Compiling Qt 5.3.1 from source error at qprintsupport - c++

I'm not sure whether or not this question has a causality with my previous question.
So, I compiled Qt 5.3.1 from source with MinGW 4.8.2. The build stopped at qtbase/src/printsupport directory, as you can see the image below:
Is it a bug or something at qtbase/src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine_win.cpp file? Then, should I just report it to the developer?

Look here it give you a hint. Probably somewhere you use this key -Werror in make files implicitly or explicitly when start compilation with gcc. If I correct understand error in that switch operation must be default: statement or case PPK_CustomBase: statement.

If you will notice in your output: cc1plus.exe: all warnings being treated as errors
This is, as was mentioned before, a warning that is stopping the compile process as an error.
You should be able to run you configure.bat script again, with the option -no-warnings-are-errors.
Then re-run your make.exe to get past this, and other warnings, from stopping the build.
Details of the specific configure options below:
../qtbase-opensource-src-5.3.1/configure --help |grep -i warn
-silent ............ Reduce the build output so that warnings and errors
-no-warnings-are-errors Make warnings be treated normally
-warnings-are-errors Make warnings be treated as errors
I hope this helps!


How to highlight error generated with the ninja build system?

How would I manage to highlight errors and warnings generated by ninja when I compile cpp? When I get errors, I only see white text, and it would improve readability if I could highlight errors and warnings.
You do not see errors because the compiler notice it is not outputint its message to a terminal, so it defaults to no color. With GCC you can force colored output with the -fdiagnostics-color=always command line option.
In case there is still someone out there struggling with this (like how I was not too long ago), here's what worked for me:
As this link and Oliv highlighted out, one needs to force Ninja to use colors (via -fdiagnostics-color on GCC>=4.9 or -fcolor-diagnostics for Clang)
This will force Ninja to format the specific output elements with the format defined in the GCC_COLORS environment variable.
FYI: If this variable is an empty string, then there is no coloring at all.
On how to configure this, see, where the default configuration is also included as an example.

Cray compiler asks for a flag, then doesn't recognize it

I am trying to compile a code with crayftn.
I get an error message
/opt/cray/pe/cce/10.0.1/binutils/x86_64/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: failed to convert GOTPCREL relocation; relink with --no-relax
So it wants the flag --no-relax? OK, I can do that. So I re-link with that flag, and then it tells me
ftn -O3 --no-relax -dynamic -h pic -h omp -o stream_cray stream_mpi.o mysecond.o
ftn-2115 crayftn: ERROR in command line
"-no-relax" is an invalid command-line option.
So it asks for "--no-relax", but then it doesn't understand it. Anyone know of a way out of this conundrum? Or another way of solving the root problem in the first place?
I found this link:
Hi, I get the following error message for CLM5.0 compilation with
Intel compilers, during the final cesm bld ..ld: failed to convert GOTPCREL relocation; relink with --no-relax
Hi, Seems like found a solution to fix the compilation ...Adding of
"-Wl,--no-relax" in LDFLAGS does not solve this problem, but
"-mcmodel medium" in FFLAGS fixes this issue, after searching for
"Relocation truncated to fit" in google search engine, it comes up
with this link which was helpful to solve the issue
Best Regards,Prabhakar
See also:
This looks like mixing compilers and libraries from different systems
mixed up, either 32bit vs. 64bit or installations for ifort and
mpiifort based on different glibc or something similar.
I'm still curious about your "development environment":
Q: Have you been able to successfully compile, link and run ANY
program with your crayftn? Q: What version of crayftn? 10.0.1? Q: What
platform? Where is x86_64-pc-linux coming from? Just curious...

Suppress g++ warning message "resolving __ZSt4cout" on Windows 7 [duplicate]

I am trying to compile the following program:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << "Hello, world!";
return 0;
When I compile it, I get this message:
C:\programs>g++ test.cpp
Info: resolving std::cout by linking to __imp___ZSt4cout (auto-import)
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: warning: a
uto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the c
ommand line.
This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing symbols
from auto-imported DLLs.
The build succeeds and the executable runs as expected, but this warning still irritates me. I expect a successful build to be completely silent. This message gives the false impression that there's something wrong with my code.
I can silence this error with g++ -Xlinker --enable-auto-import test.cpp, but this is undesirable, as it triples the number of characters I need to type to compile a program.
Why does this warning appear for the simplest of programs? i don't expect cryptic warnings when I compile Hello World.
Is it possible to silence this warning without passing the flag to the linker every time? An option in a config file hidden somewhere in c:\mingw, perhaps? Or maybe I missed an "automatically enable auto-import" checkbox during installation?
Possibly Relevant Specs
GCC Version 4.5.0
ld.exe Version
Windows XP Service Pack 3
I used to face same problem as you do with g++. I solved this irritating problem just now. Here is how I come to the solution, step-by-step:
On Windows, you can create an alias of g++ with all given options which you want to use with g++. Say, for example, you want to create an alias s++ of g++ -enable-auto-import, then you run this on cmd as:
C:\>doskey s++=g++ -enable-auto-import
This creates an alias called s++. But this alias will not take any command line argument, which means, you cannot write this:
C:\>s++ filename.cpp //it is not working
To make it work, if you've to tell the alias to accept command line arguments while creating it, so here is how it is done:
C:\>doskey s++=g++ -enable-auto-import $*
Please note the $* at the right, which indicates that now s++ can take command line argument:
C:\>s++ filename.cpp //yayyyy..its working now, without giving any warnings!
But you may not prefer to create the alias everytime you open cmd. In that case, you can create a shortcut of cmd.
For example, I created a shortcut called Console and in the Target textbox of shortcut window, I wrote this:
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /K doskey s++=g++ -enable-auto-import $*
And since this is too long (horizontally), one screenshot was not able to capture the entire command. I took two screenshots so that you could see yourself how I did it:
Left part of the command
Right part of the command
For more information on creating aliases on windows, see this:
Creating aliases on Windows
I did some reading and it looks like it might be related to the mingw32 dll not having dllimport attributes defined.
Perhaps there is a patch or you can rebuild mingw32 yourself and add them?

why am i seeing this libzdb configure error?

I am attempting to install libzdb on my macbook however I see the following error message when running the configure:
configure:13334: error: setjmp is required
the setjmp.h file resides within /usr/include and is specified within my "$PATH" as
Can someone please advise as to how i can rectify this issue?
thanks in advance
I've stumbled across this error while building one of my own programs when I wanted to use setjmp() and longjmp(). For some reason, the toolchain that resides in / on OS X is flawed, and the <setjmp.h> header file is missing the declarations and data types.
To fix it, I had to download Xcode (damn!) and tell the compiler to look for the headers in the freshly installed MacOSX10.7.sdk (or 8) folder:
clang -Wall -o foo foo.c -isysroot /Applications/
ok finally figured it out. For those who have seen messages like this be warned that the configure logs can be misleading. It turned out the binary built fine, however it was failing during runtime because a few mysql libraries could not be found. using the following command *export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/* would fix the problem

Purpose of --enable-auto-import Warning

I am trying to compile the following program:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << "Hello, world!";
return 0;
When I compile it, I get this message:
C:\programs>g++ test.cpp
Info: resolving std::cout by linking to __imp___ZSt4cout (auto-import)
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: warning: a
uto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the c
ommand line.
This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing symbols
from auto-imported DLLs.
The build succeeds and the executable runs as expected, but this warning still irritates me. I expect a successful build to be completely silent. This message gives the false impression that there's something wrong with my code.
I can silence this error with g++ -Xlinker --enable-auto-import test.cpp, but this is undesirable, as it triples the number of characters I need to type to compile a program.
Why does this warning appear for the simplest of programs? i don't expect cryptic warnings when I compile Hello World.
Is it possible to silence this warning without passing the flag to the linker every time? An option in a config file hidden somewhere in c:\mingw, perhaps? Or maybe I missed an "automatically enable auto-import" checkbox during installation?
Possibly Relevant Specs
GCC Version 4.5.0
ld.exe Version
Windows XP Service Pack 3
I used to face same problem as you do with g++. I solved this irritating problem just now. Here is how I come to the solution, step-by-step:
On Windows, you can create an alias of g++ with all given options which you want to use with g++. Say, for example, you want to create an alias s++ of g++ -enable-auto-import, then you run this on cmd as:
C:\>doskey s++=g++ -enable-auto-import
This creates an alias called s++. But this alias will not take any command line argument, which means, you cannot write this:
C:\>s++ filename.cpp //it is not working
To make it work, if you've to tell the alias to accept command line arguments while creating it, so here is how it is done:
C:\>doskey s++=g++ -enable-auto-import $*
Please note the $* at the right, which indicates that now s++ can take command line argument:
C:\>s++ filename.cpp //yayyyy..its working now, without giving any warnings!
But you may not prefer to create the alias everytime you open cmd. In that case, you can create a shortcut of cmd.
For example, I created a shortcut called Console and in the Target textbox of shortcut window, I wrote this:
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /K doskey s++=g++ -enable-auto-import $*
And since this is too long (horizontally), one screenshot was not able to capture the entire command. I took two screenshots so that you could see yourself how I did it:
Left part of the command
Right part of the command
For more information on creating aliases on windows, see this:
Creating aliases on Windows
I did some reading and it looks like it might be related to the mingw32 dll not having dllimport attributes defined.
Perhaps there is a patch or you can rebuild mingw32 yourself and add them?