SVN not installing on Netbeans - c++

In Netbeans I want to setup some sort of version control system so I can revert back if I break the code. I'm working by myself and not sharing the code with others. I tried setting up SVN but the instructions don't work. They link to the following site where you can download the SVN software but then the site just links back to the Netbeans download section.
Subversion client software (download)
How do you get SVN working with Netbeans? By the way, atm I'm doing C++ development.

In the main page, there is a link. Did you try this?


Can't find the CORE WAMP download, keeps giving me addons only

I'm going through the official WAMP website too. It direct me to SourceForce which seems right. I then click Download and it start trying to give me wampserver3_x64_addon_mariadb10.3.7.exe. What happened with Wamp and SourceForge and is there any way to download WAMP right now?
You may find that the WAMPServer Backup Repo is a lot easier to navigate.
It is maintained by the same guy that builds the releases that are placed into SourceForge and is completely legitimate. It is often a few days ahead of SourceForge as they take time to do their own checks on the release.
You can find it here
Also remember you must install a Full Release first, then you can apply any of the ADDON versions of Apache / PHP / MySQL / mariaDB that you need to match the development environment you require.

How Remote Development of C++ works in Netbeans?

Hi we want to use remote development features of netbeans but while trying out on our setup its very slow. I want to understand its feasibility of integrating our build environment with netbeans.
Our setup would be normally:
1. Windows 7 Professional 64bit where we install netbeans
2. RHEL 5.5 64bit linux where we have tools and sources
Normally we directly connect to that machine through PuTTY and use VIM to edit sources and gmake to compile and build projects. Now when I created the "New Remote Project with existing sources" and try to use it It took more time to load the project.
So Can anybody tell me how actually this remote compilation works??
Because we have some GBs of sources here on linux box and I want to know is it possible for smooth development with this big data??
Simple steps. Read this tutorial. You just need a SSH-server on your Linux.
The process is easy, your Netbeans connects to the SSH-server and searches for compilation tools then uses them to build your projects.
The second issue is creating a shared folder that your Windows and Linux able to access to it. I suggest you first create a shared folder on your Windows and use Samba client on your Linux.

Create a Django project in pydev from a mercurial repo

I like using the python editor pydev in Eclipse. I want to team up with some people who've a python project (actually a Django site) stored in a mercurial repo. Can one create a new Django project in pydev that grabs code from a Mercurial repo? If so, how?
Doing a google search on does eclipse support mercurial gives you:
MercurialEclipse - an Eclipse plugin for Mercurial support, and I would suggest to start from here. This should work regardless of what sort of project you're working on.
A discussion on whether it is better to use git or Mercurial with Eclipse, which can help you out.
Additionally, if you didn't want to install the MercurialEclipse plugin, you could use Mercurial independently of Eclipse, clone the repository and then start a project with those files. In this case I would just make sure that your project meta files are in Mercurial's ignore list so they wouldn't get pushed to the remote repository.
If there's anything you'd like me to elaborate on, please comment. Good luck.

Google chrome, native client support and development

I would like to write a small C++ app and run it on chrome using the native client API.
I have a few questions though:
1) I compiled the examples on Ubuntu and ran the code on firefox but can't run it on chrome (using version 5.0.342.7 beta)
Do I need to install something? An extension/plugin?
2) I can't find a single online application I could run? Links anyone, I want to see the power of this thing without having to compile the code locally.
Thanks for your help,
I don't know what's the policy with asking multiple questions. If it's a problem, let me know and I will create multiple threads.
More details:
Already read doc at
Running with --enable-nac from the command line and I have this error
.mozilla/plugins/sel_ldr_bin.trace: cannot dynamically load executable
I already built and installed sel_ldr
./scons -c --mode=opt-linux sel_ldr
./scons -c --mode=nacl
./scons run_all_tests
./scons --mode=opt-linux npGoogleNaClPlugin
./scons --verbose firefox_install
Works in firefox! not in chrome
Double checked about:plugins in chrome
Native Client Plugin is enabled and pointing to
Please advise
Did you launch Chromium with the following parameter --enable-nac.
1) Firefox is not supported now(maybe in the future it will be supported again). It seems that you are not using the latest SDK.
2) You need to use newer Chrome browser(yes Chrome is running nativeclient module now as well). In Ubuntu, you may use the google repository for testing
deb stable non-free main
deb testing non-free main
and the package of the chrome in dev channel is named 'google-chrome-unstable'. For more information of google linux repository, refer to:
3) Native Client's SDK is separated into nativeclient-sdk. It's easy to use. Here is the guide:
Have Fun!

Mylyn & Redmine Integration

I'm trying to get Mylyn and Redmine work together so I can manage tasks right inside Eclipse. I saw this on redmine wiki but I think it's for the old version of Mylyn.
I can't find the Generic Web Connector plugin for Mylyn but there's this Web templates plugin. I think that one replaced the Generic Web Connector. But it's quite different from the screenshots posted at the Redmine wiki. There's no Task URL, New Task URL, etc.
Here is what you are looking for:
A Mylyn connector specially for RedMine. It works fine with eclipse ganymede.
The update site is:
Here are the steps to perform integration between Eclipse Mylyn and Redmine.
I assume that Eclipse, Mylyn and Redmine are already installed, the latter somewhere in $REDMINE_HOME. Tested with Eclipse 3.7 and Redmine 1.2.1.
Summarily, you need to install an Eclipse plugin AND a Redmine plugin.
Go to $REDMINE_HOME/vendor/plugins and run
git clone git://
(Re)start the server, and in Redmine under Administration/Plugins the Mylyn Connector Plugin should be listed
Again in Redmine, under Administration/Settings/Authentication, check the "Enable REST web service" field
In Eclipse, install the Eclipse connector via its update site
Create your repository and check that it connects, then you are good to go!
See this manual.
Eclipse Menu.
Help -> Software Updates ... -> Add Site...
As of july 2012 now there is a new dedicated Redmine-Mylyn-Connector under active development for Redmine 2.x! (Got to admit, I haven't tested it yet.)
I am in the process of testing the 1.x connector that can be found on sourceforge, I will edit this post once I am done.
The update-site for the mylyn-plugin from the link in the accepted posting works.
As well as the mylyn-connector for the redmine installation. (Tested with 1.3.2 installation, don't forget to restart the web server after installing it. ;))
But both things aren't working out... once the mylyn-connector is installed, the web-interface is not working anymore. ;(
The special connector works with 2.x and Mylyn finally looks proper. the redmine server plugin. another server plugin link and the eclipse connector plugin
Will look like this.
As of yesterday, Sven has taken down the update site (if you go there, you'll find nothing) since someone reported him to Sourceforge (see
So, there are NO binaries available now for Eclipse. Does anyone know of alternative ways to get these plugins? I have no clue how to compile.
The GIT and SVN repositories are there, but again as I sad, I'm not a java programmer. Can anyone offer Sven a site where he can store the binaries as an Update?
For retrieve redmine mylyn connector
In eclipse juno 4.2
"Install new software" and as local archive like in this post :
How to install plugin for Eclipse from .zip
Also a good read from redmine.
HowTo connect a Mylyn repository to Redmine: wont work anymore, for the new update sites look at
The Web Connector could be found via