I'm trying to write a function/subroutine which calculates binomial coefficients for large n and k (n choose k). A couple days ago I posted a subroutine which worked okay but with very slight decimal error. The problem seemed to be due to dividing very large numbers. Anyway, I thought it might be better to try a recursive algorithm as addition might not have this problem. Additionally, given the large numbers involved memorization would be necessary. Here is a function I wrote in the statistical language R, which seems to work pretty well,
mm <- matrix(0,100,100)
combo <- function (n,k) {
if (k==1) {
if (k==n) {
if (mm[n,k] != 0) {
if (k!=1 & n!=k) {
ans <<- combo(n-1,k) + combo(n-1,k-1)
mm[n,k] <<- ans
return(combo(n-1,k) + combo(n-1,k-1))
I need to be able to do the same thing in FORTRAN 95. Here is the recursive code without memorization, which works fine
program fctrecur
implicit none
integer (kind=8) i,j,combo
print*,"What is n?"
print*,"What is k?"
recursive function combo(n,k) result(cmb)
implicit none
integer (kind=8) n,k,cmb
if (k .EQ. n) then
cmb = 1
if (k .EQ. 1) then
cmb = n
if ((k .NE. 1) .AND. (k .NE. n)) then
cmb = combo(n-1,k-1) + combo(n-1,k)
end function
My question is...can the above FORTRAN program be modified to incorporate memorization? I have tried to mimic the R function but nothing seems to work. Thanks, Jerry
The module suggestion from Vladimir F works very well...but I can't get it to work as an internal function. Here's the code
program fctrecur
implicit none
integer, parameter :: iknd = selected_int_kind(18)
integer(kind=iknd) :: mm(100,100)
integer (kind=iknd) i,j,combo
print*,"What is n?"
print*,"What is k?"
recursive function combo(n,k) result(cmb)
integer, parameter :: iknd = selected_int_kind(18)
integer(kind=iknd) :: cmb
integer(kind=iknd), intent(in) :: n,k
if (k == n) then
cmb = 1
else if (k == 1) then
cmb = n
else if (mm(n,k) /=0) then
cmb = mm(n,k)
else if ((k /= 1) .and. (k /= n)) then
cmb = combo(n-1,k-1) + combo(n-1,k)
mm(n,k) = cmb
end if
end function
which gives the following error
"The left hand side of an assignment statement must be a variable or a function result" for the line
mm(n,k) = cmb. Even if I declare the array mm within the function it doesn't work (it works, but ignores the memoization, "mm(n,k)=cmb"
I figured it out...
program fctrecur
implicit none
integer i,j,mm(50,50)
print*,"What is n?"
print*,"What is k?"
recursive function combo(n,k) result(cmb)
implicit none
integer cmb
integer, intent(in) :: n,k
if (k == n) then
cmb = 1
else if (k == 1) then
cmb = n
else if (mm(n,k) /=0) then
cmb = mm(n,k)
else if ((k /= 1) .and. (k /= n)) then
cmb = combo(n-1,k-1) + combo(n-1,k)
mm(n,k) = cmb
end if
end function
end program
I just used regular INTEGER for now...will adjust to allow much larger n and k.
Here is the final code that works well for quite large n and k
main program
program fctrecur
use binom
implicit none
integer i,j
print *, "What is n?"
read *, i
mm = 0.D0
print *, "What is k?"
read *, j
print *,combo(i,j)
module binom
implicit none
integer, parameter :: iknd = selected_real_kind(31)
real(iknd), allocatable :: mm(:,:)
recursive function combo(n,k) result(cmb)
real (kind=iknd) :: cmb
integer, intent(in) :: n,k
if (k == n) then
cmb = real(1,16)
else if (k == 1) then
cmb = real(n,16)
else if (mm(n,k) /=0) then
cmb = mm(n,k)
else if ((k /= 1) .and. (k /= n)) then
cmb = combo(n-1,k-1) + combo(n-1,k)
mm(n,k) = cmb
end if
end function
end module
There is a pretty serious error in your R code. You are computing everything twice (although the memoization helps here)!
You should use:
ans <<- combo(n-1,k) + combo(n-1,k-1)
mm[n,k] <<- ans
This how it looks in Fortran. It is a completely straightforward translation.
module binom
implicit none
integer, parameter :: iknd = selected_int_kind(36)
! 36 is necessary for very large n and k, integer(kind=8) wasn't enough!
integer(iknd) :: mm(100,100)
recursive function combo(n,k) result(cmb)
integer(kind=iknd) :: cmb
integer(kind=iknd), intent(in) :: n,k
if (k == n) then
cmb = 1
else if (k == 1) then
cmb = n
else if (mm(n,k) /=0) then
cmb = mm(n,k)
else if ((k /= 1) .and. (k /= n)) then
cmb = combo(n-1,k-1) + combo(n-1,k)
mm(n,k) = cmb
end if
end function
end module
program fctrecur
use binom
implicit none
integer(kind=iknd) i,j
print *, "What is n?"
read *, i
print *, "What is k?"
read *, j
print *,combo(i,j)
print *,combo(i,j)
Notice the function is in a module, you could also define it internal to the program and move the array mm to the main program. External functions are remnants of the past and are not preferred for new code. Internal and module procedures receive an "explicit interface" which helps to find errors and enables many advanced passing mechanisms.
In the final code you want the array allocatable and you want to make sure you do not exceed the bounds, but you do not do that in R either, so I left out that for you.
Notice the selected_int_kind to define the kind in a portable way, kind=8 is not portable and is strongly discouraged. In your case kind=8 was actually too low to allow large n close to 100.
You can use the much more readable operators == and /=.
Notice that the structure of the conditionals should be done using else if because you do not have any immediate return statements in the individual branches.
Generally, I would recommend you to read some good modern Fortran tutorial.
Is there a way to expand a binomial expression with either a plus or minus sign between the two terms? e.g. (x+y)^3 ; (x-y)^5
I did
program binom
implicit none
integer :: nth = 5, i, pow1, pow2, comb
character(100) :: strpow1, strpow2, comb1, var1='x', var2='y'
do i=0, nth
write(strpow1,'(i10)') pow1
write(strpow2,'(i10)') pow2
write(comb1,'(i10)') comb
write(*,'(7a)') comb1, var1,"^",strpow1,var2,"^",strpow2
end do
integer function cnr(n,r)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n,r
integer :: i, ans
integer :: large, small
if ((n-r) > r) then
large = n - r
small = r
large = r
small = n - r
end if
ans = 1
do i = large+1, n
ans = ans*i
end do
do i = 2, small
ans = ans/i
end do
cnr = ans
end function cnr
end program binom
It wasn't the right code at all. Btw, the code inside the function was given to us.
Consider the following code:
program example
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n_coeffs = 1000
integer, parameter :: n_indices = 5
integer :: i
real(8), dimension(n_coeffs) :: coeff
integer, dimension(n_coeffs,n_indices) :: index
do i = 1, n_coeffs
coeff(i) = real(i*3,8)
index(i,:) = [2,4,8,16,32]*i
end do
For any 5 dimensional index I need to obtain the associated coefficient, without knowing or calculating i. For instance, given [2,4,8,16,32] I need to obtain 3.0 without computing i.
Is there a reasonable solution, perhaps using sparse matrices, that would work for n_indices in the order of 100 (though n_coeffs still in the order of 1000)?
A Bad Solution
One solution would be to define a 5 dimensional array as in
real(8), dimension(2000,4000,8000,16000,32000) :: coeff2
do i = 1, ncoeffs
coeff2(index(i,1),index(i,2),index(i,3),index(i,4),index(i,5)) = coeff(i)
end do
then, to get the coefficient associated with [2,4,8,16,32], call
However, besides being very wasteful of memory, this solution would not allow n_indices to be set to a number higher than 7 given the limit of 7 dimensions to an array.
OBS: This question is a spin-off of this one. I have tried to ask the question more precisely having failed in the first attempt, an effort that greatly benefited from the answer of #Rodrigo_Rodrigues.
Actual Code
In case it helps here is the code for the actual problem I am trying to solve. It is an adaptive sparse grid method for approximating a function. The main goal is to make the interpolation at the and as fast as possible:
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: d = 2 ! number of dimensions
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: L_0 = 4 ! after this adaptive grid kicks in, for L <= L_0 usual sparse grid
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: L_max = 9 ! maximum level
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: bound = 0 ! 0 -> for f = 0 at boundary
! 1 -> adding grid points at boundary
! 2 -> extrapolating close to boundary
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_error = 1
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: L2_error = 1
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: testing_sample = 1000000
REAL(8), PARAMETER :: eps = 0.01D0 ! epsilon for adaptive grid
INTEGER, DIMENSION(d,d) :: ident
REAL(8), DIMENSION(d) :: xd
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: grid_index, temp_grid_index, grid_index_new, J_index
REAL(8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: coeff, temp_coeff, J_coeff
REAL(8) :: temp_min, temp_max, V, T, B, F, x1
INTEGER :: k, k_1, k_2, h, i, j, L, n, dd, L1, L2, dsize, count, first, repeated, add, ind
INTEGER :: time1, time2, clock_rate, clock_max
REAL(8), DIMENSION(L_max,L_max,2**(L_max),2**(L_max)) :: coeff_grid
INTEGER, DIMENSION(d) :: level, LL, ii
REAL(8), DIMENSION(testing_sample,d) :: x_rand
REAL(8), DIMENSION(testing_sample) :: interp1, interp2
! ============================================================================
! ============================================================================
ident = 0
DO i = 1,d
ident(i,i) = 1
! Initial grid point
dsize = 1
grid_index(1,:) = 1
grid_index_new = grid_index
xd = (/ 0.5D0, 0.5D0 /)
CALL FF(xd,coeff(1))
CALL FF(xd,coeff_grid(1,1,1,1))
L = 1
n = SIZE(grid_index_new,1)
CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK (time1,clock_rate,clock_max)
DO WHILE (L .LT. L_max)
L = L+1
n = SIZE(grid_index_new,1)
count = 0
first = 1
J_index = 0
J_coeff = 0.0D0
DO k = 1,n
DO i = 1,d
DO j = 1,2
IF ((bound .EQ. 0) .OR. (bound .EQ. 2)) THEN
temp = grid_index_new(k,:)+(/ident(i,:),ident(i,:)*(grid_index_new(k,d+i)-(-1)**j)/)
ELSEIF (bound .EQ. 1) THEN
IF (grid_index_new(k,i) .EQ. 1) THEN
temp = grid_index_new(k,:)+(/ident(i,:),ident(i,:)*(-(-1)**j)/)
temp = grid_index_new(k,:)+(/ident(i,:),ident(i,:)*(grid_index_new(k,d+i)-(-1)**j)/)
CALL XX(d,temp(1:d),temp(d+1:2*d),xd)
temp_min = MINVAL(xd)
temp_max = MAXVAL(xd)
IF ((temp_min .GE. 0.0D0) .AND. (temp_max .LE. 1.0D0)) THEN
IF (first .EQ. 1) THEN
first = 0
count = count+1
J_index(count,:) = temp
V = 0.0D0
DO k_1 = 1,SIZE(grid_index,1)
T = 1.0D0
DO k_2 = 1,d
CALL XX(1,temp(k_2),temp(d+k_2),x1)
CALL BASE(x1,grid_index(k_1,k_2),grid_index(k_1,k_2+d),B)
T = T*B
V = V+coeff(k_1)*T
J_coeff(count) = F-V
repeated = 0
DO h = 1,count
IF (SUM(ABS(J_index(h,:)-temp)) .EQ. 0) THEN
repeated = 1
IF (repeated .EQ. 0) THEN
count = count+1
J_index(count,:) = temp
V = 0.0D0
DO k_1 = 1,SIZE(grid_index,1)
T = 1.0D0
DO k_2 = 1,d
CALL XX(1,temp(k_2),temp(d+k_2),x1)
CALL BASE(x1,grid_index(k_1,k_2),grid_index(k_1,k_2+d),B)
T = T*B
V = V+coeff(k_1)*T
J_coeff(count) = F-V
temp_grid_index = grid_index
temp_coeff = coeff
grid_index(1:dsize,:) = temp_grid_index
coeff(1:dsize) = temp_coeff
grid_index(dsize+1:dsize+count,:) = J_index(1:count,:)
coeff(dsize+1:dsize+count) = J_coeff(1:count)
dsize = dsize + count
DO i = 1,count
coeff_grid(J_index(i,1),J_index(i,2),J_index(i,3),J_index(i,4)) = J_coeff(i)
IF (L .LE. L_0) THEN
grid_index_new = J_index(1:count,:)
add = 0
DO h = 1,count
IF (ABS(J_coeff(h)) .GT. eps) THEN
add = add + 1
J_index(add,:) = J_index(h,:)
grid_index_new = J_index(1:add,:)
CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK (time2,clock_rate,clock_max)
PRINT *, 'Elapsed real time1 = ', DBLE(time2-time1)/DBLE(clock_rate)
PRINT *, 'Grid Points = ', SIZE(grid_index,1)
! ============================================================================
! Compute interpolated values:
! ============================================================================
CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK (time1,clock_rate,clock_max)
DO i = 1,testing_sample
V = 0.0D0
DO L1=1,L_max
DO L2=1,L_max
IF (L1+L2 .LE. L_max+1) THEN
level = (/L1,L2/)
T = 1.0D0
DO dd = 1,d
T = T*(1.0D0-ABS(x_rand(i,dd)/2.0D0**(-DBLE(level(dd)))-DBLE(2*FLOOR(x_rand(i,dd)*2.0D0**DBLE(level(dd)-1))+1)))
V = V + coeff_grid(L1,L2,2*FLOOR(x_rand(i,1)*2.0D0**DBLE(L1-1))+1,2*FLOOR(x_rand(i,2)*2.0D0**DBLE(L2-1))+1)*T
interp2(i) = V
CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK (time2,clock_rate,clock_max)
PRINT *, 'Elapsed real time2 = ', DBLE(time2-time1)/DBLE(clock_rate)
For any 5 dimensional index I need to obtain the associated
coefficient, without knowing or calculating i. For instance, given
[2,4,8,16,32] I need to obtain 3.0 without computing i.
function findloc_vector(matrix, vector) result(out)
integer, intent(in) :: matrix(:, :)
integer, intent(in) :: vector(size(matrix, dim=2))
integer :: out, i
do i = 1, size(matrix, dim=1)
if (all(matrix(i, :) == vector)) then
out = i
end if
end do
stop "No match for this vector"
And that's how you use it:
print*, coeff(findloc_vector(index, [2,4,8,16,32])) ! outputs 3.0
I must confess I was reluctant to post this code because, even though this answers your question, I honestly think this is not what you really want/need, but you dind't provide enough information for me to know what you really do want/need.
Edit (After actual code from OP):
If I decrypted your code correctly (and considering what you said in your previous question), you are declaring:
REAL(8), DIMENSION(L_max,L_max,2**(L_max),2**(L_max)) :: coeff_grid
(where L_max = 9, so size(coeff_grid) = 21233664 =~160MB) and then populating it with:
DO i = 1,count
coeff_grid(J_index(i,1),J_index(i,2),J_index(i,3),J_index(i,4)) = J_coeff(i)
(where count is of the order of 1000, i.e. 0.005% of its elements), so this way you can fetch the values by its 4 indices with the array notation.
Please, don't do that. You don't need a sparse matrix in this case either. The new approach you proposed is much better: storing the indices in each row of an smaller array, and fetching on the array of coefficients by the corresponding location of those indices in its own array. This is way faster (avoiding the large allocation) and much more memory-efficient.
PS: Is it mandatory for you to stick to Fortran 90? Its a very old version of the standard and chances are that the compiler you're using implements a more recent version. You could improve the quality of your code a lot with the intrinsic move_alloc (for less array copies), the kind constants from the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env (for portability), the [], >, <, <=,... notation (for readability)...
So far my code is working properly except I am now getting a compiler error error like this:
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2)
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
Here is my code:
program cardata
implicit none
real, dimension(291) :: x
double precision date, odometer, fuel
real :: std=0
real :: xbar=0
open(unit=10, file="car.dat", FOrm="FORMATTED", STATUS="OLD", ACTION="READ")
read(10,*) N
do I=1,N
read(10,*) x(I)
xbar= xbar +x(I)
xbar = xbar/N
DO I =1,N
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2
std = SQRT((std / (N - 1)))
print*, 'std deviation:',std
end program cardata
I am fairly new to this, any input will be greatly appreciated.
Count the parentheses.
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2)
There are three of these: (
There are four of these: )
Since this is likely a course I will help you how to debug.
Basically start with some write statements... Check your answers...
program cardata
implicit none
read(10,*) N
WRITE(*,*)' I read N as ',N
WRITE(*,*)'XBar starts as ', Xbar
do I=1,N
! was XBAr ever set to start at 0!
xbar= xbar +x(I)
WRITE(*,*)'Syd starts as ',Std
DO I =1,N
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2
WRITE(*,*)'Std starts is now ',Std,' and n =',N
! What do we do if N=1 or is Std is negative?
WRITE(*,*)'SQRT(Std)=', SQRT(Std)
std = SQRT((std / (N - 1)))
At some point You will determine that X is a column, and it is the first column. What is the second column? Y?
implicit none
character*20 fflname,oflname
integer length_sgnl
real*8 pi, dt, m, n, theta
parameter ( length_sgnl=11900, dt=0.01d0, m=1, n=1, pi=3.1416
& ,theta=0.2 )
integer i
complex*16 cj, coeff ,sgnl(1 : length_sgnl)
real*8 t(1 : length_sgnl)
parameter ( cj = dcmplx(0, 1) )
real*8 time, real_sgnl, imag_sgnl
open(11, file = oflname)
do i=1, length_sgnl
read(11, *) time, real_sgnl, imag_sgnl
sgnl(i) = dcmplx(real_sgnl, imag_sgnl)
t(i) = (i*dt - m) / (2**n)
coeff = 0
do i=1, length_sgnl
coeff = coeff
& + sgnl(i) * sinc (t(i)) * exp (-cj*2*pi*t(i))
do i=1, length_sgnl
sgnl(i) = sgnl(i)
& - coeff * sinc (t(i)) * exp (-cj*2*pi*t(i))
& + coeff * sinc (t(i)) * exp (-cj*2*pi*t(i))
& * exp (cj*theta)
open(12, file = fflname)
do i=1, length_sgnl
write(12, *) i*dt, sgnl(i)
real*8 function sinc (a)
real*8 :: sinc, a
if (abs(a) < 1.0d-6) then
sinc = 1
sinc = sin(pi*a) / (pi*a)
end if
end function
At the last part of a sub-defined function sinc, I assume the problem is there but I am not sure what it is exactly. The gfortran noticed that I did not define sinc and a, and the "end function" should be "end program"?
I have tried to update your program into standards-compliant modern Fortran:
program sinctest
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
! Declare parameters
integer, parameter :: length_sgnl=11900
real(real64), parameter :: pi=3.1416, dt=0.01, m=1, n=1, theta=0.2
complex(real64), parameter :: cj = cmplx(0, 1)
! Declare variables
character(len=20) :: fflname, oflname
complex(real64) :: coeff, sgnl(length_sgnl)
real(real64) :: time, real_sgnl, imag_sgnl, t(length_sgnl)
integer :: i, ofl, ffl
! Define filenames
! Read the input file
open(newunit = ofl, file = oflname)
do i=1, length_sgnl
read(ofl, *) time, real_sgnl, imag_sgnl
sgnl(i) = cmplx(real_sgnl, imag_sgnl, kind=real64)
t(i) = (i*dt - m) / (2**n)
end do
! Process the input signal
coeff = 0
do i=1, length_sgnl
coeff = coeff &
+ sgnl(i) * sinc(t(i)) * exp(-cj*2*pi*t(i))
end do
do i=1, length_sgnl
sgnl(i) = sgnl(i) &
- coeff * sinc(t(i)) * exp(-cj*2*pi*t(i)) &
+ coeff * sinc(t(i)) * exp(-cj*2*pi*t(i)) &
* exp(cj*theta)
end do
! Save the output file
open(newunit = ffl, file = fflname)
do i=1, length_sgnl
write(ffl, *) i*dt, sgnl(i)
pure function sinc(a) result(r)
! This function calculates sinc(a)=sin(pi*a)/(pi*a).
real(real64), intent(in) :: a
real(real64) :: r
if (abs(a) < 1.0e-6) then
r = 1
r = sin(pi*a) / (pi*a)
end if
end function
end program
To compile it using e.g. GFortran:
gfortran -std=f2008 -ffree-form sinctest.f
These are the syntax errors that I fixed:
Added a contains section before defining your sinc-function;
Moved your continuation characters (&) from the beginning of a continued line to the end of the previous line;
These are not required changes, just merely style suggestions:
Used the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env to get the real64 variable, which lets you define variables as real(real64) instead of real*8, as the former is portable while the latter is not;
Merged the specification of the variable type (e.g. real) and parameter into a single lines;
Used the Fortran2008 newunit argument to open instead of hard-coding in unit numbers, as this saves you some headache if you write large programs and have a modern compiler;
Made sure that you close the input file as well;
Declared your sinc-function to be pure, as it has no side-effects;
Used the result notation for your sinc-function, so that you don't have to specify the type real*8 in front of the function name;
Rewrote the program in the form program...end program instead of ...stop end.
I also wanted to note that using modern Fortran, the math itself can be written considerably more consise using 'array notation' and 'elemental functions'. For instance, if you define your sinc-function:
elemental function sinc(a) result(r)
! This function calculates sinc(a)=sin(pi*a)/(pi*a).
real(real64), intent(in) :: a
real(real64) :: r
if (abs(a) < 1.0e-6) then
r = 1
r = sin(pi*a) / (pi*a)
end if
end function
Then the elemental keyword says that if you apply the sinc-function to an array, it should return a new array where the sinc-function has been evaluated for each element. So this piece of code:
coeff = 0
do i=1, length_sgnl
coeff = coeff &
+ sgnl(i) * sinc(t(i)) * exp(-cj*2*pi*t(i))
end do
Can then actually be written as a one-liner:
coeff = sum(sgnl * sinc(t) * exp(-2*pi*cj*t))
So I would highly recommend that you look into the modern array notation too :).
Tried to emphasize what changes are relevant to fixing errors, and what changes are just style suggestions (thanks Vladimir F).
so reading the following question (Correct use of FORTRAN INTENT() for large arrays) I learned that defining a variable with intent(in) isn't enough, since when the variable is passed to another subroutine/function, it can be changed again. So how can I avoid this? In the original thread they talked about putting the subroutine into a module, but that doesn't help for me. For example I want to calculate the determinant of a matrix with a LU-factorization. Therefore I use the Lapack function zgetrf, but however this function alters my input matrix and the compiler don't displays any warnings. So what can I do?
module matHelper
implicit none
subroutine initMat(AA)
real*8 :: u
double complex, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: AA
integer :: row, col, counter
counter = 1
do row=1,size(AA,1)
do col=1,size(AA,2)
AA(row,col)=cmplx(counter ,0)
end do
end do
end subroutine initMat
!subroutine to write a Matrix to file
!Input: AA - double complex matrix
! fid - integer file id
! fname - file name
! stat - integer status =replace[0] or old[1]
subroutine writeMat(AA,fid, fname, stat)
integer :: fid, stat
character(len=*) :: fname
double complex, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: AA
integer :: row, col
character (len=64) :: fmtString
!opening file with given options
if(fid /= 0) then
if(stat == 0) then
open(unit=fid, file=fname, status='replace', &
else if(stat ==1) then
open(unit=fid, file=fname, status='old', &
print*, 'Error while trying to open file with Id', fid
end if
end if
!initializing matrix print format
write(fmtString,'(I0)') size(aa,2)
fmtString = '('// trim(fmtString) //'("{",ES10.3, ",", 1X, ES10.3,"}",:,1X))'
!write(*,*) fmtString
!writing matrix to file by iterating through each row
do row=1,size(aa,1)
write(fid,fmt = fmtString) AA(row,:)
write(fid,*) ''
end subroutine writeMat
!function to calculate the determinant of the input
!Input: AA - double complex matrix
!Output determinantMat - double complex,
! 0 if AA not a square matrix
function determinantMat(AA)
double complex, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: AA
double complex :: determinantMat
integer, dimension(min(size(AA,1),size(AA,2)))&
:: ipiv
integer :: ii, info
!check if not square matrix, then set determinant to 0
if(size(AA,1)/= size(AA,2)) then
determinantMat = 0
end if
!compute LU facotirzation with LAPACK function
call zgetrf(size(AA,1),size(AA,2), AA,size(AA,1), ipiv,info)
if(info /= 0) then
determinantMat = cmplx(0.D0, 0.D0)
end if
determinantMat = cmplx(1.D0, 0.D0)
!determinant of triangular matrix is product of diagonal elements
do ii=1,size(AA,1)
if(ipiv(ii) /= ii) then
!a permutation was done, so a factor of -1
determinantMat = -determinantMat *AA(ii,ii)
!no permutation, so no -1
determinantMat = determinantMat*AA(ii,ii)
end if
end do
end function determinantMat
end module matHelper
!module which stores matrix elements, dimension, trace, determinant
program test
use matHelper
implicit none
double complex, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: AA, BB
integer :: n, fid
fid = 0;
call initMat(AA)
call writeMat(AA,0,' ', 0)
print*, 'Determinante: ',determinantMat(AA) !changes AA
call writeMat(AA,0, ' ', 0)
end program test
PS: I am using the ifort compiler v15.0.3 20150407
I do not have ifort at home, but you may want to try compiling with '-check interfaces' and maybe with '-ipo'. You may need the path to 'zgetrf' for the '-check interfaces' to work, and if that is not source then it may not help.
If you declare 'function determinantMat' as 'PURE FUNCTION determinantMat' then I am pretty sure it would complain because 'zgetrf' is not known to be PURE nor ELEMENTAL. Try ^this stuff^ first.
If LAPACK has a module, then zgetrf could be known to be, or not be, PURE/ELEMENTAL. https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/blas-and-lapack-fortran95-mod-files
I would suggest you add to your compile line:
-check interfaces -ipo
During initial build I like (Take it out for speed once it works):
-check all -warn all
Making a temporary array is one way around it. (I have not compiled this, so it is only a conceptual exemplar.)
PURE FUNCTION determinantMat(AA)
USE LAPACK95 !--New Line--!
IMPLICIT NONE !--New Line--!
double complex, dimension(:,:) , intent(IN ) :: AA
double complex :: determinantMat !<- output
integer, dimension(min(size(AA,1),size(AA,2))) :: ipiv
!!--Next line is new--
double complex, dimension(size(AA,1),size(AA,2)) :: AA_Temp !!<- I have no idea if this will work, you may need an allocatable??
integer :: ii, info
!check if not square matrix, then set determinant to 0
if(size(AA,1)/= size(AA,2)) then
determinantMat = 0
end if
!compute LU factorization with LAPACK function
!!--Next line is new--
AA_Temp = AA !--Initialise AA_Temp to be the same as AA--!
call zgetrf(size(AA_temp,1),size(AA_Temp,2), AA_Temp,size(AA_Temp,1), ipiv,info)
if(info /= 0) then
determinantMat = cmplx(0.D0, 0.D0)
end if
determinantMat = cmplx(1.D0, 0.D0)
!determinant of triangular matrix is product of diagonal elements
do ii=1,size(AA_Temp,1)
if(ipiv(ii) /= ii) then
!a permutation was done, so a factor of -1
determinantMat = -determinantMat *AA_Temp(ii,ii)
!no permutation, so no -1
determinantMat = determinantMat*AA_Temp(ii,ii)
end if
end do
end function determinantMat
With the 'USE LAPACK95' you probably do not need PURE, but if you wanted it to be PURE then you want to explicitly say so.