Most useful (productive) shortcuts in Qt Creator [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the your most useful and productive keyboard shortcut in Qt Creator?
Following the trend of great questions asked about Eclipse CDT, vim, Intellij IDEA.

Comment/uncomment lines (select text and press). With this shortcut you can simply comment very large piece of code and uncomment it in future:
Ctrl + /
Ctrl + Space
History of clipboard. You get popup menu with all text which you pasted in Qt Creator and if you choose something and press Enter you paste this formatted text into your code
Ctrl + Shift + V

F2 aka "Follow Symbol Under Cursor"
(You can also use Ctrl + Left Mouse Button for this.)
Let me explain. In visual studio to obtain the same you have F12 (Go to definition) but this one open the search result and need you to select the possible matches. The difference between instant result and a possible two seconds or more to get what you want (especially with common names like open)
F4 aka "Switch\Header Source"
In several other visual text editors for C++ (including Visual) you have to manually locate the header corresponding to the current source or vice-versa. But it's effectiveness greatly depend on whether or not you are using SCU for your classes.


what is the meaning of "wizard" in programming field? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was reading an example on QT on c++ gui - notepad application
and i encountered the word "wizard" many times .. i can't understand what it does mean.
for example i found these statements :
The Qt Widgets Application wizard creates a project that contains a main source file and a set of files that specify a user interface (Notepad widget)
-The wizard generates the following code in the main.cpp file
This is the object for which the wizard created the class and the UI file.
The wizard generates a user interface definition in XML format: notepad.ui.
I searched on the internet and i found that it means the detailed steps to install a programs .. but this definition doesn't fit the subject of the link.
Any one knows the exact meaning ?
A "wizard" is a dialog box with "next" and "previous" buttons.
Consider installing a program for example:
You open the installer.
The installer tells you what you're installing and tells you to click Next.
You click Next.
The installer asks you which folder you want to install the program in.
You click Next.
The installer asks you which parts of the program you want to install.
You click Next.
The installer installs the program.
The installer says it's done.
You click Finish.
The installer closes.
This "question, next, question, next, question, next, ..." UI is called a "wizard".
It's not a wizard because it installs a program; it's a wizard because of the "next" button.
Consider creating a new project:
You open the "New Project" window
The computer asks you which type of project you want to create.
You click Next.
The computer asks you what the project should be called.
You click Next.
The computer asks you which compiler you want to use to build the project.
You click Finish
This is also a wizard.

Why don't IDEs highlight string data type in C/C++? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am using Sublime Text 3 and Atom to code C and C++. But they don't highlight string data type as shown below.
This issue is frustrating me when I use Atom and Sublime. This doesn't happen in Visual Studio Code.
Are there any ways to fix this issue except using Visual Studio Code instead?
For Atom:
Press Ctrl + ,(comma) to open Settings.
Go to Settings > Core.
Check Use Tree-sitter Parsers for supported languages.
Additional Steps:
Install Atom language support for C/C++ (Official) or C++14 language support (3rd Party).
For Sublime Text 3:
Install C++ Starting Kit or C Improved or C++11.
Note: The extensions/packages mentioned in this post are made by respective open source developers. I do not intend to promote a certain product.

Move search box into top menu - Opencart [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was trying to move the search box into the top menu bar and the result was: fatal error :(
I mean: top menu with categories and at the end of them, the search box.
So, would somebody help me step by step how to do that without dying in the attempt?
Since the menu bar (main navigation) and search box are both located in catalog/view/theme/<YOUR_THEME>/template/common/header.tpl You do not need to follow any articles regarding how to display and make work the search box in different module positions (content_top, column_left, etc).
All You need to do is to open up the mentioned template file in a text editor (or Your IDE) and cut off the code for search box and paste it into the div, where the menu resides. Play with CSS until it meets Your needs. Done.

Get one file's name method - Customize the interface - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for some guide for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but I can't find nothing useful.
I'm coding in c++.
What I need is to create a button (in the dialog box) that, when I click on it, gives me the possibility to choose a file from my pc.
After that, I only need to charge in memory (like in a string variable nameFile) the name of this file.
Do anyone know how to do this operation?
And second problem, do you guys know any youtube guide or similar to customize the interface??
Like to put one picture on the background of the application, or change button style etc.
I used Eclipse before, coding in Java and It was totally different.
Thank you all!!
Here is an MFC tutorial for adding a button to a dialog and what has to be done to "wire it up" so that clicking the button invokes an event handler for the BN_CLICKED event.
Inside the BN_CLICKED event handler (that is, the function that is called when you click the button), you'll want to launch the dialog that lets you selecte the file. #Jongware suggested this link, which has a couple of approaches.
Once the file has been selected and the dialog disappears, you'll have access to the string containing the selected file. How you do this will depend on which approach you take in the preceding step. Once you have the string, you can use the appropriate File Management functions to slice-and-dice the file name as necessary.
That's far short of the actual code you'll need to write, I know, but it should give you enough of a start to get going. HTH.

Visual C++ how do you debug a button click? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm extremely new to visual c++, I thought that having the debugger be able to debug a button click would be as simple as vb/c# .net but it's clearly not :) I'm having difficulty finding anything online explaining how you debug visual C++ button clicks. Since there's no events like in VB, how does one go about doing this?
Regardless of the framework in question, or really the language in question, when debugging an application using Visual Studio you simply place a breakpoint on the line in question.
You can place a breakpoint by hitting F9 on the line you would like to stop at or by right clicking on the line and going to Breakpoint > Insert Breakpoint.
That being said, if you have no code to "handle" (in the general sense of the term, as I'm not certain what framework you're using) a button click, then you will have no code to insert a breakpoint into.