Creating metadata for binary file - c++

I have a binary file I'm creating in C++, I'm tasked to create a metadata format to describe the data that it can be read in Java using the metadata.
One record in the data file has Time, then 64 bytes of data, then a CRC, then a new line delimiter. How should the metadata look to describe what is in the 64 bytes? I've never created a metadata file before.

Probably you want to generate a file which describes how many entries there are in the data file, and maybe the time range. Depending on what kind of data you have, the metadata might contain either a per-record entry (RawData, ImageData, etc.) or one global entry (data stored as float.)
It totally depends on what the Java-code is supposed to do, and what use-cases you have. If you want to know whether to open the file at all depending on date, that should be part of the metadata, etc.

I think that maybe you have the design backwards.
First, think about the end.
What result do you want to see? A Java program will create some kind of .csv file?
What kind(s) of file(s)?
What information will be needed to do this?
Then design the metadata to provide the information that is needed to perform the necessary tasks (and any extra tasks you anticipate).
Try to make the metadata extensible so that adding extra metadata in the future will not break the programs that you are writing now. e.g. if the Java program finds metadata it doesn't understand, it just skips it.


How to read/restore big data file (SEGY format) with C/C++?

I am working on a project which needs to deal with large seismic data of SEGY format (from several GB to TB). This data represents the 3D underground structure.
Data structure is like:
1st tract, 2,3,5,3,5,....,6
2nd tract, 5,6,5,3,2,....,3
3rd tract, 7,4,5,3,1,....,8
What I want to ask is, in order to read and deal with the data fast, do I have to convert the data into another form? Or it's better to read from the original SEGY file? And is there any existing C package to do that?
If you need to access it multiple times and
if you need to access it randomly and
if you need to access it fast
then load it to a database once.
Do not reinvent the wheel.
When dealing of data of that size, you may not want to convert it into another form unless you have to - though some software does do just that. I found a list of free geophysics software on Wikipedia that look promising; many are open source and read/write SEGY files.
Since you are a newbie to programming, you may want to consider if the Python library segpy suits your needs rather than a C/C++ option.
Several GB is rathe medium, if we are toking about poststack.
You may use segy and convert on the fly, you may invent your own format. It depends whot you needed to do. Without changing segy format it's enough to createing indexes to traces. If segy is saved as inlines - it's faster access throug inlines, although crossline access is not very bad.
If it is 3d seismic, the best way to have the same quick access to all inlines/crosslines is to have own format - based od beans, e.g 8x8 traces - loading all beans and selecting tarces access time may be very quick - 2-3 secends. Or you may use SSD disk, or 2,5x RAM as your SEGY.
To quickly access timeslices you have 2 ways - 3D beans or second file stored as timeslices (the quickes way). I did same kind of that 10 years ago - access time to 12 GB SEGY was acceptable - 2-3 seconds in all 3 directions.
SEGY in database? Wow ... ;)
The answer depends upon the type of data you need to extract from the SEG-Y file.
If you need to extract only the headers (Text header, Binary header, Extended Textual File headers and Trace headers) then they can be easily extracted from the SEG-Y file by opening the file as binary and extracting relevant information from the respective locations as mentioned in the data exchange formats (rev2). The extraction might depend upon the type of data (Post-stack or Pre-stack). Also some headers might require conversions from one format to another (e.g Text Headers are mostly encoded in EBCDIC format). The complete details about the byte locations and encoding formats can be read from the above documentation
The extraction of trace data is a bit tricky and depends upon various factors like the encoding, whether the no. of trace samples is mentioned in the trace headers, etc. A careful reading of the documentation and getting to know about the type of SEG data you are working on will surely make this task a lot easier.
Since you are working with the extracted data, I would recommend to use already existing libraries (segpy: one of the best python library I came across). There are also numerous free available SEG-Y readers, a very nice list has already been mentioned by Daniel Waechter; you can choose any one of them that suits your requirements and the type file format supported.
I recently tried to do something same using C++ (Although it has only been tested on post-stack data). The project can be found here.

is there any reference/resource about how to design the structure of a data file? [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What are important points when designing a (binary) file format?
I am going to develop a program which will store data in file.
The file can be big. The data in the file is basically made up with variable length records. And I need random access to the records.
I just want to read some resouces/books about how to design the structure of a data file. But I can't find any yet.
Any suggestion is much appreciated.
You might find useful. It's a general starting point to the techniques to consider.
Also look at this question here on SO: What are important points when designing a (binary) file format?
The problem you describe is a central theme of Database Theory.
Any decent text on the subject should give you some good ideas. The standard text from uni was:
Fundamentals of Database Systems- Elmasari & Nava (PDF) (Amazon)
Another approach is to use a memory mapped array of structs, take a look at my bountied answer to a similar question
Yet another approach is to use a binary protocol like Google protobuf and "send" your data to the file when writing and "receive" it when writing.
If the answer you're looking for is "what book to read" I can't help.
If "how do to that" may be good for you as well I've some suggestions.
One good solution is the one suggested by Srykar; I would just add that I'd use SQLite instead of MySQL. It's an open source C library that you can embed in your program. It lets you store data in a DB just the way you'd do with SQL statement, but calling the library C functions instead. In your case you may keep everything in memory and then save the data to disk at proper time.
Another option is the old "do it yourself way". I mean: there's nothing very complicated about storing your data to a file (unless your data is very very structured, but I'd go with option nr. 1 in this case).
You write down a plan of how you want the structure of your file to be. And you follow that plan both when writing the file to disk and when reading it re-storing the data into memory.
If you have n records. Write n to disk, then write each record.
If each record has variable lenght, then write the length of each record before writing the record.
You talk about "random access" in your question. Probably you mean that the file is very big and at access time you want to read from disk only the portion you're interested in.
If so plan to build an index; that index will tell the offset of each element in bytes from the beginning of the file. Store the index at the beginning of the file and then store the data.
When you read the file you start reading the index, get the offset to the data you need, and read that portion of file.
These are very basic examples, just to get the idea...
Hope they helps!
Is there any reason you are not considering putting this data in a persistent DB store like mysql? these system are built to deal with random data access with proper indexes to speeden you data retrieval. Plus while reading from a file, you would have to read the entire file to get what you want as there are no indexes and no query language.
Added to this they have systems in place to make sure multiple running processes can access the same data without data getting corrupted. It provided data recovery incase of inconsistencies.
So just storing is the simple part, it does not end there. You would have to provide all the other solutions eventually. Better use whats available.

Replace strings in large file

I have a server-client application where clients are able to edit data in a file stored on the server side. The problem is that the file is too large in order to load it into the memory (8gb+). There could be around 50 string replacements per second invoked by the connected clients. So copying the whole file and replacing the specified string with the new one is out of question.
I was thinking about saving all changes in a cache on the server side and perform all the replacements after reaching a certain amount of data. After reaching that amount of data I would perform the update by copying the file in small chunks and replace the specified parts.
This is the only idea I came up with but I was wondering if there might be another way or what problems I could encounter with this method.
When you have more than 8GB of data which is edited by many users simultaneously, you are far beyond what can be handled with a flatfile.
You seriously need to move this data to a database. Regarding your comment that "the file content is no fit for a database": sorry, but I don't believe you. Especially regarding your remark that "many people can edit it" - that's one more reason to use a database. On a filesystem, only one user at a time can have write access to a file. But a database allows concurrent write access for multiple users.
We could help you to come up with a database schema, when you open a new question telling us how your data is structured exactly and what your use-cases are.
You could use some form of indexing on your data (in a separate file) to allow quick access to the relevant parts of this gigantic file (we've been doing this with large files successfully (~200-400gb), but as Phillipp mentioned you should move that data to a database, especially for the read/write access. Some frameworks (like OSG) already come with a database back-end for 3d terrain data, so you can peek there, how they do it.

Writing to the middle of the file (without overwriting data)

In windows is it possible through an API to write to the middle of a file without overwriting any data and without having to rewrite everything after that?
If it's possible then I believe it will obviously fragment the file; how many times can I do it before it becomes a serious problem?
If it's not possible what approach/workaround is usually taken? Re-writing everything after the insertion point becomes prohibitive really quickly with big (ie, gigabytes) files.
Note: I can't avoid having to write to the middle. Think of the application as a text editor for huge files where the user types stuff and then saves. I also can't split the files in several smaller ones.
I'm unaware of any way to do this if the interim result you need is a flat file that can be used by other applications other than the editor. If you want a flat file to be produced, you will have to update it from the change point to the end of file, since it's really just a sequential file.
But the italics are there for good reason. If you can control the file format, you have some options. Some versions of MS Word had a quick-save feature where they didn't rewrite the entire document, rather they appended a delta record to the end of the file. Then, when re-reading the file, it applied all the deltas in order so that what you ended up with was the right file. This obviously won't work if the saved file has to be usable immediately to another application that doesn't understand the file format.
What I'm proposing there is to not store the file as text. Use an intermediate form that you can efficiently edit and save, then have a step which converts that to a usable text file infrequently (e.g., on editor exit). That way, the user can save as much as they want but the time-expensive operation won't have as much of an impact.
Beyond that, there are some other possibilities.
Memory-mapping (rather than loading) the file may provide efficiences which would speed things up. You'd probably still have to rewrite to the end of the file but it would be happening at a lower level in the OS.
If the primary reason you want fast save is to start letting the user keep working (rather than having the file available to another application), you could farm the save operation out to a separate thread and return control to the user immediately. Then you would need synchronisation between the two threads to prevent the user modifying data yet to be saved to disk.
The realistic answer is no. Your only real choices are to rewrite from the point of the modification, or build a more complex format that uses something like an index to tell how to arrange records into their intended order.
From a purely theoretical viewpoint, you could sort of do it under just the right circumstances. Using FAT (for example, but most other file systems have at least some degree of similarity) you could go in and directly manipulate the FAT. The FAT is basically a linked list of clusters that make up a file. You could modify that linked list to add a new cluster in the middle of a file, and then write your new data to that cluster you added.
Please note that I said purely theoretical. Doing this kind of manipulation under a complete unprotected system like MS-DOS would have been difficult but bordering on reasonable. With most newer systems, doing the modification at all would generally be pretty difficult. Most modern file systems are also (considerably) more complex than FAT, which would add further difficulty to the implementation. In theory it's still possible -- in fact, it's now thoroughly insane to even contemplate, where it was once almost reasonable.
I'm not sure about the format of your file but you could make it 'record' based.
Write your data in chunks and give each chunk an id.
Id could be data offset in file.
At the start of the file you could
have a header with a list of ids so
that you can read records in
At the end of 'list of ids' you could point to another location in the file (and id/offset) that stores another list of ids
Something similar to filesystem.
To add new data you append them at the end and update index (add id to the list).
You have to figure out how to handle delete record and update.
If records are of the same size then to delete you can just mark it empty and next time reuse it with appropriate updates to index table.
Probably the most efficient way to do this (if you really want to do it) is to call ReadFileScatter() to read the chunks before and after the insertion point, insert the new data in the middle of the FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT[3] list, and call WriteFileGather(). Yes, this involves moving bytes on disk. But you leave the hard parts to the OS.
If using .NET 4 try a memory-mapped file if you have an editor-like application - might jsut be the ticket. Something like this (I didn't type it into VS so not sure if I got the syntax right):
MemoryMappedFile bigFile = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(
new FileStream(#"C:\bigfile.dat", FileMode.Create),
1024 * 1024,
MemoryMappedViewAccessor view = MemoryMapped.CreateViewAccessor();
int offset = 1000000000;
view.Write<ObjectType>(offset, ref MyObject);
I noted both paxdiablo's answer on dealing with other applications, and Matteo Italia's comment on Installable File Systems. That made me realize there's another non-trivial solution.
Using reparse points, you can create a "virtual" file from a base file plus deltas. Any application unaware of this method will see a continuous range of bytes, as the deltas are applied on the fly by a file system filter. For small deltas (total <16 KB), the delta information can be stored in the reparse point itself; larger deltas can be placed in an alternative data stream. Non-trivial of course.
I know that this question is marked "Windows", but I'll still add my $0.05 and say that on Linux it is possible to both insert or remove a lump of data to/from the middle of a file without either leaving a hole or copying the second half forward/backward:
fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE, offset, len)
fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE, offset, len)
Again, I know that this probably won't help the OP but I personally landed here searching for a Linix-specific answer. (There is no "Windows" word in the question, so web search engine saw no problem with sending me here.

Game Programming: .DAT file?

I've seen a lot of games use something similar to a .DAT file or a specific file type that the game has for itself. I'm just beginning with C++ and DirectX and I was interested in keeping my information in something similar to a .DAT.
My initial conception was that it would hold information on the files you wanted to store within the .DAT file. Something similar to a .RAR file. Unfortunately, my googleing skills did not help me in finding the answers.
Right now I'm simply loading textures and sound files from a folder called Data.
EDIT: While I understand that .DAT is short for data, and I've found that a .DAT file generally contains any assortment of information, I'm still unsure about how to go about doing something as packing images and sound files into any type of file and being able to read them.
I'm not sure about using fstreams to achieve my task, however I will look into streams related to storing data and how to properly read from that data. Meanwhile if anyone has another answer to offer based on this new information, it would be appreciated.
EDIT: Thanks to the answers, I stumbled across a similar question on stackoverflow and felt I'd share it here. Combining resources into a single binary file
I don't think there is really such thing as .dat file format. It's short for "data," and different applications just put in some proprietary stuff in it and call it ".dat." You can read up on fstream classes to do file IO in C++. See Input/Output with files.
What you then do is make up your own file format. For example, first 4 byte is int that indicates the number of blocks in the .dat and for each block, you have 4 byte indicating the length of each block, 4 byte indicating the type of the block, the variable length data itself .. something like that.
DAT obviously stands for data, and there is no real or de facto standard on what that extension actually refers to. Your decisions on the best file formats should be based on technical considerations, not pointless attempts at security through obscurity.
Professional games use a technique where they put all the needed resources (models, textures, sounds, ai, config, etc) zipped/packed into a single file thus making it faster to manage, harder to change (some even make use of a virtual filing system from what's inside the data file). Now, for what's inside the file is different depending on the needs of the game and the data structures that you use.
If you're just starting into gamedev, i recommend you stick with keeping all you assets separate and don't bother too much about packing them into a single file.
Now if you really want to start using a packed format here's a good pointer:
Creating a PAK File Format
Here's a link which claims that .dat is a movie format, 'DAT' being short for Digital Audio Tape.
I'm not sure I believe the link, but I do remember something about a Microsoft supported format called DAT, from long ago, when I used an earlier version of Windows.
It makes more sense as a logical extension for a DATA file of some kind.
.dat, as others have said, is literally just a data file. In reality, the file extension means nothing other than association with a program. For example, I could make a word processor that saves all the documents with the .mp3 file extension. These files wouldn't be playable in any media software, but the software might try. File extensions are used to help programs know what types of files they can and cannot open--however those rules don't have to be followed.
Anyway, you can dump any sort of information to a file. Programmers/software writers will often choose .dat as the extension of that file because it has become the standard to signify 'this file just holds a ton of data' and that the data doesn't necessarily hold any standardized headers, footers, or formatting.
A dat file could really contain anything. It might be as simple as a zip archive with the extension changed, or it could be a completely custom file type. If you're just starting out, you probably don't want to write your own file format, although doing so can be fun and educational. If you want to encapsulate your data files into some kind of container, you should probably go with a zip, paq, or maybe tar.gz.