CImg library creates distorted images on rotation - c++

I want to use the CImg library ( to rotate an image with an arbitrary angle (the image is read by Qt which should not perform the rotation):
QImage img("sample_with_alpha.png");
img = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
float angle = 45;
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> src(img.bits(), img.width(), img.height(), 1, 4);
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> out = src.get_rotate(angle);
// Further processing:
// Data:, out.width(), out.height(), Stride: out.width() * 4
The final data in "" is ok when the the angle is set to 0. But for other angles the output data is distorted. I assume that the CImg library changes the output format and/or stride during rotation?

CImg does not store the pixel buffer of an image in interleaved mode, as RGBARGBARGBA... but uses a channel by channel structure RRRRRRRR.....GGGGGGGGG.......BBBBBBBBB.....AAAAAAAAA.
I assume your img.bits() pointer points to pixels with interleaved channels, so if you want to pass this to CImg, you'll need to permute the buffer structure before you can apply any of the CImg method.
Try this :
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> src(img.bits(), 4,img.width(), img.height(), 1);
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> out = src.get_rotate(angle);
// Here, the out image should be OK, try displaying it with out.display();
// But you still need to go back to an interleaved image pointer if you want to
// get it back in Qt.
out.permute_axes("cxyz"); // Do the inverse permutation.
const uint8_t *p_out =; // Interleaved result.
I guess this should work as expected.


uint8_t buffer to cv::Mat conversion results in distorted image

I have a Mipi camera that captures frames and stores them into the struct buffer that you can see below. Once the frame is stored I want to convert it into a cv::Mat, the thing is that the Mat ends up looking like the first pic.
The var buf.index is just part of the V4L2 API, useful to understand which buffer I'm using.
//The structure where the data is stored
struct buffer{
void *start;
size_t length;
struct buffer *buffers;
cv::Mat im = cv::Mat(cv::Size(width, height), CV_8UC3, ((uint8_t*)buffers[buf.index].start));
At first I thought that the data might be corrupted but storing the image with lodepng results in a nice image without any distortion.
unsigned char* out_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc( width * height * 3);
for(int pix = 0; pix < width*height; ++pix) {
memcpy(out_buf + pix*3, ((uint8_t*)buffers[buf.index].start)+4*pix+1, 3);
lodepng_encode24_file(filename, out_buf, width, height);
I bet it's something really silly.
the picture you post has oddly colored pixels and the patterns look like there's more information than simply 24 bits per pixel.
after inspecting the data, it appears that V4L gives you four bytes per pixel, and the first byte is always 0xFF (let's call that X). further, the channel order seems to be XRGB.
create a cv::Mat using 8UC4 to contain the data.
to use the picture in OpenCV, you need BGR order. cv::split the received data into its four color planes which are X,R,G,B. use cv::merge to reassemble the B,G,R planes into a picture that OpenCV can handle, or reassemble into R,G,B to create a Mat for other purposes (that other library you seem to use).

opencv Mat CV_8UC1 type (uchar) to *unsigned short (*UINT16)

This is mainly a C++ variable/pointer handling/casting question.
I am trying to apply one of the openCV library image filters to a depth Image from the Kinect v2 SDK (16bit grayscale, values between 0 and 8092).
I want to do this after getting the depth image but BEFORE using the kinect SDK to do rgb-depth registration and conversion to a point cloud. Therefore I want the final filtered image/array to be of the same type as I received before filtering so I can pass it back to the Kinect SDK.
Initial code:
Get the kinect depth frame as a pointer
UINT nBufferSize = nDepthFrameHeight * nDepthFrameWidth;
hr = pDepthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray(nBufferSize, pDepth);
create 2 matrices along with the conversion between the 16bit and 8bit(openCV works with 8bit greyscale)
Mat depthMat(height, width, CV_16UC1, depth); // from kinect
Mat depthf(height, width, CV_8UC1);
depthMat.convertTo(depthf, CV_8UC1, 255.0/2048.0);
imshow("original-depth", depthf);
const unsigned char noDepth = 0; // change to 255, if values no depth uses max value
Mat temp, temp2;
1 step - downsize for performance, use a smaller version of depth image
Mat small_depthf;
resize(depthf, small_depthf, Size(), 0.2, 0.2);
2 step - inpaint only the masked "unknown" pixels
cv::inpaint(small_depthf, (small_depthf == noDepth), temp, 5.0, INPAINT_TELEA);
3 step - upscale to original size and replace inpainted regions in original depth image
resize(temp, temp2, depthf.size());
temp2.copyTo(depthf, (depthf == noDepth)); // add to the original signal
imshow("depth-inpaint", depthf); // show results
Problematic Part:
When I try to reverse the process (even with loss of information for now)
cv::Mat newDepth(nDepthFrameHeight, nDepthFrameWidth, CV_16UC1);
depthf.convertTo(newDepth, CV_16UC1, 8092.0 / 255.0);
I have found no way to convert these cv::Mat types back to *ushort (*UINT16 in this case).
I have tried things like reinterpret_cast, and depthf.ptr() but it keeps showing uchar when hovering over the final data, unless I force it like in the ptr case above, in which case it crashes.
Any ideas?
P.S.: Code works flawlessly if I don't try to filter the depth. Also, crash occurs when the SDK tries to map color and depth and tries to use pDepth in
pCoordinateMapper->MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(nDepthFrameWidth * nDepthFrameHeight, pDepth, nColorFrameWidth * nColorFrameHeight, (DepthSpacePoint*)pDepthSpacePoints);

How to go from raw Bitmap data to SDL Surface or Texture?

I'm using a library called Awesomium and it has the following function:
void Awesomium::BitmapSurface::CopyTo ( unsigned char * dest_buffer, // output
int dest_row_span, // input that I can select
int dest_depth, // input that I can select
bool convert_to_rgba, // input that I can select
bool flip_y // input that I can select
) const
Copy this bitmap to a certain destination. Will also set the dirty bit to False.
dest_buffer A pointer to the destination pixel buffer.
dest_row_span The number of bytes per-row of the destination.
dest_depth The depth (number of bytes per pixel, is usually 4 for BGRA surfaces and 3 for BGR surfaces).
convert_to_rgba Whether or not we should convert BGRA to RGBA.
flip_y Whether or not we should invert the bitmap vertically.
This is great because it gives me an unsigned char * dest_buffer which contains raw bitmap data. I've been trying for several hours to convert this raw bitmap data into some sort of usable format that I can use in SDL but I'm having trouble. =[ Is there any way I can load it into a SDL texture or surface? It would be ideal to have examples for both but if I only get one example (either texture or surface), that is sufficient and I will be very grateful. :) I tried to use SDL_LoadBMP_RW but that crashed. I'm not even sure if I should be using that method.
SDL_LoadBMP_RW is for loading an image in the BMP file format. And it expects an SDL_RWops*, which is a file stream, not a pixel buffer. The function you want is SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom. I believe this call should work for your purposes:
SDL_Surface* surface =
pixels, // dest_buffer from CopyTo
width, // in pixels
height, // in pixels
depth, // in bits, so should be dest_depth * 8
pitch, // dest_row_span from CopyTo
Rmask, // RGBA masks, see docs

Overlaying/merging two (and more) YUV images in OpenCV

I investigated and stripped down my previous question (Is there a way to avoid conversion from YUV to BGR?). I want to overlay few images (format is YUV) on the resulting, bigger image (think about it like it is a canvas) and send it via network library (OPAL) forward without converting it to to BGR.
Here is the code:
Mat tYUV;
Mat tClonedYUV;
Mat tBGR;
Mat tMergedFrame;
int tMergedFrameWidth = 1000;
int tMergedFrameHeight = 800;
int tMergedFrameHalfWidth = tMergedFrameWidth / 2;
tYUV = Mat(tHeader->height * 1.5f, tHeader->width, CV_8UC1, OPAL_VIDEO_FRAME_DATA_PTR(tHeader));
tClonedYUV = tYUV.clone();
tMergedFrame = Mat(Size(tMergedFrameWidth, tMergedFrameHeight), tYUV.type(), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
tYUV.copyTo(tMergedFrame(cv::Rect(0, 0, tYUV.cols > tMergedFrameWidth ? tMergedFrameWidth : tYUV.cols, tYUV.rows > tMergedFrameHeight ? tMergedFrameHeight : tYUV.rows)));
tClonedYUV.copyTo(tMergedFrame(cv::Rect(tMergedFrameHalfWidth, 0, tYUV.cols > tMergedFrameHalfWidth ? tMergedFrameHalfWidth : tYUV.cols, tYUV.rows > tMergedFrameHeight ? tMergedFrameHeight : tYUV.rows)));
namedWindow("merged frame", 1);
imshow("merged frame", tMergedFrame);
The result of above code looks like this:
I guess the image is not correctly interpreted, so the pictures stay black/white (Y component) and below them, we can see the U and V component. There are images, which describes the problem well (
Is there a way for these values to be correctly read? I guess I should not copy the whole images (their Y, U, V components) straight to the calculated positions. The U and V components should be below them and in the proper order, am I right?
First, there are several YUV formats, so you need to be clear about which one you are using.
According to your image, it seems your YUV format is Y'UV420p.
Regardless, it is a lot simpler to convert to BGR work there and then convert back.
If that is not an option, you pretty much have to manage the ROIs yourself. YUV is commonly a plane-format where the channels are not (completely) multiplexed - and some are of different sizes and depths. If you do not use the internal color conversions, then you will have to know the exact YUV format and manage the pixel copying ROIs yourself.
With a YUV image, the CV_8UC* format specifier does not mean much beyond the actual memory requirements. It certainly does not specify the pixel/channel muxing.
For example, if you wanted to only use the Y component, then the Y is often the first plane in the image so the first "half" of whole image can just be treated as a monochrome 8UC1 image. In this case using ROIs is easy.

Decode PNG image with Magick++

I need to put decoded RGBA data (from 32-bit PNG) in cl::Image2D, then (after some processing) write it back to Magick++ image with enqueueReadImage().
However, at the moment I do not see any way to access RGBA data directly in Magick++ image object. Is this possible? If not, what's the best way to get data in RGBA format from Magick++ object?
You can use the Magick::Image::write function
Magick::Image im;
// read image ....
// only for RGBA !!!
size_t im_size = im.columns() * im.rows() * 4;
uint8_t * pixels = new uint8_t[im_size];
im.write(0, 0, im.columns(), im.rows(), "RGBA", ::Magick::CharPixel, pixels);