'spinnaker-igor' was not found - amazon-web-services

For the first time, I am installing Spinnaker on AWS. I am following spinnaker documentations.
But when I am running "hal deploy apply" command it gives an error.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Version '0.7.0-20171002182452' for 'spinnaker-igor' was not found
! ERROR Error encountered running script. See above output for more
I checked the install.sh in /home/ubuntu/.hal/default directory and I see it has configured with Spinnaker repository.
Repo is "https://dl.bintray.com/spinnaker-releases/debians". I check that repo and I could find a correct version of spinnaker-igor.
Could you please give an idea to fix this issue?

it's possible that bintray was being flaky. The exact package you were trying to download exists here and has been published since Oct 2. You can retry hal deploy apply and if fails again let us know.


Openstack setup error (failed to create symbolic link '/var/run/ovn/openvswitch': File exists)

im working on a school project building an Openstack Cloud Computing and im following a guide video.
The installation was smooth and then this error pops up:
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/run/ovn/openvswitch': File exists
/devstack/tools/worlddump.py:22: DeprecationWarning:
The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12.
Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
can u guys help me out ? thanks alot, btw im new in this one.
this error accord because you reinstall the script you need to delete
by execute the command
sudo rm /var/run/ovn/openvswitch
and then run

Deploying library to Clojars, get 405

I am trying to deploy a lein project to Clojars:
$ lein deploy clojars
Copying 32 files to /home/chris/IdeaProjects/default-db-format/lib
No namespaces to :aot compile listed in project.clj.
Created /home/chris/IdeaProjects/default-db-format/default-db-format-0.1.0.jar
Wrote pom.xml
Deploying to http://clojars.org/repo/
Uploading: default-db-format/default-db-format/0.1.0/default-db-format-0.1.0.jar to repository clojars at http://clojars.org/repo/
Transferring 13K from clojars
An error has occurred while processing the Maven artifact tasks.
Error deploying artifact 'default-db-format:default-db-format:jar': Error deploying artifact: Failed to transfer file: http://clojars.org/repo/default-db-format/default-db-format/0.1.0/default-db-format-0.1.0.jar. Return code is: 405
This seems like an error coming from Maven. I'm guessing I need to go through the steps here, but am unsure.
Can someone who's done this before guide me on what to do next? There's documentation on the Internet but I've found nothing saying 'when you hit a 405, this is what you do next...'
Perhaps the jar has been deployed to Clojars, and thus the error can be ignored??
I didn't need to specify any PGP certificates, which I expected to be asked about. Perhaps there's no need.
I was using the Linux package manager's version of lein which was very old (lein -version gave 1.7.1). I needed to uninstall it (dpkg --remove leiningen) and install it manually. The instructions at the Leiningen site worked perfectly for this. I just cut and pasted into a file called lein, chmod etc...
The error messages I now get are about PGP issues, as expected...

Running EMR with Cascading SDK failed

I was following this tutorial for installing Cascading to EMR:
But it failed because of bootstrap action installing the cascading-sdk. The corresponding logs is here: http://pastebin.com/jybHssTQ. As seen from the logs, it's failed because of apt-get not found. Seriously?
I also checked the sdk installation script, and found option to disable installing screen with --no-screen. It is still failed, with different error http://pastebin.com/T6CvA2H1
And now it is because of permission denied. What?
It's official guide, but I can't seem to run it. Any idea?
Rather than changing the script first, try a different EMR AMI version.
AMI versions up until 2.4.8 use Debian OS, where apt-get will work, but this runs Hadoop 1.x. AMI versions 3.0.x run Hadoop 2.2 and use Amazon Linux, which uses Yum.
See Below:
Also, try to add the "--tmpdir" option to get around the "Permission Denied" error.

Facebook SDK 4.0 - Composer Not Finding Repository

I'm trying to download the facebook/php-sdk-v4 repository into my project, running the "php composer.phar update" command.
I recently added this to the require section of my composer.json file:
"facebook/php-sdk-v4": "4.0.*",
Upon running the update command, I am given the following error:
---> Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- The requested package facebook/php-sdk-v4 1.0.0 could not be found.
It seems that I have set it up exactly according to the Facebook Graph API instructions as listed on this page:
But... It's still unable to find the repository.
Does anybody know the name of the Facebook SDK 4.0 repository or see any reason why this process I am following isn't working?
Thanks for listening!

Error when trying to build Clojure boot file in Ubuntu 12.04

I am starting out with Clojure, and i am currently following the hoplon.io get started tutorial
My troubles start when i try to build boot from source: (http://github.com/tailrecursion/boot)
This is the error that i receive when running the make boot command:
1 required artifact is missing.
for artifact:
from the specified remote repositories:
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
clojars (http://clojars.org/repo/)
I have installed maven but that did not change anything. Has anyone encountered this problem aswell?
Best Regards