SAS Folder mapping - sas

I have created a SAS folder say "/Public Development/Area Name/Project Name" under "Folders" tab of SAS Management console.
In SAS EG this folder shows under "SAS Folder" option. I'm able to save EGP project and stored processes in this folder but not SAS code, log etc.
I believe its just a folder at meta data level and only items registered at meta data can be saved here.
So what approach should I take to organize my other project items like code, jobs, macros, Reports...?

The Enterprise Guide model includes storing your code as part of your EGP project. You put code modules in process flows, and log and output are stored alongside them (in a somewhat similar fashion to if you had run them in batch mode - log, output, and program are grouped as one entity effectively).
Your organization may have specific rules for how code/etc. is stored, such as storing it in a SVN repository or similar, so you should check with your manager or site SAS admin to get a more complete answer that is specific to your site.

I tend to keep metadata folders for storing metadata objects (stored processes, DI jobs, etc), and I use OS file system for storing code (.sas files), .log files, etc and .egp projects. Generally I don't store code as part of the EG project, instead the project just links to code that is sitting in the OS file system. So basically, I store my code, logs, macros, format catalogs, output reports, etc etc the same way as I did when I was using PC SAS.


SAS - How to configure sas to use resources from local disk other than local disk C:

Basically when I do sorting or join table in sas, the sas will use resources / space from local disk C: to process the code, but since I only have 100GB left on local disk C:, It will result in error whenever SAS was out of resources.
My question is how to configure / change the setting in SAS to use resources from Local Disk E: instead, since I have larger space there.
I already looking through the forum, but found no similiar question.
Please Help.
Assuming you are talking about desktop SAS, or a server that you administer, you can control where the work and utility folders are stored in a few ways.
The best way is to use the -work and -utilloc options in your sasv9.cfg file. That file can be in a few places, but often the SAS Shortcut you open SAS with specifies it with the -CONFIG option. You can also set the option in that shortcut with -WORK or -UTILLOC command line options. The article How SAS Finds and Processes Configuration Files can help you decide the location of the sasv9.cfg you want to modify; if you are using a personal copy on your own laptop, you may change the one in the Program Files folder, but if not, or if you don 't have administrative rights, you have other places you can place a config file that will override that one.
A paper that discusses a few of these options is one by Peter Eberhardt and Mengting Wang.
One way is to set up a library named user for projects that will be time intensive and this way you get it to be dynamic as needed. When you have a library called user, that becomes the default workspace instead of work. But, you need to clean up that library manually, it won't delete data sets automatically when you're done with it.
libname user '/folders/myfolders/demo';
As #Tom indicates, you can also set an option to use a library that already exists if desired.
options user = myLib;
An advantage of this method over the config file method as it only does it for projects where it's needed, rather than your full system.

SAS Enterprise Guide - Get Code from Process flow

I was wondering if there is a easy and fast way to get the code from the programs that I have created in SAS Enterprise Guides process flow?
I am creating the program in SAS Enterprise Guide, and then creating a script for later usage in SAS, as I am not strong enough to program it from scratch.
At the moment, I am opening each step and copying the code, but there must be a faster way.
Any suggestions?
This is an option in the File menu:
File -> Export -> Export all Code in Process Flow
If you rename the file from an EGP to a .zip and then open the file you'll see you have folders relating to objects in the EG project.
You can then pull extract these pieces of SAS code and rename as necessary.
I've also seen some software which can examine EGP files if you do a search.
This has been updated instead of File -> Export -> Export all Code in Process Flow.
You can find this under the Share button in the Process Flow tab.
Share -> Export all Code in Process Flow

SAS Path to "My Folder"

I created some CSV files and exported them to a file folder on a SAS server. I'm using the Excel SAS add-in to make some charts. For whatever reason, the only folder I can access is "My Folder", which I can also view inside Enterprise Guide. There, I can modify it and make changes.
Unfortunately, I can't figure out the path to the folder. I want to write my text files (or maybe some datasets) to that folder so I can access them with the add-in. Side note - I tried to just export the CSV files to a network drive but wasn't allowed for security reasons I guess. It looks like I'm stuck with "My Folder" being the only option, I just can't figure out the path to make use of it.
If your "My Folder" is equivalent to a SAS library, you can do the following:
That gives you the path to the work library, which is at least one location that you have write access to.
My guess is that you are confusing two things:
1. Physical folders. (the ones you are looking for)
2. SAS Metadata. (the 'file system' you are seeing)
It has been a while i worked with the excel add-in, but if (no guarantees ;)) i recall correctly, you can only access SAS objects that were registered in the SAS server metadata.
The SAS metadata looks like a file structure, but it is virtual. Objects in the same metadata folder can actually have a totally different disk location.
The easiest way would be to register the file you want to access in the metadata. (the 'my folder' if you want to make it easiest) Of course, this requires certain administrative rights on the server.
If not possible, i'm not sure that you can access it some other way through the SAS add-in.
For reference, the metadata path to your "My Folder" is /User Folders/&sysuserid/My Folder
You can store the files in a folder on the server and give a reference to the folder using LIBNAME in the file in your ~/home folder on the server. The when you browse libraries using the add in, you will see the reference to your folder present there.
for the university demo edition on linux/Mac try this
INFILE '/folders/myfolders/yourfilename';
if you have set up your shared folders as described in the install howto.
See one example from "the little SAS book" loading raw data:
You can also see the path in the status line at the bottom
Other aproach: enter
%put all;
will list "all" macro variables in the log. There you can find:
GLOBAL USERDIR /folders/myfolders
So in the example above you could also use
INFILE "&USERDIR/yourfilename";

Linked directory not found

I have following scenario:
The main software I wrote uses a database created by a simulator. This database is around 10 GB big at the moment, so I want to keep only one copy of that data per system.
Assuming I have following projects:
Main Software using the data, located at /SimData
DLL using the data for debugging, searching for data at /SimData
Debugging tool to parse the image database, searching for the data at /SimData
Since I do not want to have all those programs have their own copy of SimData (not only to decrease place used, but also to ensure that all Simulation data used is always up to date for all programs).
I created for the DLL and Debugging Utility a link named SimData to MainSoftware/SimData, but when opening a file with "SimData\" it cannot find it, only the MainSoftware with the ACTUAL SimData folder can find it.
How can I use the MainSoftware/SimData folder without setting absolute paths?
This is on Windows 7 x64
I agree with Peter about adding the DB location as a configurable parameter. A common place to store that is in the registry.
however, If you want to create links that will be recognized by your software, try hardlinks. . fsutil should do the trick as described here.
You need a way to configure the database location. You could use an INI or other configuration file, or a registry setting, or a command-line input, or an environment variable. Or You could write your program to search a directory hierarchy... for example, if the various modules are usually siblings of each other in your directory tree, you could search for SimData/, ../SimData/, ../../MainSoftware/SimData/, and use the first one found.
Which answer is the "right one" depends on your situation.

Making data entry fields remember their values form one run to the next

I'm writing a C++ MFC program, and I see programs that remember the last input values for some fields from one program run to the next. I could do this by saving it to a file and loading that and then repopulating, but is there another, quicker way of doing this, as I think I remember reading somewhere that these values could be stored in the registry? If anyone has an example or personal experiences, I would be very interested.
There are many options out there
I personally don't like the registery and prefer to keep my program portable.
so what I can think of right now are
1- ini files
2- property files
3- SQL server
4- you can also synchronize the user settings via web server, but as #Jeeva mentioned there are security considerations
It all depends on what kind of values you want remember. If it is an configuration data you can use config files. If it is small application data you can use flat files with proprietary format. If it is huge data you can use a database like SQL Server.
Usually there is a debate about using ini file vs registry.
Other things you want to consider is whether the data will be used across network. Whether you need to encrypt.