How to scan many RRD files fast - rrdtool

I need to compare two sets of RRD files (few millions) that should be the same, but possibly are not. How to scan them as fast as possible? Its enough for me to obtain information produced by
rrdtool info
command. Currently on my disks this operation takes a day.
I develop in Python. Probably taking the first few structures of RRD binary file and generate MD5SUM for it could narrow the number of files I need to compare completely with rrdtool info. The problem is how to find how many bytes to read from the file to make the check valuable.

have a look at rrd_format.h ... the interesting bits regarding the structure of the rrd files are all at the beginning of the file.
Using the python bindings for rrdtool info instead of calling the command (if you are not already doing that) should speed things up.
On the other hand, if you have two rrd files, created with the same parameters, but then updated with different values, could still have the same header. So just comparing the headers could be misleading unless you did not mention some additional info you have, like unique DS names or something like that.


How to check if content of webpage has been changed?

Basically I'm trying to run some code (Python 2.7) if the content on a website changes, otherwise wait for a bit and check it later.
I'm thinking of comparing hashes, the problem with this is that if the page has changed a single byte or character, the hash would be different. So for example if the page display the current date on the page, every single time the hash would be different and tell me that the content has been updated.
So... How would you do this? Would you look at the Kb size of the HTML? Would you look at the string length and check if for example the length has changed more than 5%, the content has been "changed"? Or is there some kind of hashing algorithm where the hashes stay the same if only small parts of the string/content has been changed?
About last-modified - unfortunately not all servers return this date correctly. I think it is not reliable solution. I think better way - combine hash and content length solution. Check hash, and if it changed - check string length.
There is no universal solution.
Use If-modifed-since or HEAD when possible (usually ignored by dynamic pages)
Use RSS when possible.
Extract last modification stamp in site-specific way (news sites have publication dates for each article, easily extractable via XPATH)
Only hash interesting elements of page (build site-specific model) excluding volatile parts
Hash whole content (useless for dynamic pages)
Safest solution:
download the content and create a hash checksum using SHA512 hash of content, keep it in the db and compare it each time.
Pros: You are not dependent to any Server headers and will detect any modifications.
Cons: Too much bandwidth usage. You have to download all the content every time.
Using Head
Request page using HEAD verb and check the Header Tags:
Last-Modified: Server should provide last time page generated or Modified.
ETag: A checksum-like value which is defined by server and should change as soon as content changed.
Pros: Much less bandwidth usage and very quick update.
Cons: Not all servers provides and obey following guidelines. Need to get real resource using GET request if you find data is need to fetch
Using GET
Request page using GET verb and using conditional Header Tags:
* If-Modified-Since: Server will check if resource modified since following time and return content or return 304 Not Modified
Pros: Still Using less bandwidth, Single trip to receive data.
Cons: Again not all resource support this header.
Finally, maybe mix of above solution is optimum way for doing such action.
If you're trying to make a tool that can be applied to arbitrary sites, then you could still start by getting it working for a few specific ones - downloading them repeatedly and identifying exact differences you'd like to ignore, trying to deal with the issues reasonably generically without ignoring meaningful differences. Such a quick hands-on sampling should give you much more concrete ideas about the challenge you face. Whatever solution you attempt, test it against increasing numbers of sites and tweak as you go.
Would you look at the Kb size of the HTML? Would you look at the string length and check if for example the length has changed more than 5%, the content has been "changed"?
That's incredibly rough, and I'd avoid that if at all possible. But, you do need to weigh up the costs of mistakenly deeming a page unchanged vs. mistakenly deeming it changed.
Or is there some kind of hashing algorithm where the hashes stay the same if only small parts of the string/content has been changed?
You can make such a "hash", but it's very hard to tune the sensitivity to meaningful change in the document. Anyway, as an example: you could sort the 256 possible byte values by their frequency in the document and consider that a 2k hash: you can later do a "diff" to see how much that byte value ordering's changed in a later download. (To save memory, you might get away with doing just the printable ASCII values, or even just letters after standardising capitalisation).
An alternative is to generate a set of hashes for different slices of the document: e.g. dividing it into header vs. body, body by heading levels then paragraphs, until you've got at least a desired level of granularity (e.g. 30 slices). You can then say that if only 2 slices of 30 have changed you'll consider the document the same.
You might also try replacing certain types of content before hashing - e.g. use regular expression matching to replace times with "<time>".
You could also do things like lower the tolerance to change more as the time since you last processed the page increases, which could lessen or cap the "cost" of mistakenly deeming it unchanged.
Hope this helps.
store the html files -- two versions..
one was the html which was taken before an hour. -- first.html
second is the html which was taken now -- second.html
Run the command :
$ diff first.html second.html > diffs.txt
If the diffs has some text then the file is changed.
Use git, which has excellent reporting capabilities on what has changed between two states of a file; plus you won't eat up disk space as git manages the deltas for you.
You can even tell git to ignore "trivial" changes, such as adding and removing of whitespace characters to further optimize the search.
Practically what this comes down to is parsing the output of git diff -b --numstat HEAD HEAD^; which roughly translates to "find me what has changed in all the files, ignoring any whitespace changes, between the current state, and the previous state"; which will result in output like this:
2 37 en/index.html
2 insertions were made, 37 deletions were made to en/index.html
Next you'll have to do some experimentation to find a "threshold" at which you would consider a change significant in order to process the files further; this will take time as you will have to train the system (you can also automate this part, but that is another topic all together).
Unless you have a very good reason to do so - don't use your traditional, relational database as a file system. Let the operating system take care of files, which its very good at (something a relational database is not designed to manage).
You should do an HTTP HEAD request (so you don't download the file) and look at the "Last-modified" header in the response.
import requests
response = requests.head(url)
datetime_str = response.headers["last-modified"]
And keep checking if that field changes in a while loop and compare the datetime difference.
I did a little program on Python to do that:

How to read/restore big data file (SEGY format) with C/C++?

I am working on a project which needs to deal with large seismic data of SEGY format (from several GB to TB). This data represents the 3D underground structure.
Data structure is like:
1st tract, 2,3,5,3,5,....,6
2nd tract, 5,6,5,3,2,....,3
3rd tract, 7,4,5,3,1,....,8
What I want to ask is, in order to read and deal with the data fast, do I have to convert the data into another form? Or it's better to read from the original SEGY file? And is there any existing C package to do that?
If you need to access it multiple times and
if you need to access it randomly and
if you need to access it fast
then load it to a database once.
Do not reinvent the wheel.
When dealing of data of that size, you may not want to convert it into another form unless you have to - though some software does do just that. I found a list of free geophysics software on Wikipedia that look promising; many are open source and read/write SEGY files.
Since you are a newbie to programming, you may want to consider if the Python library segpy suits your needs rather than a C/C++ option.
Several GB is rathe medium, if we are toking about poststack.
You may use segy and convert on the fly, you may invent your own format. It depends whot you needed to do. Without changing segy format it's enough to createing indexes to traces. If segy is saved as inlines - it's faster access throug inlines, although crossline access is not very bad.
If it is 3d seismic, the best way to have the same quick access to all inlines/crosslines is to have own format - based od beans, e.g 8x8 traces - loading all beans and selecting tarces access time may be very quick - 2-3 secends. Or you may use SSD disk, or 2,5x RAM as your SEGY.
To quickly access timeslices you have 2 ways - 3D beans or second file stored as timeslices (the quickes way). I did same kind of that 10 years ago - access time to 12 GB SEGY was acceptable - 2-3 seconds in all 3 directions.
SEGY in database? Wow ... ;)
The answer depends upon the type of data you need to extract from the SEG-Y file.
If you need to extract only the headers (Text header, Binary header, Extended Textual File headers and Trace headers) then they can be easily extracted from the SEG-Y file by opening the file as binary and extracting relevant information from the respective locations as mentioned in the data exchange formats (rev2). The extraction might depend upon the type of data (Post-stack or Pre-stack). Also some headers might require conversions from one format to another (e.g Text Headers are mostly encoded in EBCDIC format). The complete details about the byte locations and encoding formats can be read from the above documentation
The extraction of trace data is a bit tricky and depends upon various factors like the encoding, whether the no. of trace samples is mentioned in the trace headers, etc. A careful reading of the documentation and getting to know about the type of SEG data you are working on will surely make this task a lot easier.
Since you are working with the extracted data, I would recommend to use already existing libraries (segpy: one of the best python library I came across). There are also numerous free available SEG-Y readers, a very nice list has already been mentioned by Daniel Waechter; you can choose any one of them that suits your requirements and the type file format supported.
I recently tried to do something same using C++ (Although it has only been tested on post-stack data). The project can be found here.

Structure for storing data from thousands of files on a mobile device

I have more than 32000 binary files that store a certain kind of spatial data. I access the data by file name. The files range in size from 0-400kb. I need to be able to access the content of these files randomly and at various time points. I don't like the idea of having 32000+ separate files of data installed on a mobile device (even though the total file size is < 100mb). I want to merge the files into a single structure that will still let me access the data I need just as quickly. I'd like suggestions as to what the best way to do this is. Any suggestions should have C/C++ libs for accessing the data and should have a liberal license that allows inclusion in commercial, closed-source applications without any issue.
The only thing I've thought of so far is storing everything in an sqlite database, though I'm not sure if this is the best method, or what considerations I need to take into account for storing blob data with quick look up times (ie, what schema I'd use).
Why not roll your own?
Your requirements sound pretty simple and straight forward. Just bundle everything into a single binary file and add an index at the beginning telling which file starts where and how bit it is.
30 lines of C++ code max. Invest a good 10 minutes designing a good interface for it so you could replace the implementation when and if the need occurs.
That is of course if the data is read only. If you need to change it as you go, it gets hairy fast.

Creating metadata for binary file

I have a binary file I'm creating in C++, I'm tasked to create a metadata format to describe the data that it can be read in Java using the metadata.
One record in the data file has Time, then 64 bytes of data, then a CRC, then a new line delimiter. How should the metadata look to describe what is in the 64 bytes? I've never created a metadata file before.
Probably you want to generate a file which describes how many entries there are in the data file, and maybe the time range. Depending on what kind of data you have, the metadata might contain either a per-record entry (RawData, ImageData, etc.) or one global entry (data stored as float.)
It totally depends on what the Java-code is supposed to do, and what use-cases you have. If you want to know whether to open the file at all depending on date, that should be part of the metadata, etc.
I think that maybe you have the design backwards.
First, think about the end.
What result do you want to see? A Java program will create some kind of .csv file?
What kind(s) of file(s)?
What information will be needed to do this?
Then design the metadata to provide the information that is needed to perform the necessary tasks (and any extra tasks you anticipate).
Try to make the metadata extensible so that adding extra metadata in the future will not break the programs that you are writing now. e.g. if the Java program finds metadata it doesn't understand, it just skips it.

Out of Core Implementation of a Quadtree

I am trying to build a Quadtree data structure(or let's just say a tree) on the secondary memory(Hard Disk).
I have a C++ program to do so and I use fopen to create the files. Also, I am using tesseral coding to store each cell in a file named with its corresponding code to store it on the disk in one directory.
The problem is that after creating about 1,100 files, fopen just returns NULL and stops creating new files. I can create further files manually in that directory, but using C++ it can not create any further files.
I know about max limit of inode on ext3 filesystem which is (from Wikipedia) 32,000 but mine is way less than that, also note that I can create files manually on the disk; just not through fopen.
Also, I really appreciate any idea regarding the best way to store a very dynamic quadtree on disk(I need the nodes to be in separate files and the quadtree might have a depth of 50).
Using nested directories is one idea, but I think it will slow down the performance because of following the links on the filesystem to access the file.
Whats the errno value of the failed fopen() call?
Do you keep the files you have created open? If yes you are most probably exceeding the maximum number of open files per process.
When you use directories as data structures, you delegate the work of maintaining that structure to the file system, which is not necessarily designed to do that.
Edit: Frank is probably right that you'v exceeded the number of available file descriptors. You can increase those, but that shows that you're also using internals of your ABI as a data structure. Slow and (as resources are exhausted) unstable.
Either code for a very specific OS installation, or use a SQL database.
I have no idea why fopen wouldn't work. Look at errno.
However, storing everything in one directory is a bad idea. When you add a lot of files, it will get slow. Having a directory for every level of the tree will also be slow.
Instead, combine multiple levels into one directory. You could, for example, have one directory for every four levels of the tree. This would limit the number of directories, amount of nesting, and number of files per directory, giving very good performance.
The limitation could come from:
stdio (C library). most 256 handles. Can be increased to 1024 (in VC, call _setmaxstdio)
OS kernel on the file hanldes per process (usually 1024).