Facebook SDK 4.0 - Composer Not Finding Repository - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to download the facebook/php-sdk-v4 repository into my project, running the "php composer.phar update" command.
I recently added this to the require section of my composer.json file:
"facebook/php-sdk-v4": "4.0.*",
Upon running the update command, I am given the following error:
---> Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- The requested package facebook/php-sdk-v4 1.0.0 could not be found.
It seems that I have set it up exactly according to the Facebook Graph API instructions as listed on this page:
But... It's still unable to find the repository.
Does anybody know the name of the Facebook SDK 4.0 repository or see any reason why this process I am following isn't working?
Thanks for listening!


How to find which R package version should be used for shiny server deployment?

I just started to use rsconnect in my company, and tried to deploy a shiny app from my windows machine. The server comes with R 4.1.0, and one of the packages requires to install terra.
I have tried multiple R package repos from Rstudio dev-cran with different dates to install terra, and tried version 1.2-10, 1.3-4, ... all the way to the latest version.
However, none of them was able to be uploaded, or installed during deployment.
For the versions before 1.4, the error was
Uploading bundle for application: 335...Error: node stack overflow
Execution halted
while for versions above 1.4, parts of the error were
The requested URL returned error: 407
RStudio Connect cannot download a package because the R package repository (for example, CRAN or RStudio Package Manager) cannot be accessed.
This happened to other packages too, but the issue was usually resolved after I uninstalled and re-installed with a different repo. But for terra, I was not able to find a repo to fix the issue.
Any suggestions for the next step?

Trouble deploying django webapp onto google cloud

I've been following the google cloud documentation titled, "Running Django on the App Engine standard environment" . I'm using the same app provided in the documentation in the "Cloning the Django App". Honestly, I get lost in the google cloud documentation under the "Configuring Database Settings" section. This what my settings.py (mysite/settings.py in the given app mentioned previously)
Mysite/settings.py img
Whenever running python manage.py makemigrations - I get the following error message on the CLI...
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Set the SECRET_KEY environment variable
Also, I have noticed there is no .env file in that repo. Would I maybe have to create it myself or would is it fine? Again I am using the github given app via the documentation.
Just trying to deploy Django website to google cloud. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im on Mac Big Sur btw if that matters.
I tried to deploy the application using this documentation and got the same error you mentioned about. Then I observed that there is some issue with the github files mentioned in the documentation for which an open github issue is there. The reason for the issue is that the current code in the github repository matches a new tutorial version and we hope to get the new tutorial version updated soon to match the current code in the github repository.
For now using a specific previous version of ‘mysite/settings.py’ file in place of the current ‘mysite/settings.py’ file and adding ‘PyMySQL==1.0.2’ in requirements.txt file will work. The required previous version of the ‘mysite/settings.py’ can be found in this link. Follow the documentation for all remaining steps.

Drupal composer install: Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages

I am using drupal 8 and I am trying to install the Search API Solr module each time I run the command.
composer require drupal/search_api_solr
I am getting this error
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of
Here is the screenshot of the error I am getting. Could anyone please help me
Which Drupal Core version do you use ?
It could be related to the symfony/event-dispatcher library.
Can you try composer require symfony/event-dispatcher:"4.3.4 as 3.4.99" drupal/search_api_solr ?
More infos here : https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2876675#comment-13272878
Looks like the module you are trying to install needs some additional package.

'spinnaker-igor' was not found

For the first time, I am installing Spinnaker on AWS. I am following spinnaker documentations.
But when I am running "hal deploy apply" command it gives an error.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Version '0.7.0-20171002182452' for 'spinnaker-igor' was not found
! ERROR Error encountered running script. See above output for more
I checked the install.sh in /home/ubuntu/.hal/default directory and I see it has configured with Spinnaker repository.
Repo is "https://dl.bintray.com/spinnaker-releases/debians". I check that repo and I could find a correct version of spinnaker-igor.
Could you please give an idea to fix this issue?
it's possible that bintray was being flaky. The exact package you were trying to download exists here and has been published since Oct 2. You can retry hal deploy apply and if fails again let us know.

Error "Failed Signature verification" while attempting to update via CF10 Administrator

When you attempt to apply any hot fixes via the ColdFusion 10 Administrator you continuously get:
Error occurred while installing the update:
Failed Signature verification
You may have even validated the files and manually and placed them in the hf-updates directory at which point the CF10 admin page still shows the "Install" option, but again you receive the same error.
This error means you've forgotten to apply the ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update which updates the certificate used to validate install packages.
From Adobe's website:
All ColdFusion updates are now signed with the new code signing
certificate because of a code signing certificate revocation. This
mandatory Update ensures that your current installation of ColdFusion
10 is updated with the new code signing certificate. This update is
also required for proper functioning of the auto update functionality
in ColdFusion 10. Adobe strongly recommends that you apply this
Once the update has been installed (you can find the JAR install instructions here) the service will be restarted and you will be able to apply subsequent updates via the ColdFusion administrator.
Run the command prompt as Administrator:
Navigate to your jar file, and run the following command to run jar file:
D:\>java -jar cf10_mdt_updt.jar
I also encountered the issue after having installed the mandatory update (cf10_mdt_updt.jar). After successfully applying the mandatory update, CF wanted to apply update 12 as the first update, which is where I encountered this issue, so I downloaded and manually installed Update 11 from this page:
https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/coldfusion-10-updates.html (installed in exactly the same manner as NotJustClarkKent's instructions)
After manually installing update 11, I was able to use the CF Updater to install the rest of my updates.
Hope that helps.