I investigated and stripped down my previous question (Is there a way to avoid conversion from YUV to BGR?). I want to overlay few images (format is YUV) on the resulting, bigger image (think about it like it is a canvas) and send it via network library (OPAL) forward without converting it to to BGR.
Here is the code:
Mat tYUV;
Mat tClonedYUV;
Mat tBGR;
Mat tMergedFrame;
int tMergedFrameWidth = 1000;
int tMergedFrameHeight = 800;
int tMergedFrameHalfWidth = tMergedFrameWidth / 2;
tYUV = Mat(tHeader->height * 1.5f, tHeader->width, CV_8UC1, OPAL_VIDEO_FRAME_DATA_PTR(tHeader));
tClonedYUV = tYUV.clone();
tMergedFrame = Mat(Size(tMergedFrameWidth, tMergedFrameHeight), tYUV.type(), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
tYUV.copyTo(tMergedFrame(cv::Rect(0, 0, tYUV.cols > tMergedFrameWidth ? tMergedFrameWidth : tYUV.cols, tYUV.rows > tMergedFrameHeight ? tMergedFrameHeight : tYUV.rows)));
tClonedYUV.copyTo(tMergedFrame(cv::Rect(tMergedFrameHalfWidth, 0, tYUV.cols > tMergedFrameHalfWidth ? tMergedFrameHalfWidth : tYUV.cols, tYUV.rows > tMergedFrameHeight ? tMergedFrameHeight : tYUV.rows)));
namedWindow("merged frame", 1);
imshow("merged frame", tMergedFrame);
The result of above code looks like this:
I guess the image is not correctly interpreted, so the pictures stay black/white (Y component) and below them, we can see the U and V component. There are images, which describes the problem well (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YUV):
and: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0d/Yuv420.svg
Is there a way for these values to be correctly read? I guess I should not copy the whole images (their Y, U, V components) straight to the calculated positions. The U and V components should be below them and in the proper order, am I right?
First, there are several YUV formats, so you need to be clear about which one you are using.
According to your image, it seems your YUV format is Y'UV420p.
Regardless, it is a lot simpler to convert to BGR work there and then convert back.
If that is not an option, you pretty much have to manage the ROIs yourself. YUV is commonly a plane-format where the channels are not (completely) multiplexed - and some are of different sizes and depths. If you do not use the internal color conversions, then you will have to know the exact YUV format and manage the pixel copying ROIs yourself.
With a YUV image, the CV_8UC* format specifier does not mean much beyond the actual memory requirements. It certainly does not specify the pixel/channel muxing.
For example, if you wanted to only use the Y component, then the Y is often the first plane in the image so the first "half" of whole image can just be treated as a monochrome 8UC1 image. In this case using ROIs is easy.
I was looking for a way to increase the saturation of some of my images using code and found the strategy of splitting a material with HSV and then increasing the S channel by a factor. However, I ran into some issues where the split channels were still in BGR (I think) because the output was just a greener tinted version of the original.
//Save original image to material
Mat orgImg = imread("sunset.jpg");
//Resize the image to be smaller
resize(orgImg, orgImg, Size(500, 500));
//Display the original image for comparison
imshow("Original Image", orgImg);
Mat g = Mat::zeros(Size(orgImg.cols, orgImg.rows), CV_8UC1);
Mat convertedHSV;
orgImg.convertTo(convertedHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
Mat saturatedImg;
Mat HSVChannels[3];
split(convertedHSV, HSVChannels);
imshow("H", HSVChannels[0]);
imshow("S", HSVChannels[1]);
imshow("V", HSVChannels[2]);
HSVChannels[1] *= saturation;
merge(HSVChannels, 3, saturatedImg);
//Saturate the original image and save it to a new material.
//Display the new, saturated image.
imshow("Saturated", saturatedImg);
return 0;
This is my code and nothing I do makes it actually edit the saturation, all the outputs are just green tinted photos.
Note saturation is a public double that is usually set to around 1.5 or whatever you want.
Do not use cv::convertTo() here. It changes the bitdepth (and representation, int vs. float) of the image, not what you are trying to achieve, the color space.
Using it like that does not throw a warning or error though, because both type indicators (CV_8U, ...) and the colorspace indicators (COLOR_BGR2HSV,...) can be resolved as integers, one is a #define, the other a old style enum.
Following the example here, it is possible to do with cv::cvtColor(). Don't forget to revert back before showing the image, imshow() and imwrite() both expect an BGR format.
// Convert image from BGR -> HSV:
// orgImg.convertTo(convertedHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV); // <- this wrong, do not use
cvtColor(orgImg, convertedHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV); // <- this does the trick instead
// to the split, multiplication, merge
// [...]
// Convert image back HSV -> BGR:
cvtColor(saturatedImg, saturatedImg, COLOR_HSV2BGR);
//Display the new, saturated image.
imshow("Saturated", saturatedImg);
Note that oCV does not care about color representation when working with a 3 channel Mat: Could be RGB, HSV or anything else. Only for displaying (or saving to an image format) does the given color space matter.
I have a Mipi camera that captures frames and stores them into the struct buffer that you can see below. Once the frame is stored I want to convert it into a cv::Mat, the thing is that the Mat ends up looking like the first pic.
The var buf.index is just part of the V4L2 API, useful to understand which buffer I'm using.
//The structure where the data is stored
struct buffer{
void *start;
size_t length;
struct buffer *buffers;
cv::Mat im = cv::Mat(cv::Size(width, height), CV_8UC3, ((uint8_t*)buffers[buf.index].start));
At first I thought that the data might be corrupted but storing the image with lodepng results in a nice image without any distortion.
unsigned char* out_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc( width * height * 3);
for(int pix = 0; pix < width*height; ++pix) {
memcpy(out_buf + pix*3, ((uint8_t*)buffers[buf.index].start)+4*pix+1, 3);
lodepng_encode24_file(filename, out_buf, width, height);
I bet it's something really silly.
the picture you post has oddly colored pixels and the patterns look like there's more information than simply 24 bits per pixel.
after inspecting the data, it appears that V4L gives you four bytes per pixel, and the first byte is always 0xFF (let's call that X). further, the channel order seems to be XRGB.
create a cv::Mat using 8UC4 to contain the data.
to use the picture in OpenCV, you need BGR order. cv::split the received data into its four color planes which are X,R,G,B. use cv::merge to reassemble the B,G,R planes into a picture that OpenCV can handle, or reassemble into R,G,B to create a Mat for other purposes (that other library you seem to use).
I have a question for us. I'm a newbe of OpenCV and I need to understand if that lib can help me to reach my goals.
I need to use OpenCV to open a Tiff file (big Tiff file) and split it on two different file with a mask like that Mask, in the end the file 1 have pixel black and the file 2 have the negative - pixel white of the original image.
Any ideas or example for me?
Thank you all!
To read the file, you can use the function imread. This stores it in a cv::Mat object. Since your mask is black and white, I would read the mask-image as a grayscale using IMREAD_GRAYSCALE. This gives you each pixel with a value from 0-255. That should cover the first part of your question.
I have to admit I am having trouble understandig your question, but I expect you want to create two images. The first contains all the pixels where your mask has a black pixel. The second one contains an image where in the mask all the pixels are white.
You could look at this thread. Additionally I would like to give you the way that I would do it.
The problem you would run in to is that your .tiff-image has a different type than your chessboard. Tiff is probably CV_8UC3 and chessboard is probably CV_8UC1. But this should be easily solvable.
I think you would probably want to look at each individual pixel and leave the be if, at that same pixel of the chessboard, your color is white. Then if it is not, make that pixel from your original pixel black. I have not tested this, but it would look something like this.
for (int i = 0; i < originalImage.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < originalImage.cols; j++) {
if (chessboard.at<uchar>(Point(j, i)) != 255) {
originalImage.at<Vec3b>(Point(j, i)) = Scalar(0, 0, 0);
else {
// Do nothing.
Scalar is used, since the originalImage has three channels instead of one. I hope this helps!
Try this to create the mask:
cv::Mat tiff;
cv::Mat maskDark = tiff == 0; // comparison like '< 10' also works
cv::Mat maskDark = tiff == 255;
I'm trying to convert an bgr mat to an hsv mat for some detection, but the hsv image keeps coming out blocky. Here is my code in c++:
int main() {
const int device = 1;
VideoCapture capture(device);
Mat input;
int key;
if(!capture.isOpened()) {
printf("No video recording device under device number %i found. Aborting program...\n", device);
return -1;
namedWindow("Isolation Test", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
while(1) {
capture >> input;
cvtColor(input, input, CV_BGR2HSV);
imshow("Isolation Test", input);
key = static_cast<int>(waitKey(10));
if(key == 27)
destroyWindow("Isolation Test");
return 0;
Here is a snapshot of what the output looks like. the input does not look blocky when I comment out the cvtColor. What is the problem and what should I do to fix it?
I suggested an explanation in the comments part, but decided to actually verify my assumption and explain a little bit about the HSV color space.
There is no problem in the code nor in OpenCV's cvtColor. the "blocky" artifacts exist in the RGB image, but are not noticeable. All of the JPEG family compression algorithms produce these artifacts. The reason we usually don't see them is that the algorithms "exploit" weaknesses in our visual system and compress more stuff that we are not very sensitive to.
I converted the image back to RGB using OpenCVscvtColor` and the artifacts magically disappeared (images are below).
The HSV color space in particular has several characteristics that exaggerate these artifacts. The important of which is probably the fact that wherever the V channel (Value/Luminance) is very low, the H & S channels are very unstable and are quite meaningless. In the extreme: [128,255,0] == [0,0,0].
So very small and unnoticeable compression artifacts in the dark areas of the image become very prominent with the false colors of the HSV color space.
If you want to use the HSV color space as feature space for color comparison keep in mind that if V is very low, H & S are quite meaningless. That is also true for very low S values that make the H value meaningless ([0,0,100] == [128,0,100]).
BTW. also keep in mind that the H channel is cyclic and the difference between H == 0 and H == 255 is only one gray level.
False colors "blocky" HSV image posted in the question
Image converted back to RGB using cvtColor
I think this happen because the imshow function will always interpret the image as a simple RGB or BGR image. So you need to change back HSV to BGR using cvtColor(input,input,CV_HSV2BGR) before show image.
I want to use the CImg library (http://cimg.sourceforge.net/) to rotate an image with an arbitrary angle (the image is read by Qt which should not perform the rotation):
QImage img("sample_with_alpha.png");
img = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
float angle = 45;
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> src(img.bits(), img.width(), img.height(), 1, 4);
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> out = src.get_rotate(angle);
// Further processing:
// Data: out.data(), out.width(), out.height(), Stride: out.width() * 4
The final data in "out.data()" is ok when the the angle is set to 0. But for other angles the output data is distorted. I assume that the CImg library changes the output format and/or stride during rotation?
CImg does not store the pixel buffer of an image in interleaved mode, as RGBARGBARGBA... but uses a channel by channel structure RRRRRRRR.....GGGGGGGGG.......BBBBBBBBB.....AAAAAAAAA.
I assume your img.bits() pointer points to pixels with interleaved channels, so if you want to pass this to CImg, you'll need to permute the buffer structure before you can apply any of the CImg method.
Try this :
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> src(img.bits(), 4,img.width(), img.height(), 1);
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> out = src.get_rotate(angle);
// Here, the out image should be OK, try displaying it with out.display();
// But you still need to go back to an interleaved image pointer if you want to
// get it back in Qt.
out.permute_axes("cxyz"); // Do the inverse permutation.
const uint8_t *p_out = out.data(); // Interleaved result.
I guess this should work as expected.