ceases functioning.
Any and all help will be appreciated. I know there are a few other posts regarding "Cannot create children for..." in regards to Threads. But I did not find any of them helpful. The one thing that I did find interesting but did not understand was maybe using moveToThread() but a lot of mixed comments on that.
I learn best through code examples along with explanation versus just an explanation or pointer to API. Thank you!
Most of Qt network functions are asynchronous; they do not block the calling thread. There is no need to mess up with threads if you are using QTcpSockets. In fact, creating a thread for every socket is an overkill, since that thread will spend most of its time just waiting for some network operation to finish. Here is how I would implement a single-threaded echo server in Qt:
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <QtCore>
//separate class for the protocol's implementation
class EchoSocket : public QTcpSocket{
explicit EchoSocket(QObject* parent=nullptr):QTcpSocket(parent){
connect(this, &EchoSocket::readyRead, this, &EchoSocket::EchoBack);
connect(this, &EchoSocket::disconnected, this, &EchoSocket::deleteLater);
~EchoSocket() = default;
Q_SLOT void EchoBack(){
QByteArray receivedByteArray= readAll();
class EchoServer : public QTcpServer{
explicit EchoServer(QObject* parent= nullptr):QTcpServer(parent){}
~EchoServer() = default;
//override incomingConnection() and nextPendingConnection()
//to make them deal with EchoSockets instead of QTcpSockets
void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor){
EchoSocket* socket= new EchoSocket(this);
EchoSocket* nextPendingConnection(){
QTcpSocket* ts= QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection();
return qobject_cast<EchoSocket*>(ts);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
EchoServer echoServer;
echoServer.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 9999);
QObject::connect(&echoServer, &EchoServer::newConnection, [&](){
EchoSocket* socket= echoServer.nextPendingConnection();
qDebug() << "Got new connection from: " << socket->peerAddress().toString();
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"
This server has the ability to handle more than one client at the same time, since there is no blocking. The thread will just respond to the event that happens with the appropriate action; So, if that event was a new connection, it will create a new EchoSocket object to handle it and prints a statement out to qDebug(), and if that event was receiving something on a previously created socket, the same thread will echo received data back and close the connection. It will never block on a single connection waiting for data to arrive nor it will block waiting for a new connection to arrive.
Since you mention using some SQL queries in response for some connections later in your project. Please avoid threading since an SQL database connection in Qt can be used only from the thread that created it, see docs here. So, You'll have to either create a new database connection for each thread (and thus for each connection) in your application (and this is beyond just overkill), or switch later to a single threaded design.
In this section, I am explaining why threading does not work for you the way you are doing it:
You should not be declaring slots in your QThread subclass, Instead, use worker QObjects and move them to QThreads as needed.
The quote you have provided in your question is the exact explanation for why you get this warning. The ServerThread instance you create will be living in the main thread (or whatever thread that created it). Now let's consider this line from your code:
connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
The signal readyRead() will be emitted from the current ServerThread instance (since the clientSocket object that emits it lives there), However, the receiver object is the current ServerThread instance, But that lives in the main thread. Here is what the documentation says:
If the receiver lives in the thread that emits the signal, Qt::DirectConnection is used. Otherwise, Qt::QueuedConnection is used.
Now, the main point of Qt::QueuedConnection is executing the slot in the receiver object's thread. This means that, your slots ServerThread::readyRead() and ServerThread::disconnected will get executed in the main thread. This is most likely not what you meant to do, since you'll end up accessing clientSocket from the main thread. After that, any call on clientSocket that results in child QObjects being created will result in the warning you get (you can see that QTcpSocket::write() does this here).
Mixed comments of movetothread are linked mostly to usage of it to move thread object to itself.
The quote hints that the members of QThread aren't designed to be called from worker. Strictly proper way to call signal would be by using worker object model, that was shown in Qt examples and explained a few times on QT-related blogs:
class Worker : public QObject
private slots:
void onTimeout()
qDebug()<<"Worker::onTimeout get called from?: "<<QThread::currentThreadId();
class Thread : public QThread
void run()
qDebug()<<"From work thread: "<<currentThreadId();
QTimer timer;
Worker worker;
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &worker, SLOT(onTimeout()));
worker constructed inside run() is "property" of the thread it created, so figuratively speaking, it is slaved to its context. The same effect maybe achieved if you create worker in other thread, then move it to this thread before connection was made. When you connect signal to slot of the QThread itself, you connect child thread to thread it was created by.
Use of
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTimeout()), Qt::DirectConnection);
or creating connection from your thread sometimes seems to achieve proper result, but not in this case, where you try use objects constructed in different threads together. Calling moveToThread(this) in constructor is a thing not recommended to do.

Periodic Code with QT

I'm trying to create a periodic callback using QT. I'm thinking, something like OpenGL's periodic callback.
Basically, I have a micro controller which is waiting for an event to happen. When the event Happens it sends the time over the serial port to the PC. On the PC side, I want the GUI to update whenever this time information is received, or to periodically check to see if there is anything in the Rx buffer.
Is there any built in functionality of Qt to periodically call a methood?
If not is there a way to create a signal between QextSerial, and The GUI?
Or, will I have to make a multi-threaded app with an observer/observable relationship between the serialPort, and the GUI?.
Have a look at QTimer. They also list an example of an analog clock
For my specific needs I ended up using a QextSerialPort.
I attached a signal to the Port so that whenever a message was received it would add the time to the Model, and update the GUI.
Port = new QextSerialPort();
//... various Port Setup
connect(Port, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onReadyRead()));
This way I was able to keep the Data Model and GUI more separated.
You could try using QSocketNotifier.
I've used it to read and process standard input. You just need to change your the file you read from (in my case STDIN_FILENO)
class QSocketNotifier;
class ConsoleReader : public QObject
explicit ConsoleReader(QObject *parent = 0);
void textReceived(QString message);
public Q_SLOTS:
void text();
QSocketNotifier* notifier;
#include <QSocketNotifier>
#include <unistd.h> //Provides STDIN_FILENO
ConsoleReader::ConsoleReader(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
notifier = new QSocketNotifier(STDIN_FILENO, QSocketNotifier::Read);
connect(notifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(text()));
void ConsoleReader::text()
QTextStream qin(stdin);
QString line = qin.readLine();
Q_EMIT textReceived(line);