I had a question from a contest and would like to know the solution.
Question is about finding max number of unique ways to jump to last element. I am thinking about a solution with dynamic programming but couldnt figure it out.
You can jump max 3 steps in any position. Number of steps will be given as n, and our program should calculate Max number of jumps to reach n+1 position.
For example:
n=4, max number of jumps to n+1 position should be 7
Jump1: 1 2 1
Jump2: 1 1 2
Jump3: 2 1 1
Jump4: 1 3
Jump5: 3 1
Jump6: 2 2
Jump7: 1 1 1 1
Thank you
The longest journey, says the proverb, starts with a single step.
In this case, there are three possible first steps in the journey to the end: a hop of 1, 2 or 3 spots. In each case, the journey will continue from a closer point, either 1, 2 or 3 steps closer to the end. So if we know the number of possible paths from the closer points, we can simply add them up:
paths(n) = paths(n-1) // First hop was one, n-1 elements left
+ paths(n-2) // First hop was two, n-2 elements left
+ paths(n-3) // First hop was three, n-3 elements left.
The similarity to the Fibonacci recursion is not coincidental. This sequence is often called the "Tribonacci sequence", and you can easily look that up in the usual places (mathworld, wikipedia, oeis, etc.) to find a variety of computation techniques, including the one below.
Clearly, you can compute the Tribonacci function in O(n) by starting at the end and working backwards (defining f(0) = 1, f(-1) = 0, f(-2) = 0 to provide a starting position.) But it's easy to do better than that, using the same technique that can be used to compute Fibonacci numbers in O(log n) operations.
Here's the Fibonacci algorithm. We start with the observation that the matrix product:
| 1 1 |
[ a b ] x | | = [ a+b a ]
| 1 0 |
Let's use F(n) for the nth Fibonacci number, and call matrix of 1s and 0s above MF. We can see that
[ F(n) F(n-1) ] = [ 1 0 ] × MF × MF × … × MF
n products
But since matrix multiplication is associative, we can rewrite that as:
[ F(n) F(n-1) ] = [ 1 0 ] × MFn
Again, since matrix multiplication is associative, we can compute MFn in O(log N) steps. For example, we could use the recursion:
= Mn/2 × Mn/2 if n is even
= M × M(n-1)/2 × M(n-1)/2 if n is odd
Similarly, for the Tribonacci numbers T(n), we can define the matrix MT:
| 1 1 0 |
MT = | 1 0 1 |
| 1 0 0 |
and by the same logic as above:
[ T(n) T(n-1) T(n-2) ] = [ 1 0 0 ] × MTn
Do you know number of ways for n = 0, n = 1 and n = 2?
For any larger value N, number of ways = number of ways for N - 1 + number of ways for N - 2 + number of ways for N - 3
You should not calculate the number of ways for given n more than 1 time. (Remember it in a dp array)
The important function is going to be (number_of_elements)!/product((number_repeated_characters)!)
For instance, if you know 2211 is one of your paths, then 4!/2!*2! = 6 so there are 6 path combinations for 2 "2"s and 2 "1"s.
Since you're only going up to a maximum of 3 steps, it's really not too bad once you know that formula. Really you're just looking for the combinations of 2s and 3s that can replace the 1s in your input. I suggest starting with 1 3 and then going through each 2 that fills in the remainder. Then repeat for 2 3s and so on. If you precompute and save all the factorials, it should run very fast, although I'm sure there are additional optimizations.
This question is a follow-up of another one I had asked quite a while ago:
We have been given an array of integers and another number k and we need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. For e.g., for the input: [1,1,1] and k=2, the expected output is 2.
In the accepted answer, #talex says:
PS: BTW if all values are non-negative there is better algorithm. it doesn't require extra memory.
While I didn't think much about it then, I am curious about it now. IMHO, we will require extra memory. In the event that all the input values are non-negative, our running (prefix) sum will go on increasing, and as such, sure, we don't need an unordered_map to store the frequency of a particular sum. But, we will still need extra memory (perhaps an unordered_set) to store the running (prefix) sums that we get along the way. This obviously contradicts what #talex said.
Could someone please confirm if we absolutely do need extra memory or if it could be avoided?
Let's start with a slightly simpler problem: all values are positive (no zeros). In this case the sub arrays can overlap, but they cannot contain one another.
I.e.: arr = 2 1 5 1 1 5 1 2, Sum = 8
2 1 5 1 1 5 1 2
But this situation can never occur:
* * * * * * *
With this in mind there is algorithm that doesn't require extra space (well.. O(1) space) and has O(n) time complexity. The ideea is to have left and right indexes indicating the current sequence and the sum of the current sequence.
if the sum is k increment the counter, advance left and right
if the sum is less than k then advance right
else advance left
Now if there are zeros the intervals can contain one another, but only if the zeros are on the margins of the interval.
To adapt to non-negative numbers:
Do as above, except:
skip zeros when advancing left
if sum is k:
count consecutive zeros to the right of right, lets say zeroes_right_count
count consecutive zeros to the left of left. lets say zeroes_left_count
instead of incrementing the count as before, increase the counter by: (zeroes_left_count + 1) * (zeroes_right_count + 1)
... 7 0 0 5 1 2 0 0 0 9 ...
^ ^
left right
Here we have 2 zeroes to the left and 3 zeros to the right. This makes (2 + 1) * (3 + 1) = 12 sequences with sum 8 here:
5 1 2
5 1 2 0
5 1 2 0 0
5 1 2 0 0 0
0 5 1 2
0 5 1 2 0
0 5 1 2 0 0
0 5 1 2 0 0 0
0 0 5 1 2
0 0 5 1 2 0
0 0 5 1 2 0 0
0 0 5 1 2 0 0 0
I think this algorithm would work, using O(1) space.
We maintain two pointers to the beginning and end of the current subsequence, as well as the sum of the current subsequence. Initially, both pointers point to array[0], and the sum is obviously set to array[0].
Advance the end pointer (thus extending the subsequence to the right), and increase the sum by the value it points to, until that sum exceeds k. Then advance the start pointer (thus shrinking the subsequence from the left), and decrease the sum, until that sum gets below k. Keep doing this until the end pointer reaches the end of the array. Keep track of the number of times the sum was exactly k.
This is my try to count the contiguous subsequences of an array with product mod 4 is not equal to 2:
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
long long int n, i, j, s, t, count = 0;
long long int arr[n];
count = 0;
for(i = 0; i<n; i++) {
for(i = 0; i<n; i++) {
s = 1;
for(j = i; j<n; j++) {
s = s*arr[j];
if(s%4!=2) {
return 0;
However, I want to reduce the time taken by my code to execute. I am looking for a way to do it. Any help/hint would be appreciated.
Thank you.
What does this definition of contiguous subsequences mean?
Listing all the subsequences
Suppose we have the sequence:
First of all, we should recognize that there is one substring for every unique start and end point. Let's use the notation C-F to mean all items from C through F: i.e.: C D E F.
We can list all subsequences in a triangular arrangement like this:
The first row lists all the subsequences of length 1.
The second row lists all the subsequences of length 2.
The third row lists all the subsequences of length 3. Etc.
The last row is the full sequence.
Modular arithmetic
Computing the product MOD 4 of a set of numbers
To figure out the product of a bunch of numbers MOD 4, we just need to look at each element of the set MOD 4. Intuitively, this is because when you multiply a bunch of numbers, the last digit of the result is determined entirely by the last digit of each factor. In this case "the last digit base 4" is the number mod 4.
The identity we are using is:
(A * B) MOD N == ((A MOD N) * (B MOD N)) MOD N
The table of products
Now we also have to look at the matrix of possible multiplications that might happen. It's a fairly small table and the interesting entries are given here:
2 * 2 = 4 4 MOD 4 = 0
2 * 3 = 6 6 MOD 4 = 2
3 * 3 = 9 9 MOD 4 = 1
So the results of multiplying any 2 numbers MOD 4 are given by this table:
| Factor | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0 | 0 | / | / | / |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | / | / |
| 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | / |
| 3 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
The /'s are omitted because of the symmetry of multiplication (A * B = B * A)
An example sequence
Now for each subsequence, let's compute the product MOD 4 of its elements.
Consider the following list of numbers
242 497 681 685 410 795
The first thing we do is take all these numbers MOD 4 and list them as the first row of our list of all subsequences triangle.
2 0 1 1 2 3
The second row is just the product of the pairs above it.
2 0 1 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3
In general, the Nth element of each row is the product, MOD 4, of:
the number just to its left in the row above left times and
the element in the first row that is diagonally to its right
For example C = A * B
* * * * B *
* * * / *
* A / *
* C *
* *
A is immediately up and left of C
B is diagonally right all the way to the top row from C
Now we can complete our triangle
2 0 1 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3
0 0 2 3
0 0 2
0 0
This can be computed easily in O(n^2) time.
These optimizations do not improve the time complexity of the algorithm in its worse case, but can cause an early exit in the computation, and should therefore be included if time is to be reduced and the input is unknown.
Contageous 0's
Furthermore, as a matter of optimization, notice how contagious the 0's are. Anything times 0 is 0, so you can skip computing products of cells below a 0. In your case those sequences will not equal 2 MOD 4 once the product of one of its subsequences is determined to be equal to 0 MOD 4.
* * * 0 * * // <-- this zero infects all cells below it
* * 0 0 *
* 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Need a 2 to make a 2.
Look back at the table of factors and products. Notice that the only way to get a product that is equal to 2 MOD 4 is to have one of the factors be equal to 2 MOD 4. What that means is that there can only be a 2 below another 2. So we are only interested in following computing entries in the table that are below a 2. Other entries in rows below can never become a 2.
You don't have to store more than the whole rows.
You only need O(n) storage to implement this. Working line by line, you can compute the values in a row entirely from the values in the first row and values in the row above.
Reading the answers from the table
Now you can look at the rows of the triangle list as you generate them and read off which subsequences are to be included.
Entries with a 2 are to be excluded. All others are to be included.
2 0 1 1 3 2
0 0 1 3 2
0 0 3 2
0 0 2
0 0
The excluded subsequences for the example (which I will list only because there are fewer of them in my example) are:
Which remember, according to our convention refer to the elements:
Which are:
410 795
685 410 795
681 685 410 795
Hopefully it's obvious how to display the "included" sequences, rather than the "excluded" sequences, as I have shown above.
Displaying all the elements makes it take much longer.
Sadly, actually displaying all of the elements of such subsequences is still an O(N^3) operation in the worst case. (Imagine a sequence of all zeros.)
For me, I feel like an average developer could take the magic bullet observation made in the diagram below and write an implementation that has optimal time complexity.
C = A * B
* * * * B *
* * * / *
* A / *
* C *
* *
We are given array-'a' and array-'b' consisting of positive integers.
How can I count all the permutation of array 'a' which are strictly lexicographically smaller than array-'b'?
Arrays can contain as many as 10^5 integers(positive)
1 2 3 is lexicographically smaller than 3 1 2
1 2 3 is lexicographically smaller than 1 4 5.
I would like the solution to be in C++.
Input : 3
1 2 3
2 1 3
Output : 2
Only permutations 1,2,3 and 1,3,2 are lexicographically smaller than 2 1 3
Let's just tackle the algorithm. Once you get that figured out, the implementation should be pretty straightforward. Does this look like it does what you're looking for?
Pseudo code:
function get_perms(a,b)
#count the number of digits in a that are <b[0]
count = sum(a<b[0])
Nperms = (len(a)-1)! #modify this formula as needed
N = count*Nperms
if sum(a==b[0]) > 0
remove 1 b[0] from a
# repeat the process with the substring assuming a[0]==b[0]
N += sum(a==b[0])*get_perms(a,b[1:end])
return N
Edit: I did a little searching. I believe that this is what you are looking for.
I took part in a coding contest wherein I encountered the following question:
On the first row, we write a 0. Now in every subsequent row, we look at the previous row and replace each occurrence of 0 with 01, and each occurrence of 1 with 10. Given row N and index K, return the K-th indexed symbol in row N. (The values of K are 1-indexed.)
While solving the question, I solved it like a level-order traversal of a tree, trying to form the new string at each level. Unfortunately, it timed-out. I then tried to think along the terms of caching the results, etc. with no luck.
One of the highly upvoted solutions is like this:
class Solution {
int kthGrammar(int N, int K) {
if (N == 1) return 0;
if (K % 2 == 0) return (kthGrammar(N - 1, K / 2) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
else return (kthGrammar(N - 1, (K + 1) / 2) == 0) ? 0 : 1;
My question is simple - what is the intuition behind working with the value of K (especially, the parities of K)? (I hope to be able to identify such questions when I encounter them in future).
Look at the sequence recursively. In generating a new row, the first half is identical to the process you used to get the previous row, so that part of the expansion is already done. The second half is merely the same sequence inverted (0 for 1, 1 for 0). This is one classic way to generate a parity map: flip all the bits and append, representing adding a 1 to the start of each binary number. Thinking of expanding the sequence 0-3 to 0-7, we start with
00 => 0
01 => 1
10 => 1
11 => 0
We now replicate the 2-digit sequence twice: first with a leading 0, which preserves the original parity; second with a leading 1, which inverts the parity.
000 => 0
001 => 1
010 => 1
011 => 0
100 => 1
101 => 0
110 => 0
111 => 1
Is that an intuition that works for you?
Just for fun, as a different way to solve this, consider that the nth row (0-indexed) has 2^n elements in it, and a determination as to the value of the kth (0-indexed) element can be made soley according to the parity of how many bits are set in k.
The check for parity in the code you posted is just to make the division by two correct, there's no advanced math or mystery hiding here :) Since the pattern is akin to a tree, where the pattern size multiplies by two for each added row, correctly dividing points to the element's parent. The indexes in this question are said to be "1-indexed;" if the index is 2, dividing by two yields the parent index (1) in the row before; and if the index is 1, dividing (1+1) by two yields that same parent index. I'll leave it to the reader to generalize that to ks parity. After finding the parent, the code follows the rule stated in the question: if the parent is 0, the left-child must be 0 and right-child 1, and vice versa.
0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
a a b a b b a
0 01 0110 01101001 0110100110010110
a b b a b a a b
0110100110010110 1001011001101001
Let f(k) = y where k is the y-th number in the increasing sequence of non-negative integers with
the same number of ones in its binary representation as k, e.g. f(0) = 1, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 2, f(3) = 1, f(4)
= 3, f(5) = 2, f(6) = 3 and so on. Given k >= 0, compute f(k)
many of us have seen this question
1 solution to this problem to categorise numbers on basis of number of 1's and then find the rank.i did find some patterns going by this way but it would be a lengthy process. can anyone suggest me a better solution?
This is a counting problem. I think that if you approach it with this in mind, you can do much better than literally enumerating values and checking how many bits they have.
Consider the number 17. The binary representation is 10001. The number of 1s is 2. We can get smaller numbers with two 1s by (in this case) re-distributing the 1s to any of the four low-order bits. 4 choose 2 is 6, so 17 should be the 7th number with 2 ones in the binary representation. We can check this...
0 00000 -
1 00001 -
2 00010 -
3 00011 1
4 00100 -
5 00101 2
6 00110 3
7 00111 -
8 01000 -
9 01001 4
10 01010 5
11 01011 -
12 01100 6
13 01101 -
14 01110 -
15 01111 -
16 10000 -
17 10001 7
And we were right. Generalize that idea and you should get an efficient function for which you simply compute the rank of k.
EDIT: Hint for generalization
17 is special in that if you don't consider the high-order bit, the number has rank 1; that is, f(z) = 1 where z is everything except the higher order bit. For numbers where this is not the case, how can you account for the fact that you can get smaller numbers without moving the high-order bit?
f(k) are integers less than or equal to k that have the same number of ones in their binary representation as k.
For example, k needs m bits, that is k = 2^(m-1) + a, where a < 2^(m-1). The number of integers less than 2^(m-1) that have the same number of bits as k is choose(m-1, bitcount(k)), since you can freely redistribute the ones among the m-1 least significant bits.
Integers that are greater than or equal to 2^(m-1) have the same most significant bit as k (which is 1), so there are f(k - 2^(m-1)) of them. This implies f(k) = choose(m-1, bitcount(k)) + f(k-2^(m-1)).
See "Efficiently Enumerating the Subsets of a Set". Look at Table 3, the "Bankers sequence". This is a method to generate exactly the sequence you need (if you reverse the bit order). Just run K iterations for the word with K bits. There is code to generate it included in the paper.