PSNR calclator of 2 YUV files using c++ segmentation fault - c++

Iam trying to write a code in c++ to calculate PSNR of two yuv video files however everything should work but i get a segmentation fault error ..
any help here is highly appreciated
here is my code
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "base.h"
void makeAFrame( YuvFrame* f, int width, int height )
f->lum.width = width; f->lum.height = height;
f->cb .width = width/2; f->cb .height = height/2;
f->cr .width = width/2; f->cr .height = height/2;
void readColorComponent( ColorComponent* cc, FILE* file )
unsigned int size = cc->width*cc->height;
unsigned int rsize;
rsize = fread( cc->data, sizeof(unsigned char), size, file );
double psnr( ColorComponent& rec, ColorComponent& org)
unsigned char* pOrg =;
unsigned char* pRec =;
double ssd = 0;
int diff;
for ( int r = 0; r < rec.height; r++ )
for( int c = 0; c < rec.width; c++ )
diff = pRec[c] - pOrg[c];
ssd += (double)( diff * diff );
pRec += rec.width;
pOrg += org.width;
if( ssd == 0.0 )
return 99.99;
return ( 10.0 * log10( (double)rec.width * (double)rec.height * 65025.0 / ssd ) );
void getPSNR( double& psnrY, double& psnrU, double& psnrV, YuvFrame& rcFrameOrg, YuvFrame& rcFrameRec )
psnrY = psnr( rcFrameRec.lum, rcFrameOrg.lum );
psnrU = psnr( rcFrameRec.cb, rcFrameOrg.cb );
psnrV = psnr(, );
void readFrame( YuvFrame* f, FILE* file )
readColorComponent( &f->lum, file );
readColorComponent( &f->cb, file );
readColorComponent( &f->cr, file );
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int acc = 10000;
#define OUT "%d,%04d"
int stream = 0;
unsigned int width = 0;
unsigned int height = 0;
unsigned int temporal_stages = 0;
unsigned int skip_at_start = 0;
double fps = 0.0;
FILE* org_file = 0;
FILE* rec_file = 0;
FILE* str_file = 0;
char* prefix_string = 0;
unsigned int index, skip, skip_between, sequence_length;
int py, pu, pv, br;
double bitrate = 0.0;
double psnrY, psnrU, psnrV;
YuvFrame cOrgFrame, cRecFrame;
double AveragePSNR_Y = 0.0;
double AveragePSNR_U = 0.0;
double AveragePSNR_V = 0.0;
int currarg = 5;
int rpsnr = 0;
width = 300;
height = 240;
org_file = fopen("foreman_qcif.yuv","rb");
rec_file = fopen("foreman_qcif2.yuv","rb");
fseek( rec_file, 0, SEEK_END );
fseek( org_file, 0, SEEK_END );
size_t rsize = ftell( rec_file );
size_t osize = ftell( org_file );
fseek( rec_file, 0, SEEK_SET );
fseek( org_file, 0, SEEK_SET );
if (rsize < osize)
sequence_length = (unsigned int)((double)rsize/(double)((width*height*3)/2));
sequence_length = (unsigned int)((double)osize/(double)((width*height*3)/2));
skip_between = ( 1 << temporal_stages ) - 1;
//here we try to make frames out of images
makeAFrame( &cOrgFrame, width, height );
makeAFrame( &cRecFrame, width, height );
//looping over all frames
for( skip = skip_at_start, index = 0; index < sequence_length; index++, skip = skip_between )
fseek( org_file, skip*width*height*3/2, SEEK_CUR);
readFrame ( &cOrgFrame, org_file );
readFrame ( &cRecFrame, rec_file );
getPSNR ( psnrY, psnrU, psnrV, cOrgFrame, cRecFrame);
AveragePSNR_Y += psnrY;
AveragePSNR_U += psnrU;
AveragePSNR_V += psnrV;
py = (int)floor( acc * psnrY + 0.5 );
pu = (int)floor( acc * psnrU + 0.5 );
pv = (int)floor( acc * psnrV + 0.5 );
py = (int)floor( acc * AveragePSNR_Y / (double)sequence_length + 0.5 );
pu = (int)floor( acc * AveragePSNR_U / (double)sequence_length + 0.5 );
pv = (int)floor( acc * AveragePSNR_V / (double)sequence_length + 0.5 );
br = (int)floor( acc * bitrate + 0.5 );
if( stream )
if( prefix_string )
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fclose ( org_file );
fclose ( rec_file );
if( stream )
fclose ( str_file );
return (rpsnr*py);
and base.h contains structures
typedef struct
int width;
int height;
unsigned char* data;
} ColorComponent;
typedef struct
ColorComponent lum;
ColorComponent cb;
ColorComponent cr;
} YuvFrame;

well, segmentation error arises from you trying to access memory addresses not assigned to you ... as w hot-fix to avoid the error add this function to your code
void foo( ColorComponent* cc )
if( ! ( cc->data = new unsigned char[cc->width * cc->height]))
fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR: memory allocation failed!\n\n");
and change these lines
void makeAFrame( YuvFrame* f, int width, int height )
f->lum.width = width; f->lum.height = height;
f->cb .width = width/2; f->cb .height = height/2;
f->cr .width = width/2; f->cr .height = height/2;
void makeAFrame( YuvFrame* f, int width, int height )
f->lum.width = width; f->lum.height = height;
foo( &f->lum );
f->cb .width = width/2; f->cb .height = height/2;
foo( &f->cb );
f->cr .width = width/2; f->cr .height = height/2;
foo( &f->cr );
things should work now


OpenCV compiling issues

With compiling this project I have several issues:
Due to "file not found" I had to change header
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <opencv.hpp>
#include <highgui.hpp>
that solved Include issues but compiling give several more faults:
What I'm doing wrong?
Below whole code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <opencv.hpp>
#include <highgui.hpp>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// get command line parameters
if(argc < 6)
printf("Usage: %s <video> <vga window x> <vga window y> <vga width> <vga height>\n", argv[0]);
printf("Usage: %s <camera id> <vga window x> <vga window y> <vga width> <vga height>\n", argv[0]);
const char *filename = argv[1];
int vgaX = atoi(argv[2]);
int vgaY = atoi(argv[3]);
int vgaWidth = atoi(argv[4]);
int vgaHeight = atoi(argv[5]);
int outputPixelCount = vgaWidth * vgaHeight;
// opencv initializations
CvCapture* cap = cvCaptureFromFile(filename);
int isVideoFile = cap != 0;
if (!cap)
cap = cvCaptureFromCAM(atoi(filename));
if (!cap)
printf("Could not open file/camera!\n");
IplImage* frame = cvQueryFrame(cap); // get first frame for size
if (!frame)
printf("The Video is empty!\n");
IplImage* edges = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
IplImage* lines = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
IplImage* out = cvCreateImage(cvSize(vgaWidth, vgaHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
int outStep = out->widthStep;
int outChannels = out->nChannels;
unsigned char *outData = (unsigned char*)out->imageData;
// position windows // TODO: make debug output windows optional?
cvNamedWindow("frame", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvMoveWindow("frame", 0, 32);
cvNamedWindow("edges", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvMoveWindow("edges", frame->width, 32);
cvNamedWindow("lines", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvMoveWindow("lines", 2 * frame->width, 32);
cvNamedWindow("out", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvMoveWindow("out", vgaX, vgaY);
while (42)
frame = cvQueryFrame(cap);
if (!frame || (cvWaitKey(1) & 0xff) == 'q')
cvShowImage("frame", frame);
// edge detection
cvCanny(frame, edges, 128.0, 130.0, 3); // TODO: tweakable parameters?
cvShowImage("edges", edges);
// get contours
CvMemStorage *storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
CvSeq *contours;
int contourCount = cvFindContours(
edges, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour),
cvDrawContours(lines, contours, cvScalar(32, 255, 32, 255), cvScalarAll(0), 100, 1, 8, cvPoint(0, 0));
cvShowImage("lines", lines);
// calculate total length over all contours
float contourLengthSum = 0.0f;
for(CvSeq *c = contours; c; c = c->h_next)
for(int i = 0; i < c->total - 1; i++)
CvPoint *p0 = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, c, i);
CvPoint *p1 = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, c, i + 1);
int dx = p1->x - p0->x;
int dy = p1->y - p0->y;
contourLengthSum += sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
float factor = (float)outputPixelCount / contourLengthSum;
// write output image
int cx = 0, cy = 0;
float xScale = 255.0f / frame->width;
float yScale = 255.0f / frame->height;
unsigned char *dp = &outData[1];
for(CvSeq *c = contours; c; c = c->h_next)
CvPoint *p0 = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, c, 0);
for(int i = 1; i < c->total; i++)
CvPoint *p1 = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, c, i);
float x0x1 = p1->x - p0->x;
float y0y1 = p1->y - p0->y;
int n = (int)(sqrtf(x0x1 * x0x1 + y0y1 * y0y1) * factor);
float x = (float)p0->x * xScale;
float y = 255.0f - (float)p0->y * yScale;
float dt = 1.0f / (float)(n - 1);
float dx = dt * x0x1 * xScale;
float dy = dt * -y0y1 * yScale;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
dp[0] = (unsigned char)x;
dp[1] = (unsigned char)y;
x += dx;
y += dy;
dp += outChannels;
if (++cx == vgaWidth)
cx = 0;
dp = &outData[++cy * outStep + 1];
if (cy == vgaHeight)
goto full;
p0 = p1;
// fill last few pixels with last pixel value, if there are any left
for (; cy < vgaHeight; cy++)
for (;cx < vgaWidth; cx++)
outData[cy * outStep + cx * outChannels + 1] = 0;
outData[cy * outStep + cx * outChannels + 2] = 0;
cx = 0;
cvShowImage("out", out);
//if (isVideoFile)
// usleep(8000); // TODO: proper synchronization
return 0;
Looks like you are using old OpenCV API. They are replaced with new methods. Your code does not work with recent OpenCV 4.3.0. cvCaptureFromFile, cvCaptureFromCAM and some others exists in 4.0.0-rc of OpenCV docs.
After 4.0.0-rc of OpenCV the documentation points to videoio.
Further Reference:
Also if you have include problems in new OpenCV version try,
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>

MATLAB crashes while executing halftone mex wrapper function?

Below screen shot is the result of the execution of the function in MATLAB.
ht = halftoneCVIP(ad,4,255, 0.5, 0, 0);
Halftoning: it's a methods for reducing the number of gray levels by creating dot patterns or dither patterns to represent various gray levels, reduces effective spatial resolution also.
There are 6 methods in halftoning.
1. Floyd Stienberg
2. Dither
3. Threshold
4. Cluster 3
5. Cluster 4
6. Cluster 8
*Image *CVIPhalftone(Image cvip_Image, int halftone, int
maxval, float fthreshval, CVIP_BOOLEAN retain_image,
<cvip_Image> - pointer to input image
<halftone> - indicates method used to convert from grays-
cale to binary. (one of QT_FS, QT_THRESH, QT_DITHER8,
<maxval> - specifies maximum range of input image (usually
<fthreshval> - threshold value (for QT_THRESH) between [0.0
... 1.0].
<retain_image> - retain image after writing (CVIP_YES or
<verbose> - shall I be verbose (CVIP_YES or CVIP_NO)?**
I am trying to reuse a halftone function origianlly written in C. My objective is to make this function executable in MATLAB by writing a wrapper function using MEX.
Below are the code I have written and I am able to compile successfully without any errors. However, while executing the function MATLAB crashes. Does anyone know the reason behind this?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mex.h"
#include "CVIPtools.h"
#include "CVIPimage.h"
#include "CVIPdef.h"
#include "CVIPmap.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "threshold.h"
#include <float.h>
#include "CVIPmatrix.h"
#include "dithers.h"
#include "CVIPhalftone.h"
#define CVIP_WHITE 1
#define CVIP_BLACK 0
#define FS_SCALE 1024
#define HALF_FS_SCALE 512
Image *CVIPhalftone(Image *cvip_Image, int halftone, int maxval, float fthreshval, CVIP_BOOLEAN retain_image, CVIP_BOOLEAN verbose)
byte* grayrow;
register byte* gP;
byte* bitrow;
register byte* bP;
int rows, cols, row;
int col, limitcol, format;
char function_name[] = {"CVIPhalftone"};
long threshval, sum;
long* thiserr;
long* nexterr;
long* temperr;
int fs_direction;
Image *bit_Image;
cols = cvip_Image->image_ptr[0]->cols;
rows = cvip_Image->image_ptr[0]->rows;
bit_Image = (Image *) image_allocate(cvip_Image->image_format, BINARY, 1, rows, cols, CVIP_BYTE, REAL);
format = cvip_Image->image_format;
if( !(format==PBM || format==PGM || format==TIF || format==RAS || format==BIN || format==ITX) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: casting image to format that supports binary images - (PBM).\n",function_name);
bit_Image->image_format = PBM;
mexPrintf("Till here 1\n");
/* Initialize. */
switch ( halftone )
case QT_FS: // QT_FS=1 defined in CVIPhalftone.h
fprintf(stderr, "%s: performing boustrophedonic Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion.\n\n",function_name);
/* Initialize Floyd-Steinberg error vectors. */
thiserr = (long*) calloc( cols + 2, sizeof(long) );
nexterr = (long*) calloc( cols + 2, sizeof(long) );
srand( (int) ( time( 0 ) ^ getpid( ) ) );
for ( col = 0; col < cols + 2; ++col )
thiserr[col] = ( rand( ) % FS_SCALE - HALF_FS_SCALE ) / 4;
/* (random errors in [-FS_SCALE/8 .. FS_SCALE/8]) */
fs_direction = 1;
threshval = fthreshval * FS_SCALE;
case QT_THRESH: // QT_THRESH=2 defined in CVIPhalftone.h
threshval = fthreshval * maxval + 0.999999;
if(verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: performing simple thresholding operation.\n",function_name);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: threshold level - %ld.\n\n",function_name, threshval);
case QT_DITHER8: // QT_DITHER8=3 defined in CVIPhalftone.h
case QT_CLUSTER3: // QT_CLUSTER3=4 defined in CVIPhalftone.h
case QT_CLUSTER4: // QT_CLUSTER4=5 defined in CVIPhalftone.h
case QT_CLUSTER8: // QT_CLUSTER8=6 defined in CVIPhalftone.h
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't happen... but apparently something did?!?\n" , function_name); break;
mexPrintf("Till here 2\n");
for ( row = 0; row < rows; ++row )
grayrow = (byte *) ((byte **) cvip_Image->image_ptr[0]->rptr)[row];
bitrow = (byte *) ((byte **) bit_Image->image_ptr[0]->rptr)[row];
switch ( halftone )
case QT_FS:
for ( col = 0; col < cols + 2; ++col )
nexterr[col] = 0;
if ( fs_direction )
col = 0;
limitcol = cols;
gP = grayrow;
bP = bitrow;
col = cols - 1;
limitcol = -1;
gP = &(grayrow[col]);
bP = &(bitrow[col]);
sum = ( (long) *gP * FS_SCALE ) / maxval + thiserr[col + 1];
if ( sum >= threshval )
sum = sum - threshval - HALF_FS_SCALE;
if ( fs_direction )
thiserr[col + 2] += ( sum * 7 ) / 16;
nexterr[col ] += ( sum * 3 ) / 16;
nexterr[col + 1] += ( sum * 5 ) / 16;
nexterr[col + 2] += ( sum ) / 16;
thiserr[col ] += ( sum * 7 ) / 16;
nexterr[col + 2] += ( sum * 3 ) / 16;
nexterr[col + 1] += ( sum * 5 ) / 16;
nexterr[col ] += ( sum ) / 16;
while ( col != limitcol );
temperr = thiserr;
thiserr = nexterr;
nexterr = temperr;
fs_direction = ! fs_direction;
for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow, bP = bitrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP, ++bP )
if ( *gP >= threshval )
case QT_DITHER8:
for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow, bP = bitrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP, ++bP )
if ( *gP >= dither8[row % 16][col % 16] * ( maxval + 1 ) / 256 )
for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow, bP = bitrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP, ++bP )
if ( *gP >= cluster3[row %6][col %6 ] * ( maxval + 1 ) / 18 )
for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow, bP = bitrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP, ++bP )
if ( *gP >= cluster4[row %8][col%8] * ( maxval + 1 ) / 32 )
for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow, bP = bitrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP, ++bP )
if ( *gP >= cluster8[row %16][col %16] * ( maxval + 1 ) / 128 )
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't happen... but apparently something did?!?\n" , function_name); break;
mexPrintf("Till here 1\n");
return bit_Image;
mexPrintf("Till here 2\n");
void midd( int choice, double *indata, double *outdata, int n, int row, int col, int bands)
Image *inputImage;
byte **image;
unsigned int r, c;
int i;
unsigned int no_of_rows,
COLOR_FORMAT color_space;
int check=0;
no_of_bands = bands;
no_of_rows = row;
no_of_cols = col;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
{ if (check<indata[i])
if (check<=1){
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
//outdata[i]= floor(255*indata[i]); //By Krishna Regmi
indata[i]= floor(255*indata[i]);
{for (i=0;i<n;i++)
//outdata[i]= floor(indata[i]); //By Krishna Regmi
indata[i]= floor(indata[i]);
// mexPrintf("\ first value after scaling to 0-255 %f\n", outdata[0]);
inputImage=new_Image (BMP, RGB, no_of_bands, row, col, CVIP_BYTE, REAL );
for(bands=0; bands < no_of_bands; bands++) {
image = getData_Image(inputImage, bands);
for(r=0; r < no_of_rows; r++) {
for(c=0; c < no_of_cols; c++)
image[r][c]=outdata[r+row*c+row*col*bands]; /* passing data from MATLAB variable to CVIPtools variable */
//Image *CVIPhalftone(Image *cvip_Image, int halftone, int maxval, float fthreshval, CVIP_BOOLEAN retain_image, CVIP_BOOLEAN verbose)
//inputImage= CVIPhalftone(cvipImage,QT_THRESH,255,0.5,CVIP_NO,CVIP_NO);
inputImage = CVIPhalftone(inputImage, choice, 255, 0.5, CVIP_NO, CVIP_NO);
for(bands=0; bands < no_of_bands; bands++) {
image = getData_Image(inputImage, bands);
for(r=0; r < no_of_rows; r++) {
for(c=0; c < no_of_cols; c++)
outdata[r+row*c+row*col*bands] = floor(image[r][c]); /* passing data back to MATLAB variable from CVIPtools variable */
} /* end of wrapper function*/
/* main gateway function*/
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
double *outdata, *indata;
int r,c,bands;
const mwSize *dim_array;
int choice,n;
//char color_type;
// COLOR_FORMAT color_space;
//int choice;
//int n = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
n = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
indata = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
//double *indata = (double *)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
dim_array = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
//color_type = mxGetChars(prhs[1]);
choice = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
r = dim_array[0];
c = dim_array[1];
bands = dim_array[2];
// mexPrintf("total elements %d\n", n);
plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
{ plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(r,c,mxREAL);
outdata = mxGetData(plhs[0]);
midd(choice, indata, outdata, n, r, c, bands);
Sounds like a segmentation fault in your mex code. Check the input datatypes. Make sure that the data type of the parameters passed from matlab match those that are expected by the C function. Also, keep in mind that matlab arrays are column-major, and the sizes are [rows, cols], not [width height].
If you can't spot the problem easily, then you would need to attach a debugger to the matlab process, or add a lot of mexPrintf's into your code to see where exactly it fails.

Feeding the TEA Cipher without flooding ram

How would it be possible to feed the TEA cipher without exceeding a systems ram with large files?
I have tried doing this however it has all ended with massive failure and hours of tinkering that leads to nothing. So could someone give me an example of how this can be done or any meaningful information on how to do it?
void decodeXtea(unsigned int* v, unsigned int* w, unsigned int* k) {
register unsigned int v0=v[0], v1=v[1], i, sum=0xC6EF3720;
register unsigned int delta=0x9E3779B9;
for(i=0; i<32; i++) {
v1 -= (((v0 << 4) ^ (v0 >> 5)) + v0) ^ (sum + k[(sum>>11) & 3]);
sum -= delta;
v0 -= (((v1 << 4) ^ (v1 >> 5)) + v1) ^ (sum + k[sum & 3]);
w[0]=v0; w[1]=v1;
void TeaDecode ( const std::string& str, const std::string& key, std::string* out )
unsigned int v[2];
unsigned int w[2];
unsigned int k[4];
unsigned int keybuffer [ 4 ];
// Clear buffers
memset ( v, 0, sizeof(v) );
memset ( w, 0, sizeof(w) );
memset ( k, 0, sizeof(k) );
memset ( keybuffer, 0, sizeof(keybuffer) );
out->clear ();
// Count the number of passes that we need
int numBlocks = str.length() / 4;
int numPasses = numBlocks - 1;
if ( numPasses <= 0 )
// Process the key
int len = key.length ();
if ( len > 16 )
len = 16;
memcpy ( keybuffer, key.c_str(), len );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
k[i] = keybuffer[i];
// Create a temporary buffer to store the result
unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char [ numPasses * 4 + 4 ];
memset ( buffer, 0, numPasses * 4 + 4 );
// Decode it!
const char* p = str.c_str();
v[1] = *(unsigned int*)&p[numPasses * 4];
for ( int i = 0; i < numPasses; ++i )
v[0] = *(unsigned int*)&p[(numPasses-i-1)*4];
decodeXtea ( &v[0], &w[0], &k[0] );
*(unsigned int*)&buffer[(numPasses-i-1)*4] = w[0];
v[1] = w[1];
out->assign ( (char *)buffer, numPasses*4 );
delete [] buffer;
void encodeXtea(unsigned int* v, unsigned int* w, unsigned int* k) {
register unsigned int v0=v[0], v1=v[1], i, sum=0;
register unsigned int delta=0x9E3779B9;
for(i=0; i<32; i++) {
v0 += (((v1 << 4) ^ (v1 >> 5)) + v1) ^ (sum + k[sum & 3]);
sum += delta;
v1 += (((v0 << 4) ^ (v0 >> 5)) + v0) ^ (sum + k[(sum>>11) & 3]);
w[0]=v0; w[1]=v1;
void TeaEncode ( const std::string& str, const std::string& key, std::string* out )
unsigned int v[2];
unsigned int w[2];
unsigned int k[4];
unsigned int keybuffer [ 4 ];
// Clear buffers
memset ( v, 0, sizeof(v) );
memset ( w, 0, sizeof(w) );
memset ( k, 0, sizeof(k) );
memset ( keybuffer, 0, sizeof(keybuffer) );
out->clear ();
// Process the key
int len = key.length ();
if ( len > 16 )
len = 16;
memcpy ( keybuffer, key.c_str(), len );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
k[i] = keybuffer[i];
// Copy the input string to a buffer of size multiple of 4
int strbuflen = str.length ();
if ( strbuflen == 0 )
if ( (strbuflen % 4) > 0 )
strbuflen += 4 - (strbuflen % 4);
unsigned char* strbuf = new unsigned char [ strbuflen ];
memset ( strbuf, 0, strbuflen );
memcpy ( strbuf, str.c_str(), str.length() );
// Encode it!
v[1] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < strbuflen; i += 4 )
v[0] = *(unsigned int*)&strbuf[i];
encodeXtea ( &v[0], &w[0], &k[0] );
out->append ( (char*)&w[0], 4 );
v[1] = w[1];
out->append ( (char*)&v[1], 4 );
delete [] strbuf;
This fixed it.
void readSystem(string fname,string outFileName,string key,string mode)
//size_t buffer_size = 1<<20;
size_t buffer_size;
if(mode == "E")
buffer_size = 32;
buffer_size = 36;
//char *buffer = new char[buffer_size];
string buffer(buffer_size,'\0');
string data,output;
// The input
std::ifstream fin(fname,ios::binary);
// The output
ofstream outFile(outFileName,ios::binary);// | ios::app);
// Anti overwrite
if(getSize(outFileName) > 0)
cout << "Overwrite error" << endl;
while (fin)
// Try to read next chunk of data
//, buffer_size);, buffer_size);
// Get the number of bytes actually read
size_t count = fin.gcount();
data = buffer;
//data = encode(data,key);
if(mode == "E")
data = encode(data,key);
if(mode == "D")
data = decode(data,key);
// If nothing has been read, break
if (!count)
// Do whatever you need with first count bytes in the buffer
// delete[] buffer;

Converting gray scale BMP to full color

I'm learning some basic image processing and using a gray scale BMP file to work some algorithms but I'd like to convert my code to put out color BMP files instead of gray scale. I'm using the EasyBMP library and have the following to read in and write to my BMP file:
bool Image::readFromBMPFile(const std::string & inputFileName){
bool success = true;
// use BMP object to read image
BMP inputImage;
success = inputImage.ReadFromFile(inputFileName.c_str() );
if( success ){
// allocate memory for image (deleting old, if exists)
m_numRows = inputImage.TellHeight();
m_numCols = inputImage.TellWidth();
if( m_pixels != NULL ){
// deallocate old memory
delete [] m_pixels;
m_pixels = new double[m_numRows * m_numCols];
// copy pixels
for( int r = 0; r < m_numRows; ++r ){
for( int c = 0; c < m_numCols; ++c ){
RGBApixel pixelVal = inputImage.GetPixel(c, r);
double val = (double) pixelVal.Blue + (double) pixelVal.Green + (double) pixelVal.Red;
val = (val / 3.0 + 0.5);
m_pixels[r * m_numCols + c] = val;
return success;
bool Image::writeToBMPFile(const std::string & outputFileName){
bool success = true;
if( m_pixels != NULL ){
// create bitmap image
BMP outputImage;
outputImage.SetSize(m_numCols, m_numRows);
outputImage.SetBitDepth( 24 );
double maxVal = m_pixels[0];
double minVal = m_pixels[0];
// Maximum and minimum values
for( int i = 1; i < m_numRows * m_numCols; ++i ){
if( m_pixels[i] > maxVal ){
maxVal = m_pixels[i];
if( m_pixels[i] <= minVal ){
minVal = m_pixels[i];
for( int r = 0; r < m_numRows; ++r ){
for( int c = 0; c < m_numCols; ++c ){
// get pixel value and clamp between 0 and 255
double val = 255.0 * (m_pixels[r * m_numCols + c] - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal);
if( val < 0 ){
val = 0;
if( val > 255 ){
val = 255;
// set output color based on mapping
RGBApixel pixelVal;
pixelVal.Blue = (int)val;
pixelVal.Green = (int)val;
pixelVal.Red = (int)val;
outputImage.SetPixel(c, r, pixelVal);
// write to file
success = outputImage.WriteToFile( outputFileName.c_str() );
} else {
success = false;
return success;
What kind of steps would I try to make my program compatible with RGB images?

2D Cellular Automata for tile based water

I have been trying to implement 2D tile based water into my game. I started out making the tiles appear on screen etc. I have a drawing function that draws each tile type.
The problem I'm having is that when I call this function the Tiles that are water don't change position. Which makes me believe that this code isn't functioning properly. This code is called on every loop. This should update the masses of all the water tiles. For some reason nothing is happening. The water is staying in its original positions.
My tiles are in a vector of the tile class is just
TileProp // the type of tile (GROUND,AIR,WATER)
void App::SimulateCompression()
float Flow = 0;
float remainingmass = 0;
int ID = 0;
//Calculate and apply flow for each block
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
//Skip inert ground blocks
if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;
//Custom push-only flow
Flow = 0;
remainingmass = TileList[ID].Mass;
if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;
//The block below this one
if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
Flow = GetStableWaterState(remainingmass + TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].Mass /*mass[x][y-1]*/) - TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].Mass;
if(Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5; /*leads to smoother flow*/}
int tempA = Min(MaxSpeed, remainingmass);
if(Flow > tempA){Flow = tempA;}
if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}
TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].NewMass += Flow;
remainingmass -= Flow;
if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;
if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X - 1),Y)].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
//Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
Flow = (TileList[ID].Mass - TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X - 1),Y)].Mass)/4;
if(Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5;}
if(Flow > remainingmass){Flow = remainingmass;}
if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}
TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X - 1),Y)].NewMass += Flow;
remainingmass -= Flow;
if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;
if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X + 1),Y)].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
//Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
Flow = (TileList[ID].Mass - TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X + 1),Y)].Mass)/4;
if(Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5;}
if(Flow > remainingmass){Flow = remainingmass;}
if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}
TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X + 1),Y)].NewMass += Flow;
remainingmass -= Flow;
if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;
//Up. Only compressed water flows upwards
if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y + 1))].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
Flow = remainingmass - GetStableWaterState(remainingmass + TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y + 1))].Mass);
if (Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5;}
int tempB = Min(MaxSpeed, remainingmass);
if(Flow > tempB){Flow = tempB;}
if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}
TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y + 1))].NewMass += Flow;
remainingmass -= Flow;
ID = 0;
//Copy the new mass values
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
for (int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
TileList[ID].Mass = TileList[ID].NewMass;
ID = 0;
for(int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
//Skip ground blocks
if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;
//Flag/unflag water blocks
if(TileList[ID].Mass > MinMass)
TileList[ID].TileProp = TILE_WATER;
TileList[ID].TileProp = TILE_AIR;
//Remove any water that has left the map
for(int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
TileList[X].Mass = 0;
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,MAP_HEIGHT - 1)].Mass = 0;
for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,0,Y)].Mass = 0;
TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(MAP_WIDTH - 1),Y)].Mass = 0;
Ok, so ID is going to 0 because after ID hits 34 It just leaves the two nested for loops... Why would it do that?
//Calculate and apply flow for each block
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
//Skip inert ground blocks
if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;
TileList[34] is probably a ground tile. At which point you hit that first if over and over (since you never get to the ID++ at the very end of the loop) until you have exhausted the for-loops.
Try this:
//Calculate and apply flow for each block
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
int ID = Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,Y));
//Skip inert ground blocks
if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;
Ok, this works on my system:
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// simple Eigen::Matrix work-alike
template< typename T >
class Matrix
Matrix( const size_t rows, const size_t cols )
: mStride( cols )
, mHeight( rows )
, mStorage( rows * cols )
T& operator()( const size_t row, const size_t col )
return mStorage[ row * mStride + col ];
const T& operator()( const size_t row, const size_t col ) const
return mStorage[ row * mStride + col ];
size_t rows() const { return mHeight; }
size_t cols() const { return mStride; }
vector< T > mStorage;
size_t mStride;
size_t mHeight;
struct Cell
enum Type{ AIR, GROUND, WATER };
: mType( AIR )
, mMass( 0 )
, mNewMass( 0 )
Type mType;
float mMass;
float mNewMass;
const float MaxMass = 1.0f;
const float MinMass = 0.0001f;
const float MaxCompress = 0.02f;
const float MaxSpeed = 1.0f;
const float MinFlow = 0.01f;
//Take an amount of water and calculate how it should be split among two
//vertically adjacent cells. Returns the amount of water that should be in
//the bottom cell.
float get_stable_state_b( float total_mass )
if ( total_mass <= 1 )
return 1;
else if ( total_mass < 2*MaxMass + MaxCompress )
return (MaxMass*MaxMass + total_mass*MaxCompress)/(MaxMass + MaxCompress);
return (total_mass + MaxCompress)/2;
template< typename T >
T constrain( const T& val, const T& minVal, const T& maxVal )
return max( minVal, min( val, maxVal ) );
typedef Matrix< Cell > State;
void stepState( State& cur )
for( size_t y = 1; y < cur.rows()-1; ++y )
for( size_t x = 1; x < cur.cols()-1; ++x )
Cell& center = cur( y, x );
// Skip inert ground blocks
if( center.mType == Cell::GROUND )
// Custom push-only flow
float Flow = 0;
float remaining_mass = center.mMass;
if( remaining_mass <= 0 )
// The block below this one
Cell& below = cur( y-1, x );
if( below.mType != Cell::GROUND )
Flow = get_stable_state_b( remaining_mass + below.mMass ) - below.mMass;
if( Flow > MinFlow )
//leads to smoother flow
Flow *= 0.5;
Flow = constrain( Flow, 0.0f, min(MaxSpeed, remaining_mass) );
center.mNewMass -= Flow;
below.mNewMass += Flow;
remaining_mass -= Flow;
if ( remaining_mass <= 0 )
// Left
Cell& left = cur( y, x-1 );
if ( left.mType != Cell::GROUND )
// Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
Flow = ( center.mMass - left.mMass ) / 4;
if ( Flow > MinFlow )
Flow *= 0.5;
Flow = constrain(Flow, 0.0f, remaining_mass);
center.mNewMass -= Flow;
left.mNewMass += Flow;
remaining_mass -= Flow;
if ( remaining_mass <= 0 )
// Right
Cell& right = cur( y, x+1 );
if ( right.mType != Cell::GROUND )
// Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
Flow = ( center.mMass - right.mMass ) / 4;
if ( Flow > MinFlow )
Flow *= 0.5;
Flow = constrain(Flow, 0.0f, remaining_mass);
center.mNewMass -= Flow;
right.mNewMass += Flow;
remaining_mass -= Flow;
if ( remaining_mass <= 0 )
// The block above this one
Cell& above = cur( y+1, x );
if( above.mType != Cell::GROUND )
Flow = remaining_mass - get_stable_state_b( remaining_mass + above.mMass );
if( Flow > MinFlow )
//leads to smoother flow
Flow *= 0.5;
Flow = constrain( Flow, 0.0f, min(MaxSpeed, remaining_mass) );
center.mNewMass -= Flow;
above.mNewMass += Flow;
remaining_mass -= Flow;
for( size_t y = 0; y < cur.rows(); ++y )
for( size_t x = 0; x < cur.cols(); ++x )
cur( y, x ).mMass = cur( y, x ).mNewMass;
for( size_t y = 0; y < cur.rows(); ++y )
for( size_t x = 0; x < cur.cols(); ++x )
Cell& center = cur( y, x );
if( center.mType == Cell::GROUND )
center.mMass = center.mNewMass = 0.0f;
if( center.mMass > MinMass )
center.mType = Cell::WATER;
center.mType = Cell::AIR;
center.mMass = 0.0f;
// Remove any water that has left the map
for( size_t x = 0; x < cur.cols(); ++x )
cur( 0, x ).mMass = 0;
cur( cur.rows()-1, x ).mMass = 0;
for( size_t y = 0; y < cur.rows(); ++y )
cur( y, 0 ).mMass = 0;
cur( y, cur.cols()-1 ).mMass = 0;
void showState( const State& state )
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT, GL_LINE );
glBegin( GL_QUADS );
glColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 );
for( size_t y = 0; y < state.rows(); ++y )
for( size_t x = 0; x < state.cols(); ++x )
glVertex2f( x+0, y+0 );
glVertex2f( x+1, y+0 );
glVertex2f( x+1, y+1 );
glVertex2f( x+0, y+1 );
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT, GL_FILL );
glBegin( GL_QUADS );
for( size_t y = 0; y < state.rows(); ++y )
for( size_t x = 0; x < state.cols(); ++x )
if( state( y, x ).mType == Cell::AIR )
float height = 1.0f;
if( state( y, x ).mType == Cell::GROUND )
glColor3ub( 152, 118, 84 );
glColor3ub( 0, 135, 189 );
height = min( 1.0f, state( y, x ).mMass );
glVertex2f( x+0, y );
glVertex2f( x+1, y );
glVertex2f( x+1, y + height );
glVertex2f( x+0, y + height );
State state( 20, 20 );
void mouse( int button, int button_state, int x, int y )
float pctX = (float)x / glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
float pctY = 1.0f - ( (float)y / glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) );
size_t cellX = pctX * state.cols();
size_t cellY = pctY * state.rows();
Cell& cur = state( cellY, cellX );
if( button_state == GLUT_UP )
if( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
cur.mType = ( cur.mType == Cell::GROUND ? Cell::AIR : Cell::GROUND );
cur.mMass = cur.mNewMass = 0.0f;
if( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
cur.mType = Cell::WATER;
cur.mMass = cur.mNewMass = 1.0f;
void display()
static bool firstTime = true;
if( firstTime )
firstTime = false;
for( size_t y = 0; y < state.rows(); ++y )
for( size_t x = 0; x < state.cols(); ++x )
state( y, x ).mType = (Cell::Type)( rand() % 3 );
state( y, x ).mMass = 1.0f;
state( y, x ).mNewMass = 1.0f;
glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glOrtho( 0, state.cols(), 0, state.rows(), -1, 1);
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
stepState( state );
showState( state );
void timer(int extra)
glutTimerFunc(16, timer, 0);
int main( int argc, char **argv )
glutInit( &argc, argv );
glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE );
glutInitWindowSize( 640, 480 );
glutCreateWindow( "Cells" );
glutDisplayFunc( display );
glutMouseFunc( mouse );
glutTimerFunc(0, timer, 0);
return 0;